Anomaly Detection in eSport Games Through Periodical In-Game
Movement Analysis with Deep Recurrent Neural Network
Mhd Irvan, Franziska Zimmer, Ryosuke Kobayashi, Maharage Nisansala Sevwandi Perera,
Roberta Tamponi and Rie Shigetomi Yamaguchi
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Japan
{irvan, zimmer, kobayashi, perera.nisansala, roberta.tamponi},
Machine Learning, Deep Neural Network, Behavioral Analysis, Game AI.
Detecting anomaly in online video games is important to ensure a fair and secure gaming session. This is
particularly crucial in eSport games, where competitive fairness is crucial. In this paper, we present an ap-
proach to anomaly detection in gaming sessions, using a variant of Deep Recurrent Neural Network, called
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and their variant, LSTMs,
are well-suited for this kind of task due to their ability to capture sequential patterns in gameplay data. The
proposed system learns from normal gameplay patterns to identify anomalous behaviors such as imperson-
ation. To confirm the feasibility of our approach, we use a game called Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
(CSGO) serving as a case study. We utilize a public CSGO dataset containing in-game movement data, in-
cluding coordinates, timestamps, and other contextual information. To test the model’s detection capabilities,
synthetic data representing anomalous behaviors was injected into the dataset. The data was preprocessed and
segmented into sequences, simulating the dynamics of player movements. Our LSTM model was trained to
learn temporal dependencies within these sequences, enabling it to distinguish between normal and anomalous
behaviors. Performance evaluation demonstrated the model’s robustness and effectiveness in detecting anoma-
lies. The results indicate that our approach is able to detect anomalous activities, highlighting its potential for
application in online gaming platforms to foster a more enjoyable gaming experience for all participants.
The gaming industry has evolved rapidly over the
past decades, with online multiplayer experiences be-
coming more prevalent than ever. However, along-
side the growth in popularity, there has been a cor-
responding rise in disruptive behaviors such as cheat-
ing, impersonation, and exploitation of game mechan-
ics (Rosell, 2017).
Anomaly detection in online video games is es-
sential due to the impact it has on the gaming expe-
rience, competitive integrity, and overall security of
gaming environments. Online video games are ris-
ing in popularity. The number of players engaging in
competitive and cooperative gameplay across various
platforms is increasing (Funk, 2018). Ensuring a fair
and secure environment has become a critical concern
for game developers. Anomalies in online gaming can
manifest in various forms, including cheating, hack-
ing, bot-assisted playing, and other unauthorized be-
haviors that disrupt the fairness of the game (Chen,
2018). Such activities not only destroy the experience
for legitimate players but also undermine the compet-
itive nature of esports, where fairness and skill are
paramount. Cheating in online games can lead to sig-
nificant losses for game developers and publishers, as
it could deter new players from joining, drive away
existing ones from staying, and tarnish the reputation
of the game itself (Ghoshal, 2019).
The popularity of esports has further demand the
need for effective anomaly detection. In professional
gaming tournaments, where large sums of prize, spon-
sorships, and reputations are at stake, keeping the in-
tegrity of the overall competition is crucial (Conroy,
2021). Any form of cheating or unfair advantage can
have damaging consequences, potentially leading to
disqualification and a loss of trust in the competitive
scene. Therefore, robust mechanisms to detect and
mitigate anomalies are essential to maintain the in-
tegrity and credibility of the competitions.
Traditional methods of anomaly detection (Dinh,
2016), often relying on rule-based systems and man-
ual monitoring, have proven to be insufficient against
sophisticated cheating techniques. These methods
Irvan, M., Zimmer, F., Kobayashi, R., Perera, M., Tamponi, R. and Yamaguchi, R.
Anomaly Detection in eSport Games Through Periodical In-Game Movement Analysis with Deep Recurrent Neural Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0012978100003837
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2024), pages 430-437
ISBN: 978-989-758-721-4; ISSN: 2184-3236
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
can be circumvented and are not scalable to the large
volumes of data generated in modern online games.
Consequently, there is a pressing need for advanced,
data-driven approaches that can automatically and ac-
curately identify anomalous behaviors.
In recent years, the advent of deep learning tech-
niques, particularly deep neural networks (DNNs),
has opened up new avenues for addressing com-
plex problems in various domains. One such area is
anomaly detection, where DNNs have shown promise
in identifying deviations from normal patterns within
large and diverse datasets (Irvan, 2021). By analyz-
ing vast amounts of gameplay data, these techniques
can learn complex patterns and detect deviations that
hint anomalous behavior. By leveraging the rich and
dynamic data generated during gameplay, including
player movements, interactions, and decision-making
processes, DNNs offer a powerful tool for detecting
anomalous behaviors in video game environments.
A specialized type of DNNs, called Recurrent
Neural Networks (RNNs) are well-suited for this kind
of task due to their ability to capture temporal depen-
dencies in sequential data (Goh, 2017). In particular,
variations of RNNs, called Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM) networks, have been found success in cap-
turing patterns in very long sequential data (Linde-
mann, 2021). This research explores the application
of LSTM networks for anomaly detection in esports,
using ”Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” (CSGO)
(Rizani, 2018) as a case study. We use player move-
ments information throughout the game as the input
data for our model. To simulate anomaly, we inject
synthetic data representing various types of anomalies
into the data. By implemeting this, we aim to enhance
the model’s ability to detect anomalous behaviors. To
validate the efficacy of our approach, we conduct ex-
tensive experiments using a dataset generated from
CSGO gameplays. We then evaluate the performance
of anomaly detection system in accurately identifying
abnormal behaviors.
Our approach not only addresses the limitations of
traditional methods but also provides a scalable and
effective solution for maintaining fairness of online
gaming environments. Through this study, we aim to
contribute to the development of advanced anomaly
detection systems that can be applied across differ-
ent online gaming platforms and genres, ultimately
fostering a more secure and enjoyable gaming experi-
ence for all players.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In
section 2, we review existing approaches to anomaly
detection, highlighting the limitations. In section 3,
we describe the use of Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM) networks, offering a detailed explanation of
the data preprocessing and model architecture. In sec-
tion 4, we present the experimental setup and evalu-
ates the model’s performance. In section 5, we dis-
cuss our findings from interpreting the results. In sec-
tion 6, we suggest potential improvements for future
work. Finally, in section 7, we provide concluding re-
marks, emphasizing the potential of deep learning for
improving fairness in online gaming environments.
The domain of security in online video games has
garnered significant attention in recent years. This
section reviews the relevant literature and methodolo-
gies that have been applied to anomaly detection, with
a focus on machine learning and deep learning ap-
2.1 Traditional Anomaly Detection
Early efforts in anomaly detection for primarily re-
lied on rule-based systems or heuristic approaches
(Fernandes, 2019), which may struggle to capture the
complexity and variability of player behaviors. Rule-
based systems use predefined rules and thresholds to
identify suspicious activities. For instance, an abnor-
mal increase in a player’s score within a short time
frame could trigger an alert. While straightforward,
these methods suffer from high false positive rates and
can be easily circumvented by sophisticated cheats.
Statistical methods have also been used to detect
outliers (Akoglu, 2015) in data. These methods model
the normal behavior of players and identify deviations
as potential anomalies. However, they often fail to
capture the complex and dynamic nature of player be-
haviors in modern online games.
2.2 Machine Learning Approaches
The advent of machine learning introduced more ad-
vanced techniques for anomaly detection in gam-
ing. Supervised learning methods, including decision
trees, support vector machines (SVMs), and ensem-
ble methods like random forests, have been applied
to classify normal and anomalous behaviors (Hos-
seinzadeh, 2021). These approaches require labeled
datasets for training, which can be a limitation due to
the scarcity of labeled anomalous data.
Unsupervised learning methods have been ex-
plored to detect anomalies without labeled data
(Nguyen, 2015). These algorithms learn to catego-
Anomaly Detection in eSport Games Through Periodical In-Game Movement Analysis with Deep Recurrent Neural Network
rize data, and anomalies are identified based on cate-
gorical densities. While effective, these methods of-
ten require extensive feature engineering and may not
fully capture the temporal dependencies in sequential
gameplay data.
2.3 Deep Learning and Recurrent
Neural Networks
Deep learning approaches have shown great promise
in addressing the limitations of traditional methods.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been
used to analyze spatial patterns in data (Alabadi,
2020). By training the model on a large dataset,
the system was able to identify deviations indicative
of anomalous actions However, CNNs are not well-
suited for capturing temporal dependencies, which are
crucial for understanding sequential player actions.
In addition to CNNs, recurrent neural networks
(RNNs) have also been explored for anomaly detec-
tion (Ackerson, 2021). RNNs have been demon-
strated as powerful tools for sequence modeling.
They are capable of learning long-term dependencies
and capturing the dynamics of player behaviors. Pre-
vious studies have applied RNNs for various anomaly
detection tasks, such as identifying fraudulent activ-
ities in financial transactions and detecting network
While these studies demonstrate the potential of
deep learning techniques for anomaly detection, there
remain several challenges and opportunities for fur-
ther research (Pang, 2021). The interpretability of
deep learning models in the context of anomaly de-
tection remains an ongoing area of investigation, as
understanding the underlying reasons for model pre-
dictions is crucial for effective decision-making and
intervention strategies.
Our proposed approach to anomaly detection in video
games through in-game behavioral analysis of play-
ers revolves around the utilization of Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) network (Sherstinsky, 2020)
to capture intricate patterns of normal gameplay be-
havior and identify deviations indicative of anoma-
lous actions. LSTM networks have found success
in anomaly detection for other domains due to their
ability to capture temporal dependencies in sequential
data (Lindemann 2021). Our model detect anomalous
player behaviors by capturing sequential dependen-
cies in gameplay data. To enhance the model’s detec-
tion capabilities, synthetic data representing various
types of anomalies is injected into the dataset.
The process begins with data preprocessing,
where in-game location data from players is gathered,
including coordinates (x, y, z) sampled at regular in-
tervals, along with timestamps and contextual infor-
mation. This raw data is then subjected to normaliza-
tion to ensure consistency across different maps and
sessions. The normalized data is segmented into fixed
time intervals or game rounds, creating manageable
sequences that reflect the dynamics of player move-
These segmented sequences serve as inputs to our
model architecture, which is designed to capture and
analyze the patterns in the movement data. Our model
incorporates LSTM units, which are well-suited for
handling long-range dependencies and subtle tempo-
ral variations in player behavior. The units are fol-
lowed by fully connected (dense) layers that map the
learned features to detect anomaly.
3.1 Data Preprocessing
The foundation of our approach is a dataset of in-
game player behavior data. The data can be collected
using a logging program that records player actions
during gameplay sessions. Each entry in the dataset
should include the following attributes:
Player ID: A unique identifier for each player.
Timestamp: The time at which the action was
Coordinates (X, Y): The two-dimensional posi-
tion of the player in the game environment.
This dataset provides a source of general infor-
mation for analyzing player behavior and detecting
anomalies. The coordinate data is scaled into a stan-
dardized range, which helps in speeding up the train-
ing process and improving model performance. The
continuous gameplay data is divided into temporal se-
quences. Each sequence represents a series of player
actions over a specific period, capturing the dynamics
necessary for anomaly detection.
3.2 Model Architecture
The core of our proposed approach is an LSTM net-
work, chosen for its ability to model long-term de-
pendencies in sequential data. The components of
LSTM models capture the sequences of movements
over time. The architecture of the LSTM model (fig-
ure 1) is as follows:
1. Input Layer - Receives the preprocessed se-
quences of player behavior data.
NCTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Proposed architecture for anomaly detection.
2. LSTM Layers - Multiple LSTM layers are stacked
to capture the complex temporal dependencies in
the data. These layers are configured with appro-
priate hidden units to balance model complexity
and computational efficiency.
3. Dropout Layers - Incorporated between LSTM
layers to prevent overfitting by randomly setting
a fraction of units to zero during training.
4. Fully Connected Layer - A dense layer that maps
the LSTM outputs to a lower-dimensional space,
facilitating anomaly detection.
5. Output Layer - Produces a probability score in-
dicating the likelihood of the sequence being
The model is trained using a supervised learn-
ing approach, where normal and synthetic anomalous
sequences are labeled appropriately. By integrating
these two normal gameplay and synthetic anomaly,
our model can effectively capture the dynamic nature
of player behaviors.
Training the model involves preparing the data by
labeling it with indicators of normal or anomalous be-
havior, which can be derived from known instances of
cheating or synthetic anomalies. The dataset is then
split into training, validation, and test sets. The model
is trained using the training set, with validation con-
ducted on the validation set. The training process ex-
poses the model to labeled examples of normal and
anomalous gameplay behaviors, allowing it to learn
the underlying patterns that distinguish between the
two classes.
3.3 Anomaly Detection
The final component of our proposed approach is the
deployment of the LSTM model for anomaly detec-
tion. Once trained, the model is deployed within a
simulated environment to perform anomaly detection
on incoming gameplay data streams. The data in-
coming is dynamically segmented into temporal se-
quences suitable for the LSTM model. As players
perform their gameplay activities, their behaviors are
continuously analyzed by the model, which flags any
deviations from normal patterns as potential anoma-
lies. The data sequences are fed into the trained
LSTM model to detect anomaly. For anomaly de-
tection, the trained model is used to predict anomaly
scores on unseen player data. A threshold is set
for these scores to classify movements as normal or
anomalous. The threshold is based on the mean and
standard deviation of the anomaly scores from the
normal data points.
In this section, we present the experimental setup,
methodology, and results of our proposed anomaly
detection approach. The experiments aim to evalu-
ate the performance and effectiveness of our model in
identifying anomalous behaviors. To validate the ef-
fectiveness of our proposed approach for anomaly de-
tection in online and esports games, we conducted the
experiments using public data from ”Counter-Strike:
Anomaly Detection in eSport Games Through Periodical In-Game Movement Analysis with Deep Recurrent Neural Network
Global Offensive” (CSGO) (Xenopoulos, 2022). We
selected CSGO as our testbed due to its popularity and
the availability of detailed player movement data. The
dataset included player positions, timestamps, veloc-
ities, and many other contextual information such as
player states and in-game events. The data was logged
at regular intervals to capture continuous player be-
haviors. Only data necessary for our model (men-
tioned in the section of proposed approach) is being
used in our experiments. The continuous gameplay
data was divided into sequences, each representing a
series of player movements over a specified time win-
dow. This segmentation is important to capture the
dynamics of player behavior.
These sequences then serve as input to the model,
training it to learn the sequential dependencies and
patterns within the data. Each sequence is labeled as
either normal or anomalous. Normal sequences are
derived from typical player behavior, while anoma-
lous sequences are identified from instances gener-
ated using synthetic methods to simulate abnormal
behavior. These sequences are crucial for training a
model that can accurately distinguish between normal
and anomalous behaviors.
4.1 Synthetic Anomaly Injection
To simulate anomalous behaviors within the game-
play data, we inject synthetic anomalies into the
dataset at predefined intervals and durations. These
synthetic anomalies mimic common disruptive behav-
iors observed in online gaming environments, such as
impersonation and teleportation. By injecting anoma-
lies of varying severity and complexity, we evalu-
ate the model’s ability to detect and classify various
anomalous behaviors.
Synthetic anomalies were injected into the dataset
using two different methods (figure 2):
1. Sequential Injection (all data after a particular
point in gameplay is replaced with synthetic data,
simulating a change of player mid-session)
2. Random Injection (data at various points is re-
placed with synthetic data, simulating multiple
players pretending to be one player)
By incorporating these synthetic anomalies, we
ensure that the model is exposed to different types
of anomalous patterns during training, enhancing its
generalization capabilities. By following these prepa-
ration steps, we create a diverse dataset suitable for
training and evaluating our model. The synthetic
anomalies include:
Erratic Movements - Simulating unnatural or ran-
dom movements that deviate from typical player
Figure 2: Injecting anomaly into the dataset (blue bars rep-
resent real data and red bars represent synthetic data).
Teleportation - Introducing sudden changes in po-
sition that mimic teleportation or hacking.
Bot-like Behavior - Generating movements that
resemble automated scripts or bots, which can be
detected by their lack of human-like variability.
For Sequential Injection, five different cases were
created where a certain portion of the sequence is real
data followed by synthetic data. These cases are : (1)
50% real data followed by 50% synthetic data, (2)
60% real data followed by 40% synthetic data, (3)
70% real data followed by 30% synthetic data, (4)
80% real data followed by 20% synthetic data, and
(5) 90% real data followed by 10% synthetic data,
While for Random Injection, another five differ-
ent cases were created where synthetic data is inserted
randomly between real data. These cases are: (1)
10% synthetic data, (2) 20% synthetic data, (3) 30%
synthetic data, (4) 40% synthetic data, and finally (5)
50% synthetic data
4.2 Experimental Settings
We partition the dataset into training, validation, and
test sets, ensuring that each set contains a balanced
NCTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
distribution of normal and anomalous gameplay be-
haviors. The training set is used to train the anomaly
detection model, the validation set is used to tune hy-
perparameters and to prevent overfitting, and the test
set is reserved for final evaluation.
The deep learning model is configured with Long
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) units to capture the
temporal dependencies in the movement data. The ar-
chitecture consists of four LSTM layers followed by
fully connected (dense) layers, which map the learned
temporal features to anomaly scores. We limit the
number of LSTM layers to four due to the potential
of overfitting (Merity 2017). We use binary cross-
entropy as the loss function, due to the binary nature
of our classification task (normal vs. anomalous be-
havior), and Adam optimizer for efficient training.
During training, we implement various techniques
to enhance the model’s performance and generaliz-
ability. Early stopping is employed to prevent over-
fitting by monitoring the validation loss and halt-
ing training when performance no longer improves.
Model checkpoints are used to save the best perform-
ing model based on validation metrics, ensuring that
the optimal model configuration is retained.
To further validate our model, cross-validation
techniques are employed. The dataset is partitioned
into five folds and the model is trained on different
combinations of these folds, ensuring that the eval-
uation results are consistent. Through this model
training process, we ensure that our model is well-
optimized and capable of detecting anomalies.
Figure 3: Results showing the accuracy of sequential
anomaly detection.
In this section, we analyze the experimental results
obtained from our proposed anomaly detection ap-
proach. This includes evaluating the performance of
the LSTM model under different synthetic anomaly
injection methods, interpreting the findings, and dis-
Figure 4: Results showing the accuracy of random anomaly
cussing their implications.
The trained model was evaluated on the test set
with injected synthetic anomalies. Each experiment
was repeated 10 times to account for random varia-
tions, and the average accuracy was calculated.
The model’s performance was primarily evaluated
using accuracy metric, which measures the proportion
of correctly identified sequences (both normal and
anomalous) out of the total sequences. The evalua-
tion was done across two synthetic anomaly injection
methods: sequential and random. High accuracy indi-
cates that the model effectively distinguishes between
normal and anomalous player behaviors.
5.1 Detection Accuracy of Sequential
Anomaly Injection
In this method, synthetic anomalies were injected af-
ter a certain proportion of real data. Five cases were
tested, with the proportion of real data increasing by
10% increments, starting from 50% real data followed
by 10% synthetic data, up to 90% real data followed
by 10% synthetic data. Results for the experiment
with sequential anomaly injection are summarized in
figure 3.
Case 1 (From 50% Real, 50% Synthetic ) - The
model achieved an accuracy in the range of 70%.
Case 2 (From 60% Real, 40% Synthetic) - The
accuracy improved slightly.
Subsequent Cases - A similar trend was observed,
with the accuracy gradually increasing as the pro-
portion of real data increased, reaching a peak ac-
curacy above 90% in the 90% real data scenario.
Anomaly Detection in eSport Games Through Periodical In-Game Movement Analysis with Deep Recurrent Neural Network
5.2 Detection Accuracy of Random
Anomaly Injection
In this method, synthetic anomalies were inserted ran-
domly between segments of real data. Five cases were
tested, with the proportion of synthetic data increas-
ing by 10% increments, starting from 10% synthetic
data, up to 50% synthetic data injected. Results for
the experiment with random anomaly injection are
summarized in figure 4.
Case 1 and 2 (10% Synthetic and 20% Synthetic)
- The model achieved an accuracy in the range of
70% 85%.
Case 3 (30% Synthetic) - The accuracy dropped
to the range of near 40%.
The accuracy continued to show a slight decreas-
ing trend, with the model maintaining accuracy in
the range of 30% to 40% in the 50% synthetic data
5.3 Interpretation of Results
For sequential anomaly injection, the observed trend
of increasing accuracy with higher proportions of real
data suggests that the model becomes more confident
and accurate as it processes longer sequences of nor-
mal behavior before encountering anomalies. The re-
sults showed that the model needs to see at least 70%
of real data before it achieves approximately 90% ac-
On the other hand, in the case of random anomaly
injection, the slight decrease in accuracy with increas-
ing proportions of synthetic data indicates the chal-
lenge posed by random noise. However, the model’s
performance remains robust, demonstrating its capa-
bility to handle at least 20% levels of noise and still
able to detect anomalies.
The model’s performance across the above scenar-
ios highlights both its potentials and limitations. Re-
sults from both experiments, showed that even with
similar amount of synthetic anomaly injected, accu-
racy varies depend on where the anomaly is injected.
Our model works best when anomalies are injected
after a long sequence of real data. This proves that
LSTM networks are able to reliably detect patterns
within the sequences of players movement. When
anomalies are introduced in a random manner, the
LSTM network still effectively distinguishes between
normal and anomalous behaviors, but the perfor-
mance start to drop after significant noise (anomaly)
is inserted. This is because the more random data
is inserted, the shorter the sequences of real data are
seen by the model.
Finally, the high accuracy achieved in synthetic
anomaly injection methods underscores the poten-
tial for real-time anomaly detection. The ability to
promptly identify anomalies during live gameplay
sessions can significantly enhance the integrity of on-
line games by preventing cheating and ensuring fair
The framework can be generalized to various on-
line games, providing a scalable solution for anomaly
detection across different esports platforms. This gen-
eralizability is crucial for game developers and ad-
ministrators aiming to maintain fair play and enhance
the player experience across multiple games.
While the results are promising, it is important to
acknowledge certain points. The use of synthetic
anomalies provides a controlled testing environment,
but real-world anomalies may exhibit different char-
acteristics. Future research should involve validating
the model with real-world anomalous data to confirm
its effectiveness in practical scenarios.
While CSGO serves as a useful case study, the
model’s performance may vary when applied to other
games with different dynamics and player behaviors.
Further experiments are needed to ensure the model’s
broad applicability across various gaming environ-
Future work should involve testing the model with
other games’ real-world anomalous data to validate its
effectiveness beyond synthetic scenarios. Integrating
additional contextual features such as player interac-
tions and in-game events could provide a more com-
prehensive understanding of player behavior and im-
prove anomaly detection accuracy. Additionally, ex-
ploring transfer learning techniques could enable the
application of the trained model to different games
with minimal retraining, broadening its applicability
across various gaming platforms. Finally, ensuring
the model’s scalability for real-time deployment in
large-scale gaming environments is crucial. Optimiz-
ing the model for efficient processing and handling
high data throughput will be important steps in this
The exploration of anomaly detection in video games
through in-game behavioral analysis using deep re-
current neural networks present a promising avenue
for enhancing fairness, and enjoyment within online
NCTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
gaming communities. Our proposed approach, mak-
ing use of advanced machine learning techniques, has
demonstrated effectiveness in identifying anomalous
behaviors within a gaming environment.
By harnessing the power of deep learning, we
have developed an adaptable anomaly detection sys-
tem capable of analyzing player behaviors and flag-
ging deviations indicative of disruptive actions such
as impersonation. The experimental results highlight
the potential of our approach to promote a fair and en-
joyable gameplay experience free from the effects of
disruptive behaviors.
Furthermore, fostering collaboration between re-
searchers, game developers, and players is essential
for ensuring the responsible deployment and ethical
use of anomaly detection technologies. By engag-
ing the whole community in discussions surrounding
privacy, autonomy, and transparency, gaming indus-
try can collectively strive towards creating an envi-
ronment that prioritizes fairness and mutual respect.
In conclusion, while there are challenges and op-
portunities, our approach towards applying deep neu-
ral networks for anomaly detection in video games
represents a step forward in advancing the state-of-
the-art models, fostering a more enjoyable gaming ex-
perience for all.
This work was supported by JST Moonshot R&D,
Grant Number JPMJMS2215.
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