common lexicon and taxonomy for discussing
specification of implementations of IIoT.
Currently, there are several reference architectures
that can be employed for deploying Factory of Fu-
ture (FoF). Two of the most popular reference archi-
tectures, RAMI 4.0 and IIRA, and their interoper-
ability will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
RAMI 4.0 is the product of Industrie 4.0, which is
a national project of the German government initi-
ated in 2011 through German’s Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF) and the Ministry for Economic
Affairs and Energy (BMWI) (European Commission,
2017), which has since been joined by industries and
academia to form a consortium called Plattform In-
dustrie 4.0. Industrie 4.0 aims to increase value in
manufacturing and decrease waste by transforming
the way products are developed, produced, managed,
and consumed. The project focuses on the industrial
manufacturing sector and connects value chains by in-
tegrating things and processes to form cyber physical
systems (CPS). The novelty of Industrie 4.0 results
from the combination of already existing and new
technologies such as embedded computers, intelligent
sensors, mobile broadband internet access, and Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) in the industrial en-
vironment into a uniform, integrated solution through
standardized communication. (VDI Verein Deutscher
Ingenieure e.V., 2015) The Industrie 4.0 concept is
implemented through RAMI 4.0; a service-oriented
architecture that has been designed for efficient shar-
ing of data and information between all the sharehold-
ers taking part in the Industrie 4.0 ecosystem. RAMI
4.0 (registered DIN SPEC 91345 in Germany) en-
sures that all participants in Industrie 4.0 share a com-
mon perspective and build a common understanding.
(DIN, 2016)
The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) first pub-
lished IIRA in the form of a Technical Report in
2015. Founded by AT&T, Cisco, General Electric,
IBM, and Intel, the mission of IIC is to reach indus-
trial interoperability and consensus on IIoT platforms.
The IIC is a part of the Object Management Group
(OMG) and today has 19 working groups and over
250 members of industrial and academic background.
In July 2019, the latest version of IIRA, IIRA v1.9,
was published by the Industrial Internet Consortium
Architecture Task Group, which is a subset of the
IIC Technology Working group. (Industrial Internet
Consortium, 2019) IIRA is a reference architecture
of what IIC calls Industrial Internet Systems (IIS).
These systems are defined as end-to-end application
systems for industrial tasks. They include technical
components as well as interactions with users. Ac-
cording to the IIC, IIRA is a ”business-value-driven
and concern-resolution-oriented” reference architec-
ture for the IIoT. (Industrial Internet Consortium,
2019) IIRA itself is based on the Industrial Internet
Architecture Framework (IIAF), which provides ba-
sic conventions, principles and definitions. The IIAF
builds on the international standard ISO / IEC / IEEE
42010: 2011 and performs basic architectural descrip-
tion constructs, such as Concern, Stakeholders, and
Viewpoint. The viewpoints are one of the key build-
ing blocks of IIS. There are four viewpoints: Busi-
ness, Usage, Functional, and Implementation. (Indus-
trial Internet Consortium, 2019)
1.1 Industrial Data Protocols
The goal of the Industry 4.0 research initiative is to
enable networked, flexible and therefore adaptive pro-
duction. The challenge here is that production data is
often very distributed and heterogeneous. As a solu-
tion to this, the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA)
standard provides a context-based data description
model alongside its communication protocol specifi-
cation. In OPC UA, metadata is defined with stan-
dardized data models that enable a uniform under-
standing of the data in the value chain.
There are several technologies that provide the
functionality needed to bridge the operational tech-
nology (OT) and information technology (IT) gap
(Bonomi et al., 2012), such as, time-sensitive net-
working (TSN), cloud computing and OPC Unified
Architecture (OPC UA). Although TSN has received
a lot of attention, a suitable technology such as OPC
UA PubSub was only recently explored for its poten-
tial to meet tight timing guarantees [5], [6]. How-
ever, an open issue is that the timing guarantees are
only valid if the OPC UA PubSub is isolated from the
OPC UA client-server communication model. The
reason is that both communication paradigms use a
shared data model, which raises issues related to si-
multaneous data access that need to be addressed. A
client-server instance may prevent access to PubSub
data or change the value during a read operation with
unexpected consequences. Analysis in (Denzler et al.,
2022) includes the overall RT-TSN-OPC UA concept,
an analysis of common concurrent data access mech-
anisms for their suitability, and identifying critical
code segments in the open62541 OPC UA stack.
The work in (Großmann et al., 2014) describes
an approach to modeling the information of an ag-
gregated OPC UA server to combine the representa-
tion of a single entity in different data models. The
work in (M
uller et al., 2022) presents a methodology
for the integration of standardized information mod-
els into existing OPC UA servers. However, the prob-
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics