Investigating the Use of Accessibility Standards in Radio
Frequency-Based Indoor Navigation: Challenges and Opportunities in
the Development of Solutions for Visually Impaired Individuals
Elvis Maranh
, Andr
e Ara
, Alenilton Silva
and Fabio Coutinho
Computing Institute, Federal University of Alagoas, Macei
o, Brazil
{ebm, andre.araujo, ass, fabio}
Accessibility, Indoor Navigation, Visually Impaired, Beacon Technology, Radio Frequency-Based
The rapid advancement of digital technologies has revolutionized various aspects of modern life, signifi-
cantly impacting accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities. Among these advancements, radio
frequency-based technologies have emerged as promising tools for enhancing indoor navigation and accessi-
bility. This study aims to understand how these technologies have improved accessibility, focusing on using
Beacon devices to facilitate navigation for visually impaired individuals in indoor environments. A literature
review explores various applications and approaches, examining whether and how accessibility requirements,
as defined by relevant norms and standards, have been integrated into the development of indoor location sys-
tems using radio frequency technologies. To address gaps identified in the current research, we propose good
practices to improve the development life cycle of computing solutions for indoor environments that utilize
Beacon technology. These practices ensure that solutions are effective, reliable, and inclusive, ultimately en-
hancing visually impaired individuals’ autonomy and quality of life.
The widespread adoption of digital technologies in
society fundamentally reshapes how individuals inter-
act with the world. These technologies influence daily
routines and how people communicate, learn, and
access essential services (Schwab and Davis, 2019).
Digital technologies in various aspects of modern life
have made the internet, smartphones, and other mo-
bile devices fundamental tools for accessing informa-
tion and education, among other things (Kapur, 2018).
In this context, digital technologies are essential tools
that increase the chances of inclusion for people with
disabilities. However, this audience still faces dif-
ficulties using these benefits and accessing assistive
technologies (Mavrou et al., 2017).
People with disabilities (PwD) are individuals
who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or
sensory impairments that, when combined with var-
ious obstacles, may impede their full and effective
participation in society on an equal basis with oth-
ers (Nogueira, 2023). There has been a notable in-
crease in the development of software exclusively de-
signed to promote the autonomy of the PwD popu-
lation. These software programs fall under the cat-
egory of Assistive Technologies (AT), which consist
of tools, devices, equipment, and computer solutions
developed to help individuals with disabilities over-
come physical, cognitive, and communicative barriers
(de Souza Franc¸a et al., 2022; Vieira et al., 2023).
Given that 15% of the world’s population has a
disability (Nations, 2018) and the World Health Orga-
nization projects that by 2030, 2 billion people will re-
quire access to at least one assistive technology, with
only one in ten people with disabilities currently hav-
ing access to the assistive technologies they need (Or-
ganization and Fund, 2022), the demand in the assis-
tive software market has significantly increased. One
of the main challenges is to ensure that the assistive
technologies being developed and implemented ad-
here to accessibility standards and guidelines and con-
sider the specific needs of the populations they are in-
tended for (Acosta-Vargas et al., 2018). For people
with visual impairments, indoor navigation systems
that cater to their needs are critical.
Maranhão, E., Araújo, A., Silva, A. and Coutinho, F.
Investigating the Use of Accessibility Standards in Radio Frequency-Based Indoor Navigation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of Solutions for Visually Impaired Individuals.
DOI: 10.5220/0012986200003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 80-89
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
An indoor navigation system is a solution that
helps to locate objects inside environments where the
traditional satellite navigation system does not work
well (S
a, 2023). These systems are crucial for aiding
people with visual impairments, but they come with
significant challenges that directly affect the auton-
omy and experience of these users indoors (Alqah-
tani et al., 2018). The limitations of traditional vi-
sual guidance resources have created an opportunity
for technological innovations to provide solutions tai-
lored to this specific community (Paiva et al., 2021).
Radio frequency-based tools, such as Beacon, have
emerged as promising alternatives for enabling acces-
sibility in indoor environments. Beacon is known for
its versatility and efficiency in providing precise real-
time location information. However, its application in
this context requires a careful, user-centered approach
to ensure that the software is adapted to the reality of
the intended users (Leng et al., 2019; Upadhyay and
Balakrishnan, 2021).
Recent studies emphasize the need for more effec-
tive and inclusive indoor navigation systems, as indi-
cated by (Torres-Sospedra and Huerta, 2019), (Birsan
et al., 2019), and (Elsanhoury et al., 2022). An analy-
sis of these approaches exposes inconsistencies, par-
ticularly in the variable efficiency of Bluetooth sys-
tems, as discussed by (Alqahtani et al., 2018) and
(Yang et al., 2020).
Investigating accessibility standards in indoor en-
vironments that use Beacon devices is essential due
to these technologies’ critical role in facilitating nav-
igation for visually impaired individuals. While Bea-
cons offer promising solutions for indoor positioning
and real-time location information, their effectiveness
is contingent upon adherence to established accessi-
bility standards. These standards ensure that the tech-
nology is functional but also usable and inclusive for
its intended audience. Without investigation and in-
tegration of these standards, there is a risk of devel-
oping solutions that fail to meet the needs of visually
impaired users, potentially exacerbating existing ac-
cessibility barriers. Therefore, thoroughly examining
how accessibility requirements are incorporated into
Beacon-based indoor navigation systems is necessary
to promote equitable access and enhance the auton-
omy and safety of visually impaired individuals in in-
door environments.
This study aims to understand how radio
frequency-based technologies have been utilized to
enhance accessibility. Specifically, a literature review
was conducted to explore various applications and
approaches of these technologies, focusing on using
Beacon devices to facilitate accessibility for visually
impaired individuals in indoor environments. Addi-
tionally, the study examines whether and how acces-
sibility requirements, as defined by relevant norms
and standards, have been integrated into the devel-
opment of indoor location systems using radio fre-
quency technologies. To further contribute to the re-
search field, we propose good practices to improve the
development life cycle of computing solutions for in-
door environments that leverage Beacon technology.
The other sections of this article are organized as
follows. Section 2 presents a theoretical framework
with basic concepts on the subject. Section 3 de-
tails the analysis of the state of the art, setting out the
methodology used to collect the articles covered in the
study. Section 4 provides an overview of the state-of-
the-art research and discusses the main results, lead-
ing to a more in-depth study analysis and discussion.
Finally, Section 5 describes the final considerations,
followed by suggestions for future research.
The background section of this study encompasses
three key areas: radio frequency technology, indoor
navigation, and beacon devices. It begins by explain-
ing radio frequency technology, detailing its princi-
ples and wide-ranging communication and data trans-
mission applications. The section then explores in-
door navigation, highlighting the challenges and ad-
vancements in guiding individuals through indoor
spaces. Finally, the focus shifts to beacon devices,
which use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to send sig-
nals to nearby devices, enabling precise indoor po-
sitioning and real-time, location-based services. In-
tegrating beacons and Bluetooth technology is par-
ticularly beneficial for enhancing accessibility, espe-
cially for visually impaired individuals navigating in-
door environments.
2.1 Radiofrequency Technology
Radiofrequency (RF) is electromagnetic radiation that
travels through space through wave signals (Seybold,
2005). These signals have been used in various appli-
cations, such as wireless communications, radio fre-
quency identification (RFID), navigation and location
systems, and wireless sensor networks (Lubna et al.,
2022). Radiofrequency enables data transmission
and communication between devices without physi-
cal wires, providing flexibility and mobility in various
applications (Corr
ea et al., 2006). In recent years, ra-
dio frequency technology has developed rapidly due
to advancements in microelectronics, miniaturization
of components, increased spectral efficiency, and im-
Investigating the Use of Accessibility Standards in Radio Frequency-Based Indoor Navigation: Challenges and Opportunities in the
Development of Solutions for Visually Impaired Individuals
proved system reliability (Mota, 2016).
The technology has various applications across
various sectors, including wireless communications,
healthcare, agriculture, industrial automation, logis-
tics, transportation, and more (Alqahtani et al., 2018).
RF technology’s capability to wirelessly transmit data
over long distances makes it an excellent choice for
communication and monitoring systems in complex
and dynamic environments (Jondhale et al., 2016).
Despite its significant benefits, radio frequency
technology faces challenges in terms of security, sig-
nal interference, energy consumption, spectral man-
agement, and data privacy (Bhoyar et al., 2019).
Some research has proposed solutions to mitigate
these challenges, including advanced encryption tech-
niques, error correction algorithms, efficient medium
access protocols, and power management methods
gac and Do
gruel, 2018).
In general, several trends in the use of radio fre-
quency technology have already been identified, in-
cluding the development of next-generation RF sys-
tems with greater bandwidth, lower power consump-
tion, and greater robustness against interference. In
addition, integrating RF with other emerging tech-
nologies, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of
Things (IoT), and cloud computing, is expected fur-
ther to drive innovation and the development of ad-
vanced RF applications.
2.2 Indoor Navigation Systems
Indoor location refers to any closed environment
where GPS is not adequate. This includes shop-
ping malls, hospitals, airports, subways, and univer-
sity campuses. Due to the complex nature of indoor
spaces, there are challenges in developing indoor lo-
calization techniques. The main challenges include
small dimensions, limited line of sight, and obstacles
such as walls, equipment, humans, and doors (Sad-
owski and Spachos, 2018).
According to (Berz, 2015) and (Mrindoko and
Minga, 2016), indoor positioning systems (IPS) fo-
cusing on indoor environments present new chal-
lenges for communication and navigation systems.
This has increased demand for commercial applica-
tions in homes and organizations. IPS tracks, guides,
and provides services in various areas, including as-
sisting people with special needs, older people, and
children. Additionally, IPS is utilized to locate spe-
cific equipment and products in distribution centers.
In a study by (Murofushi et al., 2016), vari-
ous technologies, including optical, radio frequency,
sound, infrared, and magnetic, are used in sensing de-
vices for indoor location solutions. Different com-
panies and researchers have developed various in-
door positioning systems based on these technologies.
These systems typically utilize one specific technol-
ogy or a combination of technologies, creating a hy-
brid approach with limitations (Marza, 2022). The
primary goals of these systems are to provide real-
time target position information, estimate positions
within a reasonable time frame, and cover the re-
quired areas. Among the most widely used technolo-
gies in indoor positioning systems are optical sys-
tems, RFID, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi. In literature, dif-
ferent terms are used to describe the process of area
discovery, such as position location, location detec-
tion, geolocation, or localization. Position location
refers to a system designed to narrow down the de-
sired location (Chipade et al., 2022).
The IPS structure includes software with an inter-
face illustrating the target’s location to users, a posi-
tioning sensory device providing real-time data about
the target’s relative position within a structure, and
a localization algorithm processing the data received
by the devices. This system is used to determine the
location of a mobile user in environments by acquir-
ing area information concerning reference positions
within a predefined space (Al-Ammar et al., 2014).
2.3 Beacon Device
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communication
technology widely used in various electronic devices.
According to a study by (Alexandr et al., 2020), Blue-
tooth provides a convenient and effective way to con-
nect nearby devices, including smartphones, head-
phones, speakers, and IoT (Internet of Things) de-
Beacons are small wireless devices that use Blue-
tooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to transmit sig-
nals to nearby devices, such as smartphones or tablets
(Yang and Tseng, 2022). When a beacon sends out a
BLE signal, compatible devices within range can re-
ceive it and use the information to provide context-
aware services. This connection between beacons
and Bluetooth enables precise indoor positioning and
navigation, allowing applications to deliver real-time,
location-based information (Balakrishna and Gross,
2020). This technology is particularly beneficial for
visually impaired individuals as it can guide them
through indoor spaces, offering audio cues and alerts
to help them navigate more independently and safely.
Integrating Beacons and Bluetooth thus presents a
powerful tool for enhancing accessibility in various
indoor environments (Spachos and Plataniotis, 2020).
In indoor navigation systems, BLE is often used
with beacon devices to locate the user. BLE beacons
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
emit low-energy radio signals that can be detected by
mobile devices such as smartphones. This determines
the user’s position and provides audio guidance in-
doors. This technology offers greater precision, low
energy consumption, and easy deployment of many
nodes (Spachos and Plataniotis, 2020). Many ap-
proaches for indoor positioning have been explored,
focusing on the reception signal strength indicator
(RSSI). Beacons are crucial in estimating the user’s
position within an environment by transmitting radio
signals detected by nearby mobile devices (Yang and
Tseng, 2022).
RSSI analysis, which measures the power of the
received signal in dBm, is crucial for determining the
distance between the transmitter and receiver. This
technique, known as trilateration, estimates the user’s
location when at least three beacons are present (Abd
Shukur Ja’afar et al., 2023). Although BLE offers nu-
merous advantages, such as low power consumption
and relatively low cost, it poses challenges, includ-
ing range limitations and signal interference in dense
environments. Nevertheless, as technology advances,
BLE is a popular choice for various IoT and indoor
navigation applications (Biju et al., 2022).
This section investigates approaches to indoor posi-
tioning systems (IPS), considering devices that use
Beacons and indoor localization to help visually im-
paired people. Section 3.1 presents the methodolog-
ical path adopted in the research, while Section 3.2
discusses the systematic literature review, in which
the selected works will be presented according to the
acceptance criteria adopted.
3.1 Methodology
The research methodology for this work involved re-
viewing and analyzing the latest developments in the
field. The goal was to understand the current knowl-
edge, approaches, technologies, and other relevant
factors related to the defined topic. Two main ob-
jectives were set. The first objective was to explore
radio frequency-based technologies’ various applica-
tions and approaches, specifically focusing on Bea-
con devices in indoor environments. This was fol-
lowed by examining the characteristics, functional-
ities, and limitations of indoor localization systems
based on Beacon technology and identifying patterns
and emerging trends in accessibility for visually im-
paired individuals. A comprehensive search string
was developed based on the defined objectives to
achieve this, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Search string.
An automated search strategy provided compre-
hensive and effective feedback on the subject, consid-
ering the main computer science and software engi-
neering data repositories. The data sources selected
cover most papers presented at computing confer-
ences, workshops, and journals.
The search strategy yielded a total of two hundred
and eighty-seven studies. Each study underwent a se-
lection analysis based on inclusion and exclusion cri-
teria, focusing on studies related to the defined theme
and published between 2017 and 2023. We excluded
duplicate articles, short papers, and any articles un-
related to the research despite being returned by the
search strategy. The articles’ titles, abstracts, and re-
search objectives were initially reviewed, followed by
a comprehensive reading of the remaining articles.
Subsequently, only seventeen relevant articles were
chosen for inclusion in this systematic review.
Investigating the Use of Accessibility Standards in Radio Frequency-Based Indoor Navigation: Challenges and Opportunities in the
Development of Solutions for Visually Impaired Individuals
3.2 Analysis of the State-of-the-Art
The increasing need for assistive technologies empha-
sizes the importance of developing high-quality soft-
ware. Our research has found seventeen studies that
can be grouped into three categories: those focusing
on indoor positioning systems (IPS), studies centered
on Beacon devices, and experiments involving inte-
grating Beacon devices with indoor navigation sys-
tems. This classification showcases commonalities
among the studies and facilitates the identification of
overlaps and connections.
Six articles were grouped to review works related
to indoor positioning system approaches. The papers
by (Pasricha, 2020), (Birsan et al., 2019), (Torres-
Sospedra and Huerta, 2019), (Hameed and Ahmed,
2018), and (Alqahtani et al., 2018), presented compar-
ative analyses to compare and categorize indoor nav-
igation methods, highlighting their advantages and
disadvantages. (Hameed and Ahmed, 2018) identi-
fied Bluetooth beacons as the most cost-effective op-
tion for identifying indoor positions in a Smart Shop-
ping Cart system and a shopping app with a naviga-
tion module. (Elsanhoury et al., 2022) focused on
indoor location systems using UWB technology, dis-
cussing the advantages, challenges, and potential ap-
plications. These studies aim to enhance the under-
standing and implementation of effective indoor posi-
tioning solutions while acknowledging that indoor po-
sitioning remains a challenging area that requires fur-
ther investigation and validation of technologies for
improved indoor localization accuracy.
In the realm of Beacon device studies, six differ-
ent studies were examined. For example, (Gorovyi
et al., 2017) experimented to create an indoor naviga-
tion system using Bluetooth beacons. The main com-
ponents and steps needed to ensure accurate user loca-
tion were highlighted. On the other hand, (Alexandr
et al., 2020) analyzed indoor experiments to deter-
mine and evaluate the accuracy of mobile devices in
terms of location. This analysis considered equipment
such as Bluetooth 5.0 BLE Beacons for positioning
the devices, Bluetooth 5.0 sensors in mobile devices
to read the BLE Beacons, and laptops to receive and
process the collected data.
In a study by (Kaewpinjai et al., 2020), the use of
existing Wi-Fi access points and the addition of Blue-
tooth beacons were proposed to enhance the accuracy
of the localization system. The results showed that
this approach significantly improved localization ac-
curacy compared to using Wi-Fi signals only. On av-
erage, there was a 23 percent reduction in localization
error, demonstrating the effectiveness of the hybrid
approach. In contrast, (Obreja et al., 2018) focused on
exploring Beacon technology in a controlled environ-
ment. They developed and implemented a localiza-
tion algorithm based on data collected from an evalua-
tion of the solution’s accuracy and effectiveness, with
promising results in terms of accuracy.
A study by (Yang et al., 2020) focused on im-
proving indoor positioning accuracy in complex en-
vironments. The research involved comparing high-
precision indoor positioning algorithms based on
Bluetooth low-power technology. This aimed to as-
sess the feasibility and effectiveness of two location
fingerprinting algorithms. Similarly, (Singh et al.,
2018) introduced a voice input and text-to-speech
tool to assist visually impaired individuals with au-
tonomous and efficient navigation. The tool was aug-
mented with appropriate security measures to safe-
guard user data and ensure privacy during indoor nav-
igation. The authors compared various techniques
and products in this domain and found that Beacon
technology outperformed other technologies regard-
ing accessibility and accuracy.
Five suitable works dealt with experiments involv-
ing the end user, specifically people with visual im-
pairments. One of these works is a study by (Upad-
hyay and Balakrishnan, 2021), which presents a new
solution to address orientation and accessibility needs
in a hospital setting, focusing on user experience. The
project included the active participation of visually
impaired individuals in developing and testing the ap-
plication. The app’s effectiveness in providing crucial
information and enhancing the navigation experience
for visually impaired users was assessed through on-
site evaluations.
In (Leng et al., 2019), iGuide was presented, an
application focused on promoting walking autonomy
that relied on implementing beacons to communicate
with the application. Experiments were conducted to
determine the most suitable BLE packet protocol, us-
ing data fitting optimization with a non-linear least
squares optimizer. The study results showed improve-
ments in user mobility, indicating that the system
could help them familiarize themselves with the envi-
ronment and reduce navigation time. In the study by
(Kishore et al., 2017), a solution was presented based
on passenger data from the Valley Transportation Au-
thority (VTA) to extract contextual information about
the passenger’s environment. A mobile application
with a user interface based on voice, gestures, and
voice feedback was developed, allowing users with
special needs to plan their trips and interact with the
application based on implementing Beacons in trans-
portation stations, buses, and trains.
In the study by (Calle-Jimenez et al., 2018), they
developed an indoor localization solution to assess lo-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
cation accuracy based on the number of access points
(APs) used. The authors achieved outstanding results
using Wi-Fi networks and the innovative hybrid ap-
proach of the network Beacon Analyzer. This helped
verify the accuracy of location calculations and im-
proved the independent mobility and orientation of vi-
sually impaired individuals indoors, enabling them to
move around more autonomously and safely.
(Asakawa et al., 2019) developed an interactive
museum experience to enable visually impaired in-
dividuals to visit museums independently. They uti-
lized a smartphone-based navigation application in-
corporating Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons
and smartphone sensors to accurately locate users
within the museum. Nineteen visually impaired indi-
viduals participated in the experiment and tested the
developed solution. The participants successfully fol-
lowed the intended path in the museum and expressed
high satisfaction and increased motivation to visit mu-
seums more frequently, alone or with companions.
For a more specific analysis, Figure 2 presents a cate-
gorization considering five thematic sub-areas. These
sub-areas consider the contributions into which the
corresponding papers were classified. The categories
drawn up from the seventeen articles selected were:
Proposed Improvements (PI): Studies present-
ing conceptual proposals encompass improve-
ments in implementing Beacon.
Evaluation of Tools (ET): Studies that broadly
evaluate software applications integrating Beacon
with indoor navigation systems.
Proposal of New Solutions (PNS): This category
includes works that propose new computer solu-
tions that use Beacons implemented in a computer
solution for a specific scenario.
Involvement of Visually Impaired People
(IVIP): Studies that considered the participation
of visually impaired end users at some stage of
their methodology.
Technical Accessibility Standards (TAS): Stud-
ies that consider guidelines and principles of good
practice pointed out by technical accessibility
standards in the scope of their experiment.
Out of the seventeen articles reviewed, only two did
not include an evaluation of existing tools on the mar-
ket. Most articles broadly assessed the quality of
assistive software applications that integrate Beacon
technology within indoor environments.
Of the studies reviewed in the state-of-the-art
analysis, twelve proposed new computer solutions
utilizing Beacons within specific domains. However,
only six of these studies involved end users, specifi-
cally visually impaired individuals, at any stage of the
process. Additionally, only one of the seventeen ana-
lyzed articles was concerned about adhering to tech-
nical accessibility standards. These findings highlight
gaps in the current state of the art, which will be dis-
cussed below.
After analyzing the selected studies, we mapped
out various characteristics, functionalities, and limita-
tions of indoor location systems integrated with Bea-
con devices, identifying challenges and opportunities
in accessibility for people with visual impairments.
The review of seventeen relevant articles identified
gaps and challenges in the development processes of
computing solutions designed for visually impaired
individuals using Beacons within indoor technolo-
gies. These gaps include:
Low presence of studies that incorporate ac-
cessibility guidelines and principles: This lack
of application of technical accessibility standards
reveals a significant gap that raises crucial ques-
tions about the real commitment to digital inclu-
sion and the well-being of people with disabili-
ties when considering the development scenario
of computer tools and solutions that support this
public. Thus, considering that the lack of adher-
ence to accessibility standards can limit the effec-
tiveness of assistive software, preventing it from
reaching its full potential to promote autonomy,
independence, and social participation for people
with disabilities, this study aims to investigate and
specify a set of good practices for the develop-
ment of indoor localization systems with the inte-
gration of Beacon devices based on technical ac-
cessibility standards.
Low customization and continuous adaptation:
The existing solutions for visually impaired users
consider their preferences and needs during devel-
opment. However, there is little discussion about
how these solutions can be personalized and con-
tinually adapted to meet each user’s specific needs
over time. This gap requires further research to
understand how solutions can be customized ef-
fectively for individual users and how they can be
adapted to remain useful and effective. It’s impor-
tant to note that not all needs can be met, so the
research also needs to focus on making these as-
sistive technologies more customizable and defin-
ing their possibilities more clearly.
Investigating the Use of Accessibility Standards in Radio Frequency-Based Indoor Navigation: Challenges and Opportunities in the
Development of Solutions for Visually Impaired Individuals
Figure 2: Categorization of selected studies.
To address the gaps identified in the current state of
the art, we propose a set of good practices to en-
hance the development life cycle of computing solu-
tions for indoor environments utilizing Beacon tech-
nology, as shown in the Figure 3. These practices
ensure that solutions are effective, reliable, inclusive,
and accessible to all users, particularly those with vi-
sual impairments. By following these guidelines, de-
velopers can create robust, user-centered indoor navi-
gation systems that adhere to accessibility standards
and best practices, ultimately improving the auton-
omy and quality of life for visually impaired individ-
uals in various indoor settings.
Inclusive Design: Include users with disabilities,
particularly individuals with visual impairments,
in every step of the design and testing process.
This will guarantee that the solution meets their
specific needs and preferences. Conduct user re-
search to comprehend their challenges and needs.
Involve these users in usability testing to collect
feedback and continuously improve. This method
enhances usability and builds a stronger sense of
ownership and trust among the users.
Clear and Consistent Signage: Ensure that all
digital and physical signage is easy to read and
understand. Use high-contrast colors (e.g., white
text on a black background) and large, readable
fonts to make text and symbols visible to low-
vision users. Consistency in design, such as us-
ing the same symbols and terminology through-
out the system, helps users quickly recognize and
interpret information, reducing cognitive load and
improving navigation efficiency.
Audible and Tactile Feedback: Navigation
instructions and feedback should be provided
through multiple sensory channels. Audible cues
such as spoken directions, beeps, or tones can
indicate changes in direction or important land-
marks. Tactile feedback through vibrations or
braille displays is also important. This multi-
sensory approach is crucial for visually impaired
users, as it compensates for the lack of visual in-
formation and enhances their situational aware-
Multimodal Interaction: Support various inter-
action methods to accommodate different user
preferences and abilities. This can include voice
commands for hands-free operation, touchscreens
with haptic feedback for tactile interaction, and
compatibility with assistive devices like screen
readers and braille displays. Providing multiple
ways to interact with the system makes it acces-
sible to a broader range of users, including those
with multiple disabilities.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: Good practices proposal.
Battery Optimization: Optimize the power con-
sumption of Beacons and user devices to en-
sure reliable, long-lasting performance. This in-
volves using energy-efficient hardware, imple-
menting power-saving modes, and ensuring that
Beacons transmit signals only when necessary.
Long battery life is crucial for users who rely on
these devices for daily navigation and cannot af-
ford frequent recharging or maintenance.
Compliance with Accessibility Standards: Fol-
low established accessibility guidelines such as
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG),
Section 508, and EN 301 549. These standards
provide best practices for making technology ac-
cessible to all users. Ensure the system’s inter-
faces are perceivable, operable, understandable,
and robust, catering to various disabilities. Com-
pliance not only ensures legal adherence but also
enhances usability and inclusivity.
Adopting these best practices in developing assis-
tive solutions not only ensures compliance with
accessibility standards but also enhances the qual-
ity and reliability of the solutions. This promotes
autonomy for people with disabilities in complex
spaces such as shopping malls, hospitals, and air-
In this study, we emphasized the crucial role of radio
frequency-based technologies, especially Beacon de-
vices, in improving indoor navigation and accessibil-
ity for visually impaired individuals. These technolo-
gies, particularly Beacon devices, have the potential
to facilitate navigation for visually impaired individu-
als, offering real-time location information and guid-
ance in indoor environments where traditional GPS
systems are ineffective. A comprehensive literature
review explored various applications and approaches
of these technologies. The review also examined
whether and how accessibility requirements, as de-
fined by relevant norms and standards, have been in-
tegrated into the development of indoor location sys-
tems using radio frequency technologies. Our analy-
sis of seventeen selected studies revealed several gaps
and challenges in the current research.
Notably, there is a low presence of studies that
incorporate accessibility guidelines and principles of
good practice within their experimental scope. Many
existing solutions do not fully consider the needs of
visually impaired users or adhere to established tech-
nical standards for accessibility. To address these
gaps, we propose good practices to improve the devel-
opment life cycle of computing solutions for indoor
environments utilizing Beacon technology. These
Investigating the Use of Accessibility Standards in Radio Frequency-Based Indoor Navigation: Challenges and Opportunities in the
Development of Solutions for Visually Impaired Individuals
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and inclusive, ultimately enhancing visually impaired
individuals’ autonomy and quality of life.
Future research should focus on incorporating
these accessibility standards more comprehensively
into the development process. Additionally, more
user-centered studies that involve visually impaired
individuals throughout the design and testing phases
are needed.
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Investigating the Use of Accessibility Standards in Radio Frequency-Based Indoor Navigation: Challenges and Opportunities in the
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