Machine Learning Methods for Heart Disease Prediction
Hongyu Zhou
Department of Mathematics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, 518000, China
Keywords: Machine Learning, Heart Disease Prediction, Neural Network, Evaluation.
Abstract: Heart disease prediction and treatment play a crucial role in enhancing human health. Numerous studies have
highlighted the effectiveness of machine learning models in predicting heart diseases. However, there still
have problems with widely use and the accuracy of the prediction. This paper aims to apply different machine
learning models, including Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, XGBoost, and Neural Network
System, to a specific dataset and provide a comprehensive evaluation. After thorough analysis using various
metrics, the Random Forest model demonstrated the highest recall and F1-score among all models.
Additionally, the shallow neural networks model outperformed traditional neural network structures with
fewer parameters in this task. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the significance of machine learning
models in improving heart disease prediction and treatment. Further research and development in this area are
essential to enhance healthcare outcomes and promote overall well-being.
Ischemic heart disease is the world's largest cause of
death, responsible for 16% of all deaths, according to
the World Health Organization. Meanwhile, since
2000, the situation becomes more and more strictly
(Soni et al., 2011; Chitra et al., 2022 & Chen and
Guestrin, 2016). In 2019, approximately 8.9 million
people was killed by this disease.
Over the past decade, the understanding and the
treatment technique on the ischemic heart disease has
gained a significant improvenment (Kaggle Heart
disease dataset). Due to this progress, it is important
to receice a professional medical assistance before the
disease becomes aggravated. However, there has
another problem. As for the patients, some kind of
heart disease is difficult to discover without a
specialized hospital diagnostic examination. Then
machine learning technique are expected to predict
the diease with just some basic presonal information
(Tsao et al., 2022). Fortunately, several research has
listed some features, which are easy to be detected,
are related to the heart disease. Then people with no
significant cardiovascular disease symptoms can be
detected early and can receive early medical
treatment which may reduce their death rate
significantly (Chintan et al., 2023). Thus, it is
meaningful to apply certain machine learning
methods to predict whether a person will have heart
disease with some physical indicators.
With the development of the machine learning
techiniques, there are applications have approached
the success in this field. However, there still have
problems with widely use and the accuracy of the
prediction. This paper focus on analyze 5 different
methods for heart diease prediction in the field of
machine learning and heart disease prediction
technology. Aim to find the strengths and the
weakness of different methods.
2.1 Data Preprocessing
Before establishing and training models, data
preprocessing and analysis are crucial. The project
uses a remarkable dataset from Kaggle tha dataset
which is neat and well-documented.
The dataset comprises 4238 records sourced from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
National Center for Health Statistics. For all
subsequent model training, this dataset was randomly
splited into two parts: one part for training and
another for testing (no validation set was used in this
experiment). The training part and test part each
represent 80% and 20% of the total dataset,
respectively. Within this dataset, there are a total of
15 features related to predicting heart disease,
Zhou, H.
Machine Learning Methods for Heart Disease Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0012990900004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 46-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
including but not limited to physical examination data
and various personal demographics. These 15
features are categorized into two groups, starting with
a collection of information pertaining to individuals'
physical characteristics. Here are the specific
meanings of these numerical values:
These features offer crucial insights into
cardiovascular health, pivotal for predictive modeling
in assessing heart disease risk. Additionally, a set of
features encompassing Gender, age, education,
currentSmoker, and cigsPerDay reflect individuals'
fundamental information and lifestyle habits. Heart
disease etiology is shaped not only by congenital
factors but also by lifestyle choices and surroundings.
Consequently, incomplete data entries were excluded,
yielding a final dataset of 3656 entries for model
training and prediction.
Based on the figure 1, it can be observed that the
original dataset is some imbalanced, with some
feature generally not follows a normal distribution.
This lends the data is difficult to train and analysis.
To makes it suitable for training predictive models,
the overSampler method was used in our
experienment. Additionally, upon observing the 'age'
feature, we roughly categorize the dataset into four
major age groups simplify this complex dataset based
on age. The similar operations are also be done on
‘BMI’, ‘glucose’ and sysBP’ features. To provide a
more intuitive representation of the relationship
between the heart disease and the features.
2.2 Data Visualization and Analysis
Figure 1: The Preview of the all features (Picture credit: Original).
Machine Learning Methods for Heart Disease Prediction
Figure 2: The correlation of features (Picture credit: Original).
The following correlation matrix images provide
valuable insights (Figure 2). A noteworthy
observation is the strong positive correlation between
systolic and diastolic blood pressure class.
Additionally, histograms for several features exhibit
a Gaussian distribution shaped curve, including
diaBP, BMI, heart rate (HR), total cholesterol
(totChol), and systolic blood pressure (sysBP).
2.3 Method Choose Comparison
In this study we choose to implement a couple of
popular supervised machine learning methods to
make predictions on the heart diease task. Accoding
to the previous research. Decision Tree and Decision
Tree like models, such as Random Forest and
XGBoost are widely applied in heart diease
prediction (Sonawane and Patil, 2014). Additionally,
Naïve Bayes as a classic probablity model, also be
implemented in our experiment. In this paper, we do
a comparision on neural network systems too.
After constructing the models, to get a proper and
better understanding of different methods, the
following gives a brief description and the properties
of them, especially on prediction tasks.
Naive Bayes
Naïve Bayes method is a classic and also can be
perceived as a one of the most popular supervised
learning algorithm. The idea of this model is from the
Bayes’s theorem. In application, we can simplified
the realation to
𝑃(𝑦 ∣ 𝑥
Bayes’s theorem is one of the most important
theorem in probability theory. Since the equation
reveals the relationship between prior probability and
posteriol probability. Whence the model has the
capability to predict the probability of the heart diease
when other features was detected.
The foundation of Naive Bayes analysis is the idea
that characteristics, given the class label, are
completely independent. When the assumption is
broken, less desirable results could result, especially
if the features are closely related in complex ways.
Therefore, choosing the right characteristics for the
Naïve Bayes model's training is important.
Decision Trees and Random forest
Decision trees are a type of supervised learning
method that work well for problems involving
regression and classification (Chawla et al., 2002).
This model is tree-structured. The tree root and nodes
reprsent the selected features and tree branches
connect root and nodes or nodes and nodes. Each
branches will end by a leaves which means the
outcome (Figure 3).
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Figure 3: Decision Tree (Chawla et al., 2002).
For Decision Tree method applied on heart diease
prediction problem is how to select a proper attribute
for discrimination among all features in the dataset.
There are four popular methods for selecting attribute:
information gain, entropy, gain ratio and gini index.
Bagging and boosting is two of the most popular
method for ensemble model. After applying bagging
on the decision tree model can derive the random
forest model,
RF model can be abbreviated as the following
First Step: Select n random subset in the features
Second Step: Independently train n decision trees
A single decision tree is trained on a single
random subset. Each decision tree's ideal splits are
determined by randomly selecting a subset of samples
or features.
Third Step: each tree makes the prediction.
Forth Step: Ensemble all the trees and caculate
predicted result of each class. Then decide which
class is the input belongs to.
In our experiment, the result depends on the
majority chosen class of independent trees and the
weight is the same for them.
XGBoost model is based on gradient tree boosting
algorithm. The objective function is the core problem
in this method which can be represented as
() ( , ) ( )
ii k
ly y f
The first term is called loss term. In XGB an
additive training idea was used.
This idea enlighten the XGB algorithm to use the
gradient to optimize the trees for prediction. The
second term is a regularization term which aims to
decrease the complexity (eg. Parameters’ number,
norm of parameters) of this trees model. Specifically,
this term in XGB can be written as
Ω(𝑓) = 𝛾𝑇 +
Where 𝑇 reprensents the number of the selected
features(also known as ‘leaves’), 𝑤 is the vectors
scores on leaves. XGBoost is always was used for
supervised learning problems. That means the dataset
includes not only the training data but also the correct
label (Bharath et al., 2023).
Artifticial Neural Network
The primary motivation behind the creation of
artificial neural networks was to imitate biological
neural systems; but, throughout time, these networks
have evolved into specialized fields focused on
machine learning tasks and engineering. Multi-
layered artificial neural networks with fully
connected layers are the most common neural
networkd in prediction task. A two-hidden-layer
neural network system's structure is shown in the
figure 4.
Machine Learning Methods for Heart Disease Prediction
Figure 4: A 2-hidden-layer neural network (Picture credit:
Shallow Neural Networks
Shallow neural network is a particular kind of neural
network architectures specially consisting of one
hidden layer. The system with more hidden layers are
known as the deep neural network system. So
intuitively, shallow neural networks is more simple.
However, it is incredibly expressive and also be able
to handle the big data modeling and machine learning
task with less model compexity.
Figure 5: Shallow neural networks architecture (Picture
credit: Original).
The structure of shallow neural networks is
relatively simple, making them easier to understand
and implement (Figure 5). During training, the
backpropagation algorithm was used to tune the
weights and biases. The process is likely to enable the
modle learn patterns and features in the input data,
producing corresponding outputs. While they may not
capture complex data patterns, shallow neural
networks generally perform well on simple to
moderately complex problems and train relatively
quickly (Karthiga et., 2017).
How is the model work? Firstly, the model
receives the feature 𝑥
, which are going to be
classified. Then they are passed to a layer of nodes
each of which will be activated by some function
𝜎(∙) acting on the weighted sum of those values. The
result of each unit in the hidden layer is then passed
to a final, output layer 𝛼
(which may consist of a
single unit). At last, the sum of these results will be
passed to another activation function as the final
output (Fahd Saleh, 2019).
With expressive capabilities afforded by neural
networks, we hereby construct a basic feedforward,
fully-connected model, comprising a shallow
architecture (consisting of just one hidden layer), to
approximate the prediction.
)) (4)
Here, 𝜎 is the sigmoid activation function, N is the
number of parameters in output layer. The weights
and are formed as learnable parameters. Notice that,
the output is after the sigmoid function. So the output
is in the interval [0,1], which can be perceived as the
possibility of each class.
As for the model, with a given training set , which
the input dimension is 32 (32 features), the neural net
parameters (weights 𝑊 130 *130 and with biases))
are learned via minimizing the cross entropy error.
Specifcly, the binary cross entropy error can be
represented as the form:
𝐻(y, 𝑦
)=−(𝑦log (𝑦
)+(1−𝑦)log (1−𝑦
)) (5)
Cross entropy is defined in information theory,
which is widely used to define the metric of the
difference between two probability distributions in
information theory.In machine learning and deep
learning, cross entropy is commonly used as the
model loss, especially in classification tasks. In this
) close to 0 means the model is
perfect , otherwise
) 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 1 means model
is underfitting.
3.1 Evaluation Metrics
By calculating the proportion of each example's
sickness that was correctly detected
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 =
  
   
× 100% (6)
Out of all positively predicted instances, precision is
the ratio of positively occurrences that are correctly
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
   
     
100% (7)
The ratio of properly predicted positive cases among
all actual positive cases.
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 =
   
     
× 100%
The F1 score evaluates the balance of the
model. The
formulation is as follows:
𝐹1 − 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 =
 ×
ROC Curves and AUC
The performance of a classifier across a variety of
discriminants is visually represented by the ROC
curve. For various threshold values, it plots the true
positive rate against the false positive rate. Then, the
classify effficency of the model is measured by the
proportion under the ROC curve; a greater proportion
value, closer to 1, denotes better classification
performance (Institute of Medicine Committee on
Social Security Cardiovascular Disability Criteria
2010 Cardiovascular Disability).
3.2 Experiment Settings
In this research, the experiment is all implemented by
python 3.11.5. Additionally, Some libraries such as
pandas, scikit-Learn, pytorch are used. The hardware
configuration comprise a 3.20GHzAMD Ryzen 7
5800H CPU, a RTX 3060 GPU and 16.0GB RAM.
Naïve Bayes
Ordinary Naïve Bayes model is used with no special
Decision Trees
Critirion was chosen as entropy in decision trees
Random Forest
The Random Forest model includes a total of 1000
trees, and the split criterion is entropy.
The basic tree model is hist and a total of 8783
gradient boost trees are utilized.
Artificial Neural Network
In this experiment, we use a deep NN model with 2
hidden layers, and each hidden layer had 40
dimensions. The input is 15 dimensions, which
includes all the features just with normalization steps.
And the output is 2 dimensions reprensents the
possibility of each class. the Adam optimizer was
used with default settings and the maximum number
of optimization iterations is 10000. Our loss function
was categorical cross-entropy.
Shallow Neural Network
We adjusted parameters multiple times and settled on
setting the dimension of the hidden layer weights to
130. Other setting is as same as three layers neural
3.3 Results and Evaluation
Because of the heart disease property, this task is
more likely to imporve the possibilities of discovering
the patients who already has the heart diease.
Therefore, recall is the most important metric in these
models evaluation. According to the result in the table
above, Decision Tree model and Random forest
provides the highest recall at the same time compared
to the other models. However, Random Forest model
get a higer accuracy and also has the highest F1-score.
So Random Forest models can be perceived as the
most balanced model among other algorithms (Table
Table 1: Results from different methods.
Model accuracy recall precision F1 score AUC
Naïve Bayes 0.6203 0.3644 0.6944 0.4780 0.69
Decision Trees 0.9117 0.9970 0.8455 0.9150 0.92
Random Forest 0.9812 0.9970 0.9647 0.9806 1.00
XGB 0.9970 0.9635 0.8755
Two layers NN 0.8407 0.8834 0.8026 0.8411 0.85
Shallow NN 0.9033 0.9869 0.8389 0.9069 0.85
Machine Learning Methods for Heart Disease Prediction
Figure 6: Loss of NN model (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 6 is the loss of two neural networks models.
Loss of shallow neural networks can be easier
optimized and also get a better results compared to
the two layer models.
Figure 7: ROC Curve (Picture credit: Original).
According to the experiment results (Figure 7),
Random Forest model is the most perfect model on
this task. As for the nerual network system, we can
conclude that shallow structure gets a higher accuracy
and recall scores comparing to a deeper system. At
the same, in this sturctures, there are less parameters
are used and is convenient to optimize.
The aim of this research was to evaluate several
machine learning prediction techniques and provide
an overview of their variations and effectiveness on
the heart disease system. These machine learning
methods are Naïve Bayes , Decision Tree, Random
Forests, XGBoost, Aritificial Neural Network and
Shallow Neural Network. During the experimental
comparisons, we aimed to evaluate the strengths of
each method by conducting specific data
preprocessing and analysis tailored to their
characteristics. This allowed for a comprehensive
comparison of algorithms, from model selection and
data analysis to model training and prediction.
In this study, we also proposed using a Shallow
Neural Network as an alternative to the traditional
ANN model. Through our comparisons, we found
that the Shallow Neural Network achieved
comparable or even better results while decreasing
the number of parameters required. This highlights
the effectiveness of the Shallow Neural Network in
achieving similar or improved performance with
fewer parameters compared to conventional ANN
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