Predicting New York Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of
Machine Learning Models
Jie Yu
College of Arts & Science - New York University, West 4 Street, NY10012, New York, U.S.A.
Keywords: Housing Price Prediction, Machine Learning Models, Predictive Analytics.
Abstract: Accurate prediction of housing prices in New York City is crucial for investors, policymakers, and consumers
navigating one of the most volatile housing markets. This study explores various machine learning methods
to forecast housing prices in New York City. The predictive power of Linear Regression (LR), Support Vector
Regression (SVR), Random Forest (RF), and XGBoost (XGB) was examined using a comprehensive dataset
with diverse housing attributes. Our results show that LR and SVR provided less accurate predictions, with
LR achieving an RMSE of 4,091,594, a MAPE of 1.2991, and an adjusted R-squared of 0.2642, while SVR
had an RMSE of 4,967,168, a MAPE of 0.7753, and an adjusted R-squared of -0.0844. In contrast, ensemble
methods, namely RF and XGB, demonstrated superior performance on all accounts. RF achieved an RMSE
of 2,145,123, a MAPE of 0.3086, and an adjusted R-squared of 0.7978, while XGB had an RMSE of
2,483,884, a MAPE of 0.4163, and an adjusted R-squared of 0.7288. These results conclude that ensemble
methods, which can handle complex datasets with higher dimensionality and noise, are more adept at
predicting housing prices in varied markets such as New York City. The findings have implications for
stakeholders in the real estate industry seeking to leverage machine learning for investment and policy-making
For many individuals and families across the United
States, the value of their home represents a significant
portion of their overall wealth. Consequently,
understanding and predicting housing prices is of
paramount importance not only for current and future
homeowners but also for a broad spectrum of
stakeholders in the real estate market. The dynamics
of housing prices are shaped by a complex interplay
of attributes, from macroeconomic trends to specific
property characteristics including location,
neighborhood environment, architectural design, and
property type.
Accurate prediction of housing prices is therefore
crucial, serving multiple purposes from investment
analysis to personal financial planning. In this light,
the development of a model capable of making high-
accuracy predictions of real estate values is not just
desirable but necessary. In response to this challenge,
considerable research efforts have been dedicated to
exploring various predictive modeling techniques.
Among these, machine learning methods such as LR,
Decision Trees, RF, and Support Vector Machines
(SVM) have been prominently featured on multiple
datasets and diverse cases.
New York City, a bustling metropolis renowned
for its economic significance and cultural vibrancy,
attracts tourists from the world. Yet, according to the
study by Frohlich, and Stebbins in 2016, the real
estate market of New York is characterized by its sky-
high housing price due to the stark wealth disparity
between the top earners of New York and the majority
of its residents. This paper aims to explore the use of
machine learning methods to forecast housing prices
in New York to formulate an accurate house price
prediction model.
Previous research has underscored the pivotal role
that dataset quality plays in influencing the outcomes
of studies focused on housing market predictions.
While many studies have utilized traditional machine
learning methods such as LR and SVR, there is a gap
in the comprehensive evaluation and comparison of
ensemble methods like RF and XGB in the context of
the New York City housing market. This study not
only leverages a highly detailed and diverse dataset
encompassing various housing attributes but also
systematically compares the performance of
Yu, J.
Predicting New York Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0012999000004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 102-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
traditional methods against advanced ensemble
In this research, "New York Housing Market"
dataset from Kaggle is used, which offers a
comprehensive and realistic compilation of data
pertaining to the New York real estate sector. The sale
price of properties designated as the primary target
feature for prediction and a range of independent
variables including house type, location and area,
among others are used to predict the sale price. Such
a detailed and multifaceted dataset allows us to
construct a nuanced model capable of capturing the
complexities of New York's housing market.
The structure of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 provides a review of related work, focusing
on methodologies used for predicting housing prices.
Section 3 details the methodologies selected for this
study. In Section 4, the paper analyzes experimental
results, presenting findings and their implications.
Section 5 offers a conclusion, summarizing the
study’s contributions and outlining directions for
future research. References to all cited sources are
included at the end of the document.
Housing prices are influenced by a complex interplay
of factors, including but not limited to the type of
house, its location, and size. Given the unique
dynamics of New York City's real estate market, a
thorough consideration of these variables is crucial
for enhancing the accuracy and depth of research in
this domain. Historically, the field of housing price
prediction has explored a broad spectrum of
methodologies, ranging from Hedonic Pricing
Models (HPM) to advanced machine learning
methods including LR, SVM, RF, and Gradient
Boosting Machines(GBM). This study employs
machine learning methods to identify the most
effective approaches for modeling the intricacies of
New York City's housing market
Central to the discourse on housing valuation is
the HPM, which systematically accounts for both the
internal characteristics of properties and the external
SVM economic factors influencing their value. This
approach has been notably applied by researchers like
Goodman, and Hallvorsen and Pollakowski,
highlighting its utility in dissecting the multifaceted
nature of real estate valuation (Goodman 1978 &
Halvorsen and Pollakowski, 1981). Despite its
widespread use, the HPM has faced criticism,
particularly concerning its assumptions of linearity
and the challenges posed by multicollinearity among
variables. These critiques underscore the model's
limitations in capturing the nonlinear dynamics and
interdependencies inherent in the housing market,
prompting a shift towards more flexible and robust
machine learning techniques in recent studies.
In response to the limitations identified in HPM,
researchers turned to Machine Learning Methods
(MLMs) for more sophisticated analyses. Ho
employed three distinct MLMs SVM, RF, and
GBM—to analyze approximately 40,000 housing
transactions over 18 years in Hong Kong (Ho et al.,
2021). Their findings indicated superior performance
of RF and GBM over SVM, as evidenced by lower
scores in mean squared error (MSE), root mean
squared error (RMSE), and mean absolute percentage
error (MAPE).
A prevalent strategy among researchers in this
domain involves the creation of ensemble models,
which combine multiple machine learning algorithms
to improve predictive accuracy. For instance, Quang
Truong developed an ensemble model by integrating
Lasso and XGB (Truong et al., 2020), whereas Ali
Soltani constructed an ensemble from RF and
Gradient-Boosted Trees (Ali et al., 2021). Both
studies reported enhanced predictive performance
with these ensemble models, underscoring the
effectiveness of this approach in housing price
In light of the comprehensive review of data
science applications in the realm of housing price
prediction, the study decidedly leans towards the
adoption of machine learning models. This choice is
informed by the inherent limitations of HPM,
particularly their assumption of linearity, which is
found problematic. Simple regression techniques,
while foundational, fall short in capturing the
complexity of the housing market's dynamics in this
context. Consequently, ensemble learning stands out
as a critical methodological approach in the
investigation, notable for its ability to unravel feature
importance. This aspect of ensemble learning not
only enhances the predictive performance of the
models but also aligns with the key objectives of the
paper, providing a deeper understanding of the
variables that significantly impact housing prices.
The initial step in this study involves conducting an
overview of the dataset to understand its
Predicting New York Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models
characteristics and preparing the input data through
preprocessing. Following this, a variety of machine
learning modelsLR, SVR, RF, and XGBare
constructed and trained to generate results for
subsequent analysis. Figure 1 illustrates the workflow
of the research methodology as detailed in the paper.
Figure 1: Overall Workflow (Picture credit: Original).
3.1 Dataset Overview
This paper utilizes the New York Housing Market
Dataset sourced from Kaggle, which contains data on
4,802 houses sold in New York, United States
(Elgiriyewithana, 2024). The dataset includes 17
numerical attributes for each property; however, this
study focuses on a subset of these attributes that are
most relevant to our analysis, which are outlined in
Table 1 below.
Table 1: Selected Dataset Attributes.
Attributes Description
BROKERTITLE Title of the broke
e of the house
PRICE Price of the house
BEDS Number of bedrooms
BATH Number of bathrooms
uare foota
e of the
Administrative area level 2
LATITUDE Latitude coordinate of the house
LONGITUDE Longitude coordinate of the
3.2 Preprocessing
The dataset contains several categorical variables
such as “BROKERTITLE”, “TYPE”, and
“LOCALITY”, which need to be converted into
numerical formats for analysis. Due to the focus of
the research, only
"LOCALITY", and "SUBLOCALITY" are retained,
while other detailed locational variables are
discarded. Entries in
consist solely of 5-digit numbers, presumably zip
codes, are also removed as they are not relevant to this
Additionally, the "TYPE" variable entries marked
as "pending" or "contingent" are discarded because
they do not align with the research objectives.
Numerical values in BATH and PROPERTYSQFT
that represent averages used to fill missing data are
removed, as the averages change significantly after
preprocessing, indicating they could distort the
Additionally, the scale of the dataset significantly
impacts the performance of certain machine learning
algorithms (Ahsan et al., 2021). To address this, the
Min-Max scaler is employed to normalize the dataset.
This technique adjusts each feature to fall within a
specified range, specifically between zero and one,
according to the formula:
  
 
Beyond scaling, the dataset undergoes division
into a training set, comprising 80% of the data, and a
test set, constituting the remaining 20%.
3.3 Model Selection
This study opts to utilize ensemble learning models
for regression tasks to predict housing prices.
Ensemble models, by integrating multiple machine
learning algorithms, can achieve better predictive
performance than any single constituent algorithm.
An ensemble is composed of several base learners,
often developed from algorithms like decision trees
or neural networks. These ensembles are typically
categorized into two types: Boosting and Bagging.
Boosting builds learners sequentially with a high
degree of interdependence, whereas Bagging—
employed by models such as RF—creates learners
independently and in parallel (Zhou, 2021). For this
research, XGB and RF have been selected for their
exemplary representation of ensemble learning
To facilitate comparisons and more in-depth
performance analysis, additional classical machine
learning models have been implemented. Serving as
benchmarks, LR and SVR have been included to
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
provide a baseline against which the more complex
ensemble approaches can be evaluated.
LR, a foundational statistical method, establishes
a relationship between a dependent variable y and
independent variables X through the equation y=
. Characterized by its
simplicity and interpretability, the method allows for
straightforward insights into how features influence
the target variable, making it computationally
efficient and accessible. Despite its advantages, LR
assumes a linear relationship between variables,
which may not always hold true. Besides, it is
sensitive to outliers, potentially limiting its ability to
model complex patterns. However, its direct
approach to modeling makes it particularly well-
suited for tasks like housing price prediction, where
the linear influence of features including location and
square footage on price can be assumed. The model's
interpretability is a significant asset, providing clear
insights into the factors affecting real estate prices
and offering a solid baseline for more complex
SVR presents a robust framework for predicting
housing prices, distinguished by its ε-insensitive loss
function which ensures robustness to outliers by
neglecting errors within a predefined threshold(ε )
(Zhang and Donnell, 2021). This characteristic,
coupled with the ability to model complex non-linear
relationships through the kernel trick, makes SVR
particularly adaptable to the diverse patterns inherent
in housing market data. Furthermore, SVR’s
formulation as a convex optimization problem
guarantees a unique global solution, thereby
enhancing model reliability. The optimization
problem, minimized over w,b, and slack variables ξ, ξ
is defined as min
) where
C acts as a regularization parameter to balance model
complexity against fitting precision. However, SVR's
sensitivity to hyperparameter settings and
computational intensity for large datasets can be
viewed as drawbacks. Despite these challenges, its
capacity for capturing the nuanced dynamics of
housing prices through a controlled and theoretically
sound approach underscores SVR's utility in real
estate market analysis.
RF is recognized as a leading ensemble learning
method that enhances the Bagging approach by
creating a collection of decision trees during the
training process. RF adds a layer of randomness to
this process, selecting the best split from a random
subset of features at each node, rather than
considering all features. This method is especially
effective for regression tasks, as it averages the
predictions from all trees to produce the final output,
thereby reducing variance and improving accuracy
over individual decision trees.
A significant advantage of RF is its capability to
evaluate the influence of each feature in the
prediction process. Within the scope of housing price
prediction, the relevance of a feature is quantified
using the Mean Decrease Impurity (MDI), commonly
referred to as Gini Importance. The MDI for a
feature X
is determined by summing the decrease in
impurity (Δi(s, t)) across all trees in the forest for
every node t where X
is used, weighted by the
proportion of samples (p(t)) reaching node t, and then
averaging this sum over all trees M:
) =
𝑝(𝑡)𝛥𝑖(𝑠, 𝑡)
 
This impurity decreases, averaging over all trees,
provides a robust metric for assessing how critical
each feature is for predicting the outcome variable Y,
such as the price of a house. The inclusion of feature
importance analysis in RF not only aids in the
prediction task but also offers insights into the
dataset, highlighting which features are most
influential in determining housing prices. Despite its
computational intensity and potential for decreased
interpretability due to its complex structure, RF's
remarkable accuracy, robustness against overfitting,
and effectiveness in managing outliers and noisy data
render it an outstanding model for the analysis and
prediction of housing prices.
XGB stands for "Extreme Gradient Boosting,"
represents an evolution of Gradient Boosting
Decision Trees, designed for enhanced scalability and
efficiency. This distributed machine learning system
builds on the concept of boosting, where a sequence
of weak models (typically decision trees) are
employed to form a highly accurate ensemble. Unlike
RF, which extends bagging by constructing trees in
parallel without interaction, XGB improves upon
traditional boosting methods by focusing on
optimizing a more sophisticated objective function
that incorporates both the prediction accuracy and
regularization terms to control model complexity.
In the context of a dataset D=
∈ R
represents the feature
vector and y
the target value, XGB employs K
additive functions to predict the outcome, expressed
as y
where each f
F is a function
Predicting New York Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models
represented by the decision trees in the model space
F. The objective function it minimizes is given by
where l is a
differentiable convex loss function that quantifies the
difference between the predicted y
and actual y
values, and Ω is a regularization term that penalizes
the complexity of the model to prevent overfitting.
XGB's approach to training the model in an
additive manner addresses the challenges of
optimizing in the Euclidean space by sequentially
fitting new models to correct the errors made by
existing ones, with an emphasis on computational
efficiency and model performance. Moreover, XGB's
ability to evaluate the importance of each feature
post-training makes it invaluable for understanding
the drivers behind the predictive model, an aspect
especially relevant for tasks like housing price
prediction, where identifying significant predictors is
crucial. This blend of accuracy, efficiency, and
interpretability has propelled XGB to prominence
within the machine learning community.
Prior to commencing with the experiments, it is
essential for readers to grasp the interplay between
the variables under study. To facilitate this
understanding, two visual aids were prepared: a
correlation heatmap and a scatterplot depicting the
relationship between house price and area:
Figure 2 presents the correlation heatmap,
elucidating the degree of association between
variables. Notably, PRICE, the target variable,
exhibits the strongest correlation with
PROPERTYSQFT at a coefficient of 0.46. Additional
variables such as BATH, BEDS, and TYPE display
moderate correlations with PRICE, underscoring the
multifaceted nature of the housing market influences.
The heatmap serves as a preliminary guide to
identifying which features might warrant a more
detailed analysis.
Figure 3 ventures into the specific dynamic
between floor area and sale price within the dataset,
which comprises properties ranging in size from 230
to 55300 sq.ft. and in price from $49,500 to
$195,000,000. The scatterplot indicates a diffuse yet
generally positive relationship between area and
price; however, it stops short of suggesting a strong
linear correlation. This nuance underscores that while
sale price tends to rise with increasing area, it is also
significantly shaped by other factors. The graph
illustrates this general trend, hinting at the complexity
of real estate valuation where multiple variables
influence the final price.
Figure 2: Correlation Heatmap (Picture credit: Original).
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Figure 3: Scatter plot of relationship between house price and area (Picture credit: Original).
4.1 Implementation Details
All computational experiments in this study were
conducted using the Python 3.11.5 environment. Key
libraries utilized include Pandas for data
manipulation, Scikit-Learn for machine learning
algorithms, and XGB for gradient boosting models.
The hardware setup consisted of a 12th Gen Intel(R)
Core(TM) i7-12700H CPU, an NVIDIA GeForce
RTX 3070 Ti Laptop GPU, and 32GB of RAM.
The models were configured with specific
parameters to optimize performance and ensure
LR: The model was implemented using ordinary
least squares regression without any modifications,
providing a baseline for performance comparison.
SVR: The SVR model was equipped with a Radial
Basis Function kernel, defined mathematically as:
k(x, x′) = exp(γ||x  x′||
) (3)
where x′ represents the kernel center, and γ the width
of the kernel, is set to
  
, allowing the
model to handle non-linear relationships. The
regularization parameter C was set to 1 and ε set to
100 for avoiding overfit.
RF: The model was configured with 100 trees,
using mean squared error as the criterion for node
XGB: The model employs the gbtree booster with
200 gradient boosted trees, targeting mean squared
error as the objective function and RMSE for
performance evaluation.
In this study, three metrics are applied to assess
model performance: RMSE, MAPE, and Adjusted
. RMSE highlights the impact of significant errors
by emphasizing larger discrepancies in predictions.
MAPE provides a percentage-based measure of
average prediction errors, offering an intuitive
understanding of model accuracy relative to actual
values. Adjusted R
evaluates the explanatory power
of the model, adjusting for the number of predictors
to ensure the complexity is warranted. These metrics
collectively ensure a balanced evaluation of accuracy,
sensitivity to relative errors, and model effectiveness.
4.2 Evaluation of Model Performance
The comparative evaluation of the four predictive
models is summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Evaluation of Model Performance.
LR 4091594 1.2991 0.2642
SVR 4967168 0.7753 -0.0844
RF 2145123 0.3086 0.7978
XGB 2483884 0.4163 0.7288
Predicting New York Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models
Figure 4: True Price and Model Predicted Price Comparison (Picture credit: Original).
The evaluation of model performances revealed
distinct strengths and weaknesses across the
methodologies. LR struggled, as evidenced by a high
MAPE of 129.91% and a low adjusted of 0.2642,
likely due to its inability to capture the complex
relationships present in the dataset. Likewise, SVR
showed a marginal improvement in performance with
a MAPE of 77.53%, but possibly suffered from the
dataset’s high dimensionality and noisy data, which
resulted in a higher RMSE of 4,967,168 and a
negative adjusted of -0.0844. In contrast, the
ensemble methods, RF and XGB, demonstrated
robustness and superior performance, effectively
handling the dataset's complexities. RF, with an
RMSE of 2,145,123, MAPE of 30.86%, and an
adjusted of 0.7978, along with XGB, which
achieved an RMSE of 2,483,884, MAPE of 41.62%,
and an adjusted of 0.7288, clearly distinguished
their predictive accuracy and generalization
capability over the simpler models due to their ability
to model non-linear relationships and mitigate issues
stemming from noisy and high-dimensional data.
In Figure 4, each scatter plot visually illustrates
the relationship between the actual and predicted
housing prices for the respective models, where each
point corresponds to an individual record from the
test set. The true values are plotted along the x-axis,
while the predicted values are on the y-axis. The
black line in each plot represents the line of best fit,
showcasing the average direction of the data; points
clustering around this line suggest more accurate
predictions. The red line serves as the identity line,
marking where predicted values match the actual
prices perfectly.
Upon analysis, the LR and SVR plots reveal greater
divergence from the identity line, highlighting a
propensity for underestimation. The plots for RF and
XGB, while showing a tighter grouping around the
identity line for lower-priced properties, indicate
deviations at higher price points. This pattern
suggests a more pronounced accuracy in predictions
for moderately priced homes, with deviation
becoming more evident as the value increases
This study utilized various machine learning
techniques to forecast housing prices in New York,
focusing on the evaluation of LR, Support SVR, RF,
and XGB. LR and SVR exhibited less than optimal
performance, characterized by high RMSEs and
MAPEs, along with low adjusted R² values. This was
attributed to LR's inability to capture complex
patterns in the dataset and the impact of high
dimensionality and noise on SVR's performance. In
contrast, the ensemble methods, RF and XGB,
showed strong results. RF, configured with 100 trees
and mean squared error as its split criterion, achieved
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
an RMSE of 2,145,122, a MAPE of 30.86%, and an
adjusted of 0.7978. XGB also performed well,
with an RMSE of 2,483,884, a MAPE of 41.62%, and
an of 0.7288. These results highlight the efficacy
of ensemble methods in handling complex predictive
modeling challenges, suggesting their potential to
lead future research not only in housing price
prediction but also in other areas of economic
forecasting facing similar complexities.
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Predicting New York Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models