on areas 1,2, and 3. The machines are able to work in
parallel, as long as their positions don’t hinder each
other, i.e. as long as SR2 is on the right of SR1.
In our scenario, at most one action of each ac-
tion type can be executed at once. Given this, for
each step move, there are (|route
| + 1) · (|route
| +
1) · (|route
| + 1) · (|route
| + 1) many possible route
combinations where route
, route
, route
, route
are the sets of import, export, transport and blending
routes respectively. The added route for each factor
being no action of that type happening. This number
is a gross maximum for the number of parallel routes,
as there may be routes that are impossible to be used
in parallel. At the same time, this number vastly un-
derestimates the number of possible action combina-
tions. For each route, there is a large number of pos-
sible actions stemming from multiple stockpile areas
being sources or destinations for a route, as well as a
substantial number of possible masses being used.
In our system, almost each stockyard vehicle can
work on 8 stockpile areas. Almost every area can be
serviced by 2 vehicles. For simplification purposes,
we assume that these numbers hold for every area and
vehicle. An import action has 21 possible destination
areas with 20 on the stockyard and 1 on the export.
With 2 possibilities to access every area, there are 42
different ways for import actions alone. Export ac-
tions have a number of possibilities analog to import
actions, just in reverse. Transport actions have 20 pos-
sible source areas, 19 destination areas, each serviced
by 2 vehicles, resulting in 20 · 19 · 2 · 2 possibilities.
Blending actions with 2 source and 1 destination areas
are more complicated with 20 ·19·18 ·2 ·2 ·2 options,
of which many are impossible due to vehicle restric-
tions. Any step move consisting of 0 or 1 of each
action types has a great number of possibilities since
every number has to be multiplied, even under exclu-
sion of concurrent parallel actions. On top of that,
different masses can be moved, which again increases
the number of possible actions. Thus the problem size
for a single step move is massive at a magnitude of
options. We will be looking at some conditions
in our system that cause actions and parallel actions
to be impossible.
The layout of the conveyor belt network makes
some actions and combinations impossible. For in-
stance, it is impossible to remove anything from
stockpiles SA2 and SA3 via belt b4, as it only has
a stacker which can add material to stockpile areas.
Usage of conveyor belts has to be exclusive for each
action. When ensuring this, action combinations may
get impossible, such as an export from SA2.0 via belts
b3-b1-b5-b7, while a transport happens from SA4.1
to SA0.3 via belts b5-b6-b2. The belt b5 is used for
both of these actions and thus, their combination is
impossible. Machines need to be spaced apart prop-
erly. This means that any two machines are not able
to work on the same stockpile area, e.g. SR1 and R3
cannot both work on SA1.1. Further, for belt b2,
the machines SR1 and SR2 cannot work in the same
spot. SR1 always has to be on the left of SR2, as
the machines cannot pass each other. In order to not
fall over, each machine possesses a counter-weight.
These counter-weights when working on a stockpile
reach onto the opposite stockpile, e.g. if R3 is work-
ing on SA1.1, then its counter-weight is hanging into
area SA2.1. If there is a counter-weight in an area,
there cannot be any machine working on that stock-
pile or having its counter-weight in the same area. For
the given example, this means that S4 cannot work on
SA2.1 nor on SA3.1.
2.3 Example Action on Our Stockyard
Let us look at some possible example action combi-
nations, i.e. step moves, for our scenario from Figure
2, which are depicted in Figure 3. For understand-
ing purposes, we simplify the problem and only look
at the first spots in the import and export sequences.
The figure shows three states of the stockyard, the ini-
tial state q
on the left, a step state q
in the middle,
and the final state q
on the right. Some of the empty
stockyard areas are omitted in this figure. In between
the stockyard states, step moves with three (resp. two)
actions are depicted, each with source and destina-
tion vehicles and mass and material that are moved,
as well as the belts used. Import actions have a yel-
low background, blending actions have a green back-
ground, and export actions have a red background.
In the initial state, there is 20,000t of material Q1
on the import ship. On the stockyard, the following
stockpile areas have material: SA0.0 has 10,000t of
Q3 that was blended from Q1 and Q2 in previous
steps, SA2.2 has 8,000t of material Q2, SA3.3 has
12,000t of Q1. The export ship and all other stock-
pile areas are empty.
The goal is to have 20,000t of Q3 on the export
ship at the end of the solution process.
In the first step (see Figure 3), the following ac-
tions are executed in parallel: Importing 8,000t of Q1
to SA3.0 via belts b1 and b4 and machine S4. Blend-
ing 8,000t of Q1 from SA3.3 and 4,000t Q2 from
SA2.2 to make 12,000t of Q3 and put it on SA0.3,
with SR5 putting Q1 on belt b5 which is then trans-
ported on belt b6, Q2 is put on b3 by R3 and also
transported to belt b6. Belt b6 functions as a blend-
ing belt here. The blended material is then put on belt
b2a and moved to SA0.3 by SR2. Exporting 8,000t of
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics