The IGBT accelerated aging data provided by the
NASA Ames Laboratory Prognostics Center of
Excellence were used (Celaya et al., 2009). The data
were obtained by performing accelerated aging under
thermal overstress conditions with a square signal
bias at the gate. That is, accelerated aging was
performed as temperature and voltage conditions
changed over time until failure occurred. The failure
criterion in IGBT accelerated aging data is defined by
the occurrence of the transistor latch-up phenomenon.
This phenomenon is confirmed based on the
characteristic that the collector-emitter voltage of the
provided data drops rapidly. In this study, IGBT
accelerated aging data for 4 devices with supply and
measurement information were used. It includes
supply temperature and voltage, collector-emitter
current and voltage, etc.
The failure time is determined based on the time
of latch-up occurrence, and the difference between
the current time and the failure time is calculated as
the RUL value. This is expressed in Eq. (5).
represent the failure time and current
time, respectively.
As input variables, environmental variables that
were considered to be obtainable were selected
because it is difficult to acquire information on
electronic components within the RPS in actual
NPPs. Environmental variables include operation
time, temperature, and voltage. Also, mean and
weighted average values were utilized as additional
input variables. The input variable groups are divided
into three groups as follows:
1. Operation time, Temperature, and Voltage
2. Operation time, Temperature, Voltage, and
Mean Temperature/Voltage
3. Operation time, Temperature, Voltage, Mean
Temperature/Voltage, Weighted Average
The data were divided into train, validation, and
test datasets. Three devices (Device 2, 3, and 4) were
used as train and validation datasets, and the
remaining device (Device 5) was used as test datasets.
The data for the selected input variables were
transformed into a normal distribution using a
standardization method. The data for the output
variable (i.e., RUL value) were normalized to a value
between 0 and 1 to apply physical rules.
Using the LSTM with MC dropout method, the RUL
prediction models for IGBT were developed
according to the input variable group and applied loss
function. A total of 12 prediction models were
developed, and for each model, the combination of
hyperparameters that exhibited the best performance
was selected as the final model for each model. Mean
absolute error (MAE) and R-square (R
) were used as
prediction performance evaluation metrics, which are
calculated as Eqs. (6) and (7). MAE indicates better
performance as its value decreases, while R
better performance as it approaches 1.
Table 2 shows the RUL prediction results of IGBT
according to all input variable groups and applied loss
functions. The performance was progressively
improved in the order of input variable groups 1, 2,
and 3. It indicates that utilizing mean and weighted
average values when predicting RUL is more
meaningful than using only temperature and voltage
values. Based on the applied loss functions, the
prediction performance on the train and validation
datasets was similar for the other three models, except
for the LSTM (MSE) model. However, the prediction
performance on the test datasets was relatively better
for the LSTM (MSE) model.
Figure 3 shows the RUL prediction results
according to the input variables. The prediction error
decreases as the input variable group number
increases from 1 to 3. Figure 4 shows the prediction
results with confidence intervals for input variable
group 3. This demonstrates that a model
incorporating physical rules exhibits lower
uncertainty in predictions than a model that does not
incorporate physical rules. This study reviewed the
input variables and AI methods to be applied as
preliminary modeling of the failure prediction model
for RPS in the future. So, we expect to utilize these
input variables and methods when developing failure
prediction models in practice.
NCTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications