cardinality. If we have multiple equally valid options
of mapping P(N) onto N
, perhaps this set should
be called semi-countable. We have come up with a
thought experiment in Section 4 that is an extension of
Hilbert’s Hotel in which mathematicians (represented
by sets of numbers) need to be assigned to the rooms
using elevator and floor numbers. Applying it to the
addition operation of finite sets yields the subset sum
histograms we analyzed using the fractal dimension.
Since the instances used in our experiments are
quite small, it may be worth repeating them with larger
ones. To achieve the same bit distribution, however,
the total number of bits must increase accordingly,
requiring custom data representations exceeding basic
64-bit primitives. Future work should also investigate
more complex checking functions for the selection of
columns, such as those discussed in Section 5. Repre-
senting instances of these problems as sets of natural
numbers may not be a trivial task. We suspect that
there are an infinite number of possible functions with
no shared intrinsic information in their (possibly also
fractal) structure. How does this reflect on the relation
between problems in P and NP? This task looks quite
challenging, yet simultaneously promising.
Computational resources (HPC-cluster HSUper) have
been provided by the project hpc.bw. hpc.bw is funded
by dtec.bw – Digitalization and Technology Research
Center of the Bundeswehr. dtec.bw is funded by the
European Union – NextGenerationEU.
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ECTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications