This work introduced the conception and construc-
tion of a low-cost robot designed for educational use
in classrooms and research, focusing on learning and
applying essential concepts in mobile robotics on a
simple platform. The robot, composed of accessible
components, provides an economical alternative for
institutions, enabling the exploration of various tasks
and scenarios in the field of robotics.
The methodological approach adopted involved a
detailed explanation of the three main parts and their
components: the Controller, the Perception Source,
and the Mobile Base. The use of ROS facilitated
communication between these components, while the
CoppeliaSim expanded possibilities before applica-
tion to the real robot.
In practical application in university courses, the
robot demonstrated its feasibility in aiding the teach-
ing and understanding of robotics concepts. The cost
evaluation revealed its financial advantage for insti-
tutions with limited budgets compared to other plat-
forms. The creation of a simulated version of the
robot complemented the hands-on experience, pro-
viding a safe environment before implementation on
the physical robot.
Moreover, the implementation of the robot in uni-
versity courses not only confirmed its utility as an ed-
ucational tool but also highlighted its ability to adapt
to different levels of complexity and areas of study.
This includes basic introduction to robot program-
ming to more complex tasks.
In conclusion, the development of the low-cost
robot contributes significantly to robotics by provid-
ing an affordable and practical solution. Its applica-
tion in the classroom, along with simulation in Cop-
peliaSim, demonstrates its utility and versatility. The
combination of affordable materials and the potential
to expand knowledge in robotics emphasizes the im-
portance of this innovation for both educational and
scientific applications
The project is supported by the National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)
(process CNPq 407984/2022-4); the Fund for Sci-
entific and Technological Development (FNDCT);
the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations
(MCTI) of Brazil; the Araucaria Foundation; and the
General Superintendence of Science, Technology and
Higher Education (SETI).
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Low-Cost Robot Construction Focused on Educational Environments