companies’ cultural context and guide the NLP
analysis of these type of documents.
Currently, NLP techniques tend to use LLM and
Generative AI to analyze texts. But this type of
techniques still be hard to consider specific context of
activities which are necessary to emphasize semantics
of a document. In fact, they ask to define several
specific prompts (Feldman et al, 2023) and don’t put
on global techniques for this aim. In this paper, the
importance to consider context in NLP algorithms has
been shown based on our first studies on this domain.
Firstly, some techniques to detect situation context
has been mentioned and secondly, importance of
cultural context to analyze documents are
This paper presents our first study to detect
cultural context. Two types of texts have been
analyzed manually to identify important parts to
consider in cultural context. We aim at studying
cultural works to define a dedicated ontology. Then,
CAToRD platform will be augmented by extending
NLP algorithms that help to consider cultural context.
Global rules will be then defined to be integrated in
NLP applications and LLM algorithms.
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