Enhancing LLMs with Knowledge Graphs for Academic Literature
Catarina Pires
1 a
, Pedro Gonc¸alo Correia
1 b
, Pedro Silva
1 c
and Liliana Ferreira
1,2 d
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, R. Dr. Roberto Frias, Porto, Portugal
Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, Rua Alfredo Allen 455/461, Porto, 4200-135, Portugal
{up201907925, up201905348, up201907523, lsferreira}@edu.fe.up.pt
Knowledge Graphs, Large Language Models, Knowledge Graph Augmented LLMs, Academic Literature
Retrieval, Natural Language Generation, Hallucination, Prompt Engineering.
While Large Language Models have demonstrated significant advancements in Natural Language Generation,
they frequently produce erroneous or nonsensical texts. This phenomenon, known as hallucination, raises
concerns about the reliability of Large Language Models, particularly when users seek accurate information,
such as in academic literature retrieval. This paper addresses the challenge of hallucination in Large Language
Models by integrating them with Knowledge Graphs using prompt engineering. We introduce GPTscholar, an
initial study designed to enhance Large Language Models responses in the field of computer science academic
literature retrieval. The authors manually evaluated the quality of responses and frequency of hallucinations on
40 prompts across 4 different use cases. We conclude that the approach is promising, as the system outperforms
the results we obtained with gpt-3.5-turbo without Knowledge Graphs.
Despite the remarkable success of Large Language
Models (LLMs) for Natural Language Generation in
recent years, it has been shown that these models will
frequently generate nonsensical or inaccurate texts, a
phenomenon known as hallucination (Ji et al., 2023).
These models become unreliable, as they are prone
to answer a user prompt in a confident tone with in-
correct information. Particularly on prompts related
to academic literature, LLMs commonly refer to non-
existing titles, digital object identifiers (DOI), and au-
thors or confuse information from different publica-
tions. Given the importance of accurate information
in this domain, such a response from the LLM may
bring no value to the user, or, worst case, be even mis-
leading (Emsley, 2023; Goddard, 2023).
An approach to mitigate hallucinations in LLMs is
to combine them with Knowledge Graphs (KG) (Pan
et al., 2023). By interconnecting typed entities and
their attributes in a structured way (Pan et al., 2017),
KGs may be used to inform the model or restrict its
output, preventing it from generating inaccurate in-
formation. In this paper, we explore the potential
to improve LLMs’ responses in the domain of com-
puter science academic literature retrieval by mak-
ing it query a KG to retrieve the relevant facts about
publications. We introduce GPTscholar, a proof-of-
concept system for natural language queries and an-
swers in the same domain.
Section 2, presents and discusses similar solutions
to reduce LLM hallucinations by leveraging KGs,
which were applied to different domains. In Sec-
tion 3, we explain the architecture and implementa-
tion details of the solution. In Section 4, we describe
the experiment we conducted in order to evaluate the
solution. In Section 5, the obtained results are pre-
sented. These results are discussed in Section 6. Fi-
nally, in Section 7, the main conclusions of the study
are presented.
Despite the capabilities of LLMs, significant concerns
have emerged regarding their propensity to generate
non-factual or misleading content. This issue, known
as the factuality problem, can lead to misunderstand-
Pires, C., Correia, P., Silva, P. and Ferreira, L.
Enhancing LLMs with Knowledge Graphs for Academic Literature Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0012990500003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 343-347
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ings and potentially harmful consequences, especially
in domains that demand high levels of accuracy such
as health, law, and finance (Wang et al., 2023).
Researchers have explored strategies to mitigate
LLM hallucinations across various domains by in-
corporating knowledge graphs (KGs). Leveraging
KGs as a source of external knowledge holds promise
for enhancing LLM performance. KGs offer struc-
tured information about entities and their relation-
ships, which aids LLMs in reasoning more effectively
and significantly reduces hallucinations.
According to Agrawal, G., Kumarage, T., Al-
ghami, Z., and Liu, H. (Agrawal et al., 2023),
there are three primary approaches for leveraging
Knowledge Graphs (KGs) to enhance Large Lan-
guage Models (LLMs): Knowledge-Aware Inference,
Knowledge-Aware Learning, and Knowledge-Aware
Validation. These methodologies are distinguished by
their respective stages within the retrieval pipeline ar-
chitecture, particularly concerning the point at which
the KG is integrated. Knowledge-Aware Inference
involves incorporating KGs at the input stage to en-
rich the context provided to the LLM. By supply-
ing additional relevant information, it aids the model
in better comprehending the prompt, thereby reduc-
ing the likelihood of irrelevant or nonsensical out-
puts. Knowledge-Aware Learning focuses on em-
bedding KGs into the training process of LLMs.
Introducing factual knowledge during training en-
hances the model’s capacity to learn and generate
accurate responses, leading to more reliable out-
puts. Knowledge-Aware Validation establishes mech-
anisms to verify the LLM’s outputs using KGs. By
cross-referencing the generated content with factual
information contained within the knowledge graph,
this approach significantly improves the model’s rea-
soning and accuracy.
This study follows the first approach, Knowledge-
Aware Inference, leveraging KGs at the input stage.
Martino, A., Iannelli, M. and Truong, C. (Martino
et al., 2023) proposed a similar approach that aimed
at reducing hallucinations and improving responses to
online customer reviews. To do so, information from
a KG is mapped to a templated prompt that serves as
input to the LLM, providing context about the place
that is being reviewed. A manual evaluation process
was conducted by domain experts, who rated each re-
sponse and tallied the number of correct and incorrect
assertions. They concluded that the KG-enhanced
LLM responses had more correct assertions, fewer in-
correct assertions, and better response ratings.
Brate, R. et al. (Brate et al., 2022) leverage Wiki-
data to improve language models on the task of movie
genre classification. SPARQL queries extract movie
information from Wikidata, and the results are fed
into a templated prompt to the language model. The
evaluation was done on a subset of the ML25M
dataset (Harper and Konstan, 2016). They concluded
that the context from the KG improved the results un-
less too much information was given relative to the
size of the language model.
The study presented is distinct from the aforemen-
tioned works in that it is the LLM that produces both
the SPARQL query to the KG and the final response
to the user, as well as the fact that it is applied to the
domain of academic literature retrieval.
3 GPTscholar
The main idea behind the system presented here is
that when a user writes a prompt, two prompts are sent
to an LLM under the hood before giving the answer to
the user. The first prompt queries a KG to obtain accu-
rate information from a reliable source, while the sec-
ond prompt produces an answer to the user using this
information to avoid hallucinations. For the LLM,
we used OpenAI’s gpt-3.5-turbo
. For the KG, we
used the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography (Ley,
2002), which is accessible through a SPARQL end-
and contains bibliographic information on ma-
jor computer science publications, counting with over
seven million publications and over three million au-
thors. We devised a flow with five steps based on this
idea, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Input Output
1. Prompt
2. Query LLM
3. Query KG
4. Prompt
5. Query LLM
Figure 1: Flow from the initial user input to the final output,
with the five steps described in Section 3. T1 and T2 repre-
sent the templated prompts to the LLM.
In the first step, the user prompt is converted into
a prompt for the LLM to generate SPARQL code to
get relevant information from the KG, using the tem-
plate shown in Figure 2. Some instructions are given
so that the LLM does not include natural language
in the response, the duplicated DOIs are eliminated,
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
year operations are done in a way supported by DBLP,
and some constructs that aren’t supported are explic-
itly avoided. An example of a generic SPARQL query
is also given, as well as the list of properties and pub-
lication types supported.
Create a SPARQL query to access the DBLP database and answer the given
prompt. Your answer will be automatically fed to a SPARQL endpoint, so do not
include any natural language text in your response. Note that there are multiple
possible entries for
. Only present the minimum
per publication, so
do not forget the GROUP BY. Note that the
may not have
. Note
that converting
to an integer is not supported, so when comparing it,
always compare with another string. Never include language tags such as
in your answers, as it is not present in the database. IN and NOT IN
operations are not supported. Do not substitute variables for strings directly,
always use FILTER instead.
Here is an example of accessing the SPARQL endpoint:
PREFIX rd f : < http ://www. w3 . org /1999/02/22 rdf sy ntax ns#>
PREFIX rd f s : <ht t p ://www.w3. org /2000/01/ rdf schema#>
PREFIX dblp : < ht t p s :// dblp . org/ r df/schema#>
SELECT ? t i t l e ( min ( ? dois ) as ? doi ) ? year ? publishedIn ?
authorName ? or cid WHERE {
? pu b l i c a t i o n
dblp : d oi ? d o i s ;
dblp : t i t l e ? t i t l e ;
dblp : authoredBy ? auth or ;
dblp : y e ar O f Pu b l ica t ion ? yea r ;
dblp : publishedIn ? p u b l i s h e dIn .
? aut hor dblp : primaryCreatorName ?authorName .
OPTIONAL { ? author dblp : o rc i d ? o r ci d }
} GROUP BY ? t i t l e ? type ? year ? pu blishedIn ? authorName ?
or c i d
ORDER BY DESC( ? ye ar ) ? t i t l e
The publications only contain the following properties:
dblp:doi dblp:authoredBy dblp:publishedIn dblp:yearOfPublication
rdf:type rdfs:label dblp:bibtexType dblp:numberOfCreators
dblp:primaryDocumentPage dblp:pagination
The authors only contains the following properties:
dblp:primaryCreatorName dblp:orcid
can only be one of the following:
dblp:Article dblp:Inproceedings
dblp:Incollection dblp:Book dblp:Data dblp:Editorship dblp:Informal
dblp:Publication dblp:Reference dblp:Withdrawn
The prompt to answer is as follows:
Figure 2: Template for the first prompt to the LLM, which
tells it to generate a SPARQL query based on the user
prompt. user prompt is replaced with the original user
In the second step, this prompt is fed to the LLM,
and some processing is done to the response, such as
stripping the markdown marks for code blocks, fix-
ing the SPARQL prefixes if needed, and changing the
query results limit to 100 to take into account that
each publication has one result per author.
In the third step, the KG is queried, and its results
are condensed in JSON format, where the authors of
the same paper are merged into the same entry. The
results are then truncated to the limit originally im-
posed by the LLM if any, or 10 entries to avoid ex-
ceeding the maximum tokens supported in a prompt
to the LLM.
In the fourth step, these results are combined with
the original user prompt using the template shown in
Figure 3. The answer is asked to be in natural lan-
guage, avoiding technical details such as code or ref-
erences to the DBLP database. Instructions for the
answer to give when an error occurs and to include
ORCID as a link on the author’s name whenever pos-
sible are also given.
Answer the given prompt based on the results retrieved from the DBLP
database using the query you previously gave. Your answer will be sent to the
end user, so write it in natural language. Avoid writing code. Never mention
that results or errors come from DBLP database, as it is just an implementation
detail. If there is an error, apologize to the user without mentioning DBLP
database. For each author with an ORCID, make it an hyperlink on the name.
These were the results from the database:
The prompt to answer is as follows:
Figure 3: Template for the second prompt to the LLM,
which tells it to generate a response based on the KG re-
sults and the user prompt. user prompt is replaced with the
original user prompt, while kb bindings is replaced with the
results of the KG after processing.
In the final step, the resulting prompt is fed into
the LLM, and its result is output to the user.
The system, named GPTscholar
, includes a sim-
ple web server to showcase how the solution would be
used and viewed by an end user, with the frontend im-
plemented in React
and the backend in Flask
. This
backend interfaces with the LLM and KG to repro-
duce the flow described in the previous paragraph.
We prepared 40 prompts across 4 different use cases
(10 prompts each) for academic literature retrieval
to evaluate the system, using OpenAI’s gpt-3.5-turbo
without prompt engineering as a baseline. The use
cases comprise the following:
1. Get publications based on the author (e.g. “Give
me 3 papers authored by Wayne Xin Zhao.”);
2. Get publications based on their domain (e.g.
“Give me articles about generative music.”);
3. Get publications based on their attributes (e.g.
“Retrieve articles from ROBIO published before
the year 2018”);
4. Get publications based on information from an-
other publication (e.g. “Enumerate papers writ-
ten by the same authors of ‘From the Semantic
Web to social machines: A research challenge for
AI on the World Wide Web.”’).
In the experiment, our system uses OpenAI’s gpt-3.5-
turbo as the LLM and DBLP’s SPARQL endpoint as
the KG. We employed the schema released on Oc-
tober 17, 2023, which includes 61 classes, 45 object
Enhancing LLMs with Knowledge Graphs for Academic Literature Retrieval
Table 1: Results of the experiment for each use case. B denotes the baseline (gpt-3.5-turbo), while S denotes the GPTscholar
Use Case
1 2 3 4
Correct 2 6 1 8 2 4 0 4
Incorrect 4 0 9 0 2 0 4 4
No Results 4 4 0 2 6 7 6 2
Total 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Mentioned Publications
Correct 6 46 40 47 14 16 4 35
Hallucinated Title 12 0 20 0 12 0 7 6
Partially Incorrect 2 0 24 0 0 0 2 0
Total 20 46 84 47 26 16 13 41
properties, and 28 datatype properties. Additionally,
we used DBLP’s RDF dump from December 1, 2023,
which contains a total of 378,406,765 triples, includ-
ing 3,384,740 person entities, 6,972,941 publication
entities, and 9,355,764 external URIs.
After running the prompts through the system and
the baseline, we evaluate the results manually by ana-
lyzing each response to assess its quality and the fre-
quency of hallucinations. For each use case, we count
the number of responses that:
correctly answered the respective prompt;
answered the prompt with incorrect information;
found no results.
To assess the frequency of hallucinations, the to-
tal number of publications mentioned and the num-
ber of publication titles mentioned that do not exist
were evaluated, as well as the number of publications
whose titles exist but have incorrect information.
The results can be found in Table 1, comparing our
system, S, to the baseline B. For each use case, the ta-
ble shows the number of prompts where each system
gave a correct result, an incorrect result, and where
it did not give any result. The table also shows the
number of publications mentioned by each system in
the given use case. These mentions are categorized
into correct publications, publications where the title
has been hallucinated and does not exist, and publi-
cations that exist, but some of the details provided by
the system were incorrect.
GPTscholar significantly outperformed the base-
line in every use case. In total, our system got
55% of the prompts correct, while the baseline only
got 12.5%. In the first three use cases (retrieving
publications based on the author, their domain, and
their attributes), the system did not hallucinate pub-
lications nor mention incorrect information in any
prompt, while in the last use case (retrieving publi-
cations based on information from another publica-
tion), which requires more complex reasoning with
indirect steps, it produced fewer incorrect results than
the baseline. Even when GPTScholar couldn’t answer
correctly, it would more likely present no results to the
user than present wrong results.
Given that the system queries an LLM twice and a
KG once, it has more points of failure than the base-
line. However, our system achieved significantly bet-
ter results than the baseline since it is augmented with
knowledge about publications. This suggests that the
task of retrieving publications without hallucinating
and without consulting a KG is more difficult for
state-of-the-art LLMs than the tasks of generating a
SPARQL query and generating an answer based on
information present in the prompt.
We manually analyzed the intermediate step from
our system in the prompts with incorrect final results.
All incorrect results from the system generated incor-
rect SPARQL code or used SPARQL operations not
supported by the SPARQL endpoint, which suggests
this is the intermediate step with the biggest potential
for improvement.
While GPTscholar outperformed the baseline, it
had the downside of being significantly slower due
to querying the LLM twice and the KG once. This
can lead to a worse user experience, especially since
the final output can only start being written in the last
query to the LLM.
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Leveraging KGs to enhance LLMs is a promising ap-
proach to increasing the accuracy of responses and re-
ducing hallucinations and incorrect facts. In this doc-
ument, a system is introduced to retrieve academic lit-
erature information through natural language queries
and responses. After the evaluation of the solution, it
can be concluded that the proposed approach halluci-
nates less frequently than an LLM without KGs.
For future work, different prompt templates could
be tried and compared, namely to improve the gen-
eration of SPARQL code. We also envision the ex-
pansion of the DBLP knowledge base to include the
abstract or even the body of the publication, which
would allow the LLM to answer queries that require
reasoning about the content of publications. An-
other possibility would be the integration of knowl-
edge bases of academic publications in fields other
than computer science. Additionally, we could ana-
lyze and assess the limitations associated with having
intermediate steps, as these introduce multiple points
of failure. By identifying and evaluating the error po-
tential at each stage, we can pinpoint the most critical
step and focus our efforts on improving the overall
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Enhancing LLMs with Knowledge Graphs for Academic Literature Retrieval