eration and synchronization of robotic tasks. Our ap-
proach is fully in line with Industry 4.0, using tech-
nologies such as the OPC UA protocol, which enables
interoperability and using machine vision with image
processing. In fact, by centralizing all the data re-
quired to perform the tasks of each robot, the digital
twin can reconstruct the working area and thus con-
trol each robot even if this last has a faulty sensor.
Moreover, thanks to the knowledge of this working
environment, the movement of each robot arm is min-
imized, thus reducing energy consumption and me-
chanical wear.
Future research will focus on developing a
decision-making layer in the digital twin, which will
be responsible for planning robot tasks and optimis-
ing image processing. In our case study, the robots
receive the position of the parts to be picked and au-
tonomously choose which one to pick. The decision-
making layer currently under development will in-
dicate the most efficient sequence of movements for
each robotic arm, to save even more time and energy.
The project was supported in part by Appel
a manifes-
tation d’int
et (AMI) du R
eseau d’ESR du site Cham-
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Cooperation and Synchronization of Robotic Tasks Using a Digital Twin