Importance of Context Awareness in NLP
Nour Matta, Nada Matta and Philippe Herr
LIST3N, University of Technology of Troyes, 12 Rue Marie Curie, 42060 10004 Troyes Cedex, France
Keywords: Context Awareness, NLP, Text Ambiguity, Knowledge.
Abstract: Context is a complex notion, that enables the understanding of happenings and concepts in an environment
and the analysis of their influence (Adomavicius et al, 2011) As previously mentioned, context plays a major
role in assigning meanings to words, sentences, and texts when dealing with text analysis. Multiple natural
language processing approaches aim to consider “context” in analyzing the information extracted and
applying a sort of word sense disambiguation (Adhikari et al, 2019). Numerous intelligence systems require
knowledge of happening and are context dependent, but the definition of context and context elements used
varies from one application to another based on needs. Context plays several roles in text analysis especially
to reduce ambiguity and semantic extraction. In this paper, main influence of context on TextMining and NLP
are shown.
From a semantic perspective, if the purpose was
identifying business events, the verb “fire” in the
sentence “a company fired 50 employees” can be
considered as a business event. In contrast, the same
verb in “he fired the gun” is not a business event of
interest. We can highlight in this example the
necessity of the words' context in understanding their
meaning. But when dealing with decisions, the impact
of the information extracted must also be considered
in the process for two main reasons. First, the same
information can have a different impact on different
entities. The information “a company fired 50
employees” is considered relatively important for the
company's competitors or main clients since this
information may be viewed as a sign of struggle in the
company of interest but can be irrelevant for
unrelated organizations. Second, the information can
have a different impact based on the entities involved
in the event. For instance, if the company firing
employees is a small company of 60 employees in
total, this event may mean that the company is more
likely to be closing. But if the company originally had
more than 5000 employees, firing 50 employees is
more or less irrelevant to the financial state of the
The dependency on the context of the information
while extracting knowledge, from the activity domain
to the participating entities, the events mentioned, the
time factor, and so on, must be considered in the
analysis process. Furthermore, when extracting
information from texts, knowledge representation is a
required task to enable the accessibility, reuse, and
learning process. When dealing with the development
of strategies and decision-making based on
information extracted from text, the context of this
information must be considered to enable the
understanding of the information along with the
analysis of the importance and the impact of this
So, our main research question is: How to deal
with the context-dependency of the words semantic in
In this paper, the importance of context awareness
is emphasized to consider Natural Language
processing techniques.
Bazire and Brézillon (Bazire et al, 2005) used 150
definitions from different domains such as computer
science, philosophy, economy, and business, and
tried to combine all and abstract key elements. Their
research showed that context may be defined by six
main components: (1) the constraints, (2) the
influence, and (3) the behavior of (4) a system with
specific tasks to implement, where the system can be
a user or a computer. The context can also be
Matta, N., Matta, N. and Herr, P.
Importance of Context Awareness in NLP.
DOI: 10.5220/0012994700003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 280-286
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
categorized by its (5) nature and (6) structure. Figure
2.1 shows a representation of the context as the
elements that define the context and the interactions
or influences between the entities. Five elements are
represented in 0 (1) the context, (2) the system, (3) the
item, (4) the environment, and (5) the observer. The
context is the overall group of entities and how they
influence each other. The system is the machine or
person having specific tasks to implement on an
object in an environment. The item is the object that
undergoes changes while the environment can be the
organization, the location, or the time in which
changes are happening. Finally, the observer is an
external element that will have a different opinion on
the happenings considering the context. The observer
enables the consideration of different cultural
backgrounds and social views that might affect the
reaction, or the decision made facing an event
(Matsumoto, 2007). We can also notice in 0 the
interaction between the different entities and the
context influence of the context (orange arrow) that
each entity has.
Figure 1: Context element definition and interaction.
3.1 TextMining and NLP
Text mining is the branch of artificial intelligence that
aims to extract knowledge from structured and
unstructured text (5). Text Mining enables the
extraction of the knowledge available in stored
textual data. Text Mining is mainly based on two
components (5), the data mining and machine
learning component and the computational linguistics
also known as Natural Language Processing (NLP).
On the data processing side, three phases can be
identified (6). First, Information Retrieval allows the
selection of documents of interest that are most likely
related to the topic of interest. Second, data mining,
machine learning algorithms, and probabilistic
approaches allow the identification of patterns within
the extracted data. Third, the Knowledge
representation part allows the information extracted
to be represented in a formal structure. On the other
hand, NLP is used to simulate human’s ‘natural’
understanding of languages to process textual data
(Du, 2007). NLP researchers were first split into two
divisions: stochastic and symbolic. Stochastic NLP
consisted of probabilistic and statistical approaches,
focusing on pattern recognition between texts. On the
other hand, symbolic NLP also known as rule-based
NLP was oriented on formal languages and
generating syntax. NLP considers all linguistic levels
(Liddy, 2001):
1. Phonetics is the study of the production of
2. Phonology is the study of the arrangement of
3. Morphology is the study of word structure
4. Syntactics is the study of sentence structure
5. Semantics is the study of meanings in a
6. Discourse is the study of syntactic and
semantics on units of text longer than a sentence
7. Pragmatics is the study of language in
3.2 Context Awareness in Text
Different definitions of context were provided by
linguists (Lichao, 2011). Widdowson (Widdowson,
1996) presented context as a schematic construction
of the circumstances of language usage relevant to the
meaning. Cook worked on the relationship between
literature and discourse and used the context of texts
as a form of global knowledge with a (1) broad
definition or a (2) narrow definition (Cook,
1994). Lichao ( Lichao, 2011) divided context into
three categories:
1. Linguistic context refers to the context within
the text. It consists of considering the relationship
between words, phrases, sentences, and
paragraphs. If we consider the word “bank” we
need the sentence in which the word was
mentioned to be able to properly assign the
corresponding meaning. The study of time, place,
and people related to happenings mentioned in a
text form the deictic context element. Collocation
of words falls into this context categorization.
Collocation is the grouping of words with their
context. For example: barked and dog, born and
baby, blond and hair.
Importance of Context Awareness in NLP
2. Situational Context is also known as the context
of situation where the environment, time, place,
participant of the text, and their relationship form
the context. The activity domain or field of text,
social relationships, and the mode of text
communication are also part of this type of
3. Cultural Context as its name indicated
considers the cultural background, customs, and
past history of the language and the participant
(writers or speakers of a discourse). Language is
influenced by social factors, social status, gender,
or age.
Depending on the discipline requirements, the context
of texts in text analysis may play different roles:
Eliminate Ambiguity in multiple levels: word
sentence level and groups of sentences level.
Improving coreference resolution and
indicating referents which is generally used to
replace noun phrases or adverbial phrases.
Detecting Conversational Implicature or
Intentions, ie; sarcasm, irony, insults, hurting,
pain, caustic, humor, vulgarity, rhetorical
questions, metaphors, …
There are two different conceptualizations of
context and context used in NLP. The first
conceptualization evokes the context of target words
in their usage in a text. The second perspective of
context is relative to knowledge extraction and the
use of ontologies. A popular approach that enables the
application of neural networks and machine learning
algorithms is the representation of words, sentences,
or documents in vectors, considering the “context”
which in this case is the surrounding words
(Kobayashi, 2018). The research field that provided
this approach is Distributional Semantics based on the
distributional structure of language theory proposed
by Harris (Harris, 1954). Word2vect (Mikolov et al,
2013) and BERT (Devlin et al, 2020) are two models
built based on de Distribution semantics. Word2vect
was the first model released in 2013, it is
unidirectional. In other words, in the example “I went
to the bank to sit” and “I the bank to take some
money”, the word bank would have the same vector
because the window considered is before the targeted.
While BERT is the first Bidirectional Encoder
Representation from Transformers, and the two
representations of the word will be different.
The use of ontologies and ontology-based technics
for information retrieval purposes was popular
between 2000 and 2010 (Wimalasuriya et al, 2010).
The use of predefined ontologies to orient and target
the information, and the domain of the ontology would
play the role of the context. It is that there is a
bidirectional relationship between ontologies and
natural language processing (Lenci, 2010). Ontologies
can be used to orient knowledge extraction from text
and NLP can help build and enrich ontologies. Lenci
defined four major uses of contexts for onto-lexical
knowledge extraction in NLP:
1. Semantic typing is used to characterize the
semantic types of linguistic expressions
2. Identify semantic similarity and relatedness in
which we try to pair words with similar meanings.
In this context, the aim is to identify concepts that
belong to the same logical type defined by
Sommers (Sommers, 1963).
3. Enable inferences and inheritance of concepts
within the same type
4. Argument structure which allows combining
constraints of lexical items. Using predefined
relationships, using ontologies enables the
extraction of concepts and relationships between
concepts based on lexical dependencies.
While distributional semantic approaches, such as
BERT, are highly performant in machine learning
tasks such as classification and annotation, a
dependence on the pretraining dataset and the
conceptualization of the group built the model. The
models still require a need to structure and represent
the information extracted while keeping track of the
context of extraction. As for ontology-based context,
the limit of this approach is the relativity of the
knowledge extracted from the text and maintaining
the context provided by the text. When using different
texts, the categorization of concepts may not identify
changes in concept definitions, evolution analysis of
the context, and of the elements identified in the
context. A need to track temporality and limit the
inferences based on their context is identified. In the
following section, we will present the context-
awareness field, a research field dedicated to studying
context and enabling systems to be aware of the
Schilit et al. (Schilit, 1995) defined context-
awareness as the ability of a system to adapt to a
changing environment. In their use case, they worked
on a system with mobile users, and the need was for
the system to be able to detect the changing location
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
and adapt to it. In their definition context was defined
as the environment, the location of users, and the
users. As the definition of context changed over time,
the context-awareness definition also went through
changes over time as the need for context-aware
processing was needed. So, situation context can be
recognized by identifying the situation object, the
actors that provoked changes or made actions, the
occurred event, the location of event, the event
happening time, the field and domain of situation
(Figure 2).
Figure 2: Main situation context elements (Matta et al,
The VerbNet parser will play a key role in
identifying the agents in a sentence and their nature.
VerbNet enables distinguishing between the agent
‘A0’ that is making the action for action verbs ( Clark
et al, 2021), (Brown et al, 2022). This takes into
consideration the active and passive forms of the verb
in a sentence. Note that the dimension actor in this
approach will be represented by any entity that takes
action in the text and will be the ‘A0’ provided by
VerbNet. VerbNet also provides the part of the
sentence that reflects the location and the time
(Leseva et al, 2022).
Figure 3 provides an output of 4 different
sentences. The 2 sentences on the top highlight the
actor identification, regardless of the active or passive
form of the verb, the parser detects the ‘company” as
the “A0”, the starter of the action. As for the 2
sentences at the bottom, allows the distinction of roles
the entity “France” is playing. In the first sentence,
France is detected as an actor, therefore, instead of
just being the country, it is also the political actor.
While in the last sentence, France is the location of
the event.
As for the objects, they represent any concept
mentioned in the text and are extracted using
hypernym/meronym relation extraction (Issa Alaa
Aldine, 2022). The structural-based approach was
used along with some of the Hearst Patterns (Roller
et al, 2018) since they allow keeping track of the
Figure 3: Example of Using VerbNet Parser in CATKoRD
platform (23), (24).
semantic extraction based on how it was mentioned
in the text. It also enables the discovery of new
relation and is not dependent on previously defined
lexicons or context independent semantic relations.
For instance, in the sentence “Domestic animals such
as dogs and cats” we can identify the relation
“animal/domestic animal” but also “domestic
animal/dog” and “domestic animal/cat”. Ontologies
are used to enhance inheritance among concepts
within the same text and comparing objects from
multiple text considering their context.
The CAToRD (Matta et al, 2023) has been
developed based in these principles to identify
situation context elements from text.
One dimension of cultural context can be related to
the social evolution of a culture by analyzing the
literature heritage of a civilization. When observing
linguistics actors on literature text analysis, several
dimensions can be identified:
Text title type recognition that leads to text
style identification.
Text Blocs identification that emphasizes the
organization of the document.
Authors and references identification that help
on literature type selection.
Language Analysis to identify linguistics
forms related to literature type.
Importance of Context Awareness in NLP
As first step of the methodology, we want to
define for cultural context recognition, a linguistic
expert has been observed when analyzing two types
of text from: French literature one and public
scientific newspaper. These first results will help us
to determine main aspects to consider in cultural
context. That can be the foundations of cultural
context ontology and NLP dedicated algorithms
For instance, analyzing the “The Wolf and the
Lamb” text leads to:
Title of the text concerns two animals that
have different characteristics.
Text is decomposed on three blocs:
1. An introduction that introduces the
situation of two animals
2. Discourses between two animals
3. A conclusion on one sentence that
emphasizes the text morality.
Author: “La Fontaine”, with reference, the
title of the book: “Les Fables De La Fontaine”
that leads to recognize the style of the
literature; critics and morality documents.
Linguistic analysis that helps to identify a
conflict between a strong and weak characters.
These aspects push the linguistic analyst to isolate
sentences that emphasizes this conflict (0):
Space dimensions: The Wolf is higher than
the lamb on the riverside.
Social dimensions: social positions of the
Wolf and the lamb in the society. “Magesty”,
“you and your family disorder my life” …
Environmental dimensions: division of earth
properties. “For you spare me little, You,
your shepherds, and your dogs.” …
This analysis put on a progress in conflict
expression: from simple one between two animals to
deeper one related to the humanity control of the
environment and its impact.
In this type of text analysis, classical NLP
algorithms are not sufficient to detect these types of
dimensions. Analyzing sentences cannot enhance
documents analysis. Cultural related to literature
types must be defined. Semantic representations can
be used as references that guide supervised NLP
algorithms to detect such type of aspects.
Figure 4: Analysis of a Fable of La Fontaine
Figure 5: Example of Analysis of a problem-solving
scientific report
Documents can be not only from the literature but
belong to specific fields, activities, companies. For
instance, technical reports are decomposed on several
blocks, in which the problem is first described The
question of the altitude of Tibetan problem…”, then
observations are detailed before describing The
Himalayan chain results from the formidable
collision how actors face the problem and give a
solution. The title of these reports put on generally the
encountered problem by presenting two hypotheses
of floatability of the plate or separation of the
Eurasian plates. As same as, technical documents or
contractual ones are presented related to reasoning
schemas in which different blocks reflect actors’
problem solving (0). Semantic representations and
domain ontologies must be considered to emphasize
tectonique-plaques- cette-plaque-tectonique-train-dechirer-
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
companies’ cultural context and guide the NLP
analysis of these type of documents.
Currently, NLP techniques tend to use LLM and
Generative AI to analyze texts. But this type of
techniques still be hard to consider specific context of
activities which are necessary to emphasize semantics
of a document. In fact, they ask to define several
specific prompts (Feldman et al, 2023) and don’t put
on global techniques for this aim. In this paper, the
importance to consider context in NLP algorithms has
been shown based on our first studies on this domain.
Firstly, some techniques to detect situation context
has been mentioned and secondly, importance of
cultural context to analyze documents are
This paper presents our first study to detect
cultural context. Two types of texts have been
analyzed manually to identify important parts to
consider in cultural context. We aim at studying
cultural works to define a dedicated ontology. Then,
CAToRD platform will be augmented by extending
NLP algorithms that help to consider cultural context.
Global rules will be then defined to be integrated in
NLP applications and LLM algorithms.
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