Table 7: Overall evaluation.
Recognitions Efficiency Mean A.distance Deviance
Damper 46 92.00% 0.44 0.07
Isolator 48 96.00% 0.61 0.14
Wire marker 50 100.00% 1.41 0.34
Mean 48 96.00% 0.82 0.18
The experimental analysis was summarized and
graphically presented using boxplots. These graphs
provide a visual summary that can help identify the
central tendency, variability, and symmetry of the
data, along with potential outliers, as shown in Figure
Figure 12: Boxplot of average distances.
This paper presents a novel approach for detecting
and classifying elements along power lines using a
LiDAR sensor. In contrast to traditional methods that
process entire 3D point clouds, this method focuses
on analyzing a single two-dimensional (2D) slice of
an object, significantly reducing the data volume and
increasing the computational efficiency.
Object classification was achieved by calculating
the absolute differences between consecutive values
within a 2D slice of the LiDAR point cloud.
These differences were aggregated to create a
unique signature for each object, allowing effective
categorization. The results indicated that the kNN
classification system can introduce the capability of
power-line object recognition to a LaRa autonomous
inspection robot equipped with a LiDAR sensor,
achieving accurate identification of different classes
of objects.
The project is supported by the National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)
(process CNPq 407984/2022-4); the Fund for
Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT);
the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations
(MCTI) of Brazil; the Araucaria Foundation; and the
General Superintendence of Science, Technology and
Higher Education (SETI).
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