Leveraging KGs to enhance LLMs is a promising ap-
proach to increasing the accuracy of responses and re-
ducing hallucinations and incorrect facts. In this doc-
ument, a system is introduced to retrieve academic lit-
erature information through natural language queries
and responses. After the evaluation of the solution, it
can be concluded that the proposed approach halluci-
nates less frequently than an LLM without KGs.
For future work, different prompt templates could
be tried and compared, namely to improve the gen-
eration of SPARQL code. We also envision the ex-
pansion of the DBLP knowledge base to include the
abstract or even the body of the publication, which
would allow the LLM to answer queries that require
reasoning about the content of publications. An-
other possibility would be the integration of knowl-
edge bases of academic publications in fields other
than computer science. Additionally, we could ana-
lyze and assess the limitations associated with having
intermediate steps, as these introduce multiple points
of failure. By identifying and evaluating the error po-
tential at each stage, we can pinpoint the most critical
step and focus our efforts on improving the overall
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Enhancing LLMs with Knowledge Graphs for Academic Literature Retrieval