For instance, (You et al., 2015) proposed a coop-
erative vehicle infrastructure system for improving
lane change maneuvers through real-time adjustments
based on vehicle dynamics. Similarly, (Palatti et al.,
2021) developed a risk assessment and decision-
making framework using a finite state machine to en-
hance overtaking safety. During motion planning for
overtaking situations, the authors used a graph-based
method in (Heged
us et al., 2020) that reduces com-
plexity by clustering and predicts the movement of
surrounding vehicles with density functions, ensuring
a safe and comfortable trajectory.
Model Predictive Control (MPC) has been ex-
tensively applied to autonomous vehicle overtaking.
Studies by (Li et al., 2023) and (Batkovic et al., 2022)
demonstrate MPC’s real-time optimization of trajec-
tories, accounting for dynamic road conditions. Addi-
tionally, (Dixit et al., 2020) integrated potential fields
and reachability sets with MPC for high-speed over-
taking on highways.
Distributed motion planning techniques also show
promise. (Wu et al., 2021) and (Kala and Warwick,
2014) emphasize decentralizing decision-making to
improve traffic safety and system responsiveness.
(Xie et al., 2022) extended this approach with the Ar-
tificial Potential Field method for multi-vehicle envi-
Reinforcement learning (RL) is another advanced
methodology. A continuous reinforcement learning
method was developed to determine the trajectory of
the double lane change maneuver (Feh
er et al., 2020).
The real-time solution was compared with the per-
formance of human drivers. In (Lelk
o and N
2024), the authors present a control framework that
combines a robust H
controller and an RL agent
to ensure the safe movement of autonomous vehi-
cles. (Kulathunga, 2022) and (Wang et al., 2023)
highlighted RL’s effectiveness in improving decision-
making and trajectory planning, with significant suc-
cess in the Frenet coordinate system. Similarly,
(Huang et al., 2023) proposed a multiobjective op-
timization algorithm within the Frenet frame to en-
hance driving comfort and safety.
Virtual target-based algorithms are also notable.
(Chae and Yi, 2020) developed a method incorporat-
ing human driving behavior for improved driver ac-
ceptance and safety. (Ghumman et al., 2008) pro-
posed a rendezvous guidance-based trajectory gener-
ation approach for real-time safety and comfort.
Dynamic trajectory planning within the Frenet
coordinate system remains crucial. (Wang et al.,
2019) and (Paden et al., 2016) explored compre-
hensive surveys and hierarchical urban and highway
driving frameworks, focusing on safety and consis-
tency. (Moghadam and Elkaim, 2021) further devel-
oped a hierarchical framework combining long-term
and short-term trajectory optimization.
For specific scenarios involving frequent accel-
eration and deceleration, (Zhang et al., 2019) pre-
sented an optimal trajectory generation method con-
sidering centripetal acceleration constraints, benefi-
cial for curvy roads.
1.2 Contributions of the Paper
As a contribution, we propose a method to plan an
optimal local trajectory for lane-keeping and overtak-
ing maneuvers in a rural road environment. In each
planning step, the planner generates several alterna-
tive trajectories in the feasible range and assigns a cost
to each of them. The optimization objective can be
multiple and is achieved by weighting the cost func-
tion. The method is designed to be easily integrated
into a hierarchical approach to vehicle decision con-
trol structure. In order to demonstrate and test the
method, a local planning solution was integrated into
a self-developed simulation environment.
Section 2 offers a detailed formulation of the prob-
lem and essential topological information pertinent to
the task. In Section 3, we introduce the Hierarchi-
cal Control Structure utilized in the construction of
our system. Following this, Section 4 outlines the
local trajectory generation process within the Frenet
Frame, conducted in the Simulation Environment de-
scribed in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 discusses the
results of the successful maneuver, highlighting the
cost function-based driving style management and the
decision-making and control strategies employed for
maneuver handling.
Local trajectory planning focuses on generating a fea-
sible and safe trajectory for a vehicle over a short time
horizon, typically in response to dynamic changes in
the environment. This includes continuously updat-
ing the planned trajectory based on new sensor data
and the vehicle’s current state. Unlike route planning,
which provides a static sequence of points describing
a plan, trajectory planning also includes additional ve-
locity profiles.
Trajectory planning in dynamic environments is
inherently complex and is considered PSPACE-hard
(Paden et al., 2016). This complexity increases in dy-
namic settings, where previously manageable prob-
lems become intractable. As exact algorithms for
Local Motion Planning for Overtaking Maneuvers in a Rural Road Environment