For measuring the metrics we randomly select 100
data points and create the testing dataset using their
class labels and generated explanations. The stability
metric is measured by applying K-means clustering
with two clusters to group explanations in the testing
dataset. For simplicity, we use the three explanations
generated by the decision tree (DT), converting each
explanation string into a unique numerical value to
form an integer array. The assigned cluster labels are
then compared with the predicted class labels to eval-
uate whether instances of the same class have simi-
lar explanations. To measure the separability metric,
two subsets S1 and S2 of the testing dataset are se-
lected corresponding to different class labels. Then,
for each instance in S1, its explanation is compared
with all other explanations of instances in S2. If the
explanation have no duplicates, it satisfies the sepa-
rability metric. Finally, the identity of the explana-
tions offered by the various deterministic techniques
may be easily measured theoretically. The explana-
tions generated by the decision tree is rule based thus
conforming to complete identity conservation. Addi-
tionally, due to the nature of KNN alrogithm identical
instances will have identical explanations.
8.1.2 Results
The experimental findings can be seen in Table 10.
The figures in this table show the percentage of in-
stances that meet the specified metrics. From the table
we can infer that identity metric is 100%, as identical
instances will have a similar explanations. The stabil-
ity is very high, thus conforming that instances with
same class labels have comparable interpretations. Fi-
nally, the separability is also very high, thus acknowl-
edging that dissimilar instances have dissimilar expla-
This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of an
ensemble-based classifier using a tweet’s diffusion
pattern for accurate misinformation detection. We im-
prove the classification by using features inspired by
epidemiology and recent COVID-19 research, while
providing understandable predictions. The intrinsic
explanations help users to understand the predicted
class label without compromising accuracy.
Future work will focus on the following areas:
• Incorporating statistical and qualitative measures
to evaluate the results and generated explanations.
• Expanding the model’s applicability to other so-
cial networks such as Instagram and Facebook.
• Investigate and document how hyperparameters,
such as the value of k in k-NN, sampling rate, af-
fect model performance.
• Conduct deeper analysis on the consistency and
comparability of explanations generated by differ-
ent models (e.g., k-NN vs. DT).
Table 10: Metrics for the evaluation of explanations.
Metric Score
Stability 89%
Separability 97%
Identity 100%
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KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval