We use RAND U.S. Health and Retirement Study
(HRS) data
. The used dataset comprises health sta-
tus and risk factor details from 42,406 survey partic-
ipants born between the years 1890 and 1995. The
features in the HRS dataset that were used in this re-
search are described in Table 1.
Table 2 presents the performance of our methods
for the data random samples from the test dataset.
The performance metrics considered include True
Positives (TP), True Negatives (TN), False Positives
(FP), False Negatives (FN)
, the False Positive Rate
(FPR), the False Negative Rate (FNR), and the over-
all accuracy in percentage. The FPR and FNR pro-
vide insights into the model’s tendency to categorize
negative and positive cases erroneously, which are re-
spectively calculated as: FPR = FP/(FP + T N), and
FNR = FN/(T P + FN). Finally, accuracy quantifies
the percentage of actual findings in the dataset that
match the ground truth.
In Table 2, experiment 10, which has the highest
accuracy at 68.69%, shows a balance between iden-
tifying true positives and true negatives while min-
imizing both false positives and false negatives. In
contrast, Experiment 5 shows the lowest accuracy,
indicating a higher misclassification rate. On aver-
age, these experiments have the accuracy 62.48%, and
across the 10 experiments, the model achieved a TP
rate of 27, a TN rate of 34, with FP and FN averag-
ing at 16 and 21, respectively. The average FPR was
observed at 0.32, with the FNR at 0.44.
In Table 2, a notable pattern across all experiments
is the higher number of TN compared to TP, and FN
compare to FP. This trend shows that the model has
a tendency to classify individuals as ‘not-disabled’.
In particular, the methods has better performances in
correctly identifying individuals who are not disabled
than it is at identifying those who are disabled.
This preliminary study explores feature weight opti-
mization for disability classification and shows how
learning and network approaches can be integrated
into healthcare frameworks in a potentially fruitful
way. We plain to compare the results of our method
with other prediction methods. Another possible fu-
The TP refers to when an individual’s ground truth is
‘not disabled’, but they are incorrectly classified as ‘dis-
abled’, and the FN refers to when an individual’s ground
truth is ‘disabled’, but they are incorrectly classified as ‘not
ture direction is to improve the ability to classify ‘dis-
abled’ individuals. Extending our dataset to include
a wider variety of demographic and geographic char-
acteristics is expected to enhance the generalizability
and relevance of our findings.
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KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval