The Prediction of Feedback with Demographics & Locations of Users
in Online Food Delivering Based on Machine Learning Models
Junyi Hu
Institute of Science of Mathematics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
Keywords: Prediction, Demographics & Locations, Online Food Delivering, Machine Learning Models.
Abstract: The online food delivery (OFD) becomes a hit in the previous decade. However, the OFD companies face
different challenges in reality. With the data providing demographic features and locations, this research
makes use of data learning models to predict the feedback of the OFD users, which implies the probability of
becoming a long-term user. This research takes ANN neural network, Decision Tree, Random Forest into
consideration, and make comparison of the performance of them, and all the models reach the accuracy above
80%. The geographic feature of the users is considered in an abstract map, and the geographic center of the
user with negative feedback is to the north-west of the geographic center of all the users. In addition, feature
analysis reveals the age of user is the feature with most importance, followed by family size. The performance
of the models is estimated by different evaluating indicators, such as confusion matrix, f-measure and
With the advancement of information technology, the
widespread application of OFD services is evident.
However, not everyone readily embraces this new
trend. Therefore, investigating the primary user
demographics of OFD services is a worthwhile
research endeavor. Factors such as Information
Quality (IQ) and Promotions (PRO) significantly
influence whether an individual becomes an online
food delivery user and their satisfaction with the
service. Accurately predicting the likelihood of
someone becoming a potential user of online food
delivery services based on individual factors is crucial
(Moroz and Polkowski, 2016; Prasetyo and Tanto,
2021 & Tan and Kim, 2021). Additionally,
identifying which features are the most influential
factors is of utmost importance (Shukla and
Deshpande, 2023 & Wang et al., 2018). It can help
the retailers and OFD platforms figure out the most
likely long-term users and make better programming
and advertising.
Previous research on OFD services has primarily
focused on macro-level aspects, such as consumer
attitudes towards these services and the structural
components of the OFD system, including factors like
convenience motivation and the perceived usefulness
after usage (Yeo et al., 2017). However, these studies
often overlook the nuanced details, particularly those
concerning individual users within the OFD service
ecosystem. They tend to treat OFD users as a
monolithic entity, disregarding the intricate internal
structure of consumer communities, which is a
critical aspect addressed in this current research.
The neglect of individual user experiences and
behaviors within the broader OFD consumer base can
lead to a lack of understanding of the diverse
motivations, preferences, and challenges faced by
different user segments. For instance, some users
might prioritize speed of delivery, while others might
be more concerned with the quality of food or the
sustainability of the delivery process. Similarly, the
frequency of OFD usage, the types of meals ordered,
and the time of day when orders are placed can vary
significantly among users, reflecting diverse
lifestyles and needs.
Moreover, the socio-demographic characteristics
of users, such as age, income level, and geographical
location, can influence their interactions with OFD
services. Younger, more tech-savvy consumers might
be more inclined to use mobile apps for ordering,
while older users might prefer traditional methods
like phone calls. Urban dwellers might have access to
a wider variety of restaurants and faster delivery
times compared to those in rural areas.
Hu, J.
The Prediction of Feedback with Demographics & Locations of Users in Online Food Delivering Based on Machine Learning Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0012982500004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 13-21
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This paper investigates the features that make an
individual a potential consumer of OFD services. By
employing supervised machine learning models and
incorporating feedback from OFD users, we aim to
delineate the profile of potential OFD users.
Recognizing the significant impact of dataset quality
on accuracy based on previous research, this study
utilizes a dataset that includes geographical locations
and demographic information related to online food
delivery. Extensive efforts were made to portray a
general image of OFD service users using this data.
Multiple models were implemented in this study, and
a comprehensive comparison of these models was
conducted to leverage their strengths and address
their weaknesses. Additionally, we placed particular
emphasis on geographical factors such as longitude
and latitude, as well as demographic factors like
household size, education level, and monthly income.
To present the findings clearly and intuitively,
machine learning models and data visualization
techniques were emphasized.
The dataset comprises rich independent features
such as latitude and longitude, gender, occupation,
household size, and individual feedback. The aim of
this research is to analyze relevant data through
machine learning models to comprehensively depict
the profile of potential OFD users, thereby
uncovering common characteristics and needs within
these user groups. This approach not only provides
guidance for OFD platforms to customize their
services effectively and improve customer
satisfaction but also offers insights for refining
marketing strategies and user interface designs. By
thoroughly analyzing these factors, we hope to
enhance the understanding of diverse user group
needs and thus support the development of the online
food delivery industry.
The remainder part of this paper is constructed
below. The second section is about the related work
about the OFD service. Section 3 is mainly about the
research method and detail of the dataset. The
machine learning model applied is discussed in
Section 4. Section 5 is about the result and the
discussion of this experiment. Finally, we discuss the
conclusion of the result and future work about OFD
The satisfaction of the user of online food delivery
system is determined by different factors. Previous
studies on factors affecting satisfaction with online
food delivery services have spanned a wide range of
research areas. Machine learning witnessed a vast
progress in the last decades, applied in extensive
aspects of researches. Common machine learning
methods include random forest, XGBoost, decision
trees, artificial neural networks, Bayesian networks,
and so on. (Yeo et al., 2017) Some studies trained
their models on datasets and employed various
machine learning models for prediction. Their
research achieved high accuracy. Huycock Tan
(2021) initially implemented a linear regression
model, providing insights into online food delivery
users. Their model focused on online food delivery
services during the COVID-19 pandemic, illustrating
factors that positively impact OFD user satisfaction.
Another study by Janmejay (2024) applied a decision
tree classification model, uncovering preferences of
OFD users, offering better decision guidance for
online food delivery aggregators. SVM and Ridge
regression was applied in the research of Wang, W.M.
So far, the world of auto machine learning models
and deep learning models has enlarged greatly. For
example, PLS-ANN (Foo et al., 2018) and Bi-LSTM
(Tam and Tanriöver, 2021). They have been
successfully applicated into a wide range of fields and
gain outstanding results.
In this research, dataset is preprocessed into the form
which the machine learning models and neural
network are easy to manipulate on. machine learning
techniques are implemented to predict the likelihood
of potential user based on the features given.
Optimization are conduct to improve the performance
of the models, especially for the neural network.
Based on the algorithm of random forest, the
influence of different features on the result are
conducted (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Research workflow (Picture credit: Original).
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Table 1: Data Info.
Monthly Income
in cod
0 20 Female Single Student No Income Post Graduate 4 12.9766 77.5993 560001 Yes Positive
1 24 Female Single Student Below Rs.10000 Graduate 3 12.977 77.5773 560009 Yes Positive
2 22 Male Single Student Below Rs.10000 Post Graduate 3 12.9551 77.6593 560017 Yes Negative
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
387 23 Male Single Student No Income Post Graduate 5 12.8988 77.5764 560078 Yes Positive
3.1 Data Analysis
Before the data preprocessing, having a rough
understanding about the dataset by data analysis is
crucial. The features and the data type are shown in
table 1.
3.2 Data Preprocessing
Before building and training the data in the model, data
preprocessing is necessary. To transform the data into
the form which is easily implemented on, the labels of
features, such as occupation, marital status are turned
into categories labelled with number.
Focusing on the importance of different features,
we need to transform the scale of different features
with the standard score. It dismisses the value of each
figure. Instead, the process of the z-scoring focuses on
the distance of every point and the average of the
feature. It follows the formulas given.
) (1)
3.3 Location Analysis
The feedback distribution by location is shown in the
figure 2.
The location of the users is the central part of a
small town in India. Firstly, the data show that the
users of OFD are concentrate around the central point
with Latitude 12.97
N and Longitute77.60
Density of the users decrease with distance away
from the central point. In the plot, we can figure out
the majority of the users with negative feedback lie in
the area whose longitude in the range of 77.55
E and
E Latitude between 12.92
N and 13.07
N, and
the central point of users with negative feedback is
E). In addition, the central point of
users with positive feedback is (12.96
N ,77.64
to the south-east of the central point of negative-
4.1 Neural Network
A neural network is a model imitating the structure
and effect of the human brain. It consists of
interconnected vertices, called neurons(nodes),
organized into layers (Agatonovic-Kustrin and
Beresford, 2000). Each layer is composed by multiple
artificial neurons or processing elements, connected
with weights(coefficients). A neural network
typically consists of input layer, hidden layer and
output layer.
It is easy to see the input layer takes in the data,
and the output layer gives the result. The activate
function, typically non-linear is applied to deal with
the data given by the neurons in the previous layer,
and transform the data into different signals, which is
not seen by the outside. Such process is implemented
in the hidden layers. The model training happens in
the form of adjusting the weight of the connection
between different neurons and layers (Figure 3).
In this research, the ANN model takes for layers
of neurons, with the input layer with 3 neurons and
the output layer with 2 neurons. The hidden layer
contains 16 neurons each. Every layers are connected
by ReLU activation function.
The Prediction of Feedback with Demographics & Locations of Users in Online Food Delivering Based on Machine Learning Models
Figure 2: Location (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 3: Neural Network (Agatonovic-Kustrin and Beresford, 2000).
In this research, there are three fully connected
layers in the ANN neural network. The ReLU
activation function is applied between different layers
and applying drop out after each activation function.
BCEwithLogistsLOSS play the role of loss function,
which combines a sigmoid activation function and the
binary cross entropy loss. The optimizer is ADAM
with learning rate 0.0001.
In ANN the optimization is about the activation
function. The sigmoid function, arctan function and
ReLU function were used. Because of the similarity
of the sigmoid function and arctan activation
function, the results are very similar. The ReLU
activation function perform best.
4.2 Decision Tree
Decision tree is a basic model in machine learning,
based on classification and regression. In the decision
tree there is an important value that describes the
degree of internal difference and uncertainty of a
category, which is typically called entropy. The
smaller the entropy, the better the effect of
classification. The value of entropy is given by the
following formula
H(x)=− 𝑝
∗log 𝑝
The decision tree model divides the dataset into
several parts by one of the features. Then the model
computes the entropy and the information gain ratio
of different categories. The feature with the highest
information gain ratio is applied first. With the first
feature, the model can make the first decision, which
classify the dataset into several categories with the
lowest entropy. Now the first layer of the tree is
finished, but the classification is not precise enough
to make the prediction. In order to improve the
accuracy, the process above is repeated. The model
finds the best feature apart from the feature applied
above. And the second layer is formed. However, if
all the feature were used, the model may have the
problem of overfitting. Consequently, some
optimization such as pruning and make limitation on
the number of layers of the tree.
In this research, the criterion is chosen as the
entropy. The max depth is decided to be 10.
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Figure 4: Random Forest (Wang et al., 2018).
At first the decision tree model performed the
worst, for both the feature of the dataset and the
model overfitting. In order to tackle with the problem,
we first applied different algorithms including CART,
C4.5 and ID3. Then we limited the depth in order to
prevent overfitting.
4.3 Random Forest
Random forest is a state-of-art ensemble machine
learning model. The essence of random forest is
generating multiple decision trees (Figure 4). The
model picks up a subset of k-features of the features
give, typically k=log(n), and n is the total number of
the features. The importance of each feature can be
computed in the process of random forest predicting,
which is a great advantage of the model. There are
many classification trees in a random forest. We need
to classify an input sample by inputting it into each
tree for classification. Finally, the mean or majority
vote in classification is the result.
In this research, the random forest is provided
with a set of parameters and is allowed to choose the
parameter to gain the highest accuracy. The result of
the parameter decision is the n-estimator is 1000 and
the max depth is 10.
This research put eyes on the performance of different
machine learning models on the dataset to make
prediction on the feedback of the user according to
the demographic features and locations. This research
take accuracy, confusion matrix, recall F-measure as
the evaluation criterion. Accuracy is the most
important feature about a prediction model, while
recall ratio and confusion matrix helps the
optimization of the models.
In this research, all models were implemented on
python 3.10.9 environment, with Numpy, Pandas,
Scikit-Learn and Pytorch packages. The hardware
configurations comprise a 3.20 GHz AMD7 5800H
CPU, a RTX 3060 GPU.
5.1 Dataset Analysis
The paper utilizes the online food dataset from
Kaggle. Each input data consists 12 attributes. We
explore the correlation of between the attributes
completely, in order to find out the feature that are
conducive to the predicting of feedback. A heat map
was given in figure 5.
In this figure 6, we can conclude that most users
of online food service gave positive feedbacks. The
age distribution is the young people with age lower
than 25 is in the most favor of the service. Especially
the 29-year-old and 30-year-old population give more
negative feedback than the positive, which is rare in
this research. Male users take a higher proportion than
the female, and they contribute a higher satisfaction
rate. The majority of the marital status of the users is
single, and the students show most interest in the
online food service, particularly post graduate
The Prediction of Feedback with Demographics & Locations of Users in Online Food Delivering Based on Machine Learning Models
Figure 5: Heatmap (Picture credit: Original).
5.2 Model Prediction and Optimization
5.2.1 Confusion Matrix
The confusion matrix of machine learning predicting
model is a crucial criterion of the performance of the
0-1 prediction models. It conveys the information
about the actual data and the prediction intuitively.
The confusion matrices of the models are shown
in figure 7.
5.2.2 Evaluation of the Models
The evaluation of the criterion on the models above
are revealed in the table 2.
In the table we can get the conclusion that the
accuracy of the three models are all above 80%, and
the decision tree get the highest, while ANN is the
lowest. The possible reason of the unsatisfying
performance of ANN is the scale of dataset is too
small. However, in the field of recall, ANN take the
lead, with 90.47% came to the first. Decision tree also
have the highest precision rate. The number of
features of the data is in the performance advantage
zone of Decision Tree model, which is a reason of the
performance of Decision Tree. The differences of F-
measure are at a small extent.
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Figure 6: Counting of data (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 7: Confusion matrices (Picture credit: Original).
The Prediction of Feedback with Demographics & Locations of Users in Online Food Delivering Based on Machine Learning Models
Figure 8: feature importance (Picture credit: Original).
Table 2: Models Evaluation.
Model Accuracy Recall Precision
ANN 80.76% 90.47% 87.02%
Random Forest 83.97% 88.54% 88.54%
Decision Tree 87.82% 87.59% 92.30%
5.3 Importance Analysis
The random forest model has a great advantage. The
model brings up multiple decision trees and take the
average of the results of different trees. In this
process, the distribution of each feature on the final
result is shown clearly.
We divide the features into two classes. For the
features with plenty of value, such as age, family size,
are considered in category. However, for some
features such as occupation are considered in the form
of concrete feature. The result is shown in the figure
In the see the age is the feature with highest
importance, followed by family size. The importance
of other features are far lower
In order to address the issue faced by OFD companies
when determining potential users, this research
utilizes a Kaggle dataset and machine learning
models to predict user feedback based on
demographic characteristics and geographic location.
The study identifies age as the decisive factor in user
feedback, providing guidance to companies on
targeting specific audiences. All models achieved an
accuracy of over 80%, with high overall evaluation
metrics, indicating outstanding research results.
Among the models used, Decision Tree outperformed
others in various indicators, while the ANN
performed moderately. This suggests that Decision
Tree excels in binary prediction tasks, while ANN's
performance is limited due to its two-node output
layer. However, the research has certain limitations,
including a relatively small dataset and
homogenization bias towards users with positive
feedback. Future research should consider larger and
more diverse datasets, as well as explore optimization
strategies for models, particularly for ANN models.
This research also has some limitations. The data
is only about the OFD users in a town in India, which
may lead to the deprivation of universality of the
research. Future studies can widen the scope of
dataset and trying to find the uniform regularity of
OFD users. Additionally, the respective number of
models applied is limited. Future researches can do
some more optimizations and make use of a wider
range of machine learning models to gain a more
precise prediction.
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The Prediction of Feedback with Demographics & Locations of Users in Online Food Delivering Based on Machine Learning Models