Spatial learning in perception and navigation are
essential skills in a changing environment. Both in AI
and in nature, there is a problem of “overfitting” when
a bird accustomed to the same route fails to notice
new places to forage, or an artificial neural network
begins to detect buildings in the ripples of the ocean.
The “challenge” of overfitting makes it difficult to
obtain new information and to find optimal solutions.
Special attention is paid to the problems of overfitting
when detailed adherence to previously acquired
behavioral patterns leads to a decrease in efficiency
and the accumulation of systematic errors.
Additionally, due to overfitting, the ability to make
optimal decisions in the presence of significant
changes in the environment is reduced.
Our work systematizes general issues related to
spatial data processing. We examine the problem of
learning and retraining in spatial cognition and
navigational behavior in categories: birds’ navigation
behavior and remote sensing recognition with neural
networks and demonstrates techniques for solving the
problem of overfitting. It can be helpful in various
industry applications, including tracking changes in
animal migrations in conditions of climate change,
creating smart interactive tourist routes and adapting
infrastructure for tourism, and preparing new neural
network models for recognizing spatial data.
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Spatial Learning and Overfitting in Visual Recognition and Route Planning Tasks