Research on the Correlation Between Multiple Risk Factors and
Diabetes Mellitus
Yuzhen Li
1, *
and Haoze Song
College of Arts and Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, 43210, U.S.A.
School of Science, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Risk Factors, Binary Probit Model.
Abstract: Preventing diabetes is one of the main areas of current study. Numerous studies have revealed a strong
correlation between smoking, age, obesity, and the prevalence of diabetes; nonetheless, a great deal more
study has to be done in this area. Therefore, in this paper, the correlation between multiple risk factors and
diabetes was investigated by collecting data on the physical status of patients at Sylhet Diabetes Hospital and
performing a binary Probit analysis on the data. Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, genital thrush, irritability,
and partial paresis were found to be strong risk factors for developing diabetes, while sudden weight loss,
weakness, visual blurring, delayed healing, muscle stiffness, alopecia, and obesity were found to be less
influential in causing diabetes. The study enables greater attention to be paid to the risk factors associated
with diabetes, facilitates early detection of diabetes and early initiation of treatment to improve patient
prognosis and survival, and points to a clear direction for future related research.
The history of diabetes can be dated back to several
millennia ago, especially in ancient Egypt, Greece,
and Asia. Under biological settings, the kidney
maintains fluid and electrolyte homeostasis by
modifying the amount and chemical makeup of urine
in accordance with the body's requirements. A
complicated and varied clinical disease known as
diabetes affects the distribution of water and is
typified by persistent diuresis, which produces huge
amounts of diluted urine (Valenti and Tamma, 2016).
In recent years, the global incidence of diabetes
has climbed dramatically. Diabetes affects 529
million people globally, a figure that is anticipated to
rise to 1.3 billion by 2050 (Liu, 2023). Drawing on
information from the "Global Burden of Disease
2021" research, the freshest and most extensive
assessments to date indicate that diabetes now affects
6.1% of the global population. This positions diabetes
as a leading contributor to mortality and disability
worldwide, ranking it among the top ten causes. The
findings underscore the significant and growing
impact of diabetes on global health, necessitating
urgent and sustained efforts to address this escalating
public health challenge (Liu, 2023). By 2050, it is
anticipated that the prevalence of obesity in North
Africa and the Middle East will skyrocket from 9.3
percent to a staggering 16.8 percent. In a similar vein,
projections indicate that the occurrence rate in Latin
America and the Caribbean is expected to rise
significantly, reaching 11.3 percent (Liu, 2023).
Research conducted in the United States and Europe
has demonstrated a 3-5% annual increase in the
incidence of type 1 diabetes (T1D) throughout time
(Maffi and Secchi, 2017). Diabetes is notably
common among individuals aged 65 and above,
affecting over 20% of this demographic worldwide.
The occurrence is particularly pronounced in those
between 75 and 79 years old (Liu, 2023). To prevent
a rise in the incidence of diabetes, it is essential to
implement measures aimed at assessing the degree of
correlation between diabetes and various risk factors.
Comprehensive studies should be conducted to
thoroughly investigate how these risk variables
interact with the development and progression of
diabetes, thereby enabling the formulation of
effective prevention strategies.
The development of diabetes mellitus involves
multiple pathogenic processes, and the etiologic
classification is very complicated, making it difficult
to diagnose individuals with risk factors (Li et al.,
2024). National and international scholars have found
smoking, age, and obesity to be factored in the onset
Li, Y. and Song, H.
Research on the Correlation Between Multiple Risk Factors and Diabetes Mellitus.
DOI: 10.5220/0012994100004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 78-85
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and development of diabetes (Li et al., 2019; Gong et
al., 2017 & Qiu et al., 2016). In addition, God et al.
found that other lifestyle factors also influence the
incidence of diabetes (Gode et al., 2024). However,
the risk factors of diabetes mellitus in this literature
failed to be adequately studied. In addition, the
statistically obtained data are not systematic and
complete. As a result, this study concentrates on
examining a set of 16 distinct variables, which
include Gender, Age, Polyuria, Polydipsia, Sudden
weight loss, Weakness, Polyphagia, Genital thrush,
Visual blurring, Itching, Irritability, Delayed healing,
Partial paresis, Muscle stiffness, Alopecia, and
Obesity. The main goal of this research is to discern
and utilize the most appropriate statistical model to
evaluate the degree of association between the
identified risk factors and the prevalence of diabetes.
Through this analysis, the study aspires to offer a
thorough comprehension of the individual
contribution of each factor to the probability of
developing diabetes. This understanding is critical for
the formulation of more precise and impactful
prevention and intervention strategies. By elucidating
the specific roles these risk factors play, the research
aims to enhance the effectiveness of public health
initiatives and clinical practices aimed at mitigating
the incidence of diabetes.
In a similar direction, Xue et al. used a variant of
the Cox proportional risk model (Xue et al., 2022),
but due to data limitations, they did not include
individuals aged 35-45 years, whereas diabetes is also
highly prevalent in the 35-45 year age group, so this
may have affected the generalizability of the results.
In addition, the study did not use biomarkers (e.g.,
blood glucose levels or HbA1c) to confirm the
diagnosis of diabetes but relied on self-reporting and
medication use, which may have affected the
accuracy of the results. Ampeir et al. used a logistic
regression model (Ampeire, Kawugeze and Mulogo,
2023), which provided either an Odds Ratio (OR) or
an Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR), which allows
researchers to quantify the extent to which each
predictor variable affects prediabetes risk.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the model
presupposes a linear association between the
dependent variable, which in this case is prediabetes,
and the set of independent variables. This assumption
implies that changes in the independent variables are
directly proportional to changes in the likelihood of
prediabetes, simplifying the complexity of potential
nonlinear interactions that might exist in reality. If the
actual relationship is nonlinear, the model may not
accurately capture this relationship, leading to
inaccurate predictions and interpretations. Narjes
Hazar et al. constructed a Dersimonian and Laird
random effects model (Hazar et al., 2024). The model
can handle the heterogeneity that exists between
studies. However, the estimation of heterogeneity is
sensitive to the distribution of the data and the size of
the study. If the sample size of some studies is
extremely large or small, it may have an unbalanced
effect on the overall heterogeneity estimate.
By emphasizing the most important risk variables
that ought to be the focus of intervention, the results
of this study are anticipated to guide the practice of
medicine, influence public health efforts, and offer
novel perspectives on early detection of diabetes
tactics. Furthermore, the discovery of neglected
variables can provide avenues for further
investigation, which would ultimately lead to a more
thorough comprehension of the genesis of diabetes.
2.1 Data Sources
The dataset utilized for this research has been sourced
from the repository available on Kaggle's platform.
The data for this study was gathered through the
administration of direct questionnaires to patients
receiving care at Sylhet Diabetes Hospital, located in
Sylhet, Bangladesh. The collected information was
subsequently reviewed and authorized by a medical
professional to ensure its accuracy and reliability.
2.2 Variable Selection
This study utilizes data from a cohort comprising 520
individuals, including both diabetic and non-diabetic
patients. Within this population, there are 328 males
and 192 females. The age distribution of these
subjects spans from 16 to 90 years. The data contains
16 variables (Gender, Age, Polyuria, Polydipsia,
Sudden weight loss, Weakness, Polyphagia, Genital
thrush, Visual blurring, Itching, Irritability, Delayed
healing, Partial paresis, Muscle stiffness, Alopecia,
Research on the Correlation Between Multiple Risk Factors and Diabetes Mellitus
Table 1: Symbols and numerical representations of the
sixteen variables.
Elements Ideogram Number1 Diabetes1
520 320
520 320
258 243
233 225
Sudden weight
217 188
305 218
237 189
Genital thrush
116 83
Visual blurring
233 175
253 154
126 110
Delayed healing
239 153
Partial paresis
224 192
Muscle stiffness
195 135
179 78
88 61
*Number 1: The prevalence of individuals afflicted by the
**Diabetes1: The prevalence of individuals diagnosed with
diabetes mellitus who are experiencing the condition.
Table 1 presents the statistics of the general
population alongside the count of individuals
diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. The data sample is
520 individuals, 320 of whom have diabetes.
Table 2 provides a detailed breakdown of the
population, categorizing individuals by gender-
females and males-as well as by diabetic status across
various age brackets. The majority of the dataset
consists of individuals aged between 31 and 60 years.
2.3 Methodology Introduction
This study employs a binary Probit regression
analysis model to investigate the incidence of
diabetes, designated as the dependent variable (Y), in
relation to 16 independent variables (X). For the
dependent variable, a value of 0 represents the
absence of diabetes, while a value of 1 signifies its
presence. Subsequently, the influence of each of the
16 independent variables on the likelihood of having
diabetes is examined. This analysis is conducted
using SPSSAU software to facilitate the prediction of
early-stage diabetes risk. By comprehensively
assessing the relationship between these factors and
diabetes, this research aims to provide valuable
insights for early diagnosis and intervention
2.4 Model Testing
The accuracy of the model's predictions serves as an
indicator of how well the model fits the data.
According to the data presented in Table 3, it is clear
that the research model has achieved an overall
prediction accuracy of 93.27%. This high level of
accuracy indicates that the model's performance is
within acceptable parameters. When we delve deeper
into the specifics, we find that the model exhibits a
prediction accuracy of 91.50% when the actual value
is 0. On the other hand, the accuracy improves to
94.38% when the actual value is 1. These figures
collectively highlight the model's strong performance
across various conditions, thereby validating its
reliability and effectiveness for predictive purposes.
The consistency in accuracy across different actual
values underscores the robustness of the model,
making it a dependable tool for predictive analytics.
Such performance metrics not only demonstrate the
model's capability to generalize well across different
scenarios but also affirm its potential application in
real-world predictive tasks.
Table 2: Gender distribution by age group.
Age [11-20] [21-30] [31-40] [41-50] [51-60] [61-70] [71-80]
Number2 1 44 120 145 127 66 10
Female 0 13 59 55 39 22 0
Male 1 31 61 90 88 44 10
Diabetes2 0 34 69 94 80 36 7
*Number 2: The population distribution across different age brackets.
**Diabetes 2: The number of individuals across various age categories diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Table 3: Overview of Prediction Accuracy in Binary Probit Regression.
Forecast value
Prediction accuracy Prediction error rate
0 1
Actual value
0 183 17 91.50% 8.50%
1 18 302 94.38% 5.63%
Summary 93.27% 6.73%
Figure 1: Factors of the prevalence of diabetes in the population.
3.1 Descriptive Analysis
Figure 1 presents the percentage of individuals
diagnosed with diabetes and enumerates several
contributing factors associated with the disease.
These contributing factors include Polyuria,
Polydipsia, Sudden weight loss, Weakness,
Polyphagia, Genital thrush, Visual blurring, Itching,
Irritability, Delayed healing, Partial paresis, Muscle
stiffness, Alopecia, and Obesity. The dataset
comprises a total of 520 samples. To determine the
probability of each potential risk factor leading to
diabetes, the percentage of diabetic samples identified
and categorized based on various influencing
variables was meticulously calculated. This analysis
provides a comprehensive understanding of the
correlation between each risk factor and the
likelihood of developing diabetes, thereby offering
valuable insights into the etiology of the disease.
It is evident from Figure 1 above that Polyuria
makes up the largest percentage, reaching up to 76%.
With 19 percent, obesity had the lowest share. The
data in the figure indicates that polyuria is the most
prevalent trigger, which raises the biggest concealed
risk of diabetes.
The analysis presented in the comparison chart
reveals a pronounced disparity between the
proportion of individuals diagnosed with diabetes and
those without the condition. This discrepancy is
particularly striking, with the most substantial
difference being as high as 68.5%. The data
underscore the significant variation in diabetes
prevalence, highlighting the need for further
investigation into the factors contributing to this
considerable gap (Figure 2).
Research on the Correlation Between Multiple Risk Factors and Diabetes Mellitus
Figure 2: Comparative analysis of diabetic and non-diabetic individuals across various factors.
Figure 3: Variable-related schematic.
As illustrated in Figure 3, the study incorporated a
range of variables potentially associated with diabetes
into the analytical model. These variables encompass
a comprehensive list of factors such as Gender, Age,
Polyuria, Polydipsia, Sudden weight loss, Weakness,
Polyphagia, Genital thrush, Visual blurring, Itching,
Irritability, Delayed healing, Partial paresis, Muscle
stiffness, Alopecia, and Obesity. By conducting a
series of computations, this research ultimately
derives the concluding linear regression formula:
4.079  0.028x
 2.349x
... 0.119x
In this context, p denotes the likelihood that the
variable for diabetes equals 1.
3.2 Binary Probit Model Results
Table 4 clearly illustrates that the model assesses
whether the p-value exceeds the threshold of 0.05.
This evaluation enables the study to delve deeper into
identifying potential risk factors associated with
diabetes mellitus. Through this detailed analysis, we
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
can infer connections that might otherwise remain
undetected, thereby contributing valuable insights to
the ongoing research on diabetes risk factors. On the
one hand, diabetes is unaffected by the p values of
abrupt weight loss, weakness, blurred vision, delayed
healing, muscular stiffness, baldness, and obesity, all
of which are bigger than 0.05. Conversely, the p
values for partial paresis, age, and polyphagia fall
within the range of greater than 0.01 but less than
0.05. This statistical outcome implies that these
variables exert a notable influence on the
development or progression of diabetes. Specifically,
the p values associated with age, polyphagia, and
partial paresis, while exceeding 0.01, still remain
below 0.05, thereby underscoring their significant
contribution to the condition.
This statistical evidence highlights the meaningful
impact of these factors, suggesting that they play an
important role in the pathophysiology of diabetes.
Such findings are critical for understanding the
multifaceted nature of diabetes and underscore the
importance of considering these variables in both
clinical and research settings. However, the p values
for gender, polyuria, polydipsia, genital thrush,
itching, and irritability are less than 0.01, indicating
that these factors have an especially significant
association with diabetes. In terms of influence
relationships, the regression coefficient and marginal
effect values reveal the specific factors impacting
diabetes. For each unit increase in Polyuria,
Polydipsia, Polyphagia, Genital Thrush, Irritability,
and Partial Paresis, the incidence of diabetes is
projected to rise by 852.30%, 827.08%, 223.65%,
359.85%, 428.05%, and 230.99%, respectively.
Given that each of these statistics is significant when
compared to one another, it is evident that these
elements play a crucial role in influencing the
likelihood of diabetes onset. This suggests that the
data have some research and a value of reference.
Table 4: Results overview from the binary Probit regression analysis.
Ideogram regression coefficient SE z-value p-value 95% CI marginal effect
-0.028 0.013 -2.082 0.037 -0.054 ~ -0.002 -0.003
-2.349 0.301 -7.791 0.000 -2.940 ~ -1.758 -0.217
2.380 0.353 6.748 0.000 1.689 ~ 3.072 0.220
2.792 0.426 6.547 0.000 1.956 ~ 3.628 0.258
0.188 0.289 0.651 0.515 -0.378 ~ 0.754 0.017
0.447 0.282 1.584 0.113 -0.106 ~ 1.001 0.041
0.630 0.287 2.195 0.028 0.067 ~ 1.192 0.058
1.049 0.308 3.410 0.001 0.446 ~ 1.653 0.097
0.479 0.351 1.366 0.172 -0.208 ~ 1.167 0.044
-1.521 0.349 -4.354 0.000 -2.205 ~ -0.836 -0.141
1.270 0.319 3.984 0.000 0.645 ~ 1.895 0.117
-0.226 0.296 -0.766 0.444 -0.806 ~ 0.353 -0.021
0.638 0.283 2.258 0.024 0.084 ~ 1.193 0.059
-0.346 0.301 -1.150 0.250 -0.935 ~ 0.244 -0.032
0.178 0.319 0.559 0.576 -0.447~0.804 0.016
-0.119 0.307 -0.389 0.697 -0.721~0.482 -0.011
Constant -4.079 0.915 -4.456 0.000 -5.874~-2.285 -
Research on the Correlation Between Multiple Risk Factors and Diabetes Mellitus
3.3 Comparison with Existing
In several earlier studies, researchers frequently
employed a narrow examination of a single
component, such as genetic inheritance, which was
restricted to established risk factors for diabetes
development. Additionally, several scholars suggest
that the increased incidence of diabetes may be linked
to the adoption of a Western lifestyle. This assertion
is supported by migration studies, which highlight the
transition from conventional agricultural practices to
contemporary American living as a contributing
factor (Wu et al., 2022). On the other hand, the factors
included in this study are more thorough, which can
help prevent errors that arise from failing to account
for a single variable. It can also expand the ideas of
forthcoming studies on diabetes, assisting medical
professionals in identifying additional treatment
avenues and early diabetes detection for prompt
Based on these experimental results, the main
conclusion can be summarized as follows. 16
variables may lead to diabetes, in this study, a binary
Probit regression analysis model is used and indicates
that the most significant risk factors identified by
these analyses and the data in the table are polyuria,
polydipsia, polyphagia, genital thrush, irritability,
and partial paresis. Sudden weight loss, weakness,
visual blurring, delayed healing, muscle stiffness,
alopecia, and obesity have a weak impact on causing
However, it should be noted that this study has
examined only some people from 11 to 90, which
means that this conclusion may not be used to study
the risk factors for children who are less than 11 years
old and infants. And it is undeniable that this model
may have mistakes in addition to the components
because of the small amount of data, and that the
sample did not include all ethnicities, which might
have resulted in differences that could have also
affected the accuracy of the findings.
Notwithstanding its limitations, this research reported
here would seem to indicate some valuable aspects.
Firstly, the analysis indicates that Polyuria is the most
common trigger and poses the highest hidden risk for
diabetes, as demonstrated through a graphical method
used to visually compare the proportions of each
factor among individuals. Further research is required
to prevent Polyuria from developing into diabetes,
and more drugs are being developed to slow the
disease's progression to provide a complete picture of
the diabetes treatment. Secondly, researchers create a
representation of the experiment and make the results
easier to comprehend and intuitive by comparing
relative data, which includes those with diabetes and
those without the disease. These tables enable people
to pay more attention and emphasize the factors
related to diabetes. The results of this study will guide
future relevant research since it is necessary to
determine whether these characteristics are linked to
the development of diabetes. By identifying new
causal components in addition to previously known
causes, the prognosis and survival of patients can be
improved through early detection of diabetes and
prompt initiation of therapy.
All the authors contributed equally and their names
were listed in alphabetical order.
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