degradation, as evidenced by declining productivity,
biodiversity loss, and ecological imbalance.
Both natural and artificial restoration methods are
needed to address secondary forest degradation.
Natural restoration occurs through secondary forest
succession and relies on pioneer species to gradually
restore ecosystem functions, although this takes a
long time. Managed restoration practices requires
targeted human intervention. Mildly degraded forests
can recover naturally, while moderately degraded
areas benefit from dynamic management practices
that protect seedlings and introduce key species to
promote positive succession. Severe degradation
requires active measures, including engineering and
biological interventions, to restore mixed forests and
re-establish natural landscapes. Promoting positive
succession in secondary forests requires disturbance
control, artificial interventions to increase tree density,
conservation measures and near-natural management
practices. These efforts are aimed at improving forest
resilience and biodiversity.
Despite progress in restoration, challenges remain.
Large areas of low-quality forests, high demand for
timber resources and inconsistent management
practices pose a continuing threat to sustainable forest
management. Sustained ecological restoration,
supported by scientific management and government
involvement, remains critical to ensure the restoration
and long-term viability of China’s secondary forests.
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