Machine Learning-Based Wine Quality Predictive Modelling
Xiang Li
Metropolitan College, Boston University, One Silber Way, Boston, MA 02215, U.S.A.
Keywords: Wine Quality Prediction, Machine Learning, Random Forest, Oversampling.
Abstract: With the continuous economic development and the trend of consumption upgrading, there is a growing
demand for high-quality wines in the market. Currently, the evaluation of wine quality primarily relies on
scores provided by professional wine tasters. However, leveraging wine physicochemical indicators for
efficient and accurate quality assessment has become increasingly crucial in the industry. In this study, we
utilized a wine dataset sourced from Kaggle to develop and train four machine learning models for predicting
wine quality. To address the issue of imbalanced classes, we incorporated oversampling techniques during
the model training process. Our results demonstrated a significant enhancement in the performance of the
models, with the Random Forest model emerging as the optimal choice. It achieved an accuracy rate of
90.71% for red wine dataset and an impressive accuracy rate of 93.79% for white wine dataset. The findings
of this research underscore the importance of integrating machine learning techniques with wine
physicochemical indicators to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of wine quality assessment.
With the development of today’s economy and
society, people’s living standards are constantly
improving, and also their consumption ability is
gradually upgrading. At the same time, more and
more people are beginning to understand and enjoy
wine. According to the statistical data of International
Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), in 2022,
global wine production reached 25.8 billion liters, 1%
decrease compared to 2021. Overall, global wine
production has remained stable at around 26 billion
liters for 4 consecutive years (Zhang et al., 2022 &
Cheng et al., 2018). Italy, France and Spain accounted
for 51% of global wine production. The estimated
global wine consumption in 2022 is 23.2 billion liters.
The EU’s wine consumption reached 11.1 billion
liters, accounting for 48% of global wine
consumption. The United States remains the world’s
largest consumer of wine, with consumption of 3.4
billion liters.
Normally, the evaluation of wine quality is based on
scores obtained from professional wine tasters.
However, there may inevitably be some differences
due to personal expertise and preferences (Zhang et
al., 2022). Moreover, this evaluation method cannot
be applied in the actual production process due to
large quantities of wine. The physicochemical
indicators of wine are also important components for
quality evaluation besides sensory tests. It is difficult
to accurately classify wine due to complicated and
vague relationship between physicochemical and
sensory analysis. So, establishing an effective wine
quality prediction model that can complete the
evaluation of wine quality more efficient, objective
and accurate becomes a requirement.
The purpose of this paper is to apply multiple
machine learning models on readily accessible
analytical data from Kaggle and select the optimal
model to predict wine quality.
Regarding the quality evaluation of wine, Zairan
Cheng et al. used Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) to classify wine grapes and verified the
feasibility of the evaluation using multiple regression
analysis (Cheng et al., 2018). Yanyun Yao et al. used
LASSO regression to evaluate wine and reduced the
cost of evaluation and test (Yao et al., 2016).
Paulo Cortez et al. modelled wine preferences
based on physicochemical indicators of wine using
Support Vector Machine, multiple regression and
Neural Networks (Cortez et al., 2009). Mingze Xia et
al. used SVM model to predict wine quality based on
Li, X.
Machine Learning-Based Wine Quality Predictive Modelling.
DOI: 10.5220/0012998000004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 86-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the physicochemical indicators of wine Xia et al.,
2020). In their study, 3 different kernel functions,
linear, RBF and polynomial, were applied in the SVM
model. And the prediction accuracy of RBF kernel
function was the best. But there’re also some
limitations of SVM. Firstly, the number of possible
kernels is infinite, and it may be hard to choose the
right one. And it can be computationally intensive
when training the model, especially when large
amount of data.
Feng Zhao et al. optimized the learning rate,
weights and thresholds of Neural Networks and
established a Backpropagation Neural Network
prediction model based on adaptive genetic algorithm
optimization for wine quality prediction (Zhao and
Jiang, 2021). The initial weights and thresholds of the
NN are randomly generated, which can cause it to fall
into the local optimum and affect the model training.
Due to the excessive physicochemical indicators of
wine, Wenbing Sun used genetic algorithm to filter
physicochemical indicators and optimized the
weights and thresholds of the Neural Networks to
reduce the time of model training and improve the
generalization ability of the model (Sun, 2017).
Although NN have spurred innovation within the
field of artificial intelligence, there’re some
limitations when applying this method. Firstly,
Neural Networks have “black box” nature. We don’t
know how or why the NN came up with a certain
output. Secondly, NN may take a long time and more
resources to develop and train. In other words, NN are
computationally expensive.
Firstly, we performed exploratory data analysis
(visualization) on the red and white wine dataset
separately, including KDE plot and heatmap. Then
we preprocessed the data, including standardization
and label encoding. Label encoding converts
categorical data into the form that machine learning
algorithms can handle (Figure 1). After that, we
constructed and trained four machine learning
models, including RF, SVM, Neural Network
(Multilayer Perceptron, MLP) and XGBoost (Jain et
al., 2023). During the model construction and training
process, we also adjusted the parameters to optimize
the performance of machine learning models.
3.1 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
EDA is a data analysis method that aims to provide a
foundation for further data analysis and decision-
making by exploring the properties and patterns of
data with several statistical techniques and data
visualization tools (Zhang et al., 2019).
3.1.1 KDE
Kernel Density Estimation is a non-parametric
statistical method used to model and visualize the
distribution of data. The basic idea of KDE is to
weighted average the kernel function around each
data point, and then add up all weighted average
values to obtain the probability density estimation of
the entire dataset.
The figure 2 integrates KDE plots of 11 features
into one chart. The integrated KDE plot shows that
the distribution of the features in white wine data is
more normal-distribution-like than red wine data.
Also, if the KDE plot of a specific feature shows clear
peak separation, this feature may have good
discriminative ability for distinguishing different
samples (Cheng et al., 2017 & Xia et al., 2018). So,
feature “total sulfur dioxide” may have good
discriminative ability to distinguish red and white
Figure 1: Flow Chart (Picture credit: Original).
Machine Learning-Based Wine Quality Predictive Modelling
Figure 2: KDE Plots of 11 Features (Picture credit: Original) .
3.1.2 Correlation (Heatmap)
Correlation coefficient is a statistical indicator used to
measure the strength of linear relationship between
variables. The following equation can be used to
calculate the correlation coefficient between two
random variables X and Y.
wherein 𝐶𝑜𝑣
𝑋, 𝑌
represents the covariance of X
and Y, 𝜎
and 𝜎
represent standard deviation of X
and Y respectively. Using heatmap to visually
represents the correlations between different
variables in the dataset. The strength of the
correlation is indicated by the intensity of the colour.
The following four machine learning models were
applied on the datasets, and we tried to figure out
which model performs the best with proper
Random Forest is composed of numerous
independent decision trees built with random subset
of data and features. It forms the final prediction by
combining the prediction results of all decision trees
through majority voting for classification or weighted
average for regression. By integrating multiple
models, it can effectively mitigate overfitting
problems, improve the prediction accuracy and
generalization ability of the model (Jain et al., 2023
& Zhao and Jiang, 2016).
SVM: finding a hyperplane that maximizes the
margin between classes is the fundamental principle
of SVM, which helps to achieve good classification
performance (Jain et al., 2022).
Assuming the equation of the hyperplane is:
∗xb0, wherein w is normal vector, b
is the intercept and x is the input features.
Support vectors are the data points closest to the
hyperplane, which determine the position of the
hyperplane. Support vectors meet the following
conditions: y
1. y
is the class
label of data point x
. The value of y
is either 1
or -1.
(Artificial) Neural Network (NN)/Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP) is a computing architecture based
on human brain functional models, consisting of a set
of processing units called “nodes”. These nodes
transmit data to each other, just like neurons in the
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
brain transmit electrical pulses to each other. Nodes
are distributed on at least three layers, namely input
layer, hidden layers, and output layer.
XGBoost makes enhancements based on Gradient
Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT), an ensemble
learning algorithm, which optimizes base learners
iteratively and ultimately forms the final strong
learner. Unlike traditional GBDT, XGBoost adds a
regularization term to avoid overfitting.
4.1 Experiments & Performance
Measurement Setup
The dataset used in this paper is from Kaggle.
There’re 6497 samples in the dataset, 1599 samples
for red wine and 4898 samples for white wine. From
the following figure 3 and figure 4, we found the
distribution of the target (quality scores) is
unbalanced. Unbalanced class distributions present a
barrier to many machine learning algorithms. So, we
used oversampling technique, which adds more
samples from the minority class, to mitigate the
impact of imbalanced classes. Oversampling is
crucial for improving model performance, reducing
overfitting tendencies and enhancing model
generalization ability and robustness. This paper will
discuss the models on red and white wine datasets
Figure 3: Histogram of Quality Scores (Red Wine) (Picture
credit: Original).
Figure 4: Histogram of Quality Scores (White Wine)
(Picture credit: Original)
In order to measure the performance of machine
learning algorithms, the following performance
measurements are used in the article.
Accuracy: the percentage of correctly classified
samples by the classifier relative to the total
Precision: the percentage of correctly classified
samples by the classifier relative to the positive
samples determined by the classifier.
Recall: the percentage of correctly classified
samples by the classifier to all positive samples.
F1 score: the weighted harmonic average of
Precision and Recall.
AUC: Area Under Receiver Operating
Characteristic (ROC) curve.
The larger the above measurements, the better the
predictive ability of the model.
The (optimal) (hyper)parameters in each machine
learning model for red wine and white wine data are
set through parameter tuning with grid search and
cross validation.
4.2 Experiments Evaluation Analysis
The table 1 and table 2 summarized different
performance measurements for four machine learning
models on red and white wine dataset separately.
Table 1: Performance Measurements Summary for different Machine Learning Models (Red Wine Data).
Machine Learnin
Models Accurac
Precision Recall F1-score AUC
SVM 81.17% 80.76% 82.19% 81.16% 96.27%
RF 90.71% 90.93% 91.38% 91.02% 98.94%
XGBoost 89.49% 89.71% 90.23% 89.70% 98.66%
MLP 79.34% 78.45% 80.49% 79.15% 95.58%
Machine Learning-Based Wine Quality Predictive Modelling
Table 2: Performance Measurements Summary for different Machine Learning Models (White Wine Data).
Machine Learnin
Models Accurac
Precision Recall F1-score AUC
SVM 77.65% 76.76% 77.62% 76.93% 95.68%
RF 93.79% 93.63% 93.71% 93.60% 99.54%
XGBoost 93.01% 92.76% 92.93% 92.76% 99.32%
MLP 80.31% 79.16% 80.14% 79.47% 95.94%
Since different performance measurements have
similar comparison result among four machine
learning models, we will talk about the experiments
based on one measurement, accuracy.
Based on result summarized in Table 1 and Table
2, we find that Random Forest model performs the
best among four machine learning models both on red
wine dataset and white wine dataset. The
performance of XGBoost model is slightly worse than
Random Forest, but better than SVM and MLP. Since
RF and XGBoost belong to ensemble learning, which
typically achieves superior performance than a single
learner. While for SVM and MLP, therere many
parameters that need to be adjusted, such as selection
of kernel functions and regularization parameters,
learning rate and the number of neurons in the hidden
layers. The selection of these parameters has a
significant impact on the final results and requires
repeated experiments and adjustment. If the
parameters are not selected properly, it may lead to
poor model performance. Moreover, SVM is more
suitable for binary classification problems. For multi-
classes classification problems, multiple binary
classification processes are required.
ROC curve is the curve that present the
relationship between TPR (True Positive Rate) and
FPR (False Positive Rate) under different thresholds.
Since the ROC curve is suitable for binary
classification problem, while our task is a multi-
classification problem. So, we plotted the ROC curve
with some adjustments.
Plot the ROC curves for different classes
with the optimal machine learning model
Figure 5: ROC curves for different classes with Random
Forest model (Red Wine Data) (Picture credit: Original)
Figure 6: ROC curves for different classes with Random
Forest model(White Wine Data)(Picture credit: Original).
Based on the above figure 5 and figure 6, Random
Forest, which is the optimal model with both red and
white wine dataset, has better predictive ability in
minority classes than majority classes, even though
predictive ability on majority classes is already quite
good. Since we focus more on the minority and
oversampling on minority classes also contributes to
the model, the model is suitable for wine quality
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Plot the ROC curves for a specific class with
four machine learning models
Figure 7: ROC curves for a Specific Class with 4 Machine
Learning Models (Red Wine Data) (Picture credit:
Figure 8: ROC curves for a Specific Class with 4 Machine
Learning Models (Picture credit: Original).
The larger the area under ROC curve, the better the
performance of the classifier. Based on the above
figure 7 and figure 8, we found that for a specific
class/category both in red and white wine dataset, RF
performs the best. XGBoost performs slightly worse
than RF, but better than SVC and MLP, which also
conforms to the comparison results summarized in
Table 1 and 2.
In this study, we conducted an in-depth analysis using
samples from both red and white wine datasets,
focusing on eleven physicochemical properties to
construct four machine learning models. The
classifiers' performance was assessed using various
metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1 scores,
and ROC curves to provide a comprehensive
evaluation of the models. Through oversampling and
parameter tuning, we identified Random Forest as the
optimal machine learning model for both red and
white wine datasets, achieving an accuracy score of
90.71% and 93.01% respectively.
Furthermore, our results indicated that XGBoost
outperformed SVM and MLP in the remaining three
models, underscoring the importance of
oversampling in enhancing models' performance.
However, there are still opportunities for
improvement in this research. For instance, further
exploration of feature engineering techniques and
consideration of additional parameters during the
parameter adjustment process could lead to more
robust and accurate models. This highlights the
potential for future research to optimize and refine the
predictive capabilities of machine learning models in
the context of wine quality assessment.
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IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy