The Stress Is Real: Physiological Measurement of League of Legends
Players Experience During a Live Esports Event
David Berga
1,2 a
, Eleonora De Filippi
1 b
, Arijit Nandi
1 c
, Eul
alia Febrer Coll
3 d
Marta Revert
e Bel
, Lautaro J. Russo
4 e
and Alexandre Pereda-Ba
1 f
Eurecat, Centre Tecnol
ogic de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Elisava, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering (UVic-UCC), Spain
eDojo - Electronic Dojo S.L., Barcelona, Spain
Mental Gaming S.L., Barcelona, Spain, {eleonora.defilippi, arijit.nandi, alexandre.pereda},
Esports, League of Legends, Physiology, Arousal, Stress, Electrodermal Activity, Electrocardiogram,
Photoplethysmogram, EDA, GSR, ECG, PPG, Heart Rate.
Videogames and Esports experienced a huge growth in popularity lately and have opened a ripe new field for
the study of human behavior. Esports gaming is an area in which videogame players need to cooperate and
compete with each other, influencing their cognitive load, processing, stress, and as well as social skills. In
this observational study we inquire whether variations in autonomic nervous system activity can be obtained
reliably during a live League of Legends (LoL) event, especially considering this is a preliminary study with a
limited participant sample. We found that game performance (winning or losing the game) significantly affects
electrodermal activity and cardiac modulation, where players who lost the game showed higher stress-related
physiological responses, compared to players who won. We also found that specific important events in the
game, such as ”Killing, ”Dying, or ”Destroying the turret, increased players’ electrodermal and cardiac
modulation compared with other less relevant events, such as ”Placing the guards” or ”Destroying the turret
plates. Finally, by analyzing activity according to players’ roles, we found various notable activity trends.
Altogether, these (yet preliminary) results encourage further exploration of physiology-based applications for
LoL and Esports players on live events.
In Esports gaming video game players must cooper-
ate and compete, often in highly demanding environ-
ments, affecting their cognitive load, emotional pro-
cessing, stress levels, and social skills, among other
aspects. Esports and videogames are on the rise, aided
by the increasing ease with which online gaming en-
vironments allow interacting with other players, and
they thus open a ripe area for neuroscience and exper-
imental psychology research in more realistic and mo-
tivating settings than usually found in laboratory ex-
periments (Pedraza-Ramirez et al., 2020). For exam-
ple, technological developments involving wearable
physiological, multimodal sensors, and interaction-
based metrics, allow for close monitoring of cogni-
tive emotional processes with high temporal resolu-
tion. This opens a landscape of possibilities not only
for basic research, but also for research on advanced
interaction techniques, such as the establishment of
BCI (brain-computer-interface) loops that can be used
for a wide variety of training, self-monitoring appli-
cations, and even to provide the audience with infor-
mation on the state of the players. Of course, there is
no question that games have become highly complex
in the environments they represent, the skills they re-
quire, or the rules and roles involved, thus, any such
applications would need to consider the specifics of
the game under consideration.To this end we mea-
sured several metrics of electrodermal activity and
cardiac modulation among competitive players dur-
Berga, D., De Filippi, E., Nandi, A., Coll, E., Bel, M., Russo, L. and Pereda-Baños, A.
The Stress Is Real: Physiological Measurement of League of Legends Players Experience During a Live Esports Event.
DOI: 10.5220/0012981700003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 199-205
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ing several sessions of League of Legends games that
took place in a live Esports event celebrated at a
dedicated gaming venue. Together with the physi-
ological metrics we obtained the activity logs from
the corresponding games, provided by the game de-
veloper (Riot Games), to study if and how different
events and roles elicit varying cognitive/emotional re-
sponses. aiming to ascertain the utility of such met-
rics for future biofeedback-based training of different
game skills in LoL. Research in the field of psychol-
ogy has traditionally focused on three main forms of
both emotional and attentional responses: subjective
perceptions of the individual about their own state, ef-
fects on behavior, and changes in their physiological
patterns, such as acceleration or deceleration of heart
rate and increase in skin conductivity (Bradley and
Lang, 2000)(Mauss and Robinson, 2009). Each one
of these approaches comes with both advantages and
disadvantages. First, auto-informed methods, such as
questionnaires or interviews, for which participants
are directly asked to report their status are the only
way to access the individual’s subjective perception
but are also limited by the individual’s own ability
to introspect, since many psychological processes can
occur unconsciously or with low levels of conscious-
ness (Nisbett and Wilson, 1977). Moreover, another
limitation of this approach is that cognitive biases
(such as social desirability bias) may interfere with
the reports, thus making the information not entirely
reliable. For this reason, in the field of experimen-
tal psychology research, the analysis of physiological
responses (for example, variations in heart rate, skin
conductivity or activation of facial muscles) has been
introduced as a way of obtaining information about
the cognitive and emotional processes of individuals
in an indirect way. On the other hand, the main disad-
vantage of the physiological methods with respect to
the self-reports concerns their ecological validity, so it
is recommended to combine both methodologies (Ca-
cioppo et al., 2017). Here, we used two main physio-
logical measures:
Electrodermal Activity (or EDA, also known as Gal-
vanic Skin Response or GSR) is a correlate of the
activation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic
nervous system, which provides reliable information
with a high temporal resolution about participants’
physiological arousal, related to the intensity of ex-
perienced cognitive-emotional responses.
Cardiac Modulations (ECG or Electrocardiogram),
or Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a measure of
cardiovascular pulse (i.e. Heart Rate). This signal
is mediated by both the sympathetic and parasympa-
thetic systems, thus responding to both physiologi-
cal arousal and emotional regulation processes. This
is dependent on both the intensity of emotions and
their hedonic load, also with the appearance of cogni-
tive resources for stimulus processing. The variability
of heart rate can be analyzed by looking at the ratio
of sympathetic vs parasympathetic modulation within
the PPG signal.
Over the last decade, several physiological studies
have been carried out in the Esports field (Kivikan-
gas et al., 2011)(Argasi
nski and Grabska-Gradzi
2017)(Alhargan et al., 2017) and have reported rele-
vant differences in participants’ affective states dur-
ing games. Among them, some studies have fo-
cused on the analysis of muscle signals (Electromyo-
graphy/EMG) (Ahsan et al., 2009), of brain signals
(Electroencephalography/EEG) (Hafeez et al., 2021),
or of facial gestures (Samara et al., 2017). The main
focus of these latter studies was to assess the emo-
tional state of participants from these measures, clas-
sifying each of the 7 affective categories of basic emo-
tions initially defined by (Ekman, 2005): anger, sad-
ness, fear, disgust, joy, surprise, contempt, and neu-
tral. Most of these studies have used psychophysio-
logical tests such as the Russell test (Russell, 1980)
or the Self Assessment Mannekin (Bradley and Lang,
1994), as a guideline for the validation of physiologi-
cal measures that could affect the affective responses
of participants. In a recent review by (Leis and
Lautenbach, 2020), 17 studies were meta-analyzed
in Esports contexts for psychological and physiolog-
ical stress, and it was concluded that simply play-
ing in an Esports non-competitive environment pro-
duced no stress reactions, whereas in competitive en-
vironments several studies reported increases in anx-
iety levels, cortisol levels, and physiological sympa-
thetic activation, all three indicators of stress (Jones
et al., 2012)(Yaribeygi et al., 2017). However, stress
is not the only interesting indicator to consider in Es-
ports environments, since peripheral physiology can
also provide insight into various aspects of informa-
tion processing, such as emotion, engagement, bore-
dom or frustration.
In our study, we collected both EDA and ECG data
while users were engaged in a widely played desk-
top videogame ”League of Legends”. The aim of this
work was to evaluate the affective responses by ana-
lyzing distinct EDA and ECG metrics depending on
game performance (winning or losing). Moreover,
we investigated whether different game events (e.g.
”Killing”, ”Dying”, ”Kill Assist”, ”Destroy Turret”,
”Destroy Turret Plate” or ”Placing Ward”) elicited
distinct physiological responses. Lastly, we wanted to
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
elucidate whether different player roles (Jungle, Mid-
dle, Utility, Bottom, and Top) also impact physiolog-
ical measures.
2.1 Experimental Design
Sensors and Software. For our experiments we
used a Shimmer3
pack with 5 simultaneous GSR+
Units providing Galvanic Skin Response for acquisi-
tion of Electrodermal Activity (EDA), as well as Car-
diac Pulse (PPG) estimating heart rate variations. We
developed our own Python tools (available in github
for capturing data and sending it through Bluetooth
(using pyserial and pylsl) and synchronizing that data
with events of the game (using riotwatcher) for later
statistical analysis for EDA (Ledalab
V3.4.9) and
PPG (HeartPy
) respectively.
League of Legends Skills and Mechanics. League
of Legends
is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
(MOBA) videogame developed by Riot Games
2009. It has become one (if not) the most popular
game of the current generation of online videogames
and has a significant impact on the economy of many
other industrial and technology sectors (i.e. brand-
ing, consumables, social networks and media con-
tent). The original League of Legends game type
mechanics (Summoner Rift) consists of a competi-
tion between 2 teams of 5 players in which each team
has to destroy the enemy base or ”Nexus”. The battle
zone is composed by 3 lanes (top, mid and bot) as well
as a jungle (in between these lanes). Each team lane
has 4 turrets and an inhibitor, and two more turrets
in the Nexus. However, before reaching the enemy
base, each team needs to destroy the turrets and the
inhibitor of one of the enemy lanes. The usual team-
work consists of two players (Carry/Bottom and Util-
ity/Support) controlling the bot lane, the Top/Tank
controlling the top lane, the Middle controlling the
mid lane and the Jungle that moves around all the
lanes. As in other MOBAs, players will need to co-
operate and sometimes play aggressively to kill the
opponent’s champions and overcome the enemy posi-
tions. Riot users (summoners) have a specific experi-
ence level
(given its in-game time) and rank
its actual performance in ranked games).
Game Sessions and Subjects. A total of 4 sessions
have been performed in the Asobu Esports Experi-
ence venue
with 12 participants (contacted and se-
lected by United Gamers Academy
) in the game-
play experimentation. The participants were recruited
through questionnaires reporting age, gender, skill
level, rank level and game preferences. Only play-
ers with higher rank levels above silver III were se-
lected for the study. Subjects’ age was between 18
and 25 years old (4 women and 12 men). Average
player level was 216 (with lowest 82 and biggest 402)
and corresponded to silver-gold S12 competitive rank
gamers. Due to the limitation in the quantity of sen-
sors available, we captured data from 12 participants
on 4 sessions of playing a specific team during Sum-
moner’s Rift gameplay (avg time 30-45 min), later
filtered on 7 with enough valid events for statisti-
cal comparison. We cut the recording of these par-
ticipants from the start to the end of the game and
we set specific window times for each event (i.e. 5
sec). This data is synchronized with events down-
loaded from riotwatcher api
. Some events avail-
able for capture are ”killing”, ”dying”, ”kill assist”,
”special killing”, ”item purchased”, ”level up”, ”ward
placed”, ”building kill”, ”champion transform”, ”tur-
ret plate destroyed” and ”elite monster kill”. After
gameplay we annotated riot’s metadata for each par-
ticipant such as game session data (total kills/deaths
or damage done/received), win or loss condition and
player roles (top, mid, bot, utility and jungle).
2.2 Physiological Data Processing
GSR Preprocessing. We have processed raw GSR
data with Ledalab to extract the following measures:
nrSCRs (total skin conductance number ”#” of re-
sponses above threshold), Latency (delay/surpassed
time ”s” to elicit EDA with respect to the event), Am-
plitude (mean activity ”mV” inside the event win-
dow), PhasicMax (max phasic value ”mV” from the
gap with respect the response and the event window)
9 (Leag
ue of Legends)
The Stress Is Real: Physiological Measurement of League of Legends Players Experience During a Live Esports Event
and Tonic (max tonic activity ”mV” with respect win-
dow). See Ledalab’s documentation
for more de-
tails. Previous literature in electrodermal physiology
has shown EDA can be a reliable quantifier of sympa-
thetic dynamics (Posada-Quintero et al., 2016), mean-
ing higher EDA correlated with higher sympathetic
(stress/alert) levels.
The Matlab-based toolbox ”Ledalab” (Benedek
and Kaernbach, 2010) was used for the GSR signal
preprocessing and analysis. First, we carried out a
preliminary visual examination to look for periodic
drift in the signal, which reflects artifacts, and we re-
sampled the raw signal to 50Hz using Neurokit2
The following preprocessing operations were then
carried out using Ledalab toolbox: low-pass Butter-
worth filtering with a cutoff frequency of 5 Hz, and
smoothing to eliminate any remaining artifacts. Fi-
nally, we performed an event-related analysis utiliz-
ing the Continuous Decomposition Analysis (CDA)
to extract the features indicating Skin Conductance
Responses (SCRs). By extracting the phasic (driver)
information underlying EDA, this approach attempts
to obtain the signal features of the underlying sudo-
motor nerve activity. Skin conductance data is decon-
voluted by the overall response shape, considerably
enhancing temporal accuracy. This method enables
the extraction of continuous phasic and tonic activity
based on traditional deconvolution within a predeter-
mined time window, which for us corresponded to a
window comprising the three seconds before an event
marker to the five following seconds. The number of
SCRs within the response window, response latency
for the first SCR, mean SCR amplitudes, maximum
phasic, and average tonic activity within the specified
window were therefore collected for each event de-
scribed in the previous section.
PPG Data Processing. We have processed raw
PPG data with Heartpy to obtain the BPM (”#” beats
per minute), IBI (time ”ms” of interbeat interval or
R-R), SDNN (standard deviation of intervals ”ms” be-
tween adjacent beats of the IBI of normal sinus beats),
SDSD (standard deviation of successive differences
between adjacent R-R intervals ”ms”) and RMSSD
(root mean square of successive differences between
adjacent R-R intervals ”ms”). The latter metrics
(SDSD and RMSSD) are related to the measurement
of HRV (heart rate variability). Indeed, higher HRV
(higher values of SDSD or RMSSD) can represent
parasympathetic/vagal modulation (associated with a
state of relaxation), while a lower HRV (lower values
for SDSD or RMSSD) represents sympathetic/flight-
or-fight modulation (being stressed or alert; (Valenza
et al., 2018)). Here we have to point out that studies
on HRV are commonly analyzed over large timeline
streams of heart rate data (about 5 min or more; (Shaf-
fer and Ginsberg, 2017)) documentation explains the
aforementioned metrics. However, our measurements
of HRV are considering 5 to 10-second time windows
according to the League of Legends fast-paced events.
Processing and analysis of raw PPG data
were conducted using the Python-based toolkit
”Heartpy”(Van Gent et al., 2019), specialized for the
analysis of PPG signal as compared to ECG. At ev-
ery heartbeat, blood perfuses via the capillaries and
arteries, causing the skin to become discolored. The
PPG detects this discoloration. The systolic peak, di-
astolic notch, and diastolic peak make up the signal.
First, as we did with the GSR signal, we resampled
the raw PPG signal to 50Hz using Neurokit2. Then,
we run the processing algorithm that comes with the
Heartpy toolkit and which allows for the peak detec-
tion to extract reliable time-domain measures, such as
beats per minute (BPM), and Interbeat Intervals (IBI).
Furthermore, for each event, we extracted measures
that reflect Heart Rate Variability (HRV) such as the
RMSSD (root mean square of successive differences)
and the SDSD (standard deviation of successive dif-
We performed data curation for our statistical analy-
sis using data from 7 participants (a total of 2 game
sessions with recorded measures in which 3 partic-
ipants played twice) with enough event samples for
later analysis and processing. Some of the data not
mentioned in participants results was discarded for
the final evaluation due to the incorrect samples from
the sensor data and/or given the lack of relevant events
in the gameplay to sync with the sensor data (e.g.
given too much time being dead without interacting
with game objects nor players). Here we select the
players’ sensor data collected with enough samples
to retrieve individual PPG and EDA patterns to make
valid statistical evaluations.
3.1 Physiological Results: Skin
In Table 1 we show mean statistics of nrSCR, La-
tency, Amplitude, PhasicMax, and Tonic values of
players that win the gameplay and lose the game-
play. Similarly, in Table 2 we show statistics for
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Table 1: Win and Loss mean GSR metrics by stacking all events in one statistic. Observations from 7 participants playing
during 2 sessions. nrSCR: skin conductance responses over threshold. *p < 0.05 between all events.
Result nrSCR Latency Amplitude PhasicMax Tonic
WIN 1.85±1.73 -0.15±1.93 0.27±0.63 0.55±1.17 12.58±7.05
LOSS 2.60±2.21 -0.76±1.70 0.19±0.41 0.37±0.55 6.88±4.74
TOTAL 2.37±2.10 -0.57±1.79 0.22±0.49 0.42±0.79 8.61±6.12
Table 2: Event mean GSR metrics from events ”Killing”, ”Dying”, ”Placing Ward”, ”Destroying Turret” and ”Destroying
Turret Plate”. Observations from 7 participants playing during 2 sessions. nrSCR: skin conductance responses over threshold.
*p < 0.05 between win/lose.
EVENT nrSCR Latency Amplitude PhasicMax Tonic N
KILL 1.23±1.17 0.05±2.11 0.03±0.04 0.10±.07 7.76±3.23 9
DIE 2.42±2.10 -0.19±0.74 0.32±0.63 0.50±.86 12.20±5.82 35
PLACE WARD 2.32±2.16 -0.30±2.15 0.23±0.45 0.15±0.14 12.06±5.41 75
DES.TURRET 2.18±2.21 -0.61±1.54 0.16±0.23 0.25±0.44 9.75±6.27 79
DES.PLATE 2.18±1.89 -0.46±1.84 0.29±0.59 0.46±0.68 3.09±1.77 49
events ”Killing”, ”Dying”, ”Place Ward”, ”Destroy
Turret” and ”Destroy Turret Plate”. We expand these
statistics in Supplementary Material-Table 6 filtering
player roles in the game.
Given the Chi-squared measured distributions
(non-parametric) we performed Friedman’s tests over
win-loss and event data for each GSR metric. On
analyzing winning or losing the match (Tables 1-2),
we observed that the nrSCR, Amplitude, and Pha-
sicMax activities were significantly higher during the
”Killing” event for players (p = .046, χ
= 4.000).
Additionally, nrSCR and Amplitude values were also
significantly elevated during the ”Destroying Turret”
event (p = .020, χ
= 5.444), while nrSCR activity
alone showed a significant increase during the ”De-
stroying Plate” event (p = .008, χ
= 7.143), with
Amplitude showing a trend towards significance (p
= .071, χ
= 3.266). Tonic activity differed signifi-
cantly only in relation to the ”Dying” event (p = .035,
= 4.455) and ”Placing Ward” event (p = .002, χ
10.000) between winning and losing conditions.
When comparing GSR activity distributions
across all events for winning players, we found that
Latency was significantly shorter (p = .024, χ
11.265), Amplitude was significantly higher (p =
.041, χ
= 9.959), and Tonic activity was significantly
greater (p = .010, χ
= 13.28). PhasicMax showed a
trend towards higher values, though it did not reach
statistical significance (p = .092, χ
= 8.000). In con-
trast, there were no significant differences in GSR ac-
tivity across events for players who lost the game.
3.2 Physiological Results: Heart Rate
In Table 3 and Supplementary Material-Table 5 we
show mean statistics of pulse metrics according to win
condition, event, and role.
After performing Friedman tests over PPG met-
rics for all events, we found that SDSD was signif-
icantly higher when winning the game (p = .016,
= 10.371). BPM was significantly lower and IBI
was significantly longer (p = .041, χ
= 8.28). We
also tested for differences between winning and los-
ing the game for each specific event. For ”Destroy-
ing Turret Plate”, SDSD was significantly higher (p
= 5.32×10
, χ
= 12.0) and RMSSD was signifi-
cantly increased (p = .004, χ
= 8.333). During the
”Dying” event, SDSD was significantly elevated (p
= .011, χ
= 6.4) and RMSSD was also higher (p =
.002, χ
= 10). Additionally, SDSD showed a signifi-
cant increase when ”Placing a Ward” (p = .011, χ
This study shows the potential of using physiologi-
cal measurements (EDA and ECG) to monitor cog-
nitive and emotional processes in complex game en-
vironments such as League of Legends, and supports
the idea that these metrics could enable biofeedback
based loops for interaction, training, and showcasing
purposes. In the study, we characterized physiolog-
ical responses depending on performance, events as
well as participants’ roles in the game.
The Stress Is Real: Physiological Measurement of League of Legends Players Experience During a Live Esports Event
Table 3: Win and Loss mean PPG metrics by stacking all events in one statistic. Observations from 7 participants. BPM:
Beats per minute; IBI: interbeat interval; SDNN: deviation between adjacent beats; SDSD: deviation of differences between
R-R intervals; RMSSD: successive differences between R-R intervals. *p < 0.05 between all events.
WIN 172±113 531±333 129±48 *100±47 202±87
LOSS *94±50 *743±212 77±52 57±44 117±92
TOTAL 114±80 688±265 90±56 68±49 140±98
Table 4: Event mean PPG metrics from events ”Killing”, ”Dying”, ”Placing Ward”, ”Destroying Turret” and ”Destroying
Turret Plate”. Observations from 7 participants playing during 2 sessions. BPM: Beats per minute; IBI: interbeat interval;
SDNN: deviation between adjacent beats; SDSD: deviation of differences between R-R intervals; RMSSD: successive differ-
ences between R-R intervals. N are event occurrences. *p < 0.05 between win/lose.
KILL 69±10 892±139 73±46 57±31 99±54 7
DIE 103±66 726±249 87±54 *67±46 *132±86 37
PLACE WARD 122±75 648±279 92±54 *76±54 143±94 31
DES.TURRET 118±95 678±260 95±56 72±52 146±96 57
DES.PLATE 117±78 673±276 *90±60 *64±47 140±111 71
In most cases, we found significant differences
in EDA (for nrSCR, Amplitude, and PhasicMax ac-
tivity) during ”Killing”, ”Destroying Turret” or ”De-
stroying Turret Plate” between players that are win-
ning the game and players that are losing the game,
by showing more relaxed states for winning players.
One should consider that more relaxed state cannot
be achieved when there is greater activity on GSR.
Moreover, when players were winning the game, they
showed distinct patterns of physiological activity de-
pending on the events in the game (e.g., ”Killing”,
”Destroying Turret”, ”Destroying Plate”). In contrast,
we did not find any significant difference between
these events for players that were losing the game, as
they remained overall with lower HRV modulation.
This can hinder the possibility that players that per-
form badly show similar physiological states (being
alert and/or excited) across the game, while players
that perform well have distinct physiological behav-
ior during the course of game events.
For the case of PPG, similarly to the aforemen-
tioned, SDSD was significantly distinct for players
that were winning the game between different events.
On the other side, we found that only IBI and BPM
measures showed significant differences for players
that were losing the game. Overall, players that per-
formed better (winning) showed significantly higher
parasympathetic modulation (i.e., relaxation) than the
ones that were losing. These results suggest that poor
game performance induces higher stress or to be in a
state of alert, while players that perform better tend
to remain in more relaxed states. Furthermore, the
analysis for specific events, like ”Dying”, ”Destroy-
ing Turret Plate” or ”Placing Ward”, has shown that
players have distinct values of SDSD and RMSSD,
with Killing” or ”Dying” events inducing higher sym-
pathetic modulation (lower HRV).
Study Limitations and Future Work. Despite the
lack of physiological samples for participants and
game sessions we obtained enough measurements to
pinpoint differences in-game performance and events,
confirming the potential for using these measures in
live events. By having a higher number of participants
and game sessions we would suggest undergoing sim-
ilar studies, not only for analyzing physiology over
game performance and events but also for conducting
an in-depth analysis of game roles, champions, player
level, and type of match (beyond League of Legends’
summoner’s rift) in relation with EDA and ECG mea-
surements. Further exploration in this context would
expand both research and development capabilities on
evaluating physiological responses in eSports.
4.1 Funding
This study has been possible through the Grant
IRC 2020 (Reference ACE033/21/000046) funded by
O (Catalan Agency for Business Competitive-
ness), from the project ”Esports-LAB” lead by IN-
DESCAT (Associaci
o Catalana Cl
uster de la Ind
de l’Esport), partners with Generalitat de Catalunya,
EsportCat and Fundaci
o Catalana per l’Esport.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
4.2 Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no known com-
peting financial interests or personal relationships that
could have appeared to influence the work reported in
this paper. Experiment participants signed an autho-
rization form prior to the study to authorize the usage
of the captured physiological data as well as perfor-
mance from their Riot Gamertag and remained anony-
mous according to the Spanish national law LOPD
(Ley Org
anica de Protecci
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See Tables 5 and 6 in
The Stress Is Real: Physiological Measurement of League of Legends Players Experience During a Live Esports Event