Spatial Learning and Overfitting in Visual Recognition and Route
Planning Tasks
Margarita Zaleshina
1 a
and Alexander Zaleshin
2 b
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Spatial Cognition, Navigation, Machine Learning, Overfitting, Retraining.
Abstract: Spatial data recognition, navigation based on localized visual clues and ability to identify significant elements
in the environment and build routes is formed as a result of general spatial learning and then adjusted to a
specific location. Modern artificial intelligence (AI) from visual processing applications to autonomous
vehiclesalso includes this capability. However, excessive learning can lead to overfitting, which
significantly reduces the efficiency of spatial actions. In this work we describe typical algorithms for
navigation, spatial learning in pigeon flights, and remote sensing recognition in neural networks. We consider
learning algorithms based on significant topological elements, and suggest possible methods to expand
learning opportunities and reduce the impact of erroneous settings. Our calculation results show how
overfitting affects navigation behaviour and visual recognition. Result of this work provides direction for the
future development of new algorithms that optimize the efficiency of spatial learning.
Spatial behavior is determined by the internal
settings, goals, and expectations of subjects and by
the external world as well as by ways of obtaining
additional information about the external
environment. The ability to solve spatial problems is
used directly in everyday life and affects global
processes of settlement and migration.
Animals solve their spatial tasks reflexively,
without a detailed study of topological relationships;
they directly relate their observations, actions, and
results to the physical capabilities of their bodies and
the available environment. Humans have an
opportunity to apply both their natural skills and
digital technologies to solve localized problems in
spatial structures (Freksa et al. 2017). An application
of artificial intelligence (AI) complements the
possibilities of spatial perception and navigation of
humans and animals and builds a new level for
discoveries and achievements in geography (Galvani,
Zaleshina, and Zaleshin 2021).
Detailed skills for terrain orientation are acquired
through spatial learning. There are different ways to
evaluate the effectiveness of spatial actions. In
practice, it can be summarized into two main
indicators - how many wanted objects of spatial
search are found and reached, and how much time and
material resources are spent. Additionally, for AI
often calculates a percentage of correct finds in
relation to all finds, and a percentage of found objects
in relation to all objects. This work compares spatial
perception and navigation behavior for animals
(using the example of pigeons), and for artificial
neural networks (using the example of recognizing
basic urban landmarks). Particular attention is paid to
the issues of overfitting and underfitting. It is
emphasized that learning increases speed and
minimizes costs of wayfinding, but at the same time,
overfitting and lack of updates to the applied patterns
lead to systematic repeated errors, leading to a large
number of false results during actions.
The materials of this work can be useful in various
topics related to the formation of spatial cognition and
navigational behavior algorithms.
Zaleshina, M. and Zaleshin, A.
Spatial Learning and Overfitting in Visual Recognition and Route Planning Tasks.
DOI: 10.5220/0013001100003837
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2024), pages 576-583
ISBN: 978-989-758-721-4; ISSN: 2184-3236
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Spatial Learning Algorithms
The ability to perceive and recognize spatial data and
use this data during movement is innate in both
animals and humans. Now this need is being built into
various AI applications, from programs for remote
sensing recognition to autonomous vehicles. For both
living organisms and AI, learning can be two types:
independent learning and learning with a teacher.
Spatial learning serves to optimize expenditures
of time, effort, and resources. At the same time, the
costs of the path are non-linearly related to the
quantity and quality of the result obtained. In
addition, material resources can be replenished along
the way. Typical learning flowchart is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Learning stages and typical underfitting and
overfitting problems.
Algorithms, once formed during training, can be
repeated for a long time, but this time is limited. First,
the environment can be modified, e.g., due to climate
change. Second, a repeated action can be a reason of
outside changes, e.g., if the sheep eat and trample all
the grass in the pasture. Third, learning errors can
have a cumulative effect due to filters or due to
Another problem that occurs during learning is
overfitting. In the case of a stable environment,
trained algorithms usually work. Overfitting occurs
when a trained algorithm is able to process a limited
set of data in too much detail, it processes well in
fixed sets of samples, but is unable to generalize the
processing to new situations. In fact, novelty is
contraindicated for it. This needs to be eliminated by
retraining on new samples, unlocking the rigidity of
the predefined classification (Bashir et al. 2020).
Additionally, in reinforcement learning, the novelty
of an event can strengthen a motivated response to it
(Siddique et al. 2017), which partially facilitates
efforts to get rid of existing incorrect algorithms.
Overfitting and underfitting can greatly affect
learning outcomes: data can be misinterpreted or
misclassified, relevant data can be filtered out.
Underfitting often results from misinterpretation of
noise or confusion in scales. Some of the noise can be
removed at the preprocessing stage using the decision
tree method (Alharbi 2024) or by segmenting spatial
data according to the scale.
2.2 Typical Spatial Tasks
Bird Flights: Homing and Foraging
In flight, birds focus their attention on the main
elements of the environment: long roads and rivers,
or well-observed objects. Blaser et al. (Blaser et al.
2013) describe how pigeons' mental map helps them
find a route to home or to feeding site based on their
current location. Detailed training in fixed route flight
can be done with a teacher, while flying in a flock, or
while following a leader. Flight consistency in a flock
of pigeons often depends on the flying experience
and/or age of the individual birds and the ability of
the flock leader to set the direction of flight (Santos et
al. 2014).
The difference in the length of the flight paths of
a bird making its first flight and a bird that has
undergone training can differ several times over the
distance A trained pigeon does not need to make a
choice every time where to fly, and its route is
optimally shortened.
Both in the case of the first flight and in the case
of failure to find the original target, the pigeons begin
to survey around the starting point or predicted POI,
over distances comparable to their usual flights.
Schaffner et al. (Schiffner et al. 2018) studied the
difference between surveying trajectories of pigeons
at the moment of departure from the site and
subsequent directed flight to the target. The authors
suggested that complex perception of external
information in pigeons slows down their flight speed,
but at the same time allows the birds to more steadily
and efficiently adhere to the target direction.
Spatial Learning and Overfitting in Visual Recognition and Route Planning Tasks
AI: Machine Learning and Unlearning
In remote sensing recognition tasks, including for
navigation, the priority is to identify key objects -
roads, buildings, vegetation. Depending on data
sources, quality, and specificity for a particular area,
recognition results of trained neural networks have
different quality. U-Net (Benedetti, Femminella, and
Reali 2022) or DeepLabV3 (Wang et al. 2022) are
often used to recognize remote sensing images. Such
neural networks often have difficulty eliminating
noise interference, such as shadows from trees, when
recognizing buildings or roads. Well-chosen
segmentation labeling algorithm (Lee et al. 2022)
helps to optimize neural networks.
Machine learning models can adapt to variability
in the data they process, although this often requires
pre-training or retraining. In primary sequential
training, the observed data sets are used to fit the
model, assuming that the predicted features are
constant over time. Retraining requires the ability to
collect new data and compare the recognition results
of incoming data with predicted ones (Dietterich
2002). Active learning algorithm improves the model
quality by checking of data labeling and label
dispersion (Bengar, Raducanu, and van de Weijer
2021). Adversarial learning methods are limited in
data generalization and give unreliable results after
overfitting (Zhao, Alwidian, and Mahmoud 2022).
Machine unlearning is used to partially eliminate
incorrect settings, while preserving the neural
network model’s ability to recognize the necessary
data. When unlearning significant indicators that need
to be forgotten and those that need to be remembered
are determined (Foster, Schoepf, and Brintrup 2024).
Hopkins et al. (Hopkins et al. 2024) propose a
model-independent solution based on the ability to
generalize properties across sets of different classes.
Kim et al. (Kim, Kim, and Bengio 2021) associate
each branch of models with a visual concept and
further manage the resulting set using the attention
module. Processing first calculates the content, which
is then returned to a pixel space containing the subject
area and style.
2.3 Route Planning
Aggregation of Route Planning Information.
The rapid development of digital technologies
contributes to a significant increase in the volume of
collection and processing of spatial and temporal
route data. Depending on the structure, route data can
be divided into explicit entities directly related to
observation and implicit additions with weak
spatiotemporal continuity (Kong et al. 2018).
The availability of route points with known
attributes serves as the basis for creating a route
through such natural objects that have been located
close to each other for a long time and usually have
similar or dependent components that determine their
structure and content. To a lesser extent, this applies
to artificial objects. Tobler’s first law (Tobler 1970)
assumes the dependence of some attributes of objects
that are close to each other.
Unlike static orientation elements, dynamic
elements are not constant in their properties over
time. Natural objects can change their visual
properties depending on the time of day and season.
Artificial objects can change their other attributes
without changing visually over time: public facilities
(museums, cafes, shops, etc.) have opening hours;
public transport runs on a schedule, possibly, with
long breaks.
In an unfamiliar environment, a person searches
for previously encountered objects and signs to
recognize other ones. The uncertainty generated by a
little-known situation results in an attempt to orientate
and search for fragments of previously encountered
elements (Tversky and Kahneman 1974). The variety
of identification and interpolation options leads to the
creation of both copies and complementary
extensions of existing fragments. Like puzzles, such
identified fragments do not always form a
recognizable whole. Fragments that are not combined
into blocks collectively make up a potentially usable
pool. The search allows for identifying suitable
fragments and supplements thereto. Missing points
can be added based on the available parts of other
objects, when points with known attributes transfer
their properties onto fragments or whole areas, as is
the case in kriging.
Points with known attributes can also serve as
reference points. Reference points have stable
locations, but their locations can change over time. A
set of reference points forms a system of
spatiotemporal relations that can be used for
orientation along a route. Reference points with
known attributes make it possible to create
generalized coordinate systems based on their spatial
positions or on non-numeric indicators. The complex
nature of reference points allows them to be used as a
tool for operations with objects and attributes, and as
a framework for spatial positioning. The relative
positions of points and objects form the structural
code of the track points. With small changes, the
structural code may remain the same, with significant
changes in the data set of the environment; a new
structural code is formed from some stable or
repetitive components/elements of the environment.
NCTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
The lines of short routes, if possible, run as straight as
possible, especially if they are also in the line of sight.
If the line of sight of the short route endpoint is
obscured by visual obstructions, the route may
deviate greatly from the straight line and detour along
the visible road section.
Fragmentation of Observed Data.
The environment, including both artificial and natural
signs, is often underrepresented, contradictory, and
ambiguous; the boundaries, color, and texture are not
perceived clearly. The composition of objects
selected by a person changes over time, and when the
same objects are selected again, their fragments are
added and removed, and new combinations of
fragments are generated (LaPointe, Lupianez, and
Milliken 2013). In the observed environment,
fragments are selected that belong to one or several
objects, for example, not the road sign itself but some
part thereof, being jointly selected and even
combined with the adjacent lawn.
The success of the configuration options,
fragmentation, and recombination of blocks and
structural code can be determined by the statistics of
contradictions between a single found element and
the correspondence among the existing several
elemental options found exactly according to the
specified parameters. Attribute transferring allows to
smooth out corners and to make modest changes and
additions, and filling large voids in the data
approximately (Ge et al. 2021a, 2021b).
When overfitting, trained topics overwhelm
untrained topics by searching the environment for
previously encountered objects, phenomena, and
events. But potentially there is a transfer of attributes
from the known to the unknown. A list of objects or
fragments can create thematic non-overlapping layers
in a location that form new structures, this gradually
leads to changes in fields from the attribute table
where the transfer of attributes changes, for example,
color from green to red, and a car to a tractor in the
same field. Versions of assembly of layers are
possible. In such cases, a block combining elements
into a common or a consolidated block of mixed
elements or fragments from one or different sources
can be combined into a common whole with other
Multiscale Spatial Code.
The nature of spatial perception can be described in
terms of topological entities, with visual form
primitives serving as key geometric invariants (Chen
2005). A multiscale spatial code is also present in the
brain, which allows external stimuli to be represented
with varying degrees of refinement, both in
generalization and in detail (Bellmund et al. 2018).
In problems of detecting visual changes,
researchers have shown that objects embedded in a
contextually heterogeneous scene tend to be detected
faster than objects embedded in a contextually
homogeneous scene. consisting of types of objects
and their probable location (LaPointe, Lupianez, and
Milliken 2013). The relative positions of points,
fragments, and objects form the structural code of the
route. The structural code is determined by the
relative location of commensurate objects and, in
general, does not change when objects are replaced
with their counterparts. Searching for objects with the
same attributes results in finding objects with the
same structural code.
The structure of a composite block of fragments
is a set of fragments and links between them. Such a
structural code of a composite block can be
transferred from one block to another. The structural
code for a set of objects is determined by the presence
or absence of boundaries adjacent to each other or to
the “background.” The structural code can change
when fragment blocks move relative to each other.
After a search for additional data in a collection of
fragments and blocks, an incomplete object can be
supplemented with missing data.
The structural code, like a route description, can
be used as a geometrical relative location of a set of
objects and as an invariant for describing motion.
Object attributes and structure codes often become
similar if they have been neighbors for a long time.
The difference between the existing and predicted
fragments can be calculated at the same location.
Tobler (Tobler 1970) assumes the dependence of
some attributes of objects that are close to each other.
Neighboring artificial objects may have a similar
structural code. If a group of objects is located in the
same area, attributes of objects are useful for restoring
the missing attributes of another object from the same
class. If objects of the same class are located in sight,
missing attributes can be added based on the available
attributes of other objects.
Search operations make it possible to find
intermediate points along a route. With redundant but
varied options, the lack of information is
compensated by additions found during the search.
Signs and Dynamic Elements Along a Route.
In choosing a route, the goal is usually not a single
endpoint of interest but to obtain a variety of
“vacation” impressions, which is achieved by
selecting the entire set of points to visitboth final
and intermediate. Some of these POIs chosen by a
traveler may relate to their favorite hobby (places for
sports activities, cultural attractions, etc.), some POIs
are directly related to everyday needs, and some are
Spatial Learning and Overfitting in Visual Recognition and Route Planning Tasks
explicitly aimed at gaining new experiences (see
Figure 2).
Figure 2: Route signs in Stein am Rhein.
A sign is a material object or a pointer, which is
identified by many people in the environment, but can
have different imaginative content for any person.
However, for standard logistics tasks, identically
perceived signs are used. When exchanging data, a
sign usually represents a small amount of data and is
spatially localized. Signs along a route replace the
immediate appearance of a predicted event or external
Points of interest often serve as bookmarks and
reference points in navigational applications. These
are required for a variety of cases of access to
information sources. Similar data from the external
world with supplements in the form of search results
restore the same initial conditions for collecting and
processing information. Being small in volume, POIs
allow quick recovery of information with the relevant
set of parameters, which was prepared earlier. Such
POIs often continue to be observed for a long time,
maintaining the sample selection stability when
Orientation information has the property of
maneuverability. When included in the current data
set together with other observed data, its fragments,
links, attributes, and structural codes are transferred.
Incoming data is modified by adding extra-large
fragments or reference points or by filling in missing
data using fragments. Expanding the currently
collected data using a search is also possible when
accessing extended data, with orientation information
acting as an instance of some class, or if there are
dependent or identical parts in the observed or found
Choosing with Insufficient Information
If there is no fixed endpoint, the route can be very
tortuous. When fixing the start and end points of a
route, its intermediate points are movable and depend
on the selection and external events. According to
some signs, that are known and equally understood by
many people, it is possible to determine the type and
intensity of traffic at certain hours in a certain
Uncertainty in choosing a route can occur when
there is a lack or excess of information, or when it is
impossible to determine the importance of the
observed data. Choosing between two insignificant
options or avoiding a choice may be based on
intermediate surveying, or affected by external
influence, or accompanied by withdrawal from the
situation. Failure to pay attention to any POIs when
changing the thematic setting may be a result of
fatigue or overfitting.
Untrained a deviating path taking into account
POIs, trained by teacher the most well-trodden
paths mostly based on the decisions of others,
taking into account the variations and, trained without
teacher shortest paths.
Let the path consist of four parts: 1) planned
activities, 2) relaxation with inactive rest without
almost external events, c) visually attractive
contemplation or observation without temporary
haste for what is interesting and d) active spontaneous
entertainment here and now.
Unexpected Events or New Road Signs
For some, perhaps a long, time synchronicity is
displayed in different structures and processes that
start at the same time. The synchronicity of objects
can be either temporal, as for a series of objects, or
spatial, as for a set of objects that are selected by a
person simultaneously (Ort and Olivers 2020). Even
if the geometric distance is fixed, due to weather and
other unexpected factors, traveling time from one city
to another may be variable (Neumann 2017). Short-
distance travel is associated with risk, when this
movement is carried out to link initially unrelated
segments of the route path that are close to each other
in the task of quick transition. It is worth noting that
often many short sections of the route can only be
traversed on foot.
Unexpected events, obstacles or new road signs
can significantly change both the route itself and the
set of intermediate points of interest. A small gap in
the planned route that arises due to a lack of
information regarding objects along the route is
closed under the assumption of the similarity of these
unknown objects with previously encountered ones.
Often, difficulties arise when opting for a
particular route; besides, natural and artificial
obstacles can affect the already planned path in the
most unpredictable ways. In such cases, where a
person is not able to generate a route model due to
unpredictable events or a mismatch with
expectations, they can always simplify the choice
model to a series of one-time choices (existing “here
and now”); however, in each new moment, the person
will again need to make next choice.
In addition to the existing “points of interest” on
a map of the area, a traveler can find new “points of
NCTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
attraction” that unexpectedly invite attention. They
can become intermediate points on the route.
The scale of the planned route determines the
features of its formation. When optimizing a route,
considering points of interest, one can draw an
isoline, connecting points with the same levels of
interest. For more flexibility in working with data,
one can use a dynamic segmentation of events along
the route. During the formation of the preliminary
route, it is assumed that both a choice has been made
and a class of objects to be approached has been
selected or the routes are offered to all known objects
within acceptable limits. During the search, objects
located in the vicinity of the route track can
supplement the set of criteria for route selection. A
not-fixed route endpoint increases the significance of
pointers located near the starting point.
The presence of a distinguishable choice between
two options does not imply the presence of a
predisposition to one of them. In this situation,
preparation is required for the solution: surveying in
situation with clarification of route details, external
interference to the situation, outside signs, and so on.
An important reason for the change or complete
cancellation of a route may be the discrepancy
between expected and real events.
3.1 Materials
Pigeon Flights
Spatial processing of GPS pigeon tracks was
performed based on data on bird flights in flocks over
the combined terrain, published in open repositories:
Dryad Digital Repository
061/dryad.f9n8t, where flocks flew near the
seashore and Movebank Data Repository,
where flocks flew near the foothills. The distance
between the points of departure and destination was
about 10 km. The distance in the coordinate sequence
of pigeon GPS tracks was about 3-6 meters.
Measurements of coordinates were taken 45 times
per second. The number of pigeons in each flock was
4-8 birds.
Remote Sensing Data
Spatial remote sensing data were obtained from open
sources, such as Sentinel2 data hub
3.2 Processing Steps and Metrics
When analyzing the movement trajectories of birds,
our processing consisted of the following steps:
Creating a new project in QGIS
( and uploading data
about trajectories and terrain;
Identification of local key objects based on
remote sensing data, including selection of
contours of significant extended objects;
Object recognition using neural networks;
Calculation of the main indicators of tracks for
different degrees of learning;
Calculation of track metrics.
When analyzing remote sensing data, we
accomplished data recognition in different versions of
Non-specialized in remote sensing recognition,
but able to recognize images of a different type,
Trained for remote sensing recognition,
Trained, but with modified recognition
parameters - conditionally untrained.
Calculation of recognition metrics F1-Score_obj
(Lipton, Elkan, and Naryanaswamy 2014). To
calculate the F1-Score values, we used
sklearn.metrics module from open source machine
learning library Scikit-learn (https://scikit-
3.3 Applications
Spatial analysis was performed using QGIS
applications Extracts contour lines and Heatmap, and
LF Tools (
The recognized remote sensing materials was
obtained using Mapflow AI platform
qgis,, which provides
geoinformation pipelines for recognizing objects
based on remote sensing data, such as buildings,
roads, fields, forests, etc. using various neural
network models. To improve the quality of
recognition, settings are specified for pre- and post-
processing of the results. Such settings provide a
fitting variation in recognition depending on sources
(aerial/satellite) and specifics of the recognized
classes (density of buildings, urban or forest
vegetation, etc.). Mapflow's recognition capabilities
can be used even to segment trees by crown type and
houses by height (see Figure 3).
Spatial Learning and Overfitting in Visual Recognition and Route Planning Tasks
Figure 3: Segmentation of trees by their crown types.
4.1 Analysis of Pigeon Flights
During the calculations, comparisons were made for
untrained, trained and overfitting cases of bird flights,
and it was found how pigeons fly without turning off
the path, depending on the types of flight and degree
of training.
Calculations were made for middle distance
tracks, where all distances between the points of
departure and destination of the flock of pigeons were
about 10 km. In GPS measurements were taken 45
times per second, distances between points of pigeon
GPS tracks was about 3-6 meters. The number of
pigeons in each group was 4-8 birds.
The following indicators were calculated:
Straightness index (ratio of flight length in
target direction to total flight length);
Flight around newly found POIs (percentage of
cases of flying over the buffer zone of the flight
to explore new POIs).
Figure 4: Typical flights: (a) Surveying flight; (b) Trained
flight; (c) Trained flight.
Typical pigeon flights are shown in the Figure 4.
The calculation took into account the pigeon's
level of training, in accordance with the number of
flights performed along a given route. It was believed
that the 1st-3rd flight is an untrained or surveying
pigeon; the 3rd7th flight is a trained pigeon; above
the 7th flight is an overfitting pigeon.
The calculated results of pigeons’ flight
efficiency for surveying flights (the bird does not yet
know the way), trained flights (the bird knows the
way, but is distracted by external factors), and
overfitting flights (the bird flies as directed as
possible towards its target) are shown in the Table 1.
Table 1: Pigeon’s flight efficiency.
Flight around
64 %
4.2 Efficiency of Neural Networks
Examples of building recognition by untrained,
trained, and overfitting neural networks (NN) are
shown in the Figure 5. It is noticeable that the
untrained neural network tries to find buildings based
on any minimal features, the trained neural network
detects buildings with high efficiency, and the
overfitting neural network correctly recognizes
buildings in images of a familiar type but at the same
time makes a large number of errors on unfamiliar
Figure 5: Buildings recognition: (a) untrained NN; (b)
trained NN (c) overfitting NN.
The calculated results of F1-Score are shown in
the Table 2.
Table 2: Untrained, trained, and overfitting NN.
Untrained NN
Number of
training samples
(1 x 1 km
objects in
training samples
NCTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
Spatial learning in perception and navigation are
essential skills in a changing environment. Both in AI
and in nature, there is a problem of “overfitting” when
a bird accustomed to the same route fails to notice
new places to forage, or an artificial neural network
begins to detect buildings in the ripples of the ocean.
The “challenge” of overfitting makes it difficult to
obtain new information and to find optimal solutions.
Special attention is paid to the problems of overfitting
when detailed adherence to previously acquired
behavioral patterns leads to a decrease in efficiency
and the accumulation of systematic errors.
Additionally, due to overfitting, the ability to make
optimal decisions in the presence of significant
changes in the environment is reduced.
Our work systematizes general issues related to
spatial data processing. We examine the problem of
learning and retraining in spatial cognition and
navigational behavior in categories: birds’ navigation
behavior and remote sensing recognition with neural
networks and demonstrates techniques for solving the
problem of overfitting. It can be helpful in various
industry applications, including tracking changes in
animal migrations in conditions of climate change,
creating smart interactive tourist routes and adapting
infrastructure for tourism, and preparing new neural
network models for recognizing spatial data.
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Spatial Learning and Overfitting in Visual Recognition and Route Planning Tasks