Performing Entity Relationship Model Extraction from Data and
Schema Information as a Basis for Data Integration
Philipp Schmurr
, Andreas Schmidt
, Karl-Uwe Stucky
, Wolfgang Suess
Veit Hagenmeyer
Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Kaiserstr. 12, Karlsruhe, Germany
{philipp.schmurr,, karl-uwe.stucky, wolfgang.suess, veit.hagenmeyer}
Entity Relationship Model, Model Extraction, Data Integration, Structural Metadata, FAIR Principles.
The goal of this work is to allow domain experts to properly perform data integration themselves and not to
rely on external resources. This way the long-term data integration quality is not endangered and therefore cost
for external resources can be saved. To achieve this, we propose a new approach that enables data integration
based on entity-relationship (ER) models derived from arbitrary data sources. ER models are abstract and
simply define all entities and relations needed for integration, which makes them easy to understand. Strategies
to extract ER models from various standard data sources - relational databases, XML files and OWL data -
are presented and a concept on how to extend it to arbitrary other data sources is introduced. Furthermore,
the extracted models are a foundation to perform graphical data integration into an ontology based model and,
thus, contribute to a harmonized knowledge management in heterogeneous data and information environments.
It can be summarized as a strategy to improve the interoperability of existing data according to the FAIR
Whenever a new use case or project is started in in-
dustry, it usually requires gathering and integrating
data from various sources to be able to achieve the
intended goal. This can include internal or external
data that is probably stored in multiple different in-
formation systems, file formats, and locations.
Especially with limited budget and staff members,
data integration is performed manually to collect and
transform the data as needed for the new project. In
more advanced projects, data integration is done us-
ing available solutions that provide an automated and
repeatable way for data integration. Data integration
solutions often require internal data modeling experts
or an outsourcing to external contractors. For cost
reasons, the solutions are often simplified as much as
possible, so that they hardly comply to the state of the
The energy domain is particularly affected by in-
sufficient data integration. The energy transition re-
quires more and more data-driven solutions, but espe-
cially smaller power companies do not have the nec-
essary data experts yet. Moreover, software - similar
to hardware - is mainly delivered as turnkey solutions
with proprietary data models, formats and interfaces.
In this context, the vendor lock-in is a considerable
disadvantage, e.g. because the available interfaces to
communicate with other software are hard to under-
stand. Another challenge is that the energy system is a
critical infrastructure and therefore all kinds of cloud
solutions are not feasible. On the other hand, many
software systems in the energy domain have origi-
nally been designed by electrical engineers as tools
to support their daily work. Those tools have then
evolved into software products that still have many
legacy issues from a bygone era. As a result of the
above reasons, the energy domain has many custom
and legacy data sources and tools that are harder to
integrate compared to other domains. The statements
made above are based on our previous working expe-
rience in the energy industry.
Due to the mentioned conditions, we perceive it
is a key characteristic of a data integration solution
to be usable by energy domain experts without exter-
nal assistance. As a solution we introduce FAIRlead,
Schmurr, P., Schmidt, A., Stucky, K., Suess, W. and Hagenmeyer, V.
Performing Entity Relationship Model Extraction from Data and Schema Information as a Basis for Data Integration.
DOI: 10.5220/0013012600003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 316-322
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a concept for a data integration and management sys-
tem for the energy domain. It will be open source and,
therefore, especially tailored for smaller budgets. The
relevant characteristics of FAIRlead are the following:
Data integration is performed with a graphical
user interface that is based on conceptual entity-
relationship (ER) models (Chen, 1976) of the in-
put data sources.
The user interface shall be easy to understand and
works the same for all kinds of data sources.
The ER models are semi automatically extracted
from data sources and allow the user to improve
or correct the model if necessary.
The integration target model is based on ontolo-
We will employ code generation methods on the
created target ontology to simplify the access to
the mapped data.
So in this paper, we demonstrate the first step nec-
essary for the approach depicted above: a strategy to
extract ER models from data directly, thereby using
structural metadata if available. It is important to state
that the user will have the final control on improv-
ing or correcting the generated ER model. To demon-
strate our concept, we present the extraction process
for relational databases, XML files, OWL data sets
and a proprietary text-based file format from the en-
ergy domain. For the demonstration we are using
the Mondial database (May, 1999) which is available
in the mentioned formats, as well as a scenario file
(RAW) from the Siemens PSS®E power system sim-
The present paper is organized as follows: in Sec-
tion 2 we present related work on extracting mod-
els from metadata and data. Then, in Section 3, we
present the data sources on which our experiments are
based. The basic concepts of extracting the compo-
nents of an ER model from different data sources are
explained in Section 4. In Section 5, we then present
initial results of the model extraction tools we have
developed so far. In Section 6 we summarize our re-
sults and formulate an outlook for future research.
Extraction or reverse engineering of models has al-
ready been done on several types of data:
For spreadsheet data there exist several publi-
cations around the extraction of ClassSheet models
(Cunha et al., 2010). Those models can be integrated
into a spreadsheet file directly (Cunha et al., 2012)
and can also be compared against relational schemas
(Cunha et al., 2016).
The detection of what table headers are, as well
as the recognition of relations between the tables is a
key benefit of the proposed ClassSheet implementa-
tions. We have attempted to integrate those features
from the available open source code, but struggled
with the more than a decade old code base. More-
over, the implementation only focuses on Open Office
spreadsheets which is a harsh limitation.
Relational databases also have been target of
model extraction work before. Chiang et al. have pre-
sented an approach to extract an extended entity rela-
tionship (EER) model from a given database (Chiang
et al., 1994b) and later also investigated the perfor-
mance of their approach (Chiang et al., 1994a). Later
Alalfi et al. have published a solution to extract the
EER model and to export it to a UML diagram in the
XML meta interchange format (XMI) (Alalfi et al.,
The logic to extract the concepts of an ER model
(entities, attributes, relations, cardinalities) proposed
in those works, is reused in a similar form in our so-
However, we have focused on a more lightweight
semantic representation of the ER model compared to
those papers. So for us, the diagram can be generated
from our ER representation, but it is not the primary
The next big group of model extraction papers tar-
gets the extraction of data from XML files as well
as their existing schema representations (for example
Document Type Definition (DTD)). One approach to
extract a DTD from XML data is presented by Siau
et al. (Siau et al., 2011). This approach even creates
a new graph format they call Extended DTD Graph.
Moreover, the approach employs techniques to find
out relations between elements that are based on
ID/IDREF(s) relationships and not just the hierarchi-
cal structure of the document. Kl
ımek et al. created
a survey of approaches to extract schema information
from XML data also including further schema formats
as XML schema (XSD), RelaxNG and schematron
ımek and Ne
y, 2010). Finally, the extraction
of ER models from DTDs is presented by both Yang
(Yang et al., 2004) and Mello (Mello and Heuser,
2001). The first aims to improve existing DTDs since
they are hard to read and understand. The ER rep-
resentation is therefore used as a means to improve
understandability. This follows the same basic idea as
our approach to make data integration more approach-
able for domain experts. The approach from Mello
employs a rule set to extract a canonical conceptual
Performing Entity Relationship Model Extraction from Data and Schema Information as a Basis for Data Integration
model in an ontological representation and then also
utilizes it for a semantic integration solution that fo-
cuses on XML data. The basic idea of conceptual
model extraction for integration purposes is similar in
our approach and we consider the idea to represent the
conceptual model with an ontology for the future. We
apply the concepts presented in these papers to extract
the ER models from a DTD source. A newer approach
by Della Penna et al. was proposed to extract an ER
model also from XML schema (XSD) (Della Penna
et al., 2006). Our implementation does follow a sim-
ilar approach when working with a dataset that pro-
vides XSD information. In general, our solution can
utilize existing software for either DTD or XSD ex-
traction as a pre-processing step to utilize the benefits
of an available DTD or XSD schema compared to di-
rectly extracting an ER model from XML data alone.
Lastly, the extraction of ER models from data
represented in the Resource Description Framework
(RDF) is an area of interest. However, RDF based
data usually has an ontology (mostly in Web Ontol-
ogy Language (OWL) format) as a model which is al-
ready an integration ready way of representing a data
structure. The terms conceptual model (ER models
are conceptual models) and ontology often appear to-
gether, both as a means to understand the domain be-
fore creating an ontology (Gomez-Perez et al., 2000)
and also to use ontologies (e.g. the Unified Founda-
tional Ontology (UFO)) to properly define the seman-
tics of a conceptual model that is built for a new infor-
mation system (Guizzardi, 2005). The latter approach
is called ontology-based conceptual modelling.
To actually extract conceptual models from on-
tologies El-Ghalayini et al. proposed a rule based
approach that was intended to later merge multiple
conceptual models into one overarching conceptual
model of a target domain (El-Ghalayini et al., 2005).
A similar rule based approach was presented by Han
et al. that directly focused on ER models (Han et al.,
2010) and also used OWL while El-Ghalayini did still
work with the OWL predecessors. Our presented so-
lution is similar to those two, but puts more detail into
also understanding the restrictions and cardinalities of
the input ontology.
Last but not least, there is the Conceptual Model
Ontology (CMO) (McCusker et al., 2011) that pro-
vides the possibility to annotate other ontologies with
conceptual model concepts. One of the goals of the
CMO is also to allow integration of different data
sources, but rather by allowing to use a common
natural language terminology to query different data
sources. This only works if the concepts have already
been annotated with the additional triples, while our
approach tries to aid the process of creating the inte-
gration mapping instead.
The Mondial database
is a collection of data about
the world - more precisely countries, cities and ge-
ographic features like mountains, lakes or rivers, as
well as some demographic features like economy, re-
ligions and ethnic groups.
We selected it as one of the data sets for this pub-
lication due to the availability in several data formats
and because it is more than just a trivial example, con-
taining more than 15 entities and more than 20 indi-
vidual relations. Also, it includes different concepts
that are relevant for ER models like the differentiation
between weak and strong entities, key attributes and
all sorts of different relation cardinalities. Moreover,
it provides a reference ER model that we can compare
our results against.
Since we focus our work on the energy domain
and also claim to support arbitrary data sources, we
also include the SAVNW example power grid model
from the Siemens PSS®E power system simulator in
RAW format. This model represents the topology and
component attributes of an electrical power grid. It
is serialized as a text file that can be interpreted as a
set of different tables, one for each power grid ele-
ment type like busbars, transformers and generators.
The serialization may contain comments for the col-
umn labels, but this is not mandatory. So without any
particular inputs about the structure of the file format
the ER model will not be able to extract anything else
than a set of enumerated tables and a set of enumer-
ated attributes. This scenario is a good example that
needs to leverage additional user inputs about the ER
This Section will give a brief overview on the compo-
nents of an ER model and how they can be extracted
from various data source types. This is mostly limited
to the important keywords to look for with a certain
data type. The works referenced in the related work
section can give more detailed instructions on how to
perform the necessary extraction steps.
ER models are used to create an abstract repre-
sentation of the most important concepts and rela-
tionships while building a database model. It helps
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
to clarify the required capabilities of a model before
transforming it into a physical set of tables and con-
straints in a database system. ER models basically
consist of entity types, relation types, their cardinali-
ties and attribute types.
There are several common notations to visualize
ER models as diagrams. The notation used in the this
paper is the Chen notation (Chen, 1976). Example
diagrams can be seen in Figure 1 which will be ex-
plained in more detail in Section 5. In general, entity
types are depicted as rectangular boxes, while rela-
tion types use a diamond shape. Attribute types use
an oval shape and cardinalities are applied as labels to
the edges between entity types and relation types.
Double-lined rectangles or diamonds indicate ei-
ther so-called weak entity types or identifying rela-
tionship types respectively. This is a special way of
indicating that the weak entity can not exist without
the entity connected via the identifying relationship.
The usage of the term entity is sometimes not pre-
cisely clear. In order to be precise the following rules
apply: An entity is the instance of an entity type and
all entity instances form an entity set. An ER diagram
does only depict entity types, so in natural language it
can happen that the words ”type” and ”set” are omit-
ted when talking about ER models. This effectively
means that the word ”entity” is used synonymously
for all of them.
4.1 Entities
Entities are often the most simple component to ex-
tract from any data source. For any tabular data like
a set of CSV files or a relational database, the enti-
ties are usually reflected by the tables. However, ta-
bles can also represent n : m relations, which requires
some rules to check both the table’s foreign and pri-
mary keys (in a relational database). In CSV based
data there is not direct clue that can be used to deter-
mine if a table is a relation or not. For OWL data the
entity types are usually represented by the owl:Class
type, so the entities are the instances of that class re-
spectively. Depending on the used OWL model it is
important to use a reasoner that fills in missing class
definitions from rdfs:subClassOf predicates.
In XML an entity is represented by an element that
has attributes or does contain child elements (called
complexType in XSD). Lastly, in hierarchical object
notations like JSON all objects are considered an en-
tity. Therefore, the ER diagram does contain one rect-
angle per entity set respectively. The decision what
type an entity belongs to can be difficult (e.g. if there
can be optional values that are not present in every
object). If there is schema information available, it
becomes much easier to assign objects to their respec-
tive entity type.
4.2 Relations
Whenever an entity refers to one or more other entities
this is usually done with a relation.
In object notations this can either be a property
that has another object as its value or its value is a
reference to some kind of ID attribute. In OWL we
have the dedicated owl:ObjectProperty concept that
specifies a relation between entities. There it is nec-
essary to correctly track the domains and ranges of
the respective property to see what entities can actu-
ally be connected with this relation. For tabular data
and relational databases it is harder to recognize re-
lations. Generally a foreign key constraint in a re-
lational database represents a relation. However, it
was mentioned above that sometimes a table can also
represent a relation. So to make a decision it is re-
quired to examine the foreign and private key con-
straints. For bare table data (e.g. CSV) without any
modeled key constraints, a strategy to find potential
relation types is to check for common naming patterns
that involve for example ID columns in each table and
a combination with the table name in others (e.g. En-
tityB has a column EntityA ID). However, in these
cases it is often better to just have the user correct the
extracted ER model to contain proper relations.
4.3 Cardinalities
In order to carry the intended meaning, relations re-
quire quantity constraints that apply between the con-
nected entities. For plain table data this is almost im-
possible to tell without any additional schema infor-
mation. So, again this is one of the points that re-
quire the user to be able to correct the model with
their knowledge.
Relational database schemas allow to infer car-
dinalities through their modeling patterns and con-
straints. In OWL there is the owl:Restriction concept
as well as the exact, max and min cardinality predi-
cates that can apply to an ObjectProperty and the do-
main (and sometimes even range) in question. How-
ever, if there is no inverse property defined there is
no clear indication for the second half of the relation
cardinality, as one property only defines the cardinal-
ity on the domain side. For hierarchical object nota-
tions there is no precise solution to extract cardinali-
ties without an additional schema that specifies them.
For XSD these are the minOccurs and maxOccurs at-
tributes on the element. In JSON schema, cardinali-
ties can be inferred from arrays if there are allowed
Performing Entity Relationship Model Extraction from Data and Schema Information as a Basis for Data Integration
element counts and for an object property it can be
specified if it is required or not.
4.4 Attributes
In relational databases, all attributes that are not used
in the definition of foreign key constraints can be con-
sidered as attributes in the context of an ER model.
In simple table based data, the attributes are all the
columns that do not qualify to be part of a relation.
In OWL there is the dedicated owl:DatatypeProperty
concept for the purpose of encoding attributes. For
object notations all primitive properties can be con-
sidered attributes, if they are not a reference to an-
other entity’s ID. In XML, elements without XML at-
tributes and only a primitive content as well as XML
attributes are typically regarded as attributes of the ER
Figure 1 shows the ER diagram of the province entity
in three versions. It uses the mondial XML data set.
The upper version is extracted without including any
additional schema information. The second version
does then include information from the official mon-
dial DTD file. And the last version is generated using
the official XSD file.
Several differences can be observed between the
three strategies. First, the version without any
schema information does use the entity name mon-
dial/country/province which is our solution’s way of
compound naming the province entity type to indicate
the hierarchical position of the entity set within the
XML file. This is the case, because without schema
information it might be possible to encounter different
province instances at different positions in the XML
tree and could not guarantee that they are equal. The
mondial/country/province/city entity type is an exam-
ple of this - also occurring as mondial/country/city if
it does not belong to any province. This one or none
relation can even be seen in the third diagram at the
citytoprov relation that is derived from a xsd:keyref
between the two entities.
In the lower two diagrams we see province to be
an independent entity, which is guaranteed by either a
xsd:key in XSD or an ID type in DTD. Additionally,
the relations in the lower diagrams can have different
names, while without a schema the only relation is Is-
Child, which reflects the hierarchical structure of the
1 n
Figure 1: ER extraction of the province entity from Mondial
XML data in three processing types.
XML document. Overall, it seems the XSD version
is the most accurate one - but for many other enti-
ties the quality of the model lacks behind the schema
information available from a relational or ontological
An example for the lacking quality that is based on
the modeling decisions in the XSD file can be seen in
Figure 2. It shows, a pattern that can often be seen in
the model extracted from the XSD. The highlighted
entity river/located can also be seen as a relation it-
self. For this kind of scenario it might be possible to
contract the resulting ER diagram and produce an n
to n relation located. This is something that we might
consider in the future to optimize certain patterns in
the resulting ER diagram independent of the original
data source.
Looking at Figure 3 is a nice example of how car-
dinalities can be extracted from OWL data. The is-
BorderOf relation is correctly reflected as a 2 to n re-
lationship. Moreover, the locatedIn relation has no
restrictions in OWL, so it correctly is depicted as a
many-to-many relationship.
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Figure 2: Extracted ER model from the XSD schema that
could be contracted with a post-processing step.
Figure 3: Extracted ER model of the OWL data set that
showcases the cardinality possibilities in an ontology.
Considering the PSS®E data set, the matter is
more complicated. The file theoretically can include
structural metadata in the form of comments, but that
is not mandatory to be a valid file. Depending on
the source the file was received from, these comments
might not be available. So in the worst case scenario,
an extracted ER model might contain no information
on table and column names. So after some quick pre-
processing to split the RAW file into a set of CSV
files, the only information for the ER model avail-
able is a set of entities named Table1 to TableN. Each
of those entities will have a set of attributes named
Column1 to ColumnN respectively. At that point it is
mandatory, to allow the user to edit this extracted ER
model. It might be enough to just correct the bits and
pieces that are later relevant for the data integration
step. An example of such a user corrected ER model
can be seen in Figure 4.
Finally, it must be noted that none of the extracted
models exactly matches the original ER diagram of
the mondial database. A reason for this are the spe-
cific modeling decisions that have been made to create
the respective physical models, that do not allow for
an exact reconstruction. In general, this is not a prob-
lem for the target purpose of performing data integra-
tion. In our approach the domain expert that knows
the data sources is the same person that shall perform
the visual data integration. This means as long as the
ER representation is reflecting the data source more
or less accurately the user will be able to make sense
of it.
However, there are extreme cases like the XML
file with no schema information or the PSS®E data
set as well as the cases where relations have been de-
tected as entities. In those examples, it may not be
possible to infer any useful ER model. In that regard
the presented approach is semi automatic and the user
needs to introduce corrections to the ER model. This
has been shown as an example with the PSS®E data
set and the ER model in Figure 4.
With our data integration and management solution
FAIRlead, we want to enable domain experts to per-
form data integration in a way that improves the
FAIRness of their existing data. As a first step of
this solution, we have presented an open-source tool
that allows the extraction of ER models from various
data sources that can be reused for future data inte-
gration efforts. Moreover, additional data sources can
be integrated in the model extraction either by imple-
menting a new converter or by converting the input
data to an already supported format. Many potential
data sources can likely be transformed into one of the
presented ER model extraction solutions with a small
pre-processing step. With the example of the PSS®E
RAW file, it has become clear that the user must be
able to improve the extracted ER model, because the
file can technically come without any structural meta-
Finding an appropriate solution for the model cor-
rections and also to allow visual editing of the ex-
tracted schema is one of our future steps. Moreover,
we will continuously improve the current implemen-
tation, to produce accurate ER models according to
the given input data. This for example includes the
integration of existing schema generation tools into
the process (e.g. to generate a DTD out of XML data
before processing it).
Based upon the FAIRlead ER model extraction
strategies presented in this paper, we will create a GUI
that allows to perform data integration from multiple
heterogeneous data sources using conceptual models.
This user interface will use a flow-based program-
ming approach to visually show the link between orig-
inal data source entities and the resulting ontological
Performing Entity Relationship Model Extraction from Data and Schema Information as a Basis for Data Integration
BASKV LoadLocatedAt
Figure 4: User corrected ER model of the PSS®E data set.
The authors would like to thank the German Fed-
eral Government, the German State Governments,
and the Joint Science Conference (GWK) for their
funding and support as part of the NFDI4Energy
consortium. Funded by the Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)
501865131 within the German National Research
Data Infrastructure (NFDI,
This publication was also supported by the
Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC, https://ww, an incubator-platform of
the Helmholtz Association within the framework of
the Information and Data Science strategic initiative.
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The FAIRlead code used to perform the ER model
extraction can be found on github:
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems