OMNIMOD: Automating Ontology Modularization for Digital Library
Data Using CIDOC-CRM as Use Case
Giulia Biagioni
Unit ISP, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), New Babylon,
Anna van Buerenplein 41a, Den Haag, The Netherlands
Ontology Modularization Method, Evaluation Method for Ontology Modularization, Cognitive Load Theory.
This paper introduces OMNIMOD, a new method designed to modularize ontologies, RDF-based structures
that organize knowledge within specialized domains. By simplifying complex information into manageable
components, OMNIMOD enhances the analysis, understandability, and navigation of large ontological frame-
works while also extending its functionality to include the modularization of associated data records, known
as instance data. The method has been developed based on theoretical insights gathered from Cognitive Load
Theory (CLT) and has been successfully tested and applied to CIDOC-CRM (Conceptual Reference Model of
the International Committee for Documentation), the ISO standard for describing data related to cultural her-
itage materials. The accompanying Python functions, developed for OMNIMOD and provided in the corpus
of the text, empower readers to adapt and utilize OMNIMOD according to their specific needs.
Ontology modularization, which involves breaking
down an ontology into smaller, more manageable
parts, is particularly valuable for large ontologies
(Parent and Spaccapietra, 2009). This technique im-
proves reasoning capabilities (Gatens et al., 2014),
simplifies ontology maintenance (Sarkar and Dong,
2011), enhances alignment with external ontologies
(Ghafourian et al., 2013), assists in the structural ex-
amination of the taxonomy and axioms (Vescovo
et al., 2011a), and allows for selective access to spe-
cific sections of the ontology while concealing oth-
ers (Konev et al., 2009). As repositories of knowl-
edge that enable meaningful communication between
agents, ontologies are naturally designed to grow and
incorporate an ever-expanding body of knowledge.
This expansion is further motivated by European ini-
tiatives focused on establishing data spaces and dig-
ital libraries
grounded in ontologies, aiming to or-
ganize and utilize data more efficiently (Corcho and
Simper, 2022; Commission, 2022).
Despite its recognized importance within the sci-
entific community, the field of ontology modulariza-
An example of European digital library for cultural
heritage material is provided by
tion faces significant hurdles, as outlined by LeClair
and colleagues (LeClair et al., 2023). These chal-
lenges span from the absence of uniform guidelines
for conducting the modularization process to the need
for more intuitive methods for examining modular-
ized entities (d’Aquin et al., 2009; LeClair et al.,
2023). Additionally, there is also a lack of techniques
that take into account the data records structured using
the ontology in the modularization process, as well
as standardized methods to evaluate the modulariza-
tion process. Such obstacles markedly hinder the pro-
cesses of navigation, analysis, and the assessment of
intricate knowledge structures.
To address these issues, this study presents a new
methodology for ontology modularization referred to
here as OMNIMOD. The approach centers around
CIDOC-CRM for the description of cultural heritage
assets as primary use case. By doing this, the cur-
rent initiative pays a double contribution. On the one
hand, it aims to refine modularization techniques and
enhance the management, understanding, and practi-
cal application of extensive ontologies. On the other
hand, it seeks to provide cultural heritage profession-
als and users of extensive ontological conceptualiza-
tions with specifically designed tools for automated
ontology modularization, enhancing their ability to
access, comprehend, and work within large ontolog-
Biagioni, G.
OMNIMOD: Automating Ontology Modularization for Digital Library Data Using CIDOC-CRM as Use Case.
DOI: 10.5220/0013011200003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 102-111
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ical frameworks.
The methodology behind the
development of OMNIMOD is informed by insights
from cognitive load theory (CLT).
CLT is a conceptual framework that describes how
the human brain processes and retains new informa-
tion. It offers strategies for organizing and present-
ing information in ways that enhance users’ ability
to assimilate new data effectively while fostering a
deeper understanding of the material. By including
principles of CLT in its design, OMNIMOD lever-
ages achievements in the humanities to enhance its
technical implementation and formulate the theoret-
ical strategy that underpins its approach. The name
”OMNIMOD, which stands for Ontology Modular-
ization through an Integrated Methodological Design,
reflects this comprehensive approach. The efficiency
of OMNIMOD has been evaluated based on two crite-
ria: cohesion and coupling. The results are presented
in the paper.
This study is structured as follows: beyond the in-
troduction already presented, section 2 delineates the
state of the art, providing a critical examination of
existing methodologies and identifying the need for
advancements in ontology modularization. Section 3
discusses the methodology employed to develop OM-
NIMOD, which integrates both the theoretical frame-
works that guided its design and the context for its
creation. Finally, section 4 introduces OMNIMOD
itself, detailing both its formal definition and techni-
cal implementation. The metrics used to evaluate the
method are presented in section 5. The validation pro-
cess of OMNIMOD, tested with CIDOC-CRM as use
case, is outlined in Section 6. Ultimately, section 7
further discusses the results presented in Section 6.
The modularization method presented in this study
gains additional relevance in light of Directive 2013/37/UE.
Enforced in 2021, the directive requires cultural heritage in-
stitutions to make their data machine-understandable, inter-
connected, and openly accessible in digital libraries. Adopt-
ing standardized, comprehensive ontologies like CIDOC-
CRM presents a significant challenge for professionals
tasked with navigating and adapting these broad ontolog-
ical frameworks to publish their data on both digital plat-
forms and digital libraries (such as Europeana). There-
fore, the tools and methodologies developed in this study
are not only designed to overcome the current limitations
in ontology modularization but also to support cultural her-
itage professionals in fulfilling the mandates of Directive
2013/37/UE, ensuring they are provided with the possibility
to access and understand how to efficiently and consistently
employ extensive vocabularies.
Ontology modularization strategies can vary widely
based on several factors. They might use semantic
or syntactic criteria to determine how to divide the
ontology into smaller, more manageable parts. The
approach to modularization can be guided by either
informal or formal specifications. In terms of im-
plementation, these strategies range from fully auto-
mated processes, where software tools do the work, to
partially automated methods that require some human
intervention, and entirely manual approaches where
the modularization is manually implemented. The
objectives behind modularizing an ontology can also
differ significantly, influencing the chosen strategy.
For instance, the aim might be to enhance the ontol-
ogy’s usability, improve reasoning efficiency, or facil-
itate easier maintenance and updates. Another criti-
cal consideration is how the resulting modules inter-
act with each other, whether they should be disjoint,
meaning no overlap in concepts or properties, or if
overlapping modules are permissible.
Methods that employ syntactic strategies are com-
monly referred to as graph-based approaches, focus-
ing on the structural relationships and connections
within the ontology represented as a graph. These ap-
proaches analyze the topology and connectivity of the
ontology graph to identify modular structures. Exam-
ples of the application of these methods are provided
by (Noy and Musen, 2009; Sarkar and Dong, 2011;
Kachroudi et al., 2013). On the other hand, meth-
ods that utilize semantic criteria are known as logi-
cal approaches. These approaches consider the mean-
ing and semantics of the ontology’s concepts and re-
lationships to modularize the ontology based on its
content. Examples of how these methods have been
applied can be drawn from (Vescovo et al., 2011b;
Kontchakov et al., 2010; Grau et al., 2009). Ulti-
mately, a third category, referred to as hybrid meth-
ods, is identified in (LeClair et al., 2023). These in-
corporate elements of both syntactic and semantic ap-
proaches by leveraging both the structural properties
of the ontology graph and the semantic information
encoded within it. An instance of this approach is ex-
emplified in (Leclair et al., 2019).
According to insights from the field, there are
several areas where existing ontology modularization
methods could be significantly improved. A primary
suggestion is to extend the focus beyond merely mod-
ularizing the ontology to include the associated data
records (LeClair et al., 2023). This wider scope is
expected to ensure a more exhaustive coverage of the
domain described within the modules. Moreover, the
establishment of clear, unambiguous criteria for eval-
OMNIMOD: Automating Ontology Modularization for Digital Library Data Using CIDOC-CRM as Use Case
uating the modularization process is emphasized as a
critical need.
Therefore, to advance research in current ontol-
ogy modularization methods, OMNIMOD has been
developed to test the efficiency of and create a new
modularization approach. This includes assessing
its limitations, exploring potential alternative paths,
and determining applicable evaluation criteria for the
method and its scoped functionalities. The evalua-
tion criteria to assess the modularization process of
OMNIMOD are presented in this paper to further for-
malize and present a possible approach that can be
followed to evaluate methods for ontology modular-
ization. The methodology and theoretical underpin-
nings used to design OMNIMOD are detailed in the
subsequent section.
This section presents the methodology behind the de-
velopment of OMNIMOD. Section 3.1 outlines the
contextual factors that inspired the creation of OMN-
IMOD. Section 3.2 delves into the theoretical back-
bone of the methodology, harnessing insights from
CLT to inform the design and structuring principles
followed by OMNIMOD.
3.1 Context
To contribute to the advancement of the field, this
study has implemented an automated approach for
modularizing large ontologies into modules. This ap-
proach was developed within the framework of the
research activities conducted under the Norm En-
gneering program, hosted by the netherlands organi-
zation for applied scientific research (TNO). Within
this program, specific ontologies have been created
to facilitate the interpretation of norms, such as
FLINT (Breteler et al., 2023), and Source ontology
The Source ontology, designed to manage tex-
tual information found in both digital and physical
libraries regarding norms and regulations, aligns with
key standards in the cultural heritage sector, including
, and some of its extensions (i.e. the
FLINT and Source ontologies can be accessed at
CIDOC-CRM serves as the standard vocabulary for
structuring data related to the collections of cultural her-
itage institutions. Initially developed in 1994 by an inter-
national committee of experts convened under ICOM, the
model was technically expressed in Telos. Since then, it has
evolved into various formats, including RDF(S) and OWL
standards. Recognized as an ISO standard since 2009, the
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records,
, and FRBR’s lightweight variant, LRM)
To align the Source ontology with the standard-
ized conceptual frameworks used within (digital) li-
braries, an in-depth investigation into CIDOC-CRM
was conducted, inter alia. This process required
breaking down the ontology into modules to analyze
each class definition and its relationships in order to
gain deeper insights into the conceptualizations and
how they complement each other. Given the scarcity
of existing automated methods suitable for modular-
izing ontologies and knowledge graphs, and facilitat-
ing in-depth examination of conceptualizations, OM-
NIMOD was developed. The development of this
method has been steered by foundational principles of
ontological knowledge organization, with a particular
emphasis on class definitions, hierarchical structures,
and class relationships. Therefore, while the method
considers the semantic scope of each module, its core
approach remains graph-based.
3.2 Theoretical Framework for the
Modularization Strategy
OMNIMOD was developed with the aim to improve
navigability, information retrieval, analysis and ex-
amination of extensive ontologies. On a theoretical
level, the creation of modularization method was in-
formed by findings from the field of CLT, namely, a
theoretical framework that examines how information
is processed within recipients’ working memory and
derives ways to present and organize information to
maximize its uptake. Developed by John Sweller in
the 1980s, CLT suggests that our ability to process
and integrate data is influenced by the capacity of
our working memory, which can be overloaded if too
much information is presented at once (Sweller et al.,
1998; Sweller et al., 2019). The theory divides cogni-
tive load into three main types: intrinsic, extraneous,
and germane.
Intrinsic load is the inherent difficulty associated
with a specific topic. It is directly related to the com-
model serves as a fundamental framework within digital
European libraries like Europeana, with Europeana EDM
aligning seamlessly with CIDOC-CRM.
FRBR, developed by the International Federation of
Library Associations (IFLA), establishes the Work Expres-
sion Manifestation and Item (WEMI) Structure as its foun-
dation. This framework distinguishes between abstract
Work, its various Expressions, physical Manifestations em-
bodying those Expressions, and individual Items specific to
In February 2023, FRBR released the draft model of
its lightweight WEMI conceptualization, LRM, maintain-
ing alignment with CIDOC-CRM.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
plexity of the material and the recipient’s existing
knowledge (Sweller et al., 1998). As such, intrinsic
load cannot be altered by information organizational
design, but understanding its impact is crucial for pac-
ing and structuring information uptake.
Extraneous load, on the other hand, refers to the
cognitive load imposed by the way information is pre-
sented to recipients (Sweller et al., 1998; Whelan,
2007). It is not essential for information uptake and
can be reduced or managed through effective instruc-
tional design. Extraneous load can arise from disor-
ganized and inadequately presented information that
distracts or confuses recipients, requiring them to ex-
pend effort on processing irrelevant information. Re-
ducing extraneous load is crucial for liberating work-
ing memory capacity to handle intrinsic and germane
Germane load is the cognitive effort dedicated
to processing, constructing, and automating schemas
(Sweller et al., 1998). It represents the cognitive load
that contributes directly to learning by facilitating the
integration of new information into long-term mem-
ory. Effective organization and presentation of knowl-
edge aim to maximize germane load by using strate-
gies that support schema acquisition
The application of CLT has been significant in in-
forming strategies to reduce extraneous load while
maximizing the potential to assimilate information
(Skulmowski and Xu, 2022). Research in multimedia
learning has highlighted several principles aimed at
minimizing extraneous load, thereby optimizing cog-
nitive capacity for processing intrinsic content. No-
table principles include the split-attention effect, ad-
vocating for the placement of related information in
proximity to each other, and guidelines against in-
cluding distracting or irrelevant details in information
presented to end-users to avoid the seductive details
effect. This effect can hinder recipients’ understand-
ing of core data by distracting them with irrelevant
information presented alongside the main material.
When applied to ontology modularization meth-
ods and techniques, these principles may outline the
strategy or approach that the modularization method
should follow. Moreover, they can provide insights
into which criteria should be primarily considered to
evaluate the results of the modularization approach
and, consequently, the approach itself. The focus
points thus become cohesion of the information pre-
sented and grouped in each module, consistency of
the information covered in each module, complete-
ness of each module, domain appropriateness, inte-
gration (i.e. ease of integrating modules back into
the original ontology while ensuring the degree of in-
dependence of each module), and the logical consis-
tency of the modules.
Translating such CLT principles into guidelines,
the following points can be derived for the develop-
ment approach of the modularization method. The
method should create thematically cohesive modules,
aiming to remove all superfluous information while
still maintaining the richness of the axiomatization
of the entities in the modules. As a result, cohe-
sion, which refers to the degree to which the ele-
ments within a module are related to each other, and
coupling, which refers to the degree of interdepen-
dence between modules, become primary criteria for
the evaluation of the modularization approach.
In line with these principles, OMNIMOD has
been designed to adhere to the guidelines derived
from CLT, as will be presented in the following sec-
tions. Its efficiency is evaluated primarily in terms of
coupling and cohesiveness, providing insights into its
performance and highlighting space for potential im-
To effectively apply and implement the principles of
CLT in the creation of ontological modules, it is cru-
cial to first comprehend the foundational organiza-
tion of information in OWL (Web Ontology Lan-
guage) and RDF(S) (Resource Description Frame-
work Schema), or more broadly, the underlying phi-
losophy that guides the technical implementation of
these two languages
RDF and OWL semantics are built on the fun-
damental distinction between the concepts of uni-
versality (rdfs:resource and owl:Thing) and nul-
lity (owl:Nothing). The classes rdfs:resource and
owl:Thing serve as universal or ”upper level” classes,
signifying that all instantiable classes fall under them.
Conversely, the concept of the empty set is captured
in OWL with owl:Nothing, and in RDF, a similar con-
cept is implied though not explicitly named, high-
lighting the framework’s capability to represent the
absence of any class instances.
By adhering to this framework, semantic tech-
nologies inherently propose that all entities trace back
to a foundational origin situated in a root class, while
entities that cannot be instantiated are assigned to
an empty set. This dichotomy serves as the ba-
sis for organizing knowledge within these systems.
Subsequently, classes receive further characterization
through the properties (or relationships) they form
For RDFs and OWL documentation cf. respective-
ley: and https://www.
OMNIMOD: Automating Ontology Modularization for Digital Library Data Using CIDOC-CRM as Use Case
with other groups of individuals. These properties not
only refine but also augment the definitions of classes.
The nature of the relationships between individuals
dictates their classification, determining whether they
belong to one class or another.
OWL class restrictions, along with RDFS domain
and range definitions, significantly augment the ax-
iomatic description of classes. More specifically,
OWL Class Restrictions provide a powerful means to
define conditions that individuals must satisfy to be-
long to a particular class. These restrictions can spec-
ify necessary and sufficient conditions for class mem-
bership based on the presence or absence of certain
properties and their values. On the other hand, RDFS
domain and RDFS range definitions indirectly influ-
ence class membership by asserting that individuals
with certain properties belong to particular classes
or that the values of specific entities characterized
through the use of properties must fit within defined
Summarily, the above described organizational
logic follows a class-centric approach where sets and
groups of individuals are categorized into specific
classes based on the attributes and relationships they
exhibit. Subclass relationships, in particular, estab-
lish a hierarchical structure among classes, implying
that properties and attributes are inherited and shared
down the hierarchy from upper classes to their sub-
The method proposed in this study respect the
aforementioned class-centric approach to modularize
knowledge representation. This means that it breaks
down complex hierarchical structures into distinct,
manageable modules based on the organization and
definition of the classes. Each module not only in-
cludes its own set of properties (where the classes act
as either the domain or the range) but also encom-
passes the individuals (data records) and the relation-
ships these individuals instantiate. The formal defi-
nition of the modularization method used to develop
OMNIMOD can be described as presented below, be-
ginning with the notation utilized and a description of
this notation, as detailed in Table 1.
The modularization method followed by OMNI-
MOD aims to break the ontology into distinct mod-
ules based on the direct subclasses of the root class R.
Each module is structured as follows:
The root class R and its definitions.
Each direct subclass C within Sub(R), including
their complete subclass hierarchy (Sub
Definitions, restrictions, and properties associated
with R, C, and subclasses within Sub
All individuals that instantiate R, C, or any sub-
Table 1: Notation Overview.
Notation Description
O Ontology.
C The set of all classes within O.
P All properties in O.
I All individuals in O.
Sub(C) The set of direct subclasses of
any class C in O, used specifi-
cally for the root class R.
(C) All subclasses (direct and indi-
rect) under each direct subclass
C within Sub(R).
Def(C) The definition of class C, in-
cluding OWL restrictions and
class-specific properties.
Dom(P) The domain of property P.
Range(P) The range of property P.
Triples(I) RDF triples associated with in-
dividual I.
R The root class for modulariza-
tion purposes.
class within Sub
(C), along with the RDF triples
involving these individuals.
Properties where R, C, or any subclasses within
(C) are the domain or range.
Properties where the domain or range is not spec-
ified, and therefore potentially applicable to all
The modularization approach implemnted in OMNI-
MOD can be formally described as presented in Table
Table 2: Overview of the OMNIMOD Method’s Modular
Category Modularization Method
Classes: C
= {R} {C} Sub
Properties: P
= {P P : ((Dom(P) C
Range(P) C
) (Dom(P) =
Range(P) =
Instances: I
= {I I : InstanceOf(I, X), X C
= {triples involving I : I I
The modularization method delineated above is
technically implemented as a Python function, mak-
ing it accessible for anyone to try, reuse, and adapt as
needed. This function, which is fully detailed below,
requires two inputs: the ontology in question, and the
root class from which the user wants to initiate the
modularization process. The design of this function
provides a degree of adaptability for subsequent in-
depth analysis. Moreover, it outputs the modules in
a Turtle (.ttl) file format, thus ensuring broad com-
patibility and facilitating further utilization within the
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
semantic web framework.
import rdflib
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, BNode
from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS, OWL
def get_local_name(uri):
return uri.split(’/’)[-1].split(’#’)[-1]
def OMNIMOD(ontology_file, root_class_uri):
g = rdflib.Graph()
g.parse(ontology_file, format=rdflib.util.
# Ensure root_class_uri is a URIRef
if isinstance(root_class_uri, str):
root_class_uri = URIRef(root_class_uri)
# Find immediate subclasses of the root
immediate_subclasses = set(g.subjects(RDFS
.subClassOf, root_class_uri))
all_properties = set(g.subjects(RDF.type,
RDF.Property)) | set(g.subjects(RDF.
type, OWL.ObjectProperty)) | set(g.
subjects(RDF.type, OWL.
def recursively_add_triples(subject,
Recursively add triples; specially
handle blank nodes to capture all
related triples.
for s, p, o in g.triples((subject, None
, None)):
module_graph.add((s, p, o))
if isinstance(o, BNode):
def add_class_hierarchy_and_properties(
class_uri, module_graph):
# Handle class hierarchy
for s, p, o in g.triples((None, RDFS.
subClassOf, class_uri)):
module_graph.add((s, p, o))
s, module_graph)
# Include all direct triples and
recursively handled blank nodes
linked via complex properties
# Handle properties where the class is
the domain or range, or no domain/
range specified
handled_properties = set()
for prop in set(g.subjects(RDFS.domain,
class_uri)) | set(g.subjects(RDFS.
range, class_uri)):
# Include properties with no domain or
range in each module
for prop in all_properties -
if not list(g.objects(prop, RDFS.
domain)) and not list(g.objects
(prop, RDFS.range)):
# Include individuals that are
instances of the class
for individual in g.subjects(RDF.type,
for s, p, o in g.triples((
individual, None, None)):
module_graph.add((s, p, o))
for subclass in immediate_subclasses:
module_graph = Graph()
subclass, module_graph)
filename = f"{get_local_name(subclass)}
filename, format=’turtle’)
print(f"Module created: {filename}")
The code displayed above consists of several key
parts. First, the necessary RDFLib modules are im-
ported to handle RDF data. Then, the utility function
get local name is provided to extract the local name
from a URI. The main function, OMNIMOD, parses
the ontology file and identifies immediate subclasses
of the specified root class. It defines helper functions
to recursively add triples and handle class hierarchies
and properties, and creates separate modules for each
subclass by capturing all relevant triples and proper-
OMNIMOD can be used by providing the path
to the ontology that needs to be modularized and the
root class from which the modularization process may
start, as in the following example of usage
please note that OMNIMOD segments the ontology
OMNIMOD: Automating Ontology Modularization for Digital Library Data Using CIDOC-CRM as Use Case
# Example usage
OMNIMOD(’CIDOC_CRM_v7.1.3.rdf’, ’http://www.’)
OMNIMOD has undergone testing and validation by
applying it to CIDOC-CRM ontology
with and with-
out instances (i.e., data records). To evaluate OMNI-
MOD’s efficacy, and therefore the effectiveness of the
modularization method, measures for cohesion and
coupling have been derived.
5.1 Cohesion and Coupling
Cohesion and coupling metrics evaluate the strength
of relationships within and between modules(Khan,
2016). Cohesion refers to the relatedness of ele-
ments within a single module(Garc
ıa et al., 2010)(Oh
et al., 2011). It is inferred from the intra-module re-
lationship density. Higher density indicates higher
cohesion, suggesting well-connected classes within
the module. Coupling measures the interdependen-
cies between different modules(Oh and Ahn, 2009).
Lower coupling values indicate fewer dependencies,
which is desirable for maintainability and scalability.
High cohesion and low coupling, as measured by
average intra-module and inter-module relationship
densities, align with CLT by reducing extraneous cog-
nitive load and minimizing the split-attention effect.
5.1.1 Cohesion
Cohesion in the context of ontology modularization
measures how well-connected the classes within a
module are. The density formula (1) provides a way
to quantify this by considering the number of logical
axioms and the number of instantiated classes within
the module. Logical axioms represent the relation-
ships between classes, so a higher number of axioms
generally indicates better connectivity.
Cohesion was calculated using the following met-
ric for density in modules that had more than two in-
stantiated classes:
into modules starting from a specified root class down
through its branches. If users wish to start the modular-
ization from all upper root classes, they should begin by in-
dicating OWL:Thing or rdfs:Resource as the starting point
for modularization. If the root classes are not explicitly in-
stantiated as subclasses of these, users need to add such def-
initions to modularize from the upper part of the ontology.
The version used is: v.7.1.3. It can be
downloaded here:
Density =
Number of Logical Axioms
Number of Classes × (Number of Classes 1)
In formula (1), the terms are defined as follows:
Number of Logical Axioms: This is the to-
tal count of logical relationships between classes
(such as subclass, equivalent class, property re-
strictions, object properties) defined within the
Number of Classes: This is the total count of in-
stantiated distinct classes present within the mod-
ule. Note that this does not include distinct classes
that are not instantiated and are derived from the
domain and range external to the module.
(Number of Classes - 1): This accounts for the
potential relationships between the instantiated
classes. Subtracting 1 ensures the density mea-
sure considers the proportion of actual relation-
ships relative to the maximum possible relation-
ships between different classes, normalizing the
value based on the size of the module
For modules including fewer than 2 instantiated
classes, the strength of relation for each entity is cal-
culated based on the farness centrality measure from
graph theory, as proposed by(Freeman, 1978) and
summarized in (Khan, 2016)
The results have been evaluated against the bench-
mark displayed in table 3:
Table 3: Benchmark to assess cohesion levels.
Cohesion Level Cohesion Range
High Cohesion 0.5
Moderate Cohesion 0.2
Normalized Cohesion <
Low Cohesion < 0.2
5.1.2 Coupling
Coupling was derived by calculating the ratio between
A) the number of external classes with which the in-
stantiated classes within the module established one
or more relationships, and B) the number of instanti-
ated classes within the module. The results were then
normalized to provide an indication measure.
The following benchmark was used to assess cou-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 4: Benchmarks for Coupling Levels.
Coupling Level Coupling Range
High Coupling 0.5
Moderate Coupling 0.2
Average coupling value <
Low Coupling < 0.2
High coupling indicates strong dependencies be-
tween modules, which can be problematic as changes
in one module might impact others. Conversely, low
coupling suggests that the modules are relatively in-
dependent, which is desirable for maintainability and
OMNIMOD and its effectiveness have been tested
on CIDOC-CRM, starting the modularization process
from the ”Entity” class. The resulting modules were
named after the respective upper subclass under the
CIDOC-CRM Entity from which they were derived.
The modules created using OMNIMOD are as fol-
lows, each stored in a separate TTL file:
E53 Place Module: Contains geographical data
related to various locations.
E54 Dimension Module: Includes measurements
E92 Spacetime Volume Module: Integrates spatial
and temporal data.
E77 Persistent Item Module: Assists in managing
artifact catalogues.
E52 Time-Span Module: Provides detailed
chronological information.
E2 Temporal Entity Module: Focuses on the tim-
ing aspects of events.
The modules were evaluated based on the metrics for
computing cohesion and coupling presented in the
previous section. The average measure for cohesion
across modules was 0.6, while that for coupling was
0.5. When tests were conducted with instance data,
the data were correctly mapped within the module of
the classes in which they were instantiated. Based
on a comparative analysis across the modules and the
core module, no information regarding properties and
classes under the branches of the provided root class
was lost. Logical consistency was maintained, as veri-
fied by running the Hermit reasoner on each
generated module, which revealed no contradictions.
The inference was limited to the instantiated classes
and their relative relations, without extending to the
classes that had no instantiation but were still present
in the module due to being part of object properties’
axiomatic definitions derived from the use of domain
and range. Their inclusion allowed for integration of
the module back into the core ontology, thereby meet-
ing the requirement for evaluating possible reintegra-
tion into the main ontology as well.
OMNIMOD, and consequently its theoretical modu-
larization approach, has scored highly in both cohe-
sion and coupling. While the high cohesion score in-
dicates that the richness of the axiomatization within
each module is well-maintained, the high coupling
value reveals potential scalability and maintainability
issues. Specifically, if modifications are made within
a module rather than in the core ontology, the high
coupling may lead to difficulties in maintaining the
integrity and consistency of the entire ontology.
These insights also prompt a point of reflection
and help in better scoping the modularization ap-
proach. In fact, OMNIMOD can be a valuable support
tool for users to understand, inspect, and analyze large
ontological frameworks, as indicated by the cohesion
score. Each generated module is self-contained and
focuses on a specific thematic area, functioning as
a standalone database. This possibly makes it eas-
ier to conduct targeted academic and professional ex-
ploration. Each module can show the main hierarchy
and relationships of the branches of the root class pro-
vided as input to start the modularization, and also al-
low for the inclusion of instance data and their triples
in the core module where their class is instantiated.
Moreover, by instantiating and providing axiom-
atization only for the classes that are the focal point
of the module, while presenting the classes at the
level of range and domain simply as such without
further instantiation, the CLT-described split-attention
effect and seductive details effect are potentially min-
imized. This approach aims to enable users to fo-
cus directly on data pertinent to their field without
distractions. The results can span from improved
user engagement through organized and easily navi-
gable modules, to enhancing efficiency and accuracy
in data retrieval and analysis. Ultimately, OMNI-
MOD may represent a valuable support for profes-
sionals seeking familiarity with ontologies to struc-
ture their data more effectively. It can certainly assist
professionals in evaluating an ontology’s expressiv-
ity coverage, enabling them to align their conceptu-
alizations with established standards and potentially
OMNIMOD: Automating Ontology Modularization for Digital Library Data Using CIDOC-CRM as Use Case
extend these knowledge representations.
However, as previously addressed, from a techni-
cal perspective, OMNIMOD segments ontologies and
instance data by creating duplicates. An instance in a
triple within one module might also appear in a triple
in another module. This principle applies to relation-
ships and classes as well. Although OMNIMOD’s du-
plication strategy may streamline exploration, it may
also create issues if changes are made in one module
without updating another module. Therefore, when
changes are made, they should take place at the level
of the integrated ontology rather than at the module
level to avoid intensifying further work and creating
possible problems.
The limitation described above also highlights key
areas for further development. If readers of this paper
wish to use and expand the core function provided in
section 4, they should consider enabling OMNIMOD
for users who want to directly work on the modules
and have automated updates applied to all other mod-
ules. Specifically, a strategy for the automated up-
dating of all modules when a change is made in one
of them needs to be implemented. This enhancement
would ensure consistency and integrity across the en-
tire ontology, facilitating easier maintenance.
This research activity was conducted as part of the
Norm Engineering Program at TNO, funded by the
Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Rela-
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