method's reliability. We verified accuracy for 1 to 100
layers. It can be concluded that our model's
performance remains stable even when increasing the
number of layers. Additionally, there is no
representation convergence due to the increase in the
number of layers, which is the opposite of GCN. This
demonstrates that decoupling the propagation from
the transformation can alleviate the over-smoothing
We propose a decoupled graph convolutional
network DAP-GCN with a dual adaptive propagation
mechanism. It can be applied to both homophilic and
heterophilic networks. DAP-GCN extracts class-
aware information by learning class similarity
matrices from attribute information and topological
information. The matrix adaptively changes the
propagation process of the network based on the class
similarity between nodes. Finally, the information is
extracted adaptively in different layers. DAP-GCN
mainly solves the heterophilic problem and also
effectively mitigates the over-smoothing problem.
Experiments on real datasets show that DAP-GCN
provides better performance than current methods
under both homophilic and heterophilic graphs.
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