This study investigates the performance comparison
of various deep learning models by analyzing real
trading market data. The log_return was employed as
the target feature, and multiple deep neural network
algorithms, including DMLP, CNN, LSTM, RNN,
and AE, were constructed to predict the log_return.
The obtained results were comprehensively
discussed, and experimental evaluations were
conducted. Through rigorous experimental
comparisons, it was discovered that the CNN model
structure and features are better suited for processing
time series prediction tasks. This is because the CNN
model can effectively capture and utilize the inherent
characteristics of the data, enabling it to outperform
other models in this specific application. However,
AE and other models exhibited relatively poor
performance due to its lack of capability in modeling
time dependencies present in the data. Moving
forward, future research endeavors could focus on
further exploring the potential application of
improved AE models in the realm of time series
prediction. Alternatively, efforts could be directed
towards developing more sophisticated and efficient
models to enhance the preciseness and efficiency of
predicting financial time series. Such advancements
would contribute to unlocking the full potential of
deep learning techniques in this crucial domain.
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