Route Recommendation Based on POIs and Public Transportation
Agata Palma
1 a
, Pedro Morais
1 b
and Ana Alves
1,2 c
Polytechnic University of Coimbra, Rua da Miseric
ordia, Lagar dos Cortic¸os, S. Martinho do Bispo, 3045-093 Coimbra,
CISUC, LASI, University of Coimbra, Polo II, Pinhal de Marrocos, 3030-290,
Coimbra, Portugal
{a2023113935, a21280686, aalves}
GIS, Information Retrieval, Ambient Intelligence, Clustering, Route Recommendation, POIs.
With the rapid advancement of technology in today’s interconnected world, Ambient Intelligence (AmI)
emerges as a powerful tool that revolutionizes how we interact with our environments. This article delves
into the integration of AmI principles, Python programming, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to
develop intelligent route recommendation systems for urban exploration. The motivation behind this study
lies in the potential of AmI to address challenges in urban navigation, personalized recommendations, and
sustainable transportation solutions. The objectives include optimizing travel routes, promoting sustainable
transportation options, and enhancing user experiences. This research will contribute to advancing AmI tech-
nologies and their practical applications in improving urban living standards and mobility solutions.
Ambient Intelligence (AmI) represents a new
paradigm in computing that aims to embed intelli-
gence into everyday environments. It involves the in-
tegration of computational capabilities into ordinary
objects, allowing them to interact with users and each
other in a natural and intelligent manner. AmI em-
phasizes the presence of humans alongside smart in-
terfaces that can adapt to human emotions, behaviors,
and expectations. This concept envisions the creation
of smart environments, such as smart homes, smart
healthcare facilities, and smart cities, where everyday
objects are seamlessly connected and capable of en-
hancing daily living experiences. AmI is seen as a
significant societal and cultural shift, with the poten-
tial to transform the way people interact with technol-
ogy and their surroundings (Thankachan, 2023).
Since AmI takes advantage of sensors and Internet
of Things (IoT) devices to gather information about
the surrounding environment, it is a useful tool to
make inferences based on proximity, intent, and be-
havioral patterns. This facilitates personalized ex-
periences, as for example, receiving location-based
alerts when reaching points of interest (POIs) in a new
city(Mahmood et al., 2023).
Ambient Intelligence enhances the accuracy and
relevance of environmental data by incorporating Ge-
ographic Information Systems (GIS) and Informa-
tion Retrieval techniques. GIS offers spatial analy-
sis and mapping to understand user interactions ge-
ographically, while Information Retrieval efficiently
extracts relevant data for context-aware recommen-
dations. Clustering techniques group similar data
points to identify patterns in user behavior, aiding
route recommendation systems by predicting optimal
paths based on historical data and preferences. These
technologies enable AmI to create intelligent environ-
ments that anticipate and respond to user needs, pro-
viding seamless and enriched interactions.
The motivation behind this study lies in the prac-
tical application of advanced geospatial technologies
and algorithms to enhance urban navigation. The
aim is to develop an intelligent system that can pro-
vide efficient, customizable routing solutions tailored
to individual preferences, particularly in urban envi-
ronments where efficient navigation and personalized
experiences are crucial to navigate busy zones and
discover POIs. Therefore, these intelligent systems
can offer context-aware recommendations and opti-
mize routes tailored to user preferences and sustain-
able transport options, ultimately promoting efficient
travel and contributing to sustainable urban mobility.
Palma, Á., Morais, P. and Alves, A.
Route Recommendation Based on POIs and Public Transportation.
DOI: 10.5220/0013006800003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 391-398
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This work explores the integration of AmI prin-
ciples, Python programming, and GIS to develop in-
telligent route recommendation systems for urban ex-
ploration based on POIs and available public trans-
portation. Given a city and, optionally, a category,
the system will reply with a list of POIs and a sug-
gested route to visit the largest number of POIs in
the shortest route possible using public transporta-
tion. The base of this work is a variant of the Trav-
elling Salesman Problem (TSP), which involves find-
ing the shortest possible route that visits a set of given
locations exactly once and then returns to the start-
ing point (
Ozcan and Kaya, 2018). The challenge in
this research is similar to the one on TSP: determine
the most efficient route between multiple POIs while
minimizing the total travel distance.
The structure of the article includes a review of re-
lated works and AmI principles and their relevance in
urban navigation, followed by a discussion of techni-
cal aspects such as data integration, route optimiza-
tion algorithms, and visualization techniques using
platforms like Quantum GIS (QGIS).
Practical implications, potential extensions, and
the broader impact of AmI-driven solutions on urban
mobility and city planning are also addressed in the
discussion and conclusions sections. This work aims
to contribute to the advancement of technology that
enhances user experiences and promotes sustainable
and efficient mobility solutions in urban settings.
In this section, a brief literature review is presented,
focusing on existing applications, systems, and stud-
ies that share similar objectives or themes related to
AmI and intelligent route recommendation systems
for urban exploration based on POIs.
Based on the TSP, (
Ozcan and Kaya, 2018)
aimed to create a new tourist guide app using Open-
StreetMap (OSM). To achieve this, the study involved
various tasks using OSM tools, libraries, and frame-
works. These tasks included real-time area drawing
on OSM, path computation, selection of POIs, and
map understanding. The app intends to determine the
shortest route between user-selected destinations, op-
timizing travel time and displaying the route visually
on the map. The Hill Climbing Algorithm (HCA),
known for its memory efficiency and local search ap-
proach, was used for the TSP.
On the itinerary recommendation variant, (Pana-
giotakis et al., 2022) proposed a method to person-
alize itinerary recommendation (PIR) with POIs cat-
egories, for tourists tours. The authors’ method was
based on the Expectation Maximization (EM) algo-
rithm, and solves, sequentially, the PIR problem by
selecting POIs that maximize a suitable objective
function, such as user satisfaction, user time bud-
get, POIs opening hours, POIs category and spatial
constraints. In a similar scope, (Lou, 2022) focused
on categorizing POIs but with an improved k-means
algorithm to be applied to intelligent tourism route
planning. The proposed scheme considers tourists’
preferences and aims to find the shortest route be-
tween desired locations within a selected area.
(Mahdi et al., 2023) also redirected their research
focus towards POIs. They applied regression mod-
els to analyze the data obtained from Google Popu-
lar Times (GPT) to predict the amount of time people
would spend at POIs. With this contribution, a sim-
ilar process would be possible to improve the route
generation plan when time constraints are a variable.
Besides the prediction of the time spent at a POI,
when planning a route based on public transportation,
it is also crucial to take into account the time spent
from one point to another. (Zhang et al., 2022) state
the importance of improving travel time prediction.
The study highlights the importance of real-time, ac-
curate, reliable and low-cost multi-source data for bet-
ter predictions. The authors affirm that the traditional
methods for predicting travel time are deficient and a
new approach based on intelligent technology would
improve the prediction accuracy. In order to accom-
plish this, a prediction model based on the Kalman
filter - high accuracy in one-step prediction - was de-
signed. For this model, two sub-modules were cre-
ated: the Route Travel Time Prediction Model - pre-
dicts travel time for an entire bus route - and the Stop
Dwell Time Prediction - predicts the time spent at bus
stops. In this study, the data sources used included
GPS (Global Positioning System), AFC (Automatic
Fare Collection), and IC (Integrated Circuit) and the
models were validated using Automatic Vehicle Lo-
cation (AVL) from real world scenarios. The results
indicate the prediction model meets accuracy require-
ments for travel time prediction.
(Sarridis et al., 2022) proposed a personalized
route recommendation system that balances the trade-
off between distance and POIS using hypergraph
models. Their framework considers tourist satisfac-
tion and leverages both visual and geographical data
to optimize the shortest path algorithm through POI
images embedded in a hypergraph. Similarly, (Karan-
taidis et al., 2021) applied multi-stage optimization
learning in hypergraph structures for image and tag
recommendations, dynamically updating hypergraph
structures and hyperedge weights to achieve higher
accuracy in POI ranking and recommendations.
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
The contribution of (Li et al., 2021) to this work
is based on a solution for another problem. Instead
of the common questions such as “find the k near-
est POIs around me” or “give me the bus plan from
s to d”, the authors proposed a method to answer the
“give me k POIs that I can reach earliest within one
transfer by bus”. In the public transportation network
(PTN), the users’ primary concern is “which POI can
be reached with the least travel time under some spec-
ified transfer numbers considering the different depar-
ture time and frequency of buses”. To answer the pro-
posed question, the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) query
should be applied. Given a set of information—POIs,
a PTN, a location, departure time, and a transfer num-
ber constraint—the kNN query returns the k POIs that
meet these conditions.
Another possible method for location-based sys-
tems, besides kNN, is the Multi-Cost Transportation
Network-constrained skyline query (MCTN-CSQ).
(Gong et al., 2020) implemented the CSQ System,
the first of its kind, as a web application supporting
constrained skyline query on multi-cost transportation
networks. Users input query points and receive sky-
line answer-objects reachable via transportation net-
works, superior on at least one dimension. For exam-
ple, lets assume a user needs to book a room for the
night but he has more constraints about the desired
room: it can be reached by taking public transporta-
tion, and the transportation fare and the travel time
should be reasonable - the query processing compo-
nent of the CSQ System handles the query execution.
“The system is implemented as a web application,
which allows users to input a query point from a web
interface, get the skyline result by using several algo-
rithms, and display the result on the web interface”
(Gong et al., 2020).
The application is designed to provide a comprehen-
sive solution for route planning and analysis within
the QGIS environment. The system architecture is
composed of several elements, interconnected to fa-
cilitate preprocessing, route generation, spatial analy-
sis, visualization, and user interaction.
The user interface, implemented using the QGIS
interface in the first phase and a plugin in QGIS in
the second phase, serves as the entry point for users
to select the city and visualize the suggested route, as
well as to specify POI categories. The route genera-
tion engine employs an algorithm to compute the op-
timal route, connecting different POIs based on user-
defined parameters. The aim is to find the shortest
path in the road network integrating public transport
routes and stops.
In the first phase, a proof of concept is achieved
by working with the available processing tools and
plugins in QGIS, such as ORS (OpenRouteService)
tools. The system uses data provided for the devel-
opment of this project, specifically POIs and roads in
Portugal and public transportation in Coimbra. The
spatial visualization is handled by the QGIS environ-
ment, taking advantage of HeatMaps and route over-
lays to visually present analysis results, as well as to
produce a georeferenced PDF.
For the second phase, a custom plugin is devel-
oped to provide the user with a more friendly and in-
tuitive interface. Using the user’s input for a location
and category of POIs, and the processing of POIs with
machine learning methods, a route is drawn using the
shortest path possible across the region with the most
of these POIs.
To populate the application with pertinent data con-
cerning POIs, the primary source relies on Open-
StreetMap for the second step, retrieved through the
“osmnx” python package.
For the first step, data containing POIs and roads
of Portugal in shapefiles format were provided in the
context of this project, as well as public transporta-
tion data for Coimbra, with routes and stops for SM-
TUC (Servic¸os Municipalizados de Transportes Ur-
banos de Coimbra). Additionally, the application in-
tegrates (1) the QGIS plugin QuickOSM to retrieve
the boundaries of Coimbra city and (2) the module
Quick Map Services (QMS) to procure a standardized
raster layer of OSM.
To enhance the performance of the application, Clus-
tering is applied, which allows the identification of
groups of POIs that are geographically close to each
other. Through this unsupervised learning method,
the most concentrated area of POIs is identified and a
route is established within that zone. A density-based
cluster analysis algorithm, the Density-Based Spatial
Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN), is
applied due to its robustness and effectiveness in han-
dling spatial data. As noted in (Lou, 2022), DBSCAN
has the great advantage of clustering dense datasets of
any shape and is “sensitive to the selection of initial
values, but insensitive to noise points and has certain
Route Recommendation Based on POIs and Public Transportation
noise immunity”. Another advantage is the unneces-
sary need to predefine the number of clusters. The
initial DBSCAN parameters are:
eps (ε). The maximum distance between two
points to be considered as part of the same neigh-
borhood. This parameter defines the radius of the
neighborhood around each point.
minPts. The minimum number of points required
to form a dense region. A point is considered a
core point if it has at least minPts within its eps
These parameters are crucial for the performance
of the DBSCAN algorithm. In this study, eps and
minPts are fine-tuned based on the spatial distribution
of POIs in the dataset.
The clustering process entails loading the road net-
work graph using OSMnx, projecting the POIs to align
with the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of the
graph, and generating a distance matrix based on net-
work distances. Subsequently, the DBSCAN algo-
rithm is employed to detect clusters, and the outcomes
are assessed using metrics like Silhouette Score and
Davies-Bouldin Index.
The Silhouette Score measures how similar a
point is to its own cluster compared to other clus-
ters. Higher values indicate well-defined clusters with
clear separation between them. The Davies-Bouldin
Index assesses the average similarity ratio of each
cluster with its most similar cluster, where lower val-
ues indicate better-defined clusters with less overlap.
These metrics provide a quantitative evaluation of the
clustering quality, ensuring that the clusters formed
are meaningful and accurate.
Throughout the first and second phases, different ap-
proaches are utilized for collecting, treating, and dis-
playing the results. Both approaches are addressed,
demonstrating the evolution and refinement of the
methods to achieve a more automated response in cus-
tom route generation.
6.1 Phase I
Taking advantage of the already present module in
QGIS, QMS, the standardized raster layer is retrieved,
providing a comprehensive and detailed map back-
ground in EPSG:4326. This CRS, also known as
WGS 84, is widely used in geographic coordinate sys-
tems and is the one that the ORS API expects in the
To commence data analysis, the shapefiles of Por-
tugal’s POIs and roads are imported, along with the
SMTUC General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)
containing route information and bus stops, facilitated
by the GTFS GO plugin. Furthermore, the polygon
delineating the region of Coimbra is imported using
the QuickOSM plugin. Additionally, a new polygon
is drawn within the Coimbra region to delimit the
analysis area.
A new layer, named Coimbra POIS is created
through the extraction by location of elements that in-
tersect or are contained within the area of the poly-
gon. This layer is subsequently utilized as the foun-
dation for generating a HeatMap, providing a visual
representation of the concentration of POIs within the
delimited area. Since meters are preferred over de-
grees for measurements, the layers are re-projected to
EPSG:3763. This adjustment enables the proper con-
figuration of parameters for the DBSCAN algorithm
(ε: 200 meters; minPts: 4), using the Coimbra POIS
layer as the data source. The outcomes demonstrate
a clear separation of clusters, indicating a satisfactory
fit, as shown in Figure 1. To enhance visualization
and delineate cluster regions more distinctly, concave
hulls are employed for each cluster. A concave hull
is a shape that closely wraps a set of points, capturing
the boundaries of the points more accurately. The re-
sult provided a collection of polygons encompassing
the points within each cluster, as depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 1: Heatmap with DBSCAN clustered POIs.
In this phase, the simulation involves a user who
wishes to travel from point A to point B, as depicted in
Figure 2, utilizing the shortest path and public trans-
portation services. With this goal in mind, a man-
ual approach is adopted for route construction. Us-
ing the ORS tools, a few points are manually selected
as coordinates to create two custom routes, employ-
ing the shortest path and driving-car preferences. Af-
ter re-projecting both custom and SMTUC routes and
stops, each route is segmented into sections of ap-
proximately 500 meters, resulting in the creation of
two new layers: (1) SMTUC sections intersecting the
custom routes and (2) SMTUC stops along the cus-
tom route. Additionally, leveraging ORS tools, a new
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
layer with isochrones is created, as seen in Figure 3.
An isochrone is a line or boundary on a map that con-
nects points representing equal travel time or distance
from a particular location. This new layer provided a
visual analysis of the area accessible from each SM-
TUC stop along the route within 2, 5, and 7-minute
Figure 2: Route 1.
Figure 3: Route 2 with isochrones for 2 minutes.
Given the limitations of the ORS API for
isochrones, no route with them is created to the center
of the largest cluster of POIs. Nonetheless, through
visual analysis, it can be confirmed that using this ap-
proach could indeed provide an effective tool for route
customization based on POI concentration and public
6.2 Phase II
In the second phase, the system allows users to se-
lect POIs from any geographic location. These POIs
are organized into top-level categories, each contain-
ing subcategories. For example, the Tourism category
includes Hotels and Museums, the Amenity category
features Bars and Cafes, and the Shop category en-
compasses Malls.
The main objective of this stage is to provide a
more automated response to the challenge presented
in the first phase of this project. A plugin for QGIS
has been developed - Optimal Custom Route - which
offers an intuitive and efficient tool for route planning
and visualization.
The development environment includes OSMnx
for geographic data handling, OpenRouteService for
routing, gpxpy for GPS Exchange Format (GPX) file
manipulation, scikit-learn for clustering, and geopy
for geocoding. These libraries provide the necessary
tools for implementing the plugin’s core functional-
ities and can be installed using the following com-
$pip install osmnx
$pip install openrouteservice
$pip install gpxpy
$pip install scikit-learn
$pip install geopy
The next step focuses on designing and imple-
menting the user interface, developed using PyQt5.
This interface comprises two main windows:
1. The first window allows users to input the name
of the city for which they want to plan a route.
2. The second window is dedicated to route cus-
tomization details, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Customization window with a starting point de-
fined and customized DBSCAN parameters.
To handle geographic data, the plugin utilizes
“OSMnx” to collect and process map data from Open-
StreetMap. The process commences with geocod-
ing the city name to acquire geographic coordinates.
These coordinates are subsequently utilized to import
the relevant map tiles into QGIS as layers, thereby
offering users a visual representation of the area of
For selecting POIs, users can choose from various
categories, such as tourism, amenities, and shops. The
plugin dynamically generates checkboxes for each
subcategory, allowing for detailed selection. Once the
POIs are selected, the plugin retrieves the correspond-
ing data from OpenStreetMap and saves the data in a
new layer with the name, category, and subcategory
of the POI. Then, it proceeds to clustering using the
pre-defined values of ε = 200 meters and minPts = 4
or custom values chosen by the user.
Clustering analysis plays a crucial role in the plu-
gin, focusing on grouping POIs based on geographic
proximity. To use the collected data, a transformation
is needed. In this phase, the coordinates of the POIs
are converted to a suitable coordinate system to en-
sure accurate distance measurements. Typically, the
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection is
used because it provides a more accurate represen-
tation of distances compared to latitude and longi-
tude. This is essential for spatial data analysis, as the
DBSCAN algorithm operates on distances between
Route Recommendation Based on POIs and Public Transportation
points. To ensure consistency in distance calculations,
the POIs data is projected into the same CRS as the
road network graph generated by OSMnx. This CRS
transformation is important for aligning the POIs with
the graph, allowing for accurate integration and sub-
sequent analysis.
Once the data is transformed, a road network
graph is created using OSMnx. This graph represents
the road network within the specified place, where
nodes correspond to intersections, and edges repre-
sent road segments connecting these intersections.
The road network graph is truncated to retain only the
largest connected component. This step is needed to
avoid isolated nodes that do not contribute to the main
network, ensuring a coherent and comprehensive road
network for analysis. The truncated graph provides a
strong foundation for mapping POIs and calculating
network distances.
With the road network graph prepared, the POIs
are projected into the same CRS as the graph to main-
tain consistency, and the nearest nodes in the road
network graph are found for each POI. This way, dis-
tances between POIs can be calculated within the con-
text of the road network.
The clustering process involves calculating a dis-
tance matrix, which is essential for applying the DB-
SCAN algorithm. Initially, a pairwise Euclidean dis-
tance matrix is calculated between the nodes repre-
senting the POIs. However, for more accurate dis-
tance measurements that account for the road net-
work, this Euclidean distance matrix is converted into
a network distance matrix using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
This algorithm computes the shortest path between
nodes based on the actual road network distances. By
using the network distance matrix, the DBSCAN al-
gorithm can accurately cluster POIs based on real-
world distances, rather than straight-line distances.
The DBSCAN algorithm is then applied to this net-
work distance matrix. The eps parameter, which is
used in meters, defines the maximum distance be-
tween two points for them to be considered part of
the same cluster. The minPts parameter specifies the
minimum number of points required to form a dense
region. The metric precomputed is used to indicate
that the distance matrix has already been calculated.
After the clustering is performed, the results are
processed to extract meaningful clusters. Noise
points, which are points labeled as -1 by DBSCAN,
are excluded from further analysis and the largest
and densest clusters are identified. Subsequently, the
outcomes are assessed using Silhouette Score and
Davies-Bouldin Index.
These clusters are then visualized within the QGIS
environment, providing an intuitive and comprehen-
sive view of the spatial distribution of POIs. This vi-
sualization aids in identifying key areas of interest, as
shown in Figure 5 and supports the generation of an
optimal route.
Figure 5: Clustered POIs.
Based on the clustered POIs, the route generation
process initiates a request to the ORS API to com-
pute the optimal route. Users can specify the start-
ing point either manually or by utilizing the center of
the largest cluster (the default by omission). Subse-
quently, the plugin selects waypoints from the largest
cluster, applies a greedy TSP solver to determine the
optimal order of waypoints, and generates the route
using ORS. The resulting route is then visualized in
QGIS (see Figure 6), providing users with an interac-
tive map display. To enhance the user experience, the
plugin includes a route animation feature, which reads
GPX data and animates the movement along the route
on the QGIS map canvas. Finally, it also supports ex-
porting the created route and layers to a PDF, as an
Figure 6: Route visualization in QGIS.
The integration of clustering analysis and ad-
vanced route generation techniques in the second
phase represents a significant advancement in devel-
oping intelligent route recommendation systems. By
allowing users to select POIs from a variety of cate-
gories and subcategories, the system provides highly
personalized and efficient routing solutions. The use
of DBSCAN for clustering POIs based on real-world
distances ensures accurate and meaningful groupings,
while the ORS API facilitates the generation of op-
timized routes. The inclusion of a user-friendly in-
terface, interactive map displays, and features such
as route animation and export options enhances the
overall user experience, making the system a power-
ful tool for urban exploration and navigation.
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
To assess the success of this work, the system is eval-
uated on functionality, user experience, performance,
clustering effectiveness, and accuracy. The system’s
ability to accurately recommend routes based on user-
selected cities and POI categories is assessed, as
well as the effectiveness of the route generation en-
gine in optimizing factors like distance (for phase
II) and available public transportation options (for
phase I), in real-time route recommendations. Each
project phase meets expectations, demonstrating flex-
ibility and efficiency in using user inputs to rec-
ommend routes within concentrated areas of inter-
est. This aligns with the motivations described by
(Mahmood et al., 2023), who highlights the impor-
tance of context-aware recommendations and opti-
mized routes tailored to user preferences.
Regarding performance evaluation, the system
demonstrates high efficiency under varying loads. In
Phase I, a significant number of POIs are retrieved
without delay. In Phase II, although fewer POIs are
processed, more complex operations are executed in
sequence (API calls followed by clustering analysis,
display, and data export) within a few seconds. This
real-time response capability underscores the practi-
cal application of advanced geospatial technologies
and algorithms in urban navigation, as discussed in
the introduction.
The reliability of clustering effectiveness in iden-
tifying concentrated areas of POIs and generating op-
timized routes within those zones is also assessed. To
ensure clustering effectiveness, two metrics are used
for validation: the Silhouette Score and the Davies-
Bouldin Index. These metrics provide quantitative
evaluations of clustering quality, confirming that the
system effectively identifies meaningful clusters of
POIs. However, some challenges are encountered in
clustering effectiveness in phase II, particularly with
results suggesting an overlap of clusters when using
the same parameters as in phase I. This can be visual-
ized in the layers and in the Silhouette Score with val-
ues ranging from -0.7 to -0.4 and the Davies-Bouldin
Index with values from 1 to 2 or 3, depending on the
parameter values. This cluster overlap could be at-
tributed to the presence of various sources and cat-
egories for the POIs. In the first step, all the re-
trieved POIs are used for the clustering process, and in
the second step, only a few categories are processed.
Nonetheless, the overall results are promising. This
finding corroborates the work of (Lou, 2022), who
emphasizes the importance of accurate clustering for
intelligent tourism route planning.
The system’s clustering process benefits from the
use of the DBSCAN algorithm, known for its robust-
ness in handling spatial data and noise, as noted by
(Lou, 2022). The application of DBSCAN, along
with the conversion of Euclidean distance matrices
into network distance matrices using Dijkstra’s algo-
rithm, allows for accurate clustering based on real-
world distances. This approach is consistent with the
findings of (Zhang et al., 2022), who highlights the
importance of accurate distance measurements and
intelligent technology in improving travel time pre-
dictions and route optimization.
In terms of user experience, the development of
a custom QGIS plugin
,“Optimal Custom Route”,
provides an intuitive and efficient tool for route plan-
ning and visualization. The user interface, designed
using PyQt5, offers a seamless and interactive expe-
rience for selecting POIs and generating routes. The
integration of clustering analysis, route optimization,
and visualization within the QGIS environment en-
hances the system’s usability and practicality, align-
ing with the envisioned AmI principles of creating
smart environments that enhance daily living experi-
ences (Thankachan, 2023).
In conclusion, the application achieves its primary
goals of generating optimal routes that connect dif-
ferent POIs within selected cities, demonstrating high
accuracy in visualization and spatial analysis results.
By identifying areas with high concentrations of POIs
(in both phases) and public transportation coverage
(in Phase I), the system successfully provides person-
alized and efficient navigation solutions. Future work
will focus on enhancing clustering techniques, inte-
grating real-time data, optimizing performance, incor-
porating user feedback, and expanding the range of
POIs categories to further improve the system’s func-
tionality and applicability.
This study successfully integrates AmI principles,
Python programming, and GIS to develop intelligent
route recommendation systems for urban exploration.
The developed systems optimize travel routes, pro-
mote sustainable transportation options, and enhance
user experiences. The research demonstrates the po-
tential of AmI to address challenges in urban naviga-
tion and personalized recommendations, contributing
to sustainable urban mobility.
The development process is divided into two
phases. In the first phase, existing QGIS tools
and plugins are utilized to manually create and ana-
Route Recommendation Based on POIs and Public Transportation
lyze routes based on POIs and public transportation
data. This phase demonstrates the feasibility of us-
ing geospatial technologies to optimize urban naviga-
tion. The second phase involves the creation of a cus-
tom QGIS plugin, “Optimal Custom Route, provid-
ing an automated and user-friendly interface for route
planning and visualization. This phase leverages ad-
vanced machine learning techniques, specifically DB-
SCAN clustering, to identify dense areas of POIs and
generate optimized routes.
The system’s performance is evaluated based on
functionality, user experience, performance, cluster-
ing effectiveness, and accuracy. The results indi-
cate that the system accurately recommends routes
based on user-selected cities and POI categories, ef-
ficiently handles varying loads, and generates well-
defined clusters of POIs. However, some challenges
are encountered, particularly in clustering effective-
ness when dealing with different sources and cate-
gories of POIs, which will need further refinement.
8.1 Future Work
While the current system shows promising results,
several areas for future work can enhance its func-
tionality and applicability:
Enhanced Clustering Techniques. Future re-
search could explore more advanced clustering al-
gorithms and parameter tuning to improve cluster-
ing effectiveness, particularly when dealing with
diverse categories of POIs.
Integration with Real-time Data. Incorporating
real-time data from public transportation systems,
traffic conditions, and user location can enhance
the system’s ability to provide dynamic and real-
time route recommendations.
Extended POI Categories: Expanding the range
of POI categories and integrating additional data
sources can provide more comprehensive and per-
sonalized route recommendations.
Mobile Application Development. Developing a
mobile app of the system can make it more acces-
sible to users on the go, providing seamless and
interactive route recommendations.
Sustainability Metrics. Incorporating sustain-
ability metrics, such as carbon footprint reduc-
tion and energy efficiency, into the route optimiza-
tion process can further promote sustainable ur-
ban mobility solutions.
In conclusion, this research demonstrates the sig-
nificant potential of integrating AmI, Python pro-
gramming, and GIS in developing intelligent route
recommendation systems. By addressing the iden-
tified challenges and exploring future research di-
rections, ongoing advancements in AmI technologies
and their practical applications can continue to im-
prove urban living standards and mobility solutions.
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KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval