Probing Life with Planet Searching and Habitat Evaluation: Evidence
from Moon, Mars and WASP-96b
Angelina Hubertus
Greenwich Academy, Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan, U.S.A.
Keywords: Planet Searching, Habitat Evaluation, Transmission Spectrum Evaluation, WASP-96b.
Abstract: Contemporarily, evaluation for the habitability of planet remain an extreme challenging task though plenty of
advanced techniques have been proposed and implemented in astrophysics observation. So far, more than 4
thousand extra-planets have been observed while only about less than 10 planets show similar habitat like
earth in terms of the state-of-art measurement tools, indicating the possibility for existence of life. With this
in mind, this study will systematically discuss and analyse the probing life process with the demonstration of
planet searching (the five common methods) and habitat evaluation based on sampling as well as spectrum
analysis. To be specific, three most investigated celestials are selected as typical examples to discuss the
probing life results, i.e., Moon, Mars and WASP-96b. According to the analysis, the current collected results
will be evaluated and the limitations for the current methods will be discussed. These results will offer a
guideline for further exploration regarding to life probing in universe.
The probing life in planets remains a tough issue even
under the rapid developments of astrophysics
observation techniques (Cockell, 2020). Among
various challenges, two tasks are identified as the first
rank issues that need to be addressed, i.e.,
nonluminous celestial searching and habitat
evaluation for the celestials. As for nonluminous
celestial searching, different from stars that emits
light, they can only be detected based on indirect
measures or relevant direct events. Typically, there
are more than 5 methods to achieve the goal including
transit, radial velocity based on Doppler effects,
gravitational lensing, etc. (Rice, 2014). With regard
to habitat evaluations, it can only be inferred from the
orbits information or emission spectrum for most of
planets, which offers the elements distributions and
possible atmosphere (Kaltenegger, 2017; Seager,
2014). For some nearby celestials, it is available to
collects some soils or shadow images to retrieve more
details information, e.g., the Moon (Glavin et al.,
2010) and Mars (Joseph et al., 2019).
In recent years, exoplanets have been the fastest
growing discipline in astronomy. More than 700
confirmed and more than 3,000 unconfirmed planets
have been found using five further developed
precision observation methods. Their universality and
diversity not only challenge the classical planetary
origin models, but also provide clues for new
conceptual theories. In addition, one can look at the
atmospheres, the densities, the elliptical shapes of
some of the planets. The key conclusions include that
planets begin with nuclear accretion, that many
planets undergo large scale migrations, that habitable
planets are common, that water-filled planets exist,
and that planetary systems generally evolve
dynamically. In the near future, observations and
theoretical developments in this area will continue to
advance rapidly, uncovering the secrets of the origin
of life.
In the 21st century, the astronomical community
has taken exoplanet detection, habitable planets and
life signal search as a major strategic goal (The
Project Team of Research on Development Strategies
2021-2035, 2023; National Academies of Sciences,
Engineering, and Medicine, 2021).
The discipline of exoplanets is a new subject
which has developed rapidly in the several decades.
The study of exoplanets is important for answering
questions such as whether there is other life in the
universe and the place and significance of human
beings in the universe (Zhou et al. 2024).
Under the circumstances of the novel discoveries
for new planet or updated information of the celestials
Hubertus, A.
Probing Life with Planet Searching and Habitat Evaluation: Evidence from Moon, Mars and WASP-96b.
DOI: 10.5220/0013001700004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 136-144
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
based on various state-of-art facilities, it is necessary
to present a comprehensive analysis for the searching
methodology and judgement criteria for evidence of
habitability. On this basis, the planet searching
methodology as well as habitat evaluation
methodology will be discussed and introduced.
Subsequently, probing life for three specific celestials
will be discussed (i.e., Moon, Mars and WASP-96b),
which are also the most investigated one nowadays.
Based on the analysis, the current limitations and
further developed techniques will be discussed.
The main methods of exoplanet detection at present
including apparent velocity, transit, microlensing,
direct imaging, astrometry, etc. With the rapid
developments of data retrieving and system analysis
techniques. Machine learning techniques are also
applied to cross validation the search results and help
to filer data, The crystallization of science and
technology development. Exoplanet detection
involves optics/red. Outer astronomy, space science
and space technology, the development of this
discipline will be straight. Connected to push space
ultra high precision photometry technology, high
sensitivity of weak spectral signal, detection
technology, high-performance imaging detection
technology, ultra-high contrast imaging technology,
ultra-high precision astrometry technology, space
light interferometry technology, satellite, attitude
control technology and satellite formation flight
technology have made new progress breakthrough
(Santos, 2008; Zhou et al. 2024). Detecting Earth 2.0,
discovering a second solar system, extraterrestrial life
Figure 1: Footprint, progress and cross validation of different planet searching schemes (results are combination of Zhou et
al. 2024; Kaltenegger 2017; Howard 2013 and Tsapras 2018).
Probing Life with Planet Searching and Habitat Evaluation: Evidence from Moon, Mars and WASP-96b
and more Exocivilizations are all breakthroughs from
zero to one in the progress of human civilization as
well as making major breakthroughs in astronomy, it
also promoted geology and planetary science,
astrochemistry, astrobiology, and atmospheric
science. The intersection of these disciplines to
astronomy and related sciences as well as the
development and breakthrough in the field of science
and technology has acted as a catalyst.
To be specific, there are at least 7 methods to
realize planet searching and the relevant milestones
as well as principles for the methodology are
presented in Fig. 1. Astrometry, the earliest method
used to search for exoplanets, focuses on precisely
measuring the motion of a star to determine where
planets are being dragged by its gravity. The
advantage of astrometry is that it can calculate
planetary masses with relatively high accuracy, and it
is particularly sensitive to planets with large orbits.
However, this method requires very high accuracy,
requiring years or even decades of observation to
confirm the results. HD176051b, discovered in
October 2010, is the only confirmed astrometric
exoplanet to date (Ginski et al., 2012). Hopes are
pinned on the European Space Agency's Gaia space
astrometry project, which launched in December
2013. Not long ago, the project released its second
batch of scientific data. Gaia has determined the
brightness, spectral signature, three-dimensional
position and motion of more than a billion stars and
created the most accurate three-dimensional map of
the Milky Way to date. Researchers estimate that the
new astrometry is expected to help them find tens of
thousands of new exoplanets.
Direct imaging is another common method, which
works like taking spectra of exoplanets based on the
facilities directly and analysis the typical peak.
Nevertheless, it requires the planet satisfying certain
size that it is not so close to its parent star that it is
obscured by its light, and requires a high observer.
Not only are they equipped with advanced
photography equipment, but they also have powerful
coronagrameters, which can effectively block out the
dazzling light of their parent stars and ensure clear
images. Due to the difficulty of direct imaging, only
40 exoplanets have been found by this method so far.
Unlike direct imaging methods, most exoplanets
are found through indirect methods. The radial
velocity method is a widely adopted indirect method
in terms of Doppler effect, which was used for the
first extrasolar planet, 51b Pegasi (Wang and Peng,
2015). The planets also exert a pull on the star as they
orbit it, and the spectrum of light emitted by the star
is shifted red and blue accordingly, from which the
radial velocity of the star can be obtained. Thousands
of exoplanets have been discovered based on
advanced astronomical equipment such as the
HARPS and the HIRES. There is a well-known
empirical formula for RV method (Lovis and Fischer,
𝑅𝑉 =
1 −𝑒
Here, RV is the measure value, e corresponds to the
value of eccentricity, P is the cycling period, i is the
inclination angle, m
, M
, M
and m
corresponds to
the mass of system, solar, Jupiter and measure
celestial, respectively.
Another method is transit, in which an exoplanet
passes between its parent star and Earth, blocking
some of the light from the star, causing a slight
decrease in the brightness of the star one observes.
The detection of such slight variations in light can be
used to predict the presence of exoplanets. On
account of the rare feature for transits, as many stars
as possible must be monitored in order to find as
many exoplanets as possible. Kepler space telescope
since the launch in March 2009, the search for
exoplanets harvest, so far human found nearly 3800
exoplanets, 70% is found by it, it is called "planet
hunter" reputation (Howard, 2013). Although Tess
also uses the transit method to search for exoplanets,
its search strategy is different from its predecessors.
Unlike Kepler, which monitors a small patch of the
sky for years on end, Tess will be in "survey" mode,
surveying almost 90 percent of the entire sky for two
years, focusing on the solar system neighbours.
In addition to the above methods, there are some
other approaches including gravitational
microlensing (Tsapras, 2018), pulsar counter, special
relativity method (Wolszczan, 2012). For the
gravitational microlensing method, when a star
moves in front of a background star observed from
the Earth, the light emitted by the star will be
refracted and amplified by the gravitational action as
if it were passing through the lens, and a light curve
will be generated. If the star had planets, it would
have a second-order light curve. Thus, once a second-
order light curve is found, the existence of a planet
can be proved. This approach is most likely to be
fruitful when looking at stars between the Earth and
the galactic centre, which can provide many
background stars. For the pulsar timing method, it is
particularly suitable for finding planets moving
around pulsars. Pulsars are extremely dense remnants
of supernova explosions that emit intense pulses of
radiation as they spin at high speeds. The first
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
confirmed planets were found using this method (the
two planets of pulsar PSR1257+12). The special
relativity method is a new method that uses Einstein's
special theory of relativity to guide the discovery of
exoplanets. Changes in the star's brightness as a result
of the planet's motion, I,e,m the latter's gravitational
pull triggers relativistic effects that cause the photons
that make up light to "pile up" which helps the
discovery of the Kepler-76b.
At present, the detection and research of exoplanets
are very active, forming a development trend of
finding exoplanets, accurate characterization of
planetary systems (mass, orbital parameters,
atmospheric composition, etc.), discovery of
habitable planets and characterization of habitable
planets. A large quantity of space and ground
telescope projects have been planned and carried out
around this idea of exoplanet discipline development,
and some important progress has been made in
observation and theory (Madhusudhan, et al., 2020).
The habitability of a planet can be measured in a
number of ways, but typical indicators are as follows.
ESI stands for Earth Similarity index and is an index
that measures how similar other planets are to the
Earth, ranging from 0 to 1, with the Earth's own
similarity index represented by 1. The Earth
Similarity Index is designed for planets, but can also
be used for large natural satellites and other celestial
bodies (Schulze-Makuch, et al., 2011). The Earth
similarity index can be calculated by plugging in the
planetary radius, density, detachment velocity and
surface temperature. Some typical results for ESI
metric are presented in Fig. 2. SPH is an index of
suitability for vegetation growth, ranges from 0 to 1
and depends on surface temperature and relative
humidity. HZD indicates how far a planet is from the
centre of the star's Habitable zone. Values range from
-1 to 1. A value of -1 indicates the innermost part of
the habitable zone, while a value of 1 indicates the
outermost part of the habitable zone. It depends on the
brightness and temperature of the star, and of course
on the radius of the planet's orbit. HZC denotes the
amount of planetary composition. A value close to 0
means the planet is likely to be iron-stone-water, a
value below -1 means it's likely to be mostly iron, and
a value above 1 means it's likely to be gas. HZC
depends on the mass and radius of the planet. HZA is
used to measure and assess the potential of a planet to
have a Habitable Atmosphere. A value below -1
indicates a thin or almost no atmosphere, a value
above 1 indicates a very likely thick hydrogen
atmosphere (like a gas giant planet), and a value
between -1 and 1 indicates an atmosphere potentially
suitable for life. Whereas, it's important to note that 0
doesn't mean the ideal atmosphere for life. HZA
depends on the mass of the planet, the radius, the orbit
size and the brightness of the star (Méndez, et al.,
The most common and power tools to analyse the
habitat with maximum likelihood is spectrum
estimations. However, the intensity is much smaller
for planet compared to stars. Hence, the transit
schemes should be considered to collect the spectrum
signals of the planet. In fact, researchers need to find
some kind of quick assessment score that they can use
as a metric to list promising planets, to determine
which of the billions of celestial bodies out there are
more suitable. The habitability of exoplanets is a
challenging problem. At present, researchers have
proposed new classification schemes (machine
learning) for the existing habitability indicators and
exoplanets. Currently, astronomers can use
computational intelligence techniques to assess
habitability scores and automate the exoplanet
classification process. They investigated how solving
convex optimization techniques can cross-validate
ML-based exoplanet classification. Examples include
computing new metrics, e.g., the CDHS and CEESA.
Despite recent criticism of exoplanet habitability
rankings, human beings are convinced that the field
must continue to evolve to use all available
astroinformatics, artificial intelligence (AI), and
machine learning mechanisms (Safonova et al., 2021).
Indeed, the most direct method to estimate the
planet habitat is sending detectors as close as possible
to the orbits or even collecting the sample (gas, soil,
elements, etc.) directly. Nevertheless, in
consideration of the distances, the scenarios are tough
to fulfil. In the subsequent sections, three cases will
be discussed, where two of them (i.e., Moon and
Mars) are feasible to achieve the goal to direct
4.1 Moon
As a matter of fact, Moon is a satellite instead of
planet, whereas it is the closest celestial for human
beings. On this basis, the searching life schemes of
Probing Life with Planet Searching and Habitat Evaluation: Evidence from Moon, Mars and WASP-96b
Figure 2: Typical examples of ESI metric and habitability (Data collected from: (Madhusudhan, et al., 2020; Safonova et al.,
2021 and Schulze-Makuch, et al., 2011).
Moon could offer insights for probing life for others.
If one wants to explore the solar system, it has to open
the door of the moon. For the moon, which is as large
as a whole continent, man has left only a few steps on
it. As Earth's closest planetary neighbour, the moon
holds great potential as a new source of scientific
progress and economic growth. In fact, NASA's
Lunar Orbital Reconnaissance Vehicles have been
imaging and mapping the moon for more than a
decade to conduct scientific research and prepare for
humans to land on the moon again. In the future,
NASA will deliver its next lunar Exploration robot,
the VIPER, which will conduct a scientific
investigation of lunar volatiles at the South Pole of
the moon. The data generated by VIPER will inform
future lunar in situ resource utilization (ISRU)
In recent years, with China's lunar exploration
program, some lunar soil has been brought back (
et al., 2022
), but the conclusions obtained are the same
as satellite observations, and there is no evidence of
life on the moon. The reasons are as follows. First, the
moon has no atmosphere. Its surface atmospheric
pressure is only one billionth of Earth's, and it is
almost a vacuum. Due to the lack of atmospheric
protection, the lunar surface temperature varies
greatly between day and night. The maximum
temperature of the lunar surface detected by Apollo
15 at its landing site was 374K and the minimum was
92K. In addition, the lunar surface ultraviolet
radiation and other strong, especially during the solar
storm, the sun's ultraviolet rays directly into, played a
role in eliminating. Second, liquid water has never
been found on the moon's surface. Like the Earth, the
moon is covered with a layer of loose, granular rock
called the lunar regolith. Through the analysis of
lunar exploration and lunar samples, there are
hydrogen enrichment phenomena in the polar regions
of the Moon. The hydrogen enrichment may be
caused by hydrogen injected by the solar wind or
hydroxyl groups contained in some minerals. It may
also be caused by water ice (ice solidified by water or
meltwater at low temperature) mixing with the lunar
soil in the form of fine particles. Liquid water has not
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
yet been found on the moon. Finally, lunar soils lack
elements that are currently known to be essential for
carbon-based life. Scholars have analysed the data
obtained by the APXS of the CE3 Yutu lunar rover.
Some typical results of elements are illustrated in Fig.
3, which denote that the lunar soil of the landing site
mainly includes Si, Ca, Al as well as other 10
elements (Guo, et al., 2022). However, it lacks
elements such as C and N, which are essential for life.
So overall, the chances of native life on the moon are
slim. In other words, the possibility of microbial life
on the moon is extremely small.
4.2 Mars
Mars is a great planet to study and a promising
candidate for signs of life, and humans have sent
several landers and rovers to search for evidence of
life. Nevertheless, the planet's barren surface might
actually not the appropriate location for observations
as well as analysis, since telescopes and probes have
proven. Instead, shielded places underground is the
best bet for finding well-preserved evidence of alien
life. However, the nature of these shields makes
detection and detection difficult. Moreover, Mars is
full of caves formed by millennia of lava flows, hence
the caves are difficult to reach and rovers. To address
the issue, NASA worked with collaborators to create
a four-legged, four-legged hiking mechanical utility
robot, or LEMUR. It will allow it to explore areas that
are simply not possible with the rovers currently
exploring the surface of Mars (Joseph et al., 2019).
Some typical detections results based on such scheme
are presented in the left panel of Fig. 4.
In addition to LEMUR, PIXL is also a suite of
rovers onboard the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover to
search for signs of ancient life. The probe's X-ray
Instrument, called PIXL, stands for Planetary
Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry, and it delivered
surprisingly strong scientific results during testing. It
is used to test the instrument setup and would be
capable of determining the composition of Martian
dust attached to the matters. In addition to analysing
the rock based on the high energy photons, it will
zoom in on tiny fragments of the rock's surface that
could show evidence of past microbial activity. To
obtain a detailed picture of rock texture, contour, and
composition, PIXL maps of rock chemistry can be
combined with mineral maps produced by the
SHERLOC as well as WATSON (Lawson, et al.,
2024). A typical detector diagram and detection
results are shown on the right panel of Fig. 4.
Figure 3: Elements analysis of Moon from the soil sample (data collected from Guo, et al., 2022; Li, et al., 2022).
Probing Life with Planet Searching and Habitat Evaluation: Evidence from Moon, Mars and WASP-96b
Figure 4: Probing life on Mars based on typical detectors
(data collected from Joseph et al., 2019; Lawson, et al.,
2024; Mars Nasa and NASA/JPL-Caltech).
4.3 WASP-96b
Hot Saturn WASP-96b is the latest discovery of an
exoplanet atmosphere without clouds, marking a
major breakthrough in the search for planets beyond
our solar system. WASP-96b's atmosphere was
studied by Chile using the European 8.2 Million
Telescope. As a matter of fact, based on the state-of-
art observations for the emission spectrum of WASP-
96b, a complete sodium fingerprint is obtained under
the special circumstance without clouds with a typical
1300K hot gas giant (McGruder, et al., 2022). Earth's
periodic transiting sun-like star is located 980 light-
years in the southern constellation Phoenix, between
the southern jewels (α Austrini) and αEridani. The
presence of sodium of hot gas giant exoplanets has
long been predicted to produce a spectrum similar to
the shape of a camping tent in such special situation.
As the transit method explained earlier (Sec. 2),
when a planet passes in front of a star, blocking some
of the light, some of the starlight is transmitted
through the planet's atmosphere. Because different
components of the atmosphere absorb different
spectra, the observation of subtle differences in
transmitted light can help astronomers determine the
composition of a planet's atmosphere. Being the only
completely cloud-free exoplanet discovered so far,
and showing such a clear spectrum feature for Na
element. So far, sodium has been found to be either a
very narrow peak or missing altogether. This is
because the characteristic "shape" profile can only be
produced deep in a planet's atmosphere, and for most
planets, clouds appear to block its direction. A better
understanding can be gained by looking at a variety
of possible atmospheres similar to WASP-96b
(Radica, et al., 2023). The sodium signature indicates
the absence of clouds in the atmosphere. It will also
provide us with a unique opportunity to determine the
abundance of other molecules. Typical observations
are shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 5: WASP-96b spectrum (data collected from McGruder, et al., 2022; Radica, et al., 2023 and NASA WEBB).
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
As a matter of fact, it should be noted that though
thousands of new planets have been detected based
on advanced techniques and the state-of-art facilities,
no strong evidence or sufficient supporting materials
confirming the existence of Earth 2.0. Whether
human beings are alone in the universe, this is a basic
question that almost everyone wants to know the
answer to, and it is also one of the most cutting-edge
scientific questions that can be solved today. The
search for extraterrestrial life will finally answer this
question. However, the search for extraterrestrial life
must first find the most likely host of life, Earth 2.0.
To date, no Earth 2.0 has been discovered. The first
discovery of Earth 2.0, and subsequent determination
of its habitability through observation of the
atmosphere, will be a major scientific event in the
field of exoplanets. Finding a number of Earth 2.0's
could determine the incidence of such planets,
answering the key question of how common Earth 2.0
is in the universe.
Subsequently, one can determine whether there is
life beyond Earth. The holy grail of the next exoplanet
frontier after the discovery of Earth 2.0 will be the
detection of extraterrestrial life, that is, the detection
of biosignatures produced by life in the atmospheres
of exoplanets to infer the existence of life. This would
answer the fundamental scientific question of
whether there is other life in the universe. There are
two main methods to measure the atmospheric
composition of planets in front of the eye: transit
transmission spectroscopy and direct imaging.
Spectral detection and atmospheric composition
analysis of the atmosphere of Earth-like planets or
super-Earth planets are expected to directly search for
trace gases and compositions released in the
atmosphere of planets by extraterrestrial life activities.
The direct imaging method has become one of the
most important scientific factors driving the
development of new generation ground-based and
space telescopes (e.g., ELT, TMT, GMT), which puts
severe requirements on telescope aperture, adaptive
optics and detector performance.
The detection of planetary atmospheres provides
a crucial constraint for the formation, evolution and
habitability of planets, and is an important means for
the detection of planetary habitability and exolife. By
2030 or so, the next generation of space telescopes
should have high-precision optical spectrometers
capable of detailing the atmospheric composition and
abundance of gas giants, and observing other
properties. The atmospheric composition and
abundance of multiple types of planets accompanying
the evolution of stars are described in detail, and the
atmospheric circulation and atmospheric escape are
studied. Through the accurate measurement of the
tracer gas element abundance and isotope abundance,
it can be related to the important problems of
planetary formation, orbital migration and evolution.
Through the atmospheric modelling of small
exoplanets (e.g., terrestrial planets and super-Earths),
scholars study the transition evolution behaviour
from primary atmosphere to secondary atmosphere,
and the role of atmospheric escape in the habitability
of terrestrial planets. Develop the next generation of
large space telescope (>10m) star coronarometer,
high-contrast direct imaging spectroscopy and optical
interference technology, observe the habitable zone
planets of a large number of neighbouring stars,
confirm whether they are twin Earth from the
planetary reflection spectrum or thermal emission
spectrum, determine their habitability and search for
potential life signs. In addition, as mentioned above,
planetary habitability is an interdisciplinary frontier
research topic. Astronomers are particularly
concerned about the definition of life signals and the
corresponding spectral characteristics, because this is
the key to the future search for extraterrestrial life. At
present, even the JWST can only detect the spectral
characteristics of super-Earths around sun-like stars,
which are larger than the Earth. In the future,
LUVOIR and HabEx hope to use larger telescopes for
direct imaging detection. In order to develop the
space interference and imaging observation of
exoplanets, mankind will search and characterize the
nearby planetary system, expect to obtain the
characteristics of the habitable zone terrestrial planets,
and combine the research on the long-term activity of
stars and the atmospheric model of exoplanets, as
well as the development of interdisciplinary
definition of life signals, etc., to reveal the habitability
of terrestrial planets.
Although international deep space exploration has
flourished in the decades since the launch of the
Voyager spacecraft, almost all current research on
exoplanets is based on passive observation rather than
active exploration. Tiny detectors based on ground-
based laser arrays or accelerated solar radiation called
light sails could change that in the first half of the 21st
century. Tiny probes weighing on the order of grams
will be able to accelerate to solar escape velocity in a
matter of minutes to explore small exoplanets such as'
Oumuamua and analyse their activity, shape, and
composition. With the further miniaturization of
ground-based laser technology and materials science,
as well as chips predicted by Moore's law, it will be
possible for tiny probes to be accelerated to 10
Probing Life with Planet Searching and Habitat Evaluation: Evidence from Moon, Mars and WASP-96b
percent of the speed of light, enabling interstellar
travel to reach the solar system's close neighbour, the
alpha Cen system, and image its planets up close for
the first time.
To sum up, this study systematically analyses the
planet searching schemes as well as habitat evaluation
scenarios and indicators. To give specific examples,
the life searching results of three celestials are detailly
demonstrated and estimated. According to the
analysis, though no life signs have been searched so
far, it is witnessed that the searching tools have been
expanded rapidly with more accurate. Nevertheless, it
should be noted that the current advanced probing
approaches still has some shortcomings, which are
unable to present absolute accurate and direct
information. Further study ought to focus on the
updating of the precise spectrum detectors and signal
extraction as well as collecting direct information and
sample based on machine with collectors. Overall,
these results offer a guideline for further exploration
of Earth 2.0 and exoplanet habitat evaluation.
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