NODE and Contraction Methods for Dynamics Learning from
Human Expert Demonstrations
Tufail Ahmed
, Sangmoon Lee
and Ju H. Park
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea
Department of Electrical Engineering, Yeungnam University, Kyongsan, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (NODE), Learning from Demonstrations (LfD), Dynamic Systems,
Imitation Learning, Initial Value Problem, Contraction Theory.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose model-free or learning-from-demonstration methodologies for accurately estimating
the complex and nonlinear behaviors of dynamic systems such as mobile robots, robotic arm manipulators,
and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Under learning from demonstration (LfD), this study investigates two
different approaches: The first proposed methodology is the contraction theory, in which the assigned task
demonstration is practically performed by the human expert, who tries to learn and imitate it. On the other
hand, the same task learns and imitates by utilizing the neural ordinary differential equations (NODEs) for
dynamic systems. Using the concepts of both approaches, we tried to make it possible for the system to pick
up on and imitate the shown behavior or demonstration accurately. In dynamics learning, the proposed
contraction method utilizes the conceptual framework of the contraction theory, which ensures the motions
of dynamic systems that eventually converge to nominal or desired behavior. At the same time, NODE uses
the neural network with different configurations of hidden layers, learning rate, nonlinear activation function,
and ODE solver. A spiral trajectory is considered a human expert demonstration that is estimated by both
methodologies (i) NODE and (ii) contraction theory. For validation purposes, we compared the results of both
Learning by demonstration, or LfD for short, is a
useful strategy for rapidly enhancing robotic
efficiency. It enables robots to gain capabilities by
observing what they want to do. Focusing on allowing
the robotic device to program by itself, the human
operator demonstrates an action to the robot by
demonstrating how the operation ought to be
performed. Learning action patterns through as few
demos as possible is vital, and the quantity of storage
required is reduced when taught skills are concisely
represented (Khansari-Zadeh, et. al., 2011; Calinon,
S., et. al., 2007). It is possible to represent actions
from one point to another to ensure all come to an end
at a designated spot in state space (Schaal, S., 1999).
Simplifying more complex tasks can yield
fundamental components of robot automation
surveillance: sequences of one point to motions or
modeling between point actions (Kulic, D., et. al.,
2008). When an operator directs an autonomous
device throughout an activity, it automatically sees
the process from its point of view. LfD: While
dynamical actions specify how to emulate, one point
to another action includes steps made by human
experts to solve the problem (Dautenhahn, K., and
Nehaniv, C. L., 2002). Robotic trajectories are shown
via kinesthetic training to circumvent the matching
issue, whereby human observers passively guide the
robot along its ideal motion (B., Akgun, and
Subramanian, K., 2011). One of the earliest instances
of digital summoning taught via examples is
dynamical motion primitive concepts (DMP). DMP is
used to combine a linear dynamical system and a
nonlinear force factor, which is obtained in one demo
(Ijspeert, A., et. al., 2013). Poor replication could
occur from implementing restrictive stabilization
criteria. If one concentrates too heavily on precise