Human-Centric Dev-X-Ops Process for Trustworthiness in AI-Based
Antonello Calabr
1 a
, Said Daoudagh
1 b
, Eda Marchetti
1 c
, Oum-El-kheir Aktouf
2 d
and Annabelle Mercier
2 e
Institute of Information Science and Technologies “A. Faedo”, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Pisa, Italy
Grenoble INP, LCIS - Universit
e Grenoble Alpes, Valence, France
{name.surname}, {name.surname}
AI, Agile, Cybersecurity, DevOps, Holistic, Human-Centric, Lifecycle, Privacy, Trustworthiness.
Ai’s potential economic growth necessitates ethical and socially responsible AI systems. Increasing human
awareness and the adoption of human-centric solutions that incorporate, combine, and assure by design the
most critical properties (such as security, safety, trust, transparency, and privacy) during the development will
be a challenge to mitigate and effectively prevent issues in the era of AI. In that view, this paper proposes a
human-centric Dev-X-Ops process (DXO4AI) for trustworthiness in AI-based systems. DXO4AI leverages
existing solutions, focusing on the AI development lifecycle with a by-design solution for multiple desired
properties. It integrates multidisciplinary knowledge and stakeholder focus.
Recent researchers estimate the value of AI for the
global economy at around $13 trillion by 2030 (Insti-
tute, 2018) and predict that by 2035, AI could dou-
ble the annual growth rates of gross value added in
12 developed countries (Thaci et al., 2024). With
this enormous potential for economic growth and pos-
sible impact on humans and society, understanding
and promoting AI ethical and social considerations
is urgently needed for every business and manage-
ment (B&M) domain. AI’s ethical and social consid-
erations include fairness, transparency, accountabil-
ity, privacy, bias mitigation, job displacement, and the
broader societal impacts of AI adoption.
As emphasized in the AI Act
, this is especially
critical for AI applications, where data poisoning (i.e.,
the manipulation of data used to train AI models)
and adversarial attacks (i.e., deceiving AI systems by
subtly manipulating inputs that are invisible to hu-
mans but highly influential to the algorithm) are the
AI Act can be found at: https://artificialintelligenceact.
most common types of attacks. These threats present
a serious risk to the security of AI applications, as
they can compromise the integrity of the results and
lead to harmful consequences, often with significant
implications for ethics, privacy, security, and public
trust. As the practice evidences (Song et al., 2017),
to achieve this objective, it is necessary to consider
the above properties to be jointly and by design sat-
isfied since the early stages of the development life-
cycle and aligned with social and human needs and
abilities. Therefore, research should move in three
parallel directions:
1. Jointly integrate target properties (like ethics, se-
curity, safety, trust, transparency, and privacy) as
by-design properties of the development lifecycle.
2. Provide new or align existing models, methods,
and tools to the industrial needs and their cost-
saving program.
3. Focus on the needs of the final stakeholders (like
ordinary people, companies, organizations, and
One way to achieve this is by adopting an ethical and
social by-design human-centric development process.
The DevOps development process is one of the most
widely adopted processes that can be easily tailored
to address ethical and social aspects of AI.
A preliminary conceptualization of a DevOps-
based lifecycle for trustable developing systems
Calabrò, A., Daoudagh, S., Marchetti, E., Aktouf, O. and Mercier, A.
Human-Centric Dev-X-Ops Process for Trustworthiness in AI-Based Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0012998700003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 288-295
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and ecosystems, called 2HCDL (Holistic Human-
Centered Development Lifecycle), has already been
presented in (Daoudagh et al., 2024). Inspired by
this idea and by the shift-left development (Bjerke-
Gulstuen et al., 2015), this paper develops DXO4AI
as a human-centric Dev-X-Ops process for trustwor-
thiness in AI-based systems, where X stands for de-
sired properties (such as ethics, security, safety, trust,
transparency, or privacy).
In particular, the paper provides the following
original contributions: (i) Definition of the Smart Ob-
jectives (SOs) for targeting the 3 research dimensions
identified. (ii) Description of the conceived DXO4AI
approach. (iii) Description of an architecture support-
ing DXO4AI. (iv) Preliminary implementation of the
DXO4AI and preliminary results evaluation.
Outline. Section 2 reports on the state-of-the-art.
Section 3 reports the 8 smart objectives we have iden-
tified. Section 4 describes the conceptualization of
our proposal DXO4AI. Section 5 describes the sup-
porting architecture of the DXO4AI development pro-
cess and its preliminary implementation. Initial re-
sults and discussions are reported in Section 7 and 8.
AI technology provides development for virtually
endless applications. However, it is often neglected
that ethical vulnerabilities can be exploited through
psychological and social implications via interfer-
ence with human behaviour (Scherr and Brunet,
2017). Even if scholars are becoming aware of the
double-edged sword of technological progress (Win-
field et al., 2019), the current practices only aim to
protect humans by considering, for instance, mali-
cious attacks on systems, without considering attacks
that exploit human psychology, overlooking ethics in-
herent to AI systems.
The DXO4AI proposal develops solutions that
leverage societal concerns to the digital evaluation
of technical properties, such as ethics, security, ac-
countability, privacy, etc., that enable self-adaptation
of systems w.r.t. to ethical concerns. Hence, the
DXO4AI goes beyond the current state of the art to re-
spond to the digital disruption caused by societal and
ethical vulnerabilities directed towards undermining
the cohesion and functioning of European industries
and societies. In the DXO4AI proposal, the emer-
gent behavior from AI-based systems is evaluated in
a dedicated Dev-X-Opslifecycle that enables contin-
uous analysis, testing, and evaluation during the de-
sign phase and the gathering of runtime evidence,
w.r.t. properties defining ethical features. This in-
formation can guide the development process toward
continuously improving the system behavior at design
time, preparing it for the runtime operation to support
behavioral adaptation that accounts for the system’s
technical capabilities and social and ethical concerns.
Another aspect close to ethical and social con-
cerns when using digital technologies, including AI-
based systems, is sustainability. This is addressed by
the European “Green Deal” (to the European Parlia-
ment, 2019) and will be considered in the DXO4AI
proposal through the targeted use case, which is re-
lated to developing an intelligent decentralized sys-
tem to model collaboration between human operators
and drones in wildfire fighting. The chosen underly-
ing intelligent model is a multi-agent system. Indeed,
the multi-agent paradigm is particularly suited to de-
ploying intelligent and autonomous systems (Cal-
varesi et al., 2017; Dorri et al., 2018). Such systems
are found in many new applications based on intelli-
gent nodes placed in natural environments or close to
users to measure, optimize, and reduce resource us-
age. For example, optimizing the energy consump-
tion in a building (Hafsi et al., 2021), or responding
to climate issues (Bibri et al., 2024).
Also, DXO4AI will enhance past projects’ inno-
vative methods and tools with human-centricity. This
assures trustworthiness in multiple directions, includ-
ing technical and social directions, boosting the gen-
eral level of trust in emergent new digital develop-
ments and boosting the technological adoption of in-
novative solutions.
By focusing on the realization of the three parallel
research directions identified in the previous section,
the following Smart Objectives (SOs) should be con-
Holistic Approach (SO1). The complexity of AI-
based systems and applications and the diversity of
the stakeholders involved in the conceiving, develop-
ment, implementation, and use require holistic solu-
tions to consider all the system dimensions: software,
hardware, automation, electronics, and corresponding
stakeholders’ expertise and knowledge, in addition to
social and ethical requirements (Thomas et al., 2019).
Human-Centered Approach (SO2). Supporting
human-centered development in AI is essential for
aligning with social and ethical values, sustainabil-
Human-Centric Dev-X-Ops Process for Trustworthiness in AI-Based Systems
ity, and trustworthiness. Enhancing multidisciplinary
stakeholder involvement throughout the AI develop-
ment lifecycle promotes public awareness, adoption
of AI methods, and transparency. The Internet of Peo-
ple (IoP) (Miranda et al., 2015) is a recent data man-
agement paradigm that helps model and predict mis-
behavior or accidents.
Modeling the Behavior (SO3). Behavioral profiles
of stakeholders in a target application domain should
be considered throughout systems’ modeling, imple-
mentation, validation, and prediction (Dobaj et al.,
2022). AI, Digital Twins, crowdsourcing, and col-
laborative platforms can help create these profiles.
These profiles should incorporate understanding re-
lationships by combining various functional and non-
functional aspects.
Integrated By-Design Approach (SO4). Promot-
ing ”by-design” approaches, such as Privacy By De-
sign (Cavoukian et al., 2009)), is increasingly becom-
ing a legal obligation, exemplified by the GDPR’s
Data Protection By Design and By Default (Art.
25) (Commission, 2016). These principles should be
integrated early in development to prevent flaws, vul-
nerabilities, and issues due to new devices and com-
Self-Adaptation and Prediction (SO5). Self-
adaptive methodologies that ensure components and
devices are trustable, validated, and verified before in-
tegration into complex environments help reduce de-
velopment costs in case of problems (Casimiro et al.,
2021). Frameworks for measurable, risk-based trust
to develop, deploy, and operate complex, intercon-
nected ICT systems are important for smart failure
predictions (Calabr
o et al., 2024).
Multidisciplinary Approach (SO6). Different
sources of knowledge and requirements, such as the
Law (e.g., regulation and directives), standards, tech-
nical specifications, and domain-specific best prac-
tices, should be taken into account from the beginning
to derive a set of technical requirements that can be
used for developing the intended digital solutions that
will consider social and ethical properties (Thomas
et al., 2019).
Quantitative and Qualitative Proposal and Solu-
tions (SO7). Effective and efficient development ne-
cessitates quantitative and qualitative data collection
and analysis methods]. Proposals should incorpo-
rate risk management and prevention; capabilities for
modeling, testing, monitoring, and analyzing cyberse-
curity risks, attacks, and violations; and stakeholder-
driven, domain-specific requirements (Van Looy,
2021). They should adopt standards, metrics, guide-
lines, and approaches to ensure functional proper-
ties such as security, safety, trust, transparency, and
privacy throughout the entire lifecycle. Integrating
these standards and metrics is essential for maintain-
ing these properties over the system’s lifetime.
Combining Different Xs (SO8). Non-functional
requirements, known as Xs properties (such as ac-
countability, trust, privacy, security, safety, and
transparency), have traditionally been studied sepa-
rately (Giraldo et al., 2017). However, in many con-
texts, these properties can interact deeply or conflict.
Integrated approaches are needed to combine and an-
alyze the Xs properties during system execution to
achieve the required quality. According to the liter-
ature, the relationships between these properties can
be classified into (Kriaa et al., 2015): (1) Indepen-
dence, where Xs are defined independently; (2) En-
forcement, where Xs impact each other through con-
ditional relationships, mutual reinforcement, or mu-
tual overlap; and (3) Conflicts, where antagonisms or
oppositions exist between two or more Xs.
The implementation of the SOs mentioned above will
be performed considering the following guidelines:
Multidisciplinary. This dimension is found in two
main aspects: (1) exploiting and integrating differ-
ent sources of information and knowledge and (2)
promoting collaboration with experts in the require-
ments, analysis, design, deployment, and runtime
phases (as suggested by SO2 and SO3).
To Be Holistic. The DXO4AI proposal applies to the
development of the system, the ecosystem, and their
hardware-software (HW-SW) components, consider-
ing all system dimensions (software, hardware, au-
tomation, electronics) (as suggested by SO1). It also
targets vulnerabilities, erroneous state detection, and
satisfaction of different application domains’ needs,
requirements, and properties (see SO7).
To Be Human-Centric. As suggested by SO2, it pro-
vides easy-to-use facilities focusing on the commonly
adopted technologies that put humans, social interac-
tion, and ethical concerns at the core of digital and
AI services. It adopts the “Internet of People (IoP)”
paradigm. Additionally, as suggested by SO7, stake-
holders will continuously have a clear view of what
is going on, be able to verify properties or express
needs, get certification and assurance of the process
and the applied methodology, get the continuous en-
forcement of the required properties; and, be able to
exercise their rights.
To Be Focused on X-Aware Properties (-X-).
As suggested by SO8, it provides the possibil-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Human-centric Dev-X-Ops Process for Trustworthiness in AI-based Systems (DXO4AI).
ity to combine and assures Security (X=Sec), Pri-
vacy (X=Pri), Transparency (X=Tra), Lawfulness
(X=Law), Accountability (X=Acc), as well as Au-
ditability (X=Aud) and Certification (X=Cer). Addi-
tionally, as suggested by SO2 and SO7, it provides
a means for sharing responsibilities throughout the
entire system and ecosystem lifecycle, assuring the -
X- properties for leveraging consciousness, learning,
shared knowledge, and overall Quality.
To Support Continuous and Incremental Delivery.
As suggested by SO4, the DXO4AI proposal interre-
lates two main phases, development, and operation,
for continuous delivery and mutual feedback. As in-
dicated by SO7, the DXO4AI also promotes the in-
cremental adoption of and compliance with standards,
metrics, and guidelines throughout the lifetime.
To Be Based on By-Design Principles. As suggested
by SO4, it includes the X-by-design principles (such
as Security-by-Design and Privacy-by-Design) in all
the development and operational stages. The possi-
bility of customizing the life cycle depending on the
combination of Xs (as suggested by So8), the appli-
cation domain environment, and the stakeholders’ be-
havioral profiles (as indicated by SO3) are pivotal el-
ements of the novelty of the DXO4AI proposal.
To Support Self-Adaptation and Timely Predic-
tion. According to SO5, monitoring and logging en-
hanced with X-based technologies can be essential in
assuring self-management and assessment of systems
and ecosystems. Continuous and incremental delivery
(as suggested by SO4) and using behavioral profiles
(as indicated by S03) can provide a clear understand-
ing of Xs violations and threats.
By leveraging the preliminary proposal of 2HCDL
(Daoudagh et al., 2024), the DXO4AI concep-
tual process, depicted in Figure 1, includes two
phases: the Holistic Human-Centric Development
phase (DXO4AI Dev) and the Holistic Human-Centric
Operation phase (DXO4AI Ops). Therefore, the pro-
cess is transformed into “Dev-X-Ops methodology,
where the X represents the X (or combination of) de-
sired nonfunctional property for each target system,
ecosystem, or constituent HW/SW component. The
realization of the DXO4AI Dev phase will be guided
by analyzing sources of knowledge (e.g., specifica-
tion of vulnerabilities, law and EU directives, system,
and ecosystem specification) and include three steps:
Modeling, X-by-Design Development, and Valida-
tion. In particular, different proposals and methodolo-
gies will be considered when realizing each step. For
instance, the Modelling step could use Model-Driven
Architecture (MDA) or Semantic Web-based solu-
tions (such as Ontologies) (Daoudagh et al., 2023).
During the realization of the DXO4AI Ops phase, dif-
ferent sources of information will be considered to
define its three steps: Deployment, Monitoring and
Logging, and Reports & Recommendations.
Figure 2 and Figure 3 present the supporting architec-
ture of the DXO4AI development process explained
in the previous section. They realize the DXO4AI
Dev and DXO4AI Ops phases described in Figure 1,
respectively. In figures, the human in the center
can play different roles, e.g., tester, developer, le-
gal expert, user, cybersecurity expert, or data protec-
tion officer. The preliminary implementation of the
DXO4AI architecture relies on several existing arti-
facts that collaborate through a supporting framework
that accommodates the DXO4AI Dev and DXO4AI
Ops phases (Daoudagh et al., 2024).
6.1 DXO4AI Dev Implementation
The main components described for the DXO4AI Dev
are realized by leveraging and composing the follow-
ing existing artifacts.
Human-Centric Dev-X-Ops Process for Trustworthiness in AI-Based Systems
Figure 2: DXO4AI: Proposed Architecture Supporting Dev
Knowledge Management encompasses the man-
agement of different sources of information, e.g., in-
dustrial standards, specific databases like the CVE
and CWE databases for security analysis, etc. Lever-
aging machine-readable representations, such as on-
tologies, DXO4AI allows an automated adaptation of
mitigation solutions related to a particular X or a com-
bination of X properties in the presence of identified
threats. The implementation of this component relies
on the domain-based ontology DAEMON (Daoudagh
et al., 2023) and supports relationships among SoS,
IoT (Calabr
o A., 2021).
User/Domain Customization of X-USs focuses
on managing user interaction and providing action-
able User Stories (X-USs). X-USs are machine-
readable representations of the desired non-functional
properties (Xs) that users can select and customize.
This allows developers to incorporate user needs and
domain-specific considerations into the development
process—the implementation. DXO4AI relies on
GDPR-based User Stories defined in (Bartolini et al.,
2019) and organized in specific Data Protection back-
logs, which are lists of User Stories about GDPR pro-
visions told as technical requirements.
Modeling & Coding component integrates vari-
ous modeling approaches, such as UML diagrams and
Domain-Specific-Languages (DSLs), to provide valu-
able support for the coding phase. By leveraging be-
havioral models, the dev and ops phases will mutu-
ally enrich each other. In implementing this compo-
nent, two open-source tools for behavioral modeling
are under evaluation: Xtext
. Xtext
empowers developers to design DSLs specifically tai-
lored to a specific domain. These DSLs enable the
creation of concise and readable models that effec-
tively capture the system’s behavior. This focus on
clarity within a particular domain makes Xtext valu-
able for DXO4AI. ANTLR (ANother Tool for Lan-
guage Recognition) has a different but complemen-
tary strength. While not directly generating code,
ANTLR allows building parsers and interpreters for
the custom DSLs created with Xtext. This unique
combination unlocks the potential to create highly
readable, executable models.
Testing & Validation focuses on specific Xs un-
der evaluation and allows the integration of different
tools and approaches for continuously assessing the
system’s properties during development. In the cur-
rent implementation, a broader security and privacy
testing Toolbox is specifically designed for access
control systems, considering GDPR compliance that
includes: (1) XACMET (XACML Modeling & Test-
ing) tackles two essential tasks: generating XACML
requests (used in access control) and acting as an au-
tomated oracle to measure test coverage (Daoudagh
et al., 2020); (2) XACMUT (XACml MUTation) fo-
cuses on generating variations (mutants) of XACML
policies (Bertolino et al., 2013); and (3) GROOT pro-
vides a unique methodology for combinatorial testing
and helps evaluate compliance with the GDPR and its
contextualization within a target system (Daoudagh
and Marchetti, 2021).
6.2 DXO4AI Ops Implementation
The main components of the DXO4AI Ops phase are
described in the following and are realized by lever-
aging and composing existing artifacts as follows.
Figure 3: DXO4AI: Proposed Architecture Supporting Ops
Operational Environment Setting aims at se-
lecting X-based behavioral models useful for self-
assessment or predicting possible violations and
threats during the operation phase. This is also in
charge of defining the operational test data if neces-
sary. The component relies on FIISS (Priyadarshini
et al., 2023), which analyses a target system’s ar-
chitectural and behavioral specifications to identify
safety and security interactions. These implementa-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
tions contribute to realizing the methodology by inte-
grating and extending them to cover other Xs proper-
ties. The DXO4AI project will allow more in-depth
research on social and ethical issues regarding this
methodology and the underlying preliminary.
Operational Profile Definition aims at selecting
X-based behavioral models useful for self-assessment
or predicting possible violations and threats during
the operation phase. This is also in charge of defin-
ing the operational test data if necessary.
Operational Environment Setting sets up the
operational environment and specifies the required in-
strumentation for monitoring and reporting activities.
Monitoring & Logging collects data during the
operation, assesses the Xs properties, and launches
necessary countermeasures in case of detected viola-
tions or misbehavior. The component is implemented
through the Concern Monitoring Infrastructure
. It
is an open-source, customizable, and generic moni-
toring proposal that has already been evaluated as ap-
propriate in several specific contexts and application
domains (such as (Calabr
o and Marchetti, 2024; Cal-
o et al., 2016)) for evaluating functional and non-
functional properties. Additionally, to allow loosely
coupled communication and to manage vast amounts
of data, the Concern communication backbone imple-
mentation is message-based and ready for integration
through REST interfaces.
Data analytics performs post-analysis of the data
collected during the operation execution, suggests
countermeasures in case of Xs violations, and im-
proves for successive development iterations.
The multi-agent system paradigm has gained interest
with the widespread adoption of IoT and AI-based
systems and their need for intelligence (reactiveness
and proactiveness). The embedded multi-agent sys-
tem model combines hardware and software com-
ponents, supporting various applications such as au-
tonomous vehicles and smart grids. However, this
model increases the need for trust among agents, as
some could be malicious and intend to harm the entire
system’s operation. Trust is a property that can pri-
marily benefit from the DXO4AI methodology. Con-
sidering the peculiarity of the trust management sys-
tems, DXO4AI methodology focuses on the follow-
ing actions: (1) Information gathering for trust evalu-
ation using evidence from past interactions, contexts,
and other agents; (2) Trust modeling and evaluation
to represent trust in an agent. It describes how trust-
related values are defined and calculated from evi-
dence; and (3) Decision-making to evaluate the effect
of decisions made on trust values.
DXO4AI methodology has been applied to a trust
management proof-of-concept system (PoC) repre-
senting traditional applications for explorers and har-
vester agents (Darroux et al., 2019). Specifically, a
group of light and rapid agents are explorers and in-
vestigate targeted resources disseminated in a given
field. Once explorer agents find resources, harvester
agents are informed of the resources’ locations to
bring them back to a base. An issue may arise from
malicious explorer agents, which can indicate incor-
rect locations, causing harvester agents to run out
of energy. By applying the DXO4AI methodology
and instantiating it to trust (X=trust), the evolution of
trust among a group of explorer and harvester agents
is evaluated by considering some malicious explorer
agents. This PoC focuses on three different potential
behaviors of harvester agents concerning their inter-
actions with explorer agents:
naive behavior: the agent only uses experience
to adapt its trust level. This behavior is more
straightforward when most explorers are trustwor-
thy because the likelihood of getting reliable in-
formation is high. But if the harvester agent se-
lects a malicious explorer agent, it loses part of its
energy needed to go to the resource location and
return without any resources.
cooperative behavior: in his behavior, the har-
vester agent will select the explorer agent using
his own experience and ask for recommendations
from other agents.
basic learning behavior: in this behavior, the har-
vester agent can choose between the naive behav-
ior and the cooperative behavior based on avail-
able trust information. The learning process is
based on the multi-arm bandit model (Xia et al.,
For harvester agents, simulations are deployed us-
ing three agents’ behaviors (naive, cooperative, and
MABTrust). They operate in four different environ-
ments where the number of malicious agents differs
to see how trust influences the overall result. The sim-
ulations were done with 80 agents with:
1. no malicious agents: 50 reliable explorer agents
and 30 harvesters (50e);
2. 40% of malicious explorer agents: 30 reliable ex-
plorer agents, 20 malicious explorer agents, and
30 harvesters (30e20m);
3. 50% of malicious explorer agents: 25 reliable ex-
plorer agents, 25 malicious explorer agents, and
Human-Centric Dev-X-Ops Process for Trustworthiness in AI-Based Systems
Figure 4: Results with different configurations: (a) no malicious (b) 40% malicious(c) 50% malicious (d) 60% malicious.
30 harvesters (25e25m);
4. Most malicious explorer agents (60%): 20 re-
liable explorers, 30 malicious explorers, and 30
harvesters (20e30m).
Figure 4 shows the resources the harvester agents col-
lected before running out of energy. In an environ-
ment without malicious explorer agents (a), the MAB
algorithm does not perform as well as the naive or co-
operative behavior. This is because, in this environ-
ment, agents ought to use most of their energy to col-
lect resources and not as much for the Trust Manage-
ment System (TMS) because it will reduce their per-
formance. Within environments 30e20m and 25e25m,
the MAB algorithm performs better than the others.
In the last configuration (d), with the most trustworthy
harvester agents, the cooperative behavior performs
better than the two others, with the MAB being a close
second. Using the DXO4AI methodology, we ana-
lyzed the trust property within an intelligent system
under development. This process allows for the trust
model to be adjusted for future design cycles.
Even if in the proposal stage, the presented smart ob-
jectives, the DXO4AI methodology, and its prelim-
inary supporting architecture envision different im-
pacts and outcomes for the research and industrial en-
vironment. Indeed, they can stimulate the research
in the design and development of specific models and
methods and underlying platforms and tools for en-
forcing the by-design and combined implementation
of Xs properties during the development and opera-
tion phases. Leveraging the DevOps principles, the
proposed solution will be an industrial, practical, and
effective approach for continuously assessing and en-
hancing the considered properties throughout the en-
tire lifecycle. Finally, the developed processes, mod-
els, and tools could lead to the proposal of patents
or licensed platforms, increasing economic/industrial
impact. Considering the human aspects, the DXO4AI
could contribute to leveraging the Xs awareness and
education in general for any possible stakeholder
(both professionals and ordinary users) with a sub-
stantial societal impact. DXO4AI can close the cur-
rent literature and technological gap in combining se-
curity and privacy by design (Abu-Nimeh and Mead,
2012). We expect our approach to be generic enough
to consider other processes and properties. The novel
Integrated framework will allow the industrial con-
text to integrate processes such as threat analysis, risk
analysis, testing, formal verification, effective audit
procedures for cybersecurity testing, validation, and
consideration of certification aspects. It also promotes
the behavioral model as an effective means of model-
ing and testing Xs properties and analyzing HW/SW
components to discover their potential vulnerabilities.
This work was partially supported by the project
RESTART (PE00000001), the project SER-
ICS (PE00000014), and the project THE (CUP
B83C22003930001) under the NRRP MUR program
funded by the EU - NextGenerationEU.
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curity and privacy in requirements engineering. In
Information Assurance and Security Technologies for
Risk Assessment and Threat Management: Advances,
pages 273–290. IGI Global.
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(2019). Gdpr-based user stories in the access control
perspective. In QUATIC 2019, Ciudad Real, Spain,
September 11-13, 2019, Proceedings, pages 3–17.
Bertolino, A., Daoudagh, S., Lonetti, F., and Marchetti, E.
(2013). XACMUT: XACML 2.0 mutants generator.
In ICST 2013 Workshops Proceedings, Luxembourg,
Luxembourg, March 18-22, 2013, pages 28–33. IEEE
Computer Society.
Bibri, S. E., Krogstie, J., Kaboli, A., and Alahi, A. (2024).
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telligence of things solutions for environmental sus-
tainability: A comprehensive systematic review. En-
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Human-Centric Dev-X-Ops Process for Trustworthiness in AI-Based Systems