provements. These limitations are structured in (1)
look and feel, (2) parameterization and configuration
and (3) security and network.
In Figure 7, we see the database column names,
which are not always intuitive. To overcome this is-
sue, we must dynamically integrate display names for
each column. In addition, the resolution of foreign
keys is currently not yet supported by the component
db-table. This should be optional in future versions.
However, this can already be simulated by the alterna-
tive use of the db-query component and correspond-
ing SQL-join operations. Another point is the ex-
tension of the db-select web component to enable
the selection of multiple entries. This would allow
the manipulation of n : m relationships between data
Support for parameterizable SQL statements
would also be interesting. For example, this would al-
low displaying additional information from other ta-
bles for a specific data set without using JavaScript
functionality. In this case, the parameters used would
refer to a db-row or db-field component (i.e. a for-
eign key attribute). For the future, we are also plan-
ning a wizard that will make it possible to interac-
tively build the desired HTML tags with the necessary
parameters to be integrated into the HTML pages.
The authentication and authorisation mechanisms
are currently limited because we do not support mech-
anisms like Oauth2 or Open ID connect. The Mi-
crosoft Active Directory connection would be bene-
ficial in an enterprise context. In addition, we need to
implement a detailed RBAC system so that users only
see specified columns or edit the dataset only if they
have a particular role. Regarding network access, we
have no fallbacks if the web services are unreachable
by the client’s device. This could happen if the user
operates outside the company and the web services
are only reachable in the local area network segment.
In this paper, we have developed and prototypically
implemented a concept for a client-side, declara-
tive integration of dynamic database content within
HTML pages as a low-code technique. To this end,
a series of components for interaction with relational
databases were developed using web components
technology without needing an individual server-side
scripting language or web framework. On the server
side, we have implemented a RESTful API service
as an interface between the components and the con-
nected databases.
The application spectrum of the components
ranges from the rapid development of a functional
prototype that uses the internal capabilities for creat-
ing, editing and displaying data records to pages that
use the db-row component in conjunction with the
db-field components or external forms can there-
fore implement any layout.
Users of content management systems such as
WordPress can also use the components, as only
HTML pages need to be adapted to integrate database
content. Beside the RESTful service, which is typi-
cally provided by the IT department, no web server
is required, as the components also work with the
browser’s file URI schema.
Building on this basic functionality, we have iden-
tified future enhancements such as usability, detailed
security with RBAC and configurability. These en-
hancements are influenced by the limitations of our
low-code web components described in the previous
Section 7.
Our current prototype can help solve the chal-
lenges of our described stakeholders, like the shortage
of IT personnel, and empower business developers.
Still, we have to evaluate it with the described stake-
holders in a company environment to evaluate the de-
veloper experience of our low-code package.
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Enable Business Users to Embed Dynamic Database Content in Existing Web-Based Systems Using Web Components and Generic Web