AI in Flight: Advancing Aviation Safety Through Real-Time Monitoring
of Pilots’ Neuropsychological States
L. Gicquel, O. Bartheye and L. Fabre
Centre de Recherche de l’
Ecole de l’Air (CREA),
Ecole de l’Air et de l’Espace, F-13661, Salon-de-Provence, France
Artificial Intelligence, Aviation Safety, Neuropsychological Monitoring, Real-Time Systems, EEG, Pilot
Cognitive Load, Biometric Sensors, Risk Management.
This study proposes an artificial intelligence (AI) system to enhance aviation safety by monitoring pilot neu-
ropsychological states in real-time to address human errors in critical situations. Focusing on light aeronautics
as a simplified model, the system aims to monitor and assess the neuropsychological state of the pilots through-
out flights, in order to assist the pilots in critical situations, offer solutions, and possibly prevent incidents from
happening. Our first approach involves the identification of cognitive factors and electrophysiological corre-
lates that influence pilot performance in extreme conditions. The data is extracted from EEG, ECG, and EOG,
combined with camera tracking technologies. This method aims to bridge the current gap between laboratory
research and practical application, ensuring that pilots operate safely even in demanding flight conditions.
In the domain of aviation safety, a critical and promis-
ing area of research is the integration of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) autonomous components with real-
time monitoring of pilot neuropsychological states to
prevent and compensate for human failures in critical
Numerous studies explore these possibility, in au-
tonomous vehicles research as well as aeronautics.
However, a significant gap remains between labora-
tory data, on-terrain recording, and effective use. The
present work is an adaptable proof of concept de-
signed using a simple model of light aeronautics, fo-
cusing on the paraglider, particularly in its competi-
tion (e.g., cross type) or speed variants (i.e., speed-
riding or speed-flying, figure 1).
The flexible wing pilot is free from many of the
constraints linked to aviation: no engines, less speed,
no complex takeoff checklist, although he also faces
heightened dangers due to the lack of protection pro-
vided by the aircraft, a potential lack of training, and
the limitations of his instrumentation. This makes
speed-flying an interesting prototypal use-case, con-
crete and realistic with fewer complexities to take
into account. Actually, no system has succeeded in
effectively integrating AI agents to proactively man-
age accident situations and ensure the safety of pi-
lots in extreme conditions. This is the aim of our
study, which defines a generic and adaptive concept
for exploiting the capabilities of AI to warn and guide
pilots throughout the flight and to assist or replace
them in the event of a flight failure or incident. To
achieve these ends, we detailed a method structured
around two key actions: 1) Identify the factors that
can influence cognition in an ‘extreme’ use case and
the electrophysiological correlates based on our pre-
vious studies (Mass
e et al., 2022; Melani et al., 2023;
Melani et al., ) and 2) Propose an AI algorithm tai-
lored for aeronautics (Lee, 2006) and, a risk diagram
and a conceptual analysis of a monitoring system dur-
ing pilots’ activity.
Previous works showed that emotions, cognitive
fatigue or mental work load are factors to be taken
into account in aviation safety (Dehais et al., 2018;
onmez and Uslu, 2018; Holtzer et al., 2010; Marcus
and Rosekind, 2017; Mass
e et al., 2022; Melani et al.,
2023; Mass
e et al., 2022). For example, Mass
e et
al. (2022) emphasized the importance of monitoring
pilot cognitive workload and cognitive fatigue to pre-
vent inattentional deafness and enhance flight safety.
In their experiment, participants had to detect rare
sounds in an ecological context of simulated flight
under cognitive fatigue. Mass
e et al. (2022) found
that participants performed better to detect alarms un-
der low cognitive load conditions compared with high
cognitive load conditions. Results showed that alarm
omission and alarm detection can be classified us-
Gicquel, L., Bartheye, O. and Fabre, L.
AI in Flight: Advancing Aviation Safety Through Real-Time Monitoring of Pilots’ Neuropsychological States.
DOI: 10.5220/0012977800004562
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2024), pages 80-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-724-5
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ing explainable AI and machine learning computation
based on time-frequency analysis of brain activity.
Melani et al. (under review) asked participants to
verify complex multiplication problems that were ei-
ther true (e.g., 3×23=69) or false (e.g., 5×98=485).
They found that negative emotions modulated some,
but not all, arithmetic problem verification mecha-
nisms, with electrophysiological variations observed
across different problem types. Interestingly, Melani
et al. found that negative emotions influence problem
processing from early stages, as evidenced by modu-
lations in early ERP components such as P1 and N2
but also other components such as the P300, the P600
and LPC. In summary, previous studies have shown
that cognitive fatigue, mental load and emotions can
modify the way in which individuals solve problems.
Thus, under certain conditions, participants may
not use the right problem-solving strategies, leading
to a drop in performance. These factors not only in-
fluence cognitive performance, but may also be as-
sociated with changes in electrophysiological compo-
nents. Consequently, it is essential to take these fac-
tors into account and identify them in order to main-
tain air safety. This is what we do by determining the
electrophysical tools that can be used for this partic-
ular use case. A comprehensive literature study al-
lowed to outline the physiological characteristics and
metrics that can be used for classification and make
the connection with the BCI.
The system would record these inputs using a
combination of portable and non-invasive methods,
ensuring minimal interference with the operator’s
tasks. Data from EEG, ECG, and PPG are pro-
cessed using advanced algorithms such as wavelet
transforms and machine learning models, including
SVM, to accurately classify different psychological
and physiological states. Eye and camera tracking
technologies provide additional data points for assess-
ing vigilance and cognitive load through fixation met-
rics, saccades, and pupillary responses.
The flexible wing pilot is, first and foremost, a “flyer,
and the basic principles of flight remain the same. The
psychological and physical risks incurred are largely
similar, and a psychological or physical failure could
lead to a serious incident if it is not taken care of by
the pilot himself or by external assistance.
2.1 Determining the Influencing Factors
Increasing Risks to the Soft-Wing
Pilot in Flight
To explore factors influencing pilots’ cognition and
decision-making, especially in critical situations, we
conducted semi-structured interviews with ten soft
wing pilots (min age = 25 years, max age = 60; min
flight experience = 50 h, max flight experience = 2000
h). Each interview session lasted between one and
two hours, with informal exchange periods.
The pilots’ experience ranged from former test
pilots to paragliding and speed-flying instructors, as
well as leisure pilots with variable experience (be-
tween 2 to 15 years). This diverse sample allowed
us to examine accident factors and how these factors
vary with pilot experience and flight conditions. In
this initial phase of our research, we chose not to em-
ploy a structured coding strategy, as our main aim was
to explore the breadth and depth of pilots’ cognitive
experiences and decision-making processes in a way
that remained open to the rich narratives provided by
This approach allowed us to capture the com-
plexity of pilot experiences without constraining their
responses to predefined categories. This narrative
method enabled us to identify key themes and pat-
terns that may not have been apparent with a more
restrictive coding scheme. Interviews were designed
to elicit accounts of routine as well as emergency
decision-making processes; pilots recounted memo-
rable flights and incidents as well as flight incident
simulation practice detailing their state of mind, ac-
tion timing and reactions. The questions focused on
a three-paneled timeline, before, during and after the
flight, to characterize the psychological situations that
the pilot undergoes throughout the duration of each
Looking forward, as our research progresses and
the initial exploratory findings are further refined, we
anticipate utilizing qualitative data analysis software
such as NVivo to perform more structured thematic
analysis. This will enable us to systematically cate-
gorize and analyze the data, providing a means to val-
idate and extend our preliminary insights. Employ-
ing NVivo will also facilitate a rigorous examination
of the relationships between themes and sub-themes
and, help quantify the prevalence of specific experi-
ences and viewpoints, thereby enhancing the robust-
ness and generalizability of our results.
AI in Flight: Advancing Aviation Safety Through Real-Time Monitoring of Pilots’ Neuropsychological States
2.2 Electrophysiological Monitoring of
the Psychological Factors
To be able to analyze the general situational aware-
ness of the pilot, multiple biometrics sensors can be
reviewed. The inputs to the system should include a
variety of physiological and behavioral data sources:
EEG (Electroencephalography): For monitor-
ing brain activities, which help assess levels of
attention and cognitive load. The mental state
is evaluated thanks to EEG micro-states. Brain
wave monitoring also allows for specific drowsi-
ness and emotion change detection.
ECG (Electrocardiography): Used to track
heart rate variability, which can indicate stress
PPG (Photoplethysmography): For measuring
pulse rate variability, providing insights into the
pilots’ cardiovascular health and stress responses.
Eye Tracking / Camera Tracking: These tech-
nologies are critical for evaluating cognitive load
and attention by analyzing eye movements, blink
rates, and pupil dilation. This helps in understand-
ing how pilots focus and react under different fly-
ing conditions.
EOG (Electro-oculography) Recording: This
captures eye movement artifacts in addition to
EEG data, further enhancing the detection of fa-
tigue and cognitive load.
Physiological Indicators: Measurements of skin
conductance and body temperature help in assess-
ing stress levels through changes in the autonomic
nervous system.
Most of these wearable sensors are miniaturized.
For the EEG recording, we chose to use a dry EEG
with 4 electrodes.
2.3 Adaptation of the Design Method to
The soft wing paradigm also allows to model quite a
variety of flights, as it covers a few types of wings.
A very small wing (8-10sqm) will allow for high
speed and proximity flying risk modeling, a bigger
one (16-19sqm) will allow for longer flights and give
more time to the system to propose another outcome
than reserve launching. Bigger wings like competitive
paragliders can go up to thousands of meters of alti-
tude and allow for very long flights (up to ten hours),
which gives space and time to test more complicated
scenarios and fatigue or drowsiness onset and subse-
quent recordings.
The initial interview protocol facilitated the identifi-
cation of various risk factors pertinent to speed-flying,
encompassing cognitive load, mental stress, emo-
tional state, drowsiness, and fatigue. Cognitive load
denotes the equilibrium between task demands and
available time for completion, initially inferred from
experimental findings related to problem-solving and
learning outcomes, gauged through performance met-
rics and subjective inquiries. Pilots expressed its im-
pact as ”having too much on one’s mind, attribut-
ing it to personal and professional concerns that di-
minish attention span and focus capacity. Evaluation
of cognitive load may involve EEG or eye-tracking
methodologies. Mental stress, partly intertwined with
cognitive load, denotes a psychological state arising
when individuals perceive demands surpassing cop-
ing abilities, instigating psychological and physiolog-
ical fight-or-flight responses. Participants reported
mental stress beyond cognitive load issues, notably
in proximity flying, acrobatic maneuvers, or extended
flights, often exacerbating during instances of high
cognitive load and negative emotions, adversely af-
fecting flight quality and occasionally leading to ac-
cidents. Mental stress can precipitate vigilance lapses
or misdirected focus. Drowsiness commonly surfaces
during extended flights, associated with early waking
or insufficient sleep, particularly prevalent in compet-
itive settings. Fatigue emerges post-repeated flights
or intense thermal flights, often correlated with larger
wing usage, albeit beyond the scope of this prelimi-
nary study.
Proposing electrophysiological tools within a BCI
system is imperative for assessing and quantifying
these factors specific to speed-flying. The BCI sys-
tem should continuously and unobtrusively monitor
pilots’ neuropsychological and physiological states
during flight, correlating physiological risks with cog-
nitive alterations. Extreme environmental condi-
tions and physiological anomalies during flight sig-
nificantly impact pilot psychological states. Criti-
cal physiological episodes affecting pilots encompass
oxygen deprivation, acceleration effects, spatial dis-
orientation, exposure to toxins, and various physio-
logical stresses induced by diverse flying conditions,
exacerbated by hypoxia at high altitudes. Additional
risks include hypocapnia and hypercapnia affecting
cerebral blood flow, extreme gravitational forces lead-
ing to G-LOC, and environmental factors like vi-
brations, temperature fluctuations, and hydration lev-
els. Even minimal instances of these conditions,
not reaching pathological levels, could impair pilot
decision-making, necessitating consideration.
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
Figure 1: Speedflying.
3.1 Prototypal Scenario and
Risk-Management Strategies
To establish the various scenarios, we conducted ex-
tensive research on available accident reports from the
French free flight federation (FFVL), videos of flight
incidents, and third-party reports, in order to be able
to create realistic use-case diagrams. The proposed
prototypal scenario is a flight with an obstacle cross-
ing the flight path.
It is to be noted that the soft-wing pilot is freed
from many of the constraints associated with aviation:
no engines, less speed, no complex take-off checklist.
He also faces exacerbated dangers due to the lack of
protection provided by the aircraft, a potential lack
of training, and the limitations of his instrumentation.
The project intends to incorporate risk management
strategies from cybersecurity, adapted from methods
like EBIOS-RM or CORAS, to address the diverse
risks associated with aviation, as well as the system’s
security itself and the specific risks linked to AI use
in safety systems. The CORAS method ((Den Braber
et al., 2006), (Stolen et al., 2002)) addresses security-
critical systems in general, but places particular em-
phasis on IT security. An IT system for CORAS is not
just technology, but rather a medium for communica-
tion and interaction between different groups of stake-
holders involved in a risk assessment; what matters
is the human interacting with the technology and all
relevant aspects of the surrounding organization and
society (Table 1).
Risks are events that harm assets when they occur.
However, often some risks are accepted, either be-
cause of shortage of resources or because of conflict-
ing concerns.
Scales for the likelihood of which incidents occur
are defined (certain, likely, possible, unlikely, rare) in-
cluding the impact or consequence they have on the
assets. Assets are ranked according to their impor-
tance to distinguish risks that can be accepted from
those that cannot.
During the requirements phase, designers and pi-
lots establish the need for a system and document its
purpose. Security planning should begin at the re-
quirements phase and consist of activities to establish
security requirements and assess security needs. The
security risk assessment helps us to define the func-
tional characteristics of the system requiring a secu-
rity need. During this stage, teams also determine the
need for threat modeling, reviews, and security de-
sign. At the requirements stage, availability and in-
tegrity of system services are taken into account as
well as privacy and data sensitivity measures. Re-
quirement diagrams (see figure 2) define the technical
(hardware and software) requirements of a system ca-
pable of real-time monitoring of pilots’ neurological
and physiological state. BPMN diagrams (figure 3)
represent the various flight scenarios where the sys-
tem should monitor the pilot biometrics, and when it
should intervene or interact with the pilot.
The present concept is based on multiple data inputs.
Considering there is a need for simplification of the
data stream to allow for real-time processing, we in-
tend to implement camera eye tracking and EOG anal-
ysis to classify the cognitive load of the pilot on first
intention, as EEG data could be primarily used for the
detection of drowsiness, fatigue or stress.
The cognitive load analysis involves eye tracking
AI in Flight: Advancing Aviation Safety Through Real-Time Monitoring of Pilots’ Neuropsychological States
Table 1: IT system.
Initiator Incident Cause Risk Treatment
(Pilot) Obstacle not seen;
can cause a collision
Drowsiness / Defi-
cient mental state
Collision Allow AI device to
take control
(AI) Emotional state not
detected (false neg-
ative); cannot detect
deficient mental state
Inefficient machine
learning model or
incomplete dataset
Unrecovered human
Improve model and
to monitor where the pilot directs his gaze, and corre-
lation to EEG data to analyse his information process-
ing. Vigilance and attention can thus be assessed by a
combination of EEG and eye tracking (EOG record-
ing and/or camera tracking). Consequently, our con-
cept aims to quantify precisely specific eye move-
ment and qualify an increase in blinking and slower
eye movements as signs of fatigue. Constant eye fo-
cus and a lack of blinking would, conversely, indicate
high levels of vigilance and attention.
While it is possible to quantify blinking using
cameras only, the modularity of this system could al-
low to maintain the quality of the assistance when
the use of cameras is impossible. To account for
physiological changes and to support this data for
neurophysiological state assessment, we intend to
complement this setting with GSR (skin conductance
and temperature), ECG (heart rate and variability),
and possibly plethysmography data, which measures
changes in volume in different parts of the body.
4.1 Computational Data Analysis
On the computational level, according to Al-Shargie
and al.(Al-shargie et al., 2016), as EEG signals
are non-stationary, wavelet transform can provide
clear features that are strongly correlated with lev-
els of mental stress. Since this study, several other
teams have successfully used Support Vector Machine
(SVM) algorithms and other machine learning meth-
ods to characterize stress, generally achieving detec-
tion levels around 95%, especially when combining
multiple models. Another possibility could be to use
non-supervised methods.
An interesting work on this subject describes a po-
tential contribution of artificial intelligence and deep
learning (Lee et al., 2023) to the flight environment.
The study presents an autonomous system for EEG-
based multiple abnormal mental states classification
using hybrid deep neural networks. Various specific
abnormal mental states (namely, low fatigue, high fa-
tigue, low workload, high workload, low distraction,
and high distraction) are classified by applying the
deep learning method. The accuracy is, as customary
with deep learning networks, quite high, but a second
line of classifying, based on traditional algorithmic
rules, could be applied to make the output of the deep
learning model robust and secure in critical cases.
4.2 System Outputs and Performance
The first model we have chosen for the sake of sim-
plicity is the mid-range wing, around 16 sqm. Even if
in some cases (thermal flights) the aircraft could the-
oretically have the altitude and remaining flight time
for the system to propose various solutions (calling an
operator, taking some time to wake the pilot), speed-
flying accidents usually go fast.
As such, the preferred output of the system here
would be, as soon as it is detected that the pilot is
unresponsive, to fire a pyrotechnic parachute system
(which have very recently been introduced to the soft
wing world). More complicated outputs will be as-
sessed by modelling incidents with bigger aircrafts
and/or longer flights. We could then establish a con-
nection between an external operator or a discussion
between a specifically trained large language model
(LLM) to guide the pilot to landing or keep him aware
enough to solve the situation.
The outputs of the system should provide a com-
prehensive assessment of the operator’s readiness and
condition. These outputs include:
State Detection: Identifying levels of cognitive
load, stress, and attention states, which allows for
timely interventions to prevent accidents or errors.
Risk Prediction: Forecasting potential physio-
psychological risks such as extreme fatigue or
high stress, which could impair performance.
Adaptive Feedback: Offering real-time, adaptive
feedback to the operator or automated systems on
board, which can adjust the workload or provide
alerts to mitigate risks.
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
Figure 2: Requirement diagram of the speedflying system.
In the speedflying use case, often, the best action
of the system would be to prevent the flight scenario
from occurring entirely. A public report for a deadly
accident in 2022 from FFVL presented this as a con-
clusion. One of the influencing factors in the incident
was that “The pilot had not had a good night’s sleep
and was reluctant to go flying. These kind of situa-
tions should be taken into account by a general health
assessment by the biometrics sensors as well as some
routine questions before flight, which could be formu-
lated in a natural speech style by a trained LLM.
In case of a strongly dangerous situation, the sys-
tem should aim to prevent the pilot from flying by
informing him and, possibly, calling a person that
would be pre-designated as a safeguard, to try and
discourage the pilot from flying on this particular in-
stance. This system thus acts as a critical tool in en-
hancing the operational safety and efficiency of pilots
and other aerospace operators by providing a real-
time, integrated view of their psycho-physiological
status and adapting to their immediate needs.
The risk-management method adapted here to a
specific prototypal use-case, speedflying, is extensi-
ble to any type of aeronautical use-case, by adding
new actors, taking into account a larger array of in-
fluencing factors as well as the specifics of the con-
sidered aircraft and types of flight. Specific physio-
logical factors linked to extreme altitude, life support
systems or pressurization of the cabin could be added
in the assessment. Fatigue and drowsiness, which
are generally linked to longer flights, could also be
monitored with the same sensor setup. For example,
drowsiness can be detected with a high accuracy by
EEG (Balandong et al., 2018). The recording area of
preference would, in this case, be the occipital cortex;
we could dedicate a limited number of electrodes for
this task.
In conclusion, this BCI system designed from the
knowledge collected is of real interest in improving
the safety of paragliding flights and is intended to be
generalized to other forms of flight (Deng and others,
2020). The groundwork is set for the proposal of a
similar device that would function on a more compli-
cated use-case, military aviation. Future efforts will
concentrate on developing and training AI algorithms
to process and interpret complex data, as well as gain-
ing pilot acceptance of this kind of products. The cre-
ation of a first simplified prototype based on this re-
search would be possible to this effect.
AI in Flight: Advancing Aviation Safety Through Real-Time Monitoring of Pilots’ Neuropsychological States
Figure 3: BPMN diagram of a flight with an obstacle scenario.
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AI in Flight: Advancing Aviation Safety Through Real-Time Monitoring of Pilots’ Neuropsychological States