lyze routes based on POIs and public transportation
data. This phase demonstrates the feasibility of us-
ing geospatial technologies to optimize urban naviga-
tion. The second phase involves the creation of a cus-
tom QGIS plugin, “Optimal Custom Route,” provid-
ing an automated and user-friendly interface for route
planning and visualization. This phase leverages ad-
vanced machine learning techniques, specifically DB-
SCAN clustering, to identify dense areas of POIs and
generate optimized routes.
The system’s performance is evaluated based on
functionality, user experience, performance, cluster-
ing effectiveness, and accuracy. The results indi-
cate that the system accurately recommends routes
based on user-selected cities and POI categories, ef-
ficiently handles varying loads, and generates well-
defined clusters of POIs. However, some challenges
are encountered, particularly in clustering effective-
ness when dealing with different sources and cate-
gories of POIs, which will need further refinement.
8.1 Future Work
While the current system shows promising results,
several areas for future work can enhance its func-
tionality and applicability:
• Enhanced Clustering Techniques. Future re-
search could explore more advanced clustering al-
gorithms and parameter tuning to improve cluster-
ing effectiveness, particularly when dealing with
diverse categories of POIs.
• Integration with Real-time Data. Incorporating
real-time data from public transportation systems,
traffic conditions, and user location can enhance
the system’s ability to provide dynamic and real-
time route recommendations.
• Extended POI Categories: Expanding the range
of POI categories and integrating additional data
sources can provide more comprehensive and per-
sonalized route recommendations.
• Mobile Application Development. Developing a
mobile app of the system can make it more acces-
sible to users on the go, providing seamless and
interactive route recommendations.
• Sustainability Metrics. Incorporating sustain-
ability metrics, such as carbon footprint reduc-
tion and energy efficiency, into the route optimiza-
tion process can further promote sustainable ur-
ban mobility solutions.
In conclusion, this research demonstrates the sig-
nificant potential of integrating AmI, Python pro-
gramming, and GIS in developing intelligent route
recommendation systems. By addressing the iden-
tified challenges and exploring future research di-
rections, ongoing advancements in AmI technologies
and their practical applications can continue to im-
prove urban living standards and mobility solutions.
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KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval