for which, having accurate information at the right
time is essential. However, it is well-known that
humans suffer from several decision biases
(Kahneman & Klein, 2009) that may lead to wrong
decisions, particularly in emergency situations, or
when the decision-makers lack experience, expertise
or time to come up with an analytical decision.
XAI has a huge potential in supporting aviation
operators by mitigating decision errors. However, to
achieve that, it has to provide the information in a
self-explanatory way so operators can comprehend
the situation and the consequences or their decisions.
Therefore, we expect our methodology will support
describing how to make and what is the necessary
content of a good explanation.
We proposed an ontology summarizing the main
elements for XAI in aviation. In this ontology, we
acknowledge the dialectical dimension of
explanations (Walton, 2004), and we frame it upon
speech acts theories. We also acknowledge that
discourse theories are relevant for understanding the
rhetorical structure of explanations. In particular, an
explanation is understood as a logical structure with
three terms: (1) an Explanandum, which is an aspect
of the outcomes of the system of interest, (2) the
Explanans, and (3) the discourse relation which links
the Explanans and the Explanandum.
Our main contribution is to enhance the role of
discourse relations to make explanations successful.
The concepts defined here will serve as foundations
for explainability requirements in the early phases of
systems development. Good quality explainability
requirements should translate cognitive needs or
concerns into implementable and verifiable design
principles. Those requirements will be the point of
contact between practitioners in charge of capturing
the cognitive needs of the operators, and engineers in
charge of designing the system. Our assumption is
that explainability requirements will be
implementable and verifiable if they rest on the
logical structure of information, as managed by the
system whose outcomes or recommendations are to
be explained. On the theoretical side, a lot of work
remains to be done. In particular, building the map
between a taxonomy of cognitive needs to be fulfilled
through explainability and the corresponding types of
explanation. For this, a further formalization effort
might be needed regarding the taxonomy of discourse
relations and their semantics.
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