Ensemble Learning Based Models for Planet Classification
Xiyue Wang
School of Mathematics, Jilin University, Changchun, 130000, China
Keywords: Machine Learning, Ensemble Learning, Classify Planets, Neural Network.
Abstract: Astronomers explore various phenomena and laws in the universe through observation, experimentation, and
theoretical models to gain a deeper understanding of the structure, composition, and evolution of the universe.
There are many unanswered questions in astronomy, such as how to properly classify planets. At the same
time, appropriate classification methods can deepen people's understanding of astronomy. In the past, many
scholars have speculated on classification criteria. The purpose of this study is to explore a satisfactory model
for planet classification and provide a reliable reference for subsequent researchers. Furthermore, this article
utilizes a variety of machine learning methods and deep learning models, including Linear Regression,
Principal Component Analysis, Linear Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, XGBoost Regression and
Artificial Neural Network. Among all models, ensemble learning methods Random Forest and XGBoost
produce the best results, the former of which achieved an adjusted of 0.96 and XGBoost obtained an adjusted
of 0.95. In addition, we make estimates for future research and provide improvements.
In 2006, the IAU Association defined what are
planets in the solar system. However, planets outside
solar system are still not clearly defined. Therefore, it
is essential to define systematically what a planet is.
In general, planets have many physical properties,
such as temperature, humidity, luminosity, radius,
size, etc. Obtaining a relatively complete planetary
physical model is very important for astronomy,
which is equivalent to laying the foundation for
subsequent research. Because of that, a suitable
model for determining planets is needed.
In order to arrive at a suitable and complete
definition of a planet, many efforts have been made
to consider the various factors that influence it. Many
researchers have applied model building methods
such as cluster analysis, factor analysis, decision
trees, and random forests on different data sets and
analyzed different situations.
In line with previous research, we found fact that
the quality of the dataset significantly affects the
results of study. The dataset we utilized in this study
is the planet classification prediction set from Kaggle,
which is a dataset containing 240 stars in 6 categories.
The target feature in the prediction is classification
using the shape of stars in celestial space. The
independent variables, such as temperature, radius,
absolute shock, color, spectral level and etc. are also
taken into consideration.
Some related research reports on Kaggle
conducted to finish high-precision training and
prediction on the same data set. It shows high quality
from data preprocessing to split training sets and test
sets. In addition, it is very important to choose the
most appropriate method during the research process,
and various factors need to be considered to
determine the model.
To select some relatively suitable models, this
study attempts various types of models and makes
judgments based on the results obtained. We studied
this star dataset from many aspects. At the same time,
it is compared with many advanced machine learning
models, thereby achieving an efficient integrated
learning method.
The main difference between this research and
previous researches is that we studied this Star dataset
from many aspects and angles. At the same time,
comparing with many advanced machine learning
models, we implemented an efficient integrated
learning method and further compared and judged
better classification models. For example, for deep
learning, we use convolutional neural network
(CNN); for integrated learning, we utilize random
forests and XGBoost; for traditional machine learning
Wang, X.
Ensemble Learning Based Models for Planet Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0012992000004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 60-67
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
methods, we also use linear regression and PCA as
benchmark models to complete the comparison.
There are the frame of this paper: We finished
introducing related work by showing each category of
prediction stars’ types in Section 2. We describe the
details of our methods in Section 3, including our
reasons for choosing these methods and the theories
of methods are introduced. After that, we examine the
experimental results and analyze them in Section 4.
Last but not least, the conclusion of this study is listed
in Section 5 with references showing at the end.
In the beginning, some scientists used a single
parameter to classify stars. At first, Michael and
Meghar classified the differences in quality, and
classified different orders of magnitude into one
category, which is a very traditional way (Swedenborg
1973 & See 1909). Then Fischer and others classified
stars with different densities by taking into account
differences in composition, but it was still not perfect
(Fischer et al., 2014). After that, Chen and Kipping
analyzed the mass-radius relationship of planets and
then classified them (Chen and Kipping, 2017).
Furthermore, Marley and others proposed a
classification method based on components through
the study of spectra. But none of these methods have
very good results (Marley et al., 1999).
However, the method of classifying a single
variable is not more accurate than considering many
variables at the same time. Therefore, many
subsequent scientists will consider many variables at
the same time in the problem of star classification.
Furthermore, there are many factors that need to
be considered when predicting star type. At the same
time, the more factors we consider, the easier it is for
us to conduct research. First of all, Stern and
Levinson proposed a classification method based on
quality and composition in 2002. On the other hand,
they showed that such classification methods are
imperfect and proposed seven requirements that
should be met to build a classification framework.
After that, the classification method introduced by
Russell in the article took into account the three
properties of the planet's composition, mass, and
orbit. The mutual combination of the three aspects
constitutes the final classification. Later, in
FANDOM's introduction to planet classification, the
classification framework took into account the
planet's mass, orbit, surface state, and composition.
They are also various solutions having been used
for planet type classification and prediction in the
past, including machine learning methods and deep
learning models.
First of all, Dieleman and others trained
convolutional neural networks on galaxy images and
established a model to achieve fine-grained galaxy
morphology classification with very high accuracy
(Dieleman et al., 2015). Secondly, Huertas-Company
and others used deep convolutional neural networks to
classify the morphological catalog of 50,000 galaxies
in the H-band (Huertas-Company, 2015). Kim and
Brunner trained a deep CNN to establish some image
classification models for star-galaxy (Kim and
Brunner, 2017). Then Dom´ınguez S´anchez and
others used convolutional neural networks to provide
two classification methods: Hubble sequence T-type
and Galaxy Zoo 2 morphological classification
methods (Dom´ınguez S´anchez et al., 2018). After
that, Lukic and Br¨uggen also applied deep neural
networks to train classification models on data sets
(Lukic, 2017). Moreover, Aniyan and Thorat used a
convolutional neural network improved other model
for morphological classification (Aniyan and Thorat,
In this research, we first conduct exploratory data
analysis on the dataset and preprocess the input data.
Then we construct and train several machine learning
models, including Linear Regression (LR), Principal
Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Support Vector
Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), XGBoost
Regression (XGB) and Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) to obtain corresponding results for further
analysis. Figure 1 shows the workflow of our study in
this paper.
Figure 1: Research Workflow (Picture credit: Original).
3.1 Exploratory Data Analysis
In the first part, about conducting exploratory data
analysis, the aim is to provide valuable insights about
the data set. The analysis covers data distributions,
Ensemble Learning Based Models for Planet Classification
feature connotations, variable correlations, etc.
Detailed results are provided in Section 4.
Before establishing and training a planet
classification model, data preprocessing is required to
ensure the accuracy of the answer. Since the dataset
used has been processed by Stefan-Boltzmann's law
of Black body radiation, Wienn's Displacement law,
Absolute magnitude relation and Radius of a star
using parallax, there are no missing values now. And
because of that, there is no need to consider this
However, there are some qualitative values about
the planet class in the dataset, which should be
specially consider. And also taking into account the
correlation with the predicted label, some features
whose correlation coefficient is not high enough will
be discarded and no longer considered. In addition to
it, the original dataset is split into a training set and a
test set.
3.2 Model Selection and Construction
In this study, we choose to implement five kinds
integrated learning models to classify planets. In
addition, Integrated Learning has the advantage of
combining multiple machine learning algorithms.
Therefore, the learning models obtain by this method
can achieve better prediction performance than using
any other component algorithm alone.
Integrated Learning consists of many of its base
learners, which are usually created from basic
learning algorithms such as Decision Trees and
Neural Networks.
For this study, for ensemble learning, we choose
to utilize SVM, RF and XGB; for deep learning, we
use CNN; and for more traditional machine learning
methods, we also use LR and PCA as benchmark
models for comparison.
The goal of linear regression is to fit a linear model
with the smallest RSS between the true values and
predicted values.
, 𝑖 = 1, ⋯ , 𝑛 (1)
In the historical process of scientists studying star
classification, they discussed linear regression at first,
that is, the influence of an independent variable.
Nowadays, there are multiple factors have to be
considered, and it can be expressed in the matrix
Another classical modeling method, Principal
Component Analysis (PCA), with hoping to obtain
the items with the largest impact as the main criteria
for judging planets. It is using orthogonal
transformation to linearly transform a series of
observations of possibly related variables. In this
dataset, it is equivalent to exploring the proportion of
each independent variable.
SVM is an ensemble learning model, whose purpose
is to solve complex classification problems, etc.
−𝒃=𝟎 (2)
As an extension of the perceptron, on the one
hand, SVM can minimize the empirical error; on the
other hand, it can make the area the largest at the same
RF is an advanced ensemble learning model. It is
equivalent to an advanced version of the decision
trees. The RF algorithm always introduces additional
randomness by searching for the maximum attribute
in a random subset of features during node splitting.
On the other hand, when making predictions for
regression tasks, RF takes the average of all single
decision tree estimates.
In this study, all trees in the forest are averaged to
obtain the final result.
XGB is a malleable decentralized GBDT machine
learning system. Just like random forest mentioned
earlier, gradient boosting is also one of the Bagging
The GBDT model trains an ensemble of decision
trees in an iterative manner. In every iteration, they
all use the previously obtained residuals for fitting,
and the final answer is the weighted sum of all
predictions. Therefore, it is equivalent to an improved
random forest method.
XGB was born to enhance the performance of
machine learning models and increase computing
speed. It is a highly accurate and scalable
implementation of GBDT that has gained great
The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a neural
network model, which uses mathematical operations
called convolutions in at least one layer instead of
general matrix multiplication.
A neural network has multiple layers of neurons.
Deep neural networks typically have one input layer,
one output layer and some hidden layers. As an
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
example, a 2-hidden-layer deep neural network is
depicted in table 1.
Table 1: ANN network.
ut La
Hidden La
er 1 110 neurons
Hidden Layer 2 60 neurons
ut La
1 neuron
This is done by each neuron receiving input
signals from the previous layer of neurons through
weighted connections, comparing the weighted sum
of the received signals with the threshold, and in turn
training the network by adjusting the weights.
4.1 Experimental Setting
In this study, we employed several hyperparameters
to optimize the performance of our machine learning
models. Notably, we used Cost Complexity Pruning
Alpha values to manage the complexity of our
decision trees, and a minimum impurity decrease
value set at 0.0. Additionally, we set the minimum
samples per leaf and the minimum samples required
to split a node to 1 and 2, respectively. The optimal
splitter parameter was carefully selected to
enhance model performance.
Evaluation Metrics:
The models were evaluated using multiple metrics
to ensure comprehensive model assessment.
Specifically, the metrics used were Mean Absolute
Percentage Error (MAPE), Root Mean Squared Error
(RMSE), Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error
(RMSLE), and Adjusted R².
MAPE: This metric provides a percentage error
and is easier to interpret. The smaller the MAPE
value, the better the prediction effect.
RMSE: RMSE measures the square root of the
average of squared differences between prediction
and actual observations. It is more sensitive to outliers
because the effect of each error is squared.
RMSLE: As a variant of RMSE, RMSLE applies
a logarithmic scale to both predicted and actual
values. This makes it robust against larger errors and
works well when there are exponential growth
patterns in the data.
Adjusted R²: This metric adjusts the Coefficient
of Determination by accounting for the number of
predictors in the model. Adjusted R² increases when
a useful variable is added to the model and decreases
when a non-useful variable is added, thus helping in
determining the goodness of fit while penalizing for
unnecessary predictors.
4.2 Dataset Overview
This paper utilizes the Star dataset to predict star
types from Kaggle. It had been took by Sloan Digital
Sky Survey and comprises data about 100,000 results
in space. Each entry in the dataset consists of 17
feature columns and 1 category information column.
The stars in the dataset are divided into three
categories: GALAXY, STAR, and QSO. The
comparison of their numbers is shown in Figure 2.
GALAXY has 55,561, while QSO has only 12,133.
There is a big difference between the two numbers.
Figure 2: Type classification (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
Ensemble Learning Based Models for Planet Classification
Figure 3: About Alpha Correlation (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 4: About Delta Correlation (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 5: About Redshift Correlation (Picture credit: Original).
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Figure 6: About Plate Correlation (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 7: About MJD Correlation (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
4.3 Feature Importance Exploration
Classifying according to different features, some
results were obtained, among which the results for
astronomical numbers (such as alpha, u, redshift, etc.)
were relatively good. It is also necessary to use
logarithmic form to better present the results when
they are not clear.
What follows is a series of images exploring what
factors are relatively large for classification (Figure 3,
figure 4, figure 5 figure 6 and figure 7). The blue line,
orange line and green line are the fitting lines for
GALAXY, QSO and STAR respectively.
We also deeply explored the correlations between
all attributes, hoping to have a more appropriate
comprehension of the data. At the same time, the
"redshift" variable get the highest correlation with
"class" and the "u" variable with the second highest
correlation were found (Figure 8).
4.4 Model Evaluation
These 5 models are evaluated using the evaluation
metrics mentioned in 3.4. The answers obtained are
displayed in table 2.
Among all the models, as expected due to the
characteristics of the data set, the linear regression
model performed the worst, very poorly.
For RMSE, LR has the highest results and ANN
has the lowest. And for RMSLE, every result except
LR is similar in size. Then, for MAPE, ANN obtained
smaller results.
As representatives of integrated learning methods,
Random Forest and XGBoost produced equally
satisfactory results and outperformed other models
for all mentioned metrics.
Ensemble Learning Based Models for Planet Classification
Figure 8: Correlation (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
Table 2: The evaluation result.
Model Accurac
LR 0.23 0.93 0.59 2.98212×10^{15} 0.20
SVM 0.90 0.36 0.23 4.19876×10^
RF 0.97 0.17 0.12 7.38897×10^{15} 0.96
XGB 0.97 0.19 0.13 9.29750×10^
ANN 0.73 0.05 0.1415 0.10 0.93
However, for SVM’s performance, the results are
in the middle position, not reaching the level of
as 0.9 like that of RF and XGB, but it also achieved
good results (0.83).
Furthermore, ANN also makes good predictions,
on the other hand it is the most time-consuming all of
them. Among them, random forest has the best result.
In summary, this paper includes both machine
learning and deep learning to find a suitable method
to better classify planets. At the beginning of it, the
current state of the planetary classification industries
is described. Then some visualizations are given in
the article, explaining the steps more clearly, such as
the correlation between factors. After that, some
models are given, which used are Linear Regression,
SVR, XGBoost, Random Forest and Neural Network.
Among all of these models, two ensemble learning
methods, Random Forest and XGBoost do the best
job. Specifically about that, we use 100 trees to build
a random forest. Subsequently, the mean square error
is used as the segmentation criterion. Therefore,
satisfactory results are obtained: the RMSE is 0.17,
RMSLE is 0.12, MAPE is 7.38897×10^{15}, and the
is 0.96. with 0.19 in RMSE, 0.13 in
RMSLE, 9.29750×10^{15} in MAPE and 0.95 in
, and it has an accuracy of 0.85 and RF is 0.91. In
future experiments, we hope to obtain better results
for classifying planets. There are ways to enhance the
number of fitting experiments and bring up the
accuracy of answers to get a more accurate
classification method.
There are some ways to increase the number of
fittings and improve the accuracy of the answers to
get a better classification method.
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Ensemble Learning Based Models for Planet Classification