A User-Centered Ontology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence in
Denys Bernard
, Jaume R. Perello-March
, Ignacio Solis-Marcos
and Martine Cooper
Airbus SAS, Architecture and Integration, 1IVA, France
Airbus SAS, Human Factors & Ergonomics in Design, 1YDN, France
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Aviation, Explainability, Ontology.
Abstract: Aviation authorities will require future decision assistance systems based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to be
explainable in order to enhance trust, safety, situation awareness (SA) and to promote appropriate use of the
system. We anticipate that authoring implementable explainability requirements will be a challenge for the
relevant stakeholders in the aerospace industry. Here we propose an ontology for explainable AI (XAI) from
a user centered perspective in aviation. We propose that the development of an adequate mental model of XAI
has to be considered as a naturally dialogic process between the user and the AI, where the need for an
explanation can be approached as a question. The explanation specification process describes the
informational content of explanations,, whose main components are an Explanans and an Explanandum linked
by the appropriate discourse relation. The Explanandum denotes the aspect of the outcome of the system
about which the operator needs an explanation, and the Explanans is typically a set of true facts which actually
satisfy the operator's cognitive need. We understand explanation as a communication act with the purpose of
making the user accept or better understand the Explanandum. Thus, an explanation is successful only if a
particular relationship holds between the explanans and the explanandum. To understand such a relationship,
we refer to the theory of discourse where the so-called discourse relations act as the logical core of a discourse,
and are constitutive of its consistency. By using this ontology, aviation Human Factors and operations
practitioners will be able to specify the content of explanations in order to maximize the acceptability and
usability of explanations by the user.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing a vast set of
new potential applications and solutions for the
aviation industry including aircraft design,
operations, production, maintenance, environment,
and air traffic management, to name a few (EASA,
2023a). Human Factors for AI are among the
certification requirements that aviation authorities
will demand to certify future AI-based systems,
(EASA, 2023b). These include:
- AI operational explainability as “the
capability to provide the human end users with
understandable, reliable and relevant
information with the appropriate level of
details and with appropriate timing on how an
AI/ML application produces its results”.
- And human-AI teaming “to ensure adequate
cooperation or collaboration between human
end users and AI-based systems to achieve
certain goals”.
Such interest in ensuring the development of
explainable AI (XAI) is not trivial. Extensive work
has been exploring this notion in the recent past years
since AI models can lead to unpredictable outputs that
may be difficult to explain by the end users, and thus,
hamper the human-AI teaming (Druce et.al., 2019;
Endsley, 2023). This can lead to operators making
wrong mental models about the AI, which are then
difficult to break. Hence, explainability is
fundamental for developing an accurate mental model
(Druce, 2019).
According to Ensdley (2023), “explainability
pro-vides information in a retrospective manner,
describing the logic, pro-cess, factors, or reasoning on
which the system’s actions or recommendations were
based”. In a nutshell, XAI refers to WHY the system
did something, in terms of its capabilities and
Bernard, D., Perello-March, J., Solis-Marcos, I. and Cooper, M.
A User-Centered Ontology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Aviation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012978600004562
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2024), pages 88-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-724-5
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
processes. Another often related concept is
transparency, which refers to WHAT is the system
doing now and in the near future. Both contribute to
creating adequate trust in the system and support
situation awareness by ensuring the predictability of
the system behavior (Endsley, 2023).
The relevance of an explanation depends on
cognitive, social and operational aspects of the
current situation. Specifying what would be a good
explanation is a multi-disciplinary task, which should
result in implementable technical requirements.
There is a need for a set of concepts to communicate
efficiently on explainability, in particular, to author
understandable and verifiable technical requirements.
We intend to clarify this by formalizing the
system explainability concepts into an ontology.
According to Keller (2016), ontological techniques
were initially developed in Artificial Intelligence to
handle the knowledge used and processed by
intelligent agents in performing reasoning tasks. But
those methods have spread over a variety of domains,
including the Semantic Web and the design of data
exchange formats. Languages to represent ontologies
have been standardized and widely adopted, in
particular OWL (Ontology Web Language).
Formally, an ontology is a set of statements that
describes classes of concepts by their
interdependencies, in particular the relationships that
must hold between the class instances.
The first problem to be addressed when clarifying
the concepts about explainability, is that
"explanation" is polysemic in our daily language.
Consider the following examples from the Collins
dictionary (Collins, 2024). "Explanation" in each of
them refers to a different high level concept:
- Explanation as a dialog: "Forget about
explanations; they'd only end in arguments".
- Explanation as a speech act: "It is of no use to
attempt an explanation".
- Explanation as a logical construct: "There is a
simple cognitive explanation as to why
numbers get blurry after three".
- Explanation as a text: "There is a lengthy
explanation about the pros and cons."
In Walton (2004), explanation is analyzed as a
speech act -possibly a complex one- whose main
objective is to "transfer understanding" as an answer
to a question. Although we reserve "explanation" to
refer to the logical content of such speech acts, our
approach is compliant with the major ontological
choices made in Walton (2004): explanation acts are
understood as parts of explanation dialogs in which
questions specify the needed explanatory content. To
assemble a coherent toolbox of operational concepts,
we articulated concepts from diverse sources into a
single dedicated ontology. We considered not only
specialized ontologies of explanation such as Walton
(2004), Chari et al., (2020) and Lindner (2020), but
also fundamental ontologies (Borgo, 2022), and
publications about speech acts and discourse theories
(Green, 2021; Smith, 2015). We first remind the
notion of communication acts (section 2), which we
need to clarify the variants of "explanation"; then we
detail the logical structure of explanations (section 3);
next we introduce the dialectical structure of
explanations (section 4), which has certain practical
outcomes; finally we conclude with methodological
considerations (section 5).
Whereas EASA (2023a) refers to "explainability" as
a capability, "explanation" is defined as "information
[...] on how an AI application produces its results".
However, "information" is in itself polysemic (Smith,
2015): is it a communication act? a piece of
knowledge? an information bearer? (i.e., a sequence
of symbols representing logical content, such as text,
utterances, images). In this section, we suggest to
keep "explanation" to refer to the logical content to be
provided to the operator. Nevertheless, the concept of
explanation as a speech act will also play a central
To articulate the social, logical and cognitive
dimensions of explanation, we refer to
Communication Acts, derived from the speech act
theory (Green, 2021; Smith, 1984), as it has been
adapted to communication agents in information
systems (Boella, 2007; Ferrario, 2007). Figure 1
shows a simplified view of the concepts and relations
about speech acts.
Concept names start with uppercase letters (e.g.
Agent). Concepts and relations prefixed by "dolce:"
are borrowed from the fundamental ontology DOLCE
(Borgo, 2022). Roles like sender or receiver are
depicted here as relations for simplicity, but they
should be modeled following more rigorous
representation rules. On the representation of roles
see for example Vieu et al. (2008).
Communicative cognitive agents are supposed to
be animated by Mental attitudes. Boella (2007)
associates Mental attitudes to roles. Mental attitudes
of the roles involved in communication acts are
manifested by the performance of the communication
act. Two sub classes of Mental attitudes are needed
for the formalization of communication acts: Goals
A User-Centered Ontology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Aviation
Figure 1: Communication acts.
and Beliefs (Boella 2007). Mental attitudes are
defined by their type (Goal or Belief) and Logical.
Content. The Logical content is made of truth-
evaluable propositions (it inherits from the DOLCE
proposition concept). Different Mental attitudes may
have similar content, for example: I believe the door
is closed, or I intend to close the door. Both
intentional states have the same content ("the door is
closed") but differ from their nature (belief and goal).
The purpose of Communication Acts is to make
the receiver adopt a specific Mental attitude. A
speech act is determined by its "force" and its
"content" (Green, 2021). We will assume that the
logical content of the Communication Act is similar
to the propositional content of the intended Mental
attitude (Green, 2021). This last statement is an
oversimplification in the perspective of pragmatic
theories of communication (Recanati, 1998): the
intended cognitive effect of a speech act can
overcome its strict logical content by triggering
intentionally further inferences ( or "implicatures"
(Wayne, 2024)). A Communication Act can be
decomposed into several subclasses associated to
different "features", correlated to the nature of the
intended Intentional State of the addressee:
Constative Acts aim at updating beliefs, while
RequestiveActs intend to change the goals of the
addressee, while a Commissive act is about the
intentions of the sender himself. By saying "the door
is closed", the speaker intends to make the addressee
believe that the door is closed. Whereas by saying
"please, close the door" the speaker aims at making
the addressee to close the door In particular,
Constative Acts are emitted to make the receiver
believe their content. Explanation acts will be
understood in the next section as Constative acts,
which follow (or explain) a primary act, which can be
a Constative act (when the system delivers
information), or a Directive act when the system is a
We define Explanation Acts as a specialization of
Constative communication acts. We have already
mentioned that the word "explanation" may refer to
different object categories in usual language. For the
sake of clarity, we propose an ontological choice, that
the concept Explanation is dedicated to the logical
content of Explanation Acts, as depicted in Figure 2:
Figure 2: The content of explanations.
The scope of this ontology is on our current use
case: systems’ AI explainability. Hence, the sender of
an Explanation Act is the system of interest (i.e., the
machine), and the receiver of an Explanation Act is
the human Operator (i.e., the pilot). The structure of
an Explanation is a construct of three elements: the
Explanans, the Explanandum, and their link, a
discourse relation (Hovy & Maier, 1992; Mann &
Thompson, 1988). The Explanation, the Explanans
and the Explanandum are Logical Contents, i.e., they
are all truth- evaluable elements (they are inherited
from DOLCE's proposition). For example, the
statement "The airplane turns right to avoid a cloud"
links the Explanandum "The airplane turns right", to
the Explanans "to avoid a cloud", with a type of
discourse relation named VOLITIONAL RESULT
according to the taxonomy from Hovy & Maier
(1992). This kind of relation links a desired effect to
the event or action which could cause this effect (we
further disclose the taxonomy of discourse relations
that we intend to use for system explainability in
Figure 4).
The Explanandum is about aspects of the System
Outcome, hence, it is generally known, or presumed
by both agents (Walton, 2004). The Explanans and
the Explanandum must be related by the appropriate
discourse relation for fulfilling the cognitive need of
the operator. Different types of discourse relation
between the Explanans and the Explanandum define
different explanation subclasses. A complete
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
taxonomy of discourse relations is given in Hovy &
Maier (1992), and definitions of the most useful
discourse relations for explanation purposes is
available in Mann & Thompson (1988). To
summarize, for an Explanation Act to be successful,
it must include the following necessary conditions:
- The Explanandum, which is an aspect of the
System Outcome;
- The Explanans, which describe actual facts,
already known or not by the operator, but
which can be accepted.
- The discourse relation, which links the
Explanans to the Explanandum.
For example, in causal explanations, Explanans
describe the causes of the Explanandum: "The
weather is degrading because atmospheric pressure is
decreasing" (i.e., NonVolCause in the taxonomy from
Hovy & Maier, 1992).
The success of an Explanation depends on
whether the operator acknowledges or agrees with the
proposal. Particularly, it requires that the discourse
relation in the Explanation is of an appropriate type.
For example, "the airplane turns right, it has been
designed to make this kind of movement" is
acceptable from a strict logical viewpoint, but is
probably not an acceptable explanation for the pilot
in an operational situation. That is, because the
relationship between the two segments of the
sentence is not explanatory. More generally,
Discourse relations are central in theories of
discourse because the consistency of the discourse
depends on them: they are sometimes presented as
"the glue" of discourse (Asher & Lascarides, 2003).
As the Explanandum is presumed by the Explanation
Act -"presumption condition" in Walton (2004)-, the
main novelty in an Explanation Act is often the
relation itself between the Explanans and the
Explanandum. The Explanans itself may be known or
not before the Explanation Act.
The type of Explanation, and in particular its
discourse relation, must be tailored to the operator's
cognitive expectations. Research suggests that
humans have a preference for contrastive
explanations (Miller, 2019). It means that operators
expect not only an explanation of why something
happened, but why something happened rather than
something else. For example, after a recommendation
to turn right, instead of asking (Q1) "why should I turn
right?" the pilot might ask (Q2) "why should I turn
right rather than turning left?". The explanations
required by (Q1) and (Q2) have different
Explanandum types, then the discourse relations will
also be different: the Explanans for (Q1) could be a
desired effect of turning right, whereas (Q2) appeals
for a justification of the preference order. In addition,
explanations must be contextual and adapted to the
specificities of each particular scenario (Druce et.al.,
In daily conversations, an explanation is also a type
of dialog. Walton (2004) has explored this idea
through a theory of explanation based on an
archetypal dialog, which starts by a question. The
dialog succeeds when understanding is transferred to
the questioner. The cognitive need is specified by the
opening question of the explanatory dialog. In the
case of systems’ explainability, the interaction does
not necessarily take the form of a dialog, but the way
of describing the need for an explanation by a
question remains efficient. The need for an
explanation is understood by determining what
question the user could have asked. This method is
not too restrictive because we focus on the logical
content of explanations, and, as noted by Walton
(2004), explainability is inherently dialogic. The most
simple, although not unique, explanatory dialog
pattern takes the form of a question-answer dialog,
supported by the primary outcome of the system of
interest, or the description (declaration) of what the
system intends to do:
Figure 3: The basic explanation dialog.
The content of the Explanation is built
progressively through the dialog. The part of the
Explanandum to be explained and the acceptable
discourse relations that would make an acceptable
explanation are set by the question. In particular, as
noted in Miller (2019), explanations are often
contrastive: the operator needs to understand why the
outcome of the system is what it is rather than
something else. Take the example of a diversion
assistant which recommends to re-route to either
Bordeaux, Toulouse, or Agen. By asking: "Why is
Bordeaux preferred to Toulouse?"; the pilot requires
A User-Centered Ontology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Aviation
an explanation, whose Explanandum is: "Bordeaux is
preferred to Toulouse" (which is part of the system
outcome), and the discourse relation is a
JUSTIFICATION. Following we propose an example
of how this dialog would occur:
-SYSTEM: "Re-routing options are Bordeaux,
Toulouse, or Agen".
-PILOT: "Why is Bordeaux preferred to Toulouse?"
-SYSTEM: "Bordeaux is preferred to Toulouse in
order to save fuel"
Finally, the Explanans given in the last utterance
justifies that diverting to Bordeaux is more
operationally convenient. Based on the taxonomy of
discourse relations established in Hovy & Maier
(1992), Figure 4 shows the most frequent discourse
relations which appear in explanations, as well as
some examples of questions that the operator could
have asked to obtain an acceptable explanation.
Figure 4: A simple taxonomy of explanation.
The taxonomy of discourse relations proposed in
Hovy & Maier (1992) makes a complete inventory of
discourse relations used in the literature. It
distinguishes discourse relation which expresses a
conceptual relation between the two segments
(IDEATIONAL relations) and the relation which
expresses directly a communicative intent of the
speaker (INTERPERSONAL relations).
INTERPERSONAL relations link two sentences in
order to obtain a cognitive effect. The example
ontology on Figure 4 uses only IDEATIONAL
relations, because one of our methodological goals is
to make explainability requirements as objective and
verifiable as possible.
For example, the IDEATIONAL category includes
relations for causality and part-whole relations.
INTERPERSONAL relations include for example
relation between two segments in an explanation can
belong to both categories. For example, in "You
should climb to flight level 300, that will save fuel",
the two segments of the sentence are linked causally,
but at the same time, the purpose of the statement is
to convince the addressee that climbing would be a
good decision. When authoring requirements, we
should prefer explanations defined in IDEATIONAL
terms rather than INTERPERSONAL ones. This
principle would reinforce the implementability and
the verifiability of requirements. The duty of the
Human Factor practitioners would be to translate
interpersonal goals (convince, transfer understanding,
build trust), into the terms of information semantics,
including what Hovy & Maier (1992) classified as
IDEATIONAL relations.
Our ontology proposes a method for defining the
content, the dialog structure and a taxonomy for
different types of explanations for AI in aviation.
Previous related work from Sutthithatip et al.
(2021) has reviewed different ways to implement
XAI in aviation to support designers, pilots, air traffic
controllers and maintenance operators at several
levels by:
(1) extracting and integrating the information,
(2) understanding the situation,
(3) predicting the outcomes or consequences of
actions to make a decision, and
(4) implementing the desired action course
Essentially, this model proposes that XAI can
support aviation stakeholders in achieving a good
situational awareness (Levels 1-3) and then in
choosing and implementing an adequate course of
action. If done appropriately, XAI can contribute to
mitigate mental overload, enhance human-machine
teaming performance and overall operational safety.
We expect our proposal to help practitioners
identify and define the appropriate explanations for
each particular use case or scenario.
Providing support in the decision making process
is one of the key areas where XAI can make a
substantial contribution to make aviation operations
safer. Decision-makers in aviation are often faced
with time-constrained and safety-critical decisions,
ICCAS 2024 - International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems
for which, having accurate information at the right
time is essential. However, it is well-known that
humans suffer from several decision biases
(Kahneman & Klein, 2009) that may lead to wrong
decisions, particularly in emergency situations, or
when the decision-makers lack experience, expertise
or time to come up with an analytical decision.
XAI has a huge potential in supporting aviation
operators by mitigating decision errors. However, to
achieve that, it has to provide the information in a
self-explanatory way so operators can comprehend
the situation and the consequences or their decisions.
Therefore, we expect our methodology will support
describing how to make and what is the necessary
content of a good explanation.
We proposed an ontology summarizing the main
elements for XAI in aviation. In this ontology, we
acknowledge the dialectical dimension of
explanations (Walton, 2004), and we frame it upon
speech acts theories. We also acknowledge that
discourse theories are relevant for understanding the
rhetorical structure of explanations. In particular, an
explanation is understood as a logical structure with
three terms: (1) an Explanandum, which is an aspect
of the outcomes of the system of interest, (2) the
Explanans, and (3) the discourse relation which links
the Explanans and the Explanandum.
Our main contribution is to enhance the role of
discourse relations to make explanations successful.
The concepts defined here will serve as foundations
for explainability requirements in the early phases of
systems development. Good quality explainability
requirements should translate cognitive needs or
concerns into implementable and verifiable design
principles. Those requirements will be the point of
contact between practitioners in charge of capturing
the cognitive needs of the operators, and engineers in
charge of designing the system. Our assumption is
that explainability requirements will be
implementable and verifiable if they rest on the
logical structure of information, as managed by the
system whose outcomes or recommendations are to
be explained. On the theoretical side, a lot of work
remains to be done. In particular, building the map
between a taxonomy of cognitive needs to be fulfilled
through explainability and the corresponding types of
explanation. For this, a further formalization effort
might be needed regarding the taxonomy of discourse
relations and their semantics.
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