(Mohd Fauzi et al., 2018) present a warning sys-
tem with the purpose to alert vehicle drivers on the
existence of cyclists on road. Instead of using object
detection models, RFID (Radio Frequency Identifica-
tion) is used. With RFID, the presence of a cyclist on
the road can be detected and the vehicle driver can be
The approach of (Yang et al., 2014) is based on
bicyclist detection in naturalistic driving video. It
proposes a two-stage multi-modal bicyclist detection
scheme that can detect bicyclists with varied poses. A
region of interest where cyclists may appear is gener-
ated and candidate windows are inferred using Ad-
aboost object detector. Having the candidate win-
dows, these are encoded into HOG representation
and using a pre-trained ELM (Extreme Learning Ma-
chine) classifier, the candidate windows will be bicy-
clist or non bicyclist windows.
(Ahmed et al., 2019) presents a review of recent
developments in cyclist detection and also distance
estimation in order to increase safety of autonomous
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
(Useche et al., 2024) are another solution for prevent-
ing car-rider crashes.
The article concentrates on two questions: if and
how advanced driver assistance systems can con-
tribute to reducing road fatalities among cyclists.
These systems are designed to alert car drivers to the
presence of cyclist in their surroundings. In this way,
the number of crashes can be reduced. In order to
detect the presence of cyclists, technologies like cam-
eras, radar and proximity sensors are used. When the
car driver receives a notification about the presence of
a cyclist, he has the opportunity to slow down or to
wait until overtaking is safe.
There are several type of ADAS like: Forward
Collision Warning (FCW) (Dagan et al., 2004),
which performs real-time analysis of the information
from sensors and issues warnings to the car driver.
The algorithms process data on the speed, position
and direction of the cyclists. Emergency braking with
cyclist detection (Cicchino, 2023), this is an exten-
sion of the FCW, and when a cyclist is detected, this
system can automatically activate the breaks in case
of an imminent collision. The sensors are critical in
these systems, they analyze the presence and move-
ment of the cyclists and it provides rapid responses
in critical situations. Blind Spot Detection (BSD)
(Hyun et al., 2017), uses sensors to detect cyclists in
the car’s blind spots. When a cyclist is detected in
the blind spot and the car driver wants to change lane,
the system issues an alert to prevent the collision. In
this way the risk of collision is reduced when the vis-
ibility is limited. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) (Li
et al., 2017) is used to adjust vehicle speed in order
to maintain a safe distance from the cyclist detected
ahead. When the vehicle speed is too dangerous when
approaching a cyclist the speed is automatically ad-
justed to avoid risks.
Another aspect to be considered is related to cy-
clist datasets available for benchmarking the algo-
rithms, we refer to Kitti dataset that contains less than
2000 cyclist instances and the Tsinghua-Daimler Cy-
clist Benchmark (Li et al., 2016).
3.1 Processing Pipeline
The proposed processing pipeline is shown in Figure
1. Its main components are the depth estimation mod-
ule, the object detection module which detects bicy-
clists and cars in real-time videos, the 3D reconstruc-
tion module, and the final warning system based on
the monocular depth estimation and distance compu-
tation between car and bicycles.
Before any processing on the frames, a calibration
of the camera was needed. Camera calibration mod-
ule is the first component addressed in the develop-
ment of the warning system for car drivers. This step
is needed in order to correct the distortions introduced
by most cameras. It also improves the measurement
The next component has the role of detecting the
objects of interest, namely cars and bicyclists, and
also to estimate depth from single image. Having the
original image and the depth map, a mapping of 2D
points to 3D points is done and 3D scene reconstruc-
tion data is obtained.
The final step computes the absolute distance in
meters and emits corresponding warning messages
for car drivers based on this distance. Suggestive mes-
sages are displayed on the interface of the applica-
tion. All the time the distance will be displayed on
the screen, even if the distance is respected or not, so
that the car driver can see anytime the distance he is
keeping from the cyclist.
3.2 Depth Estimation
For the depth estimation step, several algorithms were
used and their results analysed in order to see which
one gives the best distance approximation.
The first explored algorithm relies on (Birkl et al.,
2023) (Multiple Depth Estimation Accuracy with Sin-
gle Network). The method consists of an encoder-
A Vision Based Warning System for Safe Distance Driving with Respect to Cyclists