LLMs Based Approach for Quranic Question Answering
Zakia Saadaoui
1,2 a
, Ghassen Tlig
3 b
and Fethi Jarray
1,2 c
LIMTIC Laboratory, UTM University, Tunisia
Higher Institute of Computer Science of Medenine, Tunisia
Ecole Sup
erieure d’Electronique de l’Ouest, Paris, France
Quranic QAS, LLM, Prompt Engineering.
This paper addresses a prominent research gap in Quranic question answering, where current methodologies
face challenges in capturing the nuanced aspects of inquiries related to the Quran. By presenting an innovative
approach that utilizes Large Language Models (LLMs), including GPt4, Bart, and LLAMA, we aim to over-
come these limitations, improving the clarity and precision of responses to Quranic queries. The evaluation of
the proposed Quranic Question Answering System, using the F1 score metric, demonstrates encouraging re-
sults in comprehending and addressing various Quranic queries. Notably, the application of a chain of thought
with Bart achieves an impressive F1-score of 95%. This research offers a distinctive perspective on Quranic
question answering through the integration of LLMs.
Question Answering (QA) systems play a pivotal role
in information retrieval and can be broadly catego-
rized into two main types: Open Domain and Closed
Domain. In Open Domain QA, models operate with-
out constraints to a specific domain, drawing infor-
mation from diverse sources like books, the internet,
Wikipedia, tables, graphs, and knowledge bases. On
the other hand, Closed Domain QA systems are tai-
lored for specific domains, such as legal or health-
care documents. Both Open Domain and Closed Do-
main QA systems can be further classified into open
and closed book QA systems. Addressing the com-
plexities of the Quran presents unique challenges for
question answering systems. Existing methods of-
ten struggle to grasp the intricacies of Quranic lan-
guage and context, leading to incomplete or inac-
curate responses. This paper addresses this critical
gap in Quranic AI, proposing innovative approaches
for more comprehensive and insightful answers. The
complexity of Quranic questions requires advanced
natural language processing (NLP) techniques such
as the utilization of Large Language Models (LLMs).
Large Language Models, such as GPt4, Bart, and
LLAMA, have demonstrated exceptional capabili-
ties in understanding and generating human-like text
across various domains. However, their application to
answering Quranic questions remains relatively unex-
In this paper, we present a novel approach that
leverages LLMs to enhance the comprehension and
accuracy of Quranic question answering. Specifically,
we focus on GPt4 tailoring their capabilities to the
unique challenges posed by Quranic text. By doing
so, we aim to fill the existing research gap and con-
tribute to the advancement of Quranic question an-
swering systems. The proposed Quranic Question
Answering System is rigorously evaluated using the
F1-score metric, providing insights into its effective-
ness in comprehending and addressing a diverse array
of Quranic queries. Notably, employing a chain of
thought with Bart achieves an exceptional F1-score
of 95%, underscoring the potential of this approach.
1.1 Architecture of Arabic QAS
A Question Answering System (QAS) typically con-
sists of three several components :question analy-
sis, passage retrieval, and answer extraction. Ques-
tion Analysis module analyzes the structure of the
question, identifies the question type : factual, (e.g.,
where, when, who, what) or a taxonomy manually
Saadaoui, Z., Tlig, G. and Jarray, F.
LLMs Based Approach for Quranic Question Answering.
DOI: 10.5220/0013012900003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 112-118
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
defined by linguistic experts. Based on the question
analysis, this module generates a structured query or
representation that can be used to retrieve relevant in-
formation from a knowledge source. A retrieval is a
component that retrieves relevant passages or docu-
ments from a knowledge base or a corpus. An An-
swer Extraction this is module identifies potential an-
swer candidates within the retrieved passages or docu-
ments. Answer Ranking and Selection: Once answer
candidates are identified, they may be ranked based
on their relevance and confidence scores. The top-
ranked answers are selected and returned to the user.
In some cases, A QAS needs a natural language Un-
derstanding and Generation module to refine the an-
swer through additional processing such as summa-
rization or paraphrasing to ensure clarity and coher-
ence and to generate a final answer to be formatted
and presented to the user in natural language, along
with any relevant contextual information or sources.
the progress in NLP techniques, particularly with
the advent of deep learning and transformer-based
models like BERT, GPT, and their variants, has sig-
nificantly improved the accuracy and capabilities of
QASs. These models have led to innovations in var-
ious components of the QAS architecture, it enables
end-to-end formability. For question analysis, work
is developing neural classifiers to determine question
types. For question analysis, work is underway to de-
velop neural classifiers to determine question types.
For example, the CNN-based model and the LSTM-
based model are used respectively to classify given
questions, and both achieve competitive results. For
document retrieval, methods based on dense repre-
sentation have been proposed to solve the ”term mis-
match” problem, which has long hampered retrieval
performance. Unlike traditional methods such as TF-
IDF and BM25 , deep search methods learn to en-
code questions and documents in a latent vector space
where text semantics beyond term matching can be
measured.each document and question independently
in dense vectors, and the similarity score can be cal-
culated.the same for answer extraction neural mod-
els can also be applied.So the new architecture take
a query in natural language to be answered by a QA
model composed with two main components the re-
triever, this component is responsible for extracting
relevant documents or passages from a large corpus
of texts according to the input query. It uses tech-
niques like TF-IDF Term Frequency-Inverse Docu-
ment Frequency, Best Matching 25, or neural-based
approaches to efficiently retrieve a subset of docu-
ments likely to contain the answer to the user’s query.
Once the relevant passages have been retrieved by the
extractor, the reader comes into play. The reader is
tasked with understanding the retrieved text and ex-
tracting precise answers to the user’s question from
these passages. This often involves the use of natural
language processing (NLP) techniques, such as au-
tomatic comprehension models like BERT (Bidirec-
tional Encoder Representations from Transformers)
or its variants, which are trained specifically for tasks
such as answering questions by extraction.
Figure 1: Architecture of QAS based on Retriever-Reader.
We propose in table 1 a new vision for building
of QAS deponds in the model of QA that composed
from the retriever and the reader . that can give a new
classification of QAS shown in 2: a open extractive
book based on information retriever and and a ma-
chine reading comprehension to read answers from a
given context and a open abstractive book that the an-
swer is a text generated from a QA model.
Figure 2: Approaches to Question-Answering.
Arabic Question Answering System (QAS) presents a
number of challenges and peculiarities compared to a
traditional QAS using other languages such as the lin-
guistic complexity: The Arabic language has a com-
plex grammatical and syntactic structure, with partic-
ular declension and conjugation rules. This makes au-
tomatic comprehension of questions and finding an-
swers more difficult than in languages with simpler
structures and the scarcity of linguistic resources: Un-
like some Western languages, for which there are
vast annotated datasets, lexicons and linguistic re-
sources.in the last the sensitivity to cultural contexts:
Questions asked in Arabic may be influenced by spe-
cific cultural and religious references. QAS must be
sensitive to these contexts in order to provide appro-
priate answers.
LLMs Based Approach for Quranic Question Answering
Table 1: Building QAsystem.
ExtractiveQA Open Generative Closed Generative
the use of Context yes yes no
way of the answer is obtained Extraction Generation Generation
2.1 Arabic Question Answering System
Question Answering (QA) tasks can be grouped into
different categories according to the type of ques-
tion asked: factoid, list, definition and non-factoid.
Factual questions generally concern specific enti-
ties. Questions beginning with words such as When,
Where, How much, What and Who are other exam-
ples of this type. In Arabic, these types of questions
are often used in research.Various Arabic QAS have
been proposed in the literature. QARAB is a system
proposed by (Hammo et al., 2002) which takes fac-
toid Arabic questions and attempts to provide short
answers. ArabiQA proposed by Benajiba et al in (Be-
najiba et al., 2007) its research work is interested in
modern Arabic language. It answers factoid questions
based on named entity recognition.QASAL (Brini
et al., 2009)is designed to answer factoid and def-
inition questions.AQUASYS (Bekhti and Al-Harbi,
2013a)is designed to answer Arabic questions related
to named entities of types person, location, organiza-
tion, time, quantity, The authors assumed that the an-
swer is a short passage.IDRAAQ (Abouenour et al.,
2012)is an OpenQAS designed to enhance the the
quality of retrieved passages.JAWEB (Kurdi et al.,
2014)is based on AQUASYS (Bekhti and Al-Harbi,
2013b). JAWEB provides a web interface to the sys-
tem, which is an additional support for Arabic lan-
guage presentation in web browsers. The system
scored 100% recall and 80% precision. LEMAZA
(Azmi and Alshenaifi, 2017)is built to answer Ara-
bic why-questions.this system achieved about 72.7%
Recall, 79.2% Precision. The SOQAL system, as de-
scribed by (Mozannar et al., 2019a), is notable for be-
ing the first Arabic Open Question Answering Sys-
tem (OpenQAS) to employ a neural approach. It
comprises two primary components: a retriever and
a reader. for the retriever it uses TF-IDF technique to
retrieve first a set of documents related to the ques-
tion .for The reader it is a neural reading comprehen-
sion model based on BERT.SOQAL achieved 20,7%,
42,5%, and 51,7% in exact match score, f1 score, and
sentence match score, respectively. Arabic QA4MRE
presnted by Trigui et al in (Trigui et al., 2012) in-
troduced the Arabic language for the first time to
CLEF. The system proposes a new approach that al-
lows questions with multiple answer choices to be an-
swered from short Arabic texts.
2.2 Arabic QA Datasets
In this context we present a set of arabic Question
answering datasets we propose to classify them into
categories as shown in figure 2 .
ARCD: a open book dataset Crowd-sourced com-
posed by 1,395 questions based on 465 paragraphs
from 155 articles presented by (Mozannar et al.,
TYDIQA: is a closed book question answering
dataset covering 11 typologically diverse languages
with 204K question-answer pairs presented in (Clark
et al., 2020).
Arabic-SQuAD: a open book dataset for extractive
QA system composed by 48,344 questions on 10,364
paragraphs that are translated from English SQuAD
presented in (Mozannar et al., 2019b)
MLQA: is MultiLingual Question Answering)
,a benchmark dataset for evaluating cross-lingual
question answering performance.It is a extractive QA
proposed by(Clark et al., 2020)
SOQAL: is a open book dataset for extractive QA
based on : a document retriever using a hierarchical
TF-IDF approach and a neural reading compre-
hension model using the pre-trained bi-directional
transformer BERT (Clark et al., 2020)
So2al-wa-Gwab: A New Arabic Question-
Answering Dataset Trained on Answer Extraction
Models presented in (Al-Omari and Duwairi, 2023)
CQA-MD: a medical Arabic corpus for closed book
was proposed by (Nakov et al., 2019). The corpus
contains over 100k questions-answers pairs collected
from Arabic Medical websites.
2.3 Quranic Question Answering
Many studies have building systems for locating an-
swers to Quranic inquiries from the Holy Quran
. These investigations generally employed differ-
ent techniques. Abdelnasser et al.(2014) in (Abdel-
nasser et al., 2014)have focused in retrieval tech-
niques to developing a open extractive book system
named Al-Bayan.This system taked the question as
input and then retrieves a Quran verse that includes
the answer based on ontology by computing the co-
sine semantic similarity between the question and the
concept vectors.Other researchers try to extract an-
swers from Hadith using the same techniques, such
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Quranic QA datasets.
Dataset Description
A corpus of Quran
and tafsir (Abdel-
nasser et al., 2014)
A Collection of dataset from a corpus of the quran and
Surah al-
et al., 2016)
Most popular English translation of the Quran of Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
Quran DB (Alqah-
tani and Atwell,
Arabic-English Quran ontologies from different datasets related to
Al Quran.
Ayatec (Malhas and
Elsayed, 2020)
207 questions (with their corresponding 1,762 answers) covering 11
topic categories of the Holy Qur’an
QRCD (Malhas and
Elsayed, 2022)
Extractive open book QA for Qur’anic Reading Comprehension
QUQA (Alnefaie
et al., 2023)
2,189 questions, classified as 1778 single-answer and 411 multiple-
answer questions
as the work of (Maraoui et al., 2021) with an accu-
rancy of 92In (Hamoud and Atwell, 2016) recom-
mend building a open extractive system on a knowl-
edge base of related domains to answer all kinds
of questions about the Qur’an. They constructed a
corpus of 1,500 questions and their answers. The
dataset included different types of questions.The sys-
tem is based on matching the user query to the ques-
tions in the dataset in order to find the most rel-
evant question and display its answer. This sys-
tem demonstrated a precision of 79 % and a recall
of 76%. The performance of this approach is af-
fected by the size and variety of the corpus. In
recent years, several studies have focused on the
use of pre-trained models for the Qur’anic Machine
Reading Comprehension (MRC) task. The authors
used the Qur’anic Reading Comprehension Dataset
(QRCD).(ElKomy and Sarhan, 2022) to build a ex-
tractive QA for open book. they tested ve pre-trained
models: Arabic BERT (ARBERT), AraBERTv02-
Base, AraBERTv02-Large, Masked Arabic BERT
(MAR- BERT) and QCRI [Qatar Computing Re-
search In- stitute] Arabic and Dialectical BERT
(QARiB)-Base. Their system yielded the following
results: 0.27 Exact Match (EM), 0.50 F1@1 and 0.57
partial Reciprocal Rank (pRR). (Ahmed et al., 2022)
augmented the QRCD with 657 questions and trained
the AraElectra model. The system yielded the fol-
lowing results: 0.24 EM, 0.51 F1@1 and 0.55 pRR.
Malhas and Elsayed (2022) in (Malhas and Elsayed,
2022) interested in reading comprehension to build
an open extractive book , they pre-trained the Arabert
model on data in classical Arabic and then they fine
tunned it on data from the QRCD dataset. This model,
called CL Arabert, outperformed Arabert with a par-
tial precision of 0.51. With the advent of large lan-
guage models, the focus turned to the use of these
models in NLP tasks, particularly In Question An-
swering system.In (Alnefaie et al., 2023) introduced
the use of the GPT family to generate answers to ques-
tions from the QUQA dataset, they made just the ex-
periments and they use a manuel evaluation Perfor-
mance evaluations of this system resulted in F1=0.26
for the text portion of the GPT4 generated answers
and F1=0.32 for the evaluation of the Quranic series
portion of the GPT-4 answers.
2.4 Quaranic QA Datasets
We present a summary of Qur’anic datasets in the ta-
ble 2.
2.5 Large Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) such as the GPT
series mentioned by research (Radford et al., 2018)
.GPT’s progression has already gone through sev-
eral genera- tions: GPT-1 (Radford et al., 2018),
GPT-2(Radford et al., 2019) , GPT-3 (Brown et al.,
2020),and GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023).they have been at
the forefront of recent NLP research following their
ability to generate consistent and contextually ac-
curate textual results. These models have demon-
strated impressive performance in natural language
processing (NLP) tasks ranging from summarization
and translation to question answering.
the strategy we are going to implement in this article
to question LLM is the prompt engineering in order to
guide our Quranic question answering system to pro-
duce good results.
LLMs Based Approach for Quranic Question Answering
Figure 3: LLM for QA.
2.6 Prompt Engineering
Prompt engineering is the practice of designing ef-
ficient inputs, or prompts, to achieve desired results
from AI language models such as LLMs.It has many
objectives such as:
Improved performance: Well-designed prompts
can help AI models produce more accurate, rel-
evant and consistent results. This is particularly
important in applications where precise, nuanced
or contextual responses are required.
User experience: Effective prompt engineering
contributes to a better user experience by enabling
AI models to understand the user’s intent more
precisely, and to respond in a more useful and
compliant way to their expectations.
Risk mitigation: Carefully designed prompts can
reduce the likelihood of AI models generating
inappropriate content by guiding them towards
safer, more context-aware results.
Domain adaptation: Prompt engineering enables
AI linguistic models to be adapted more effec-
tively to specific domains or applications, even
when they have been trained beforehand on gen-
eral linguistic data ,in our case, this is Quranic
question-answer systems.
2.6.1 Techniques of prompt Engineering
there is a specific types of prompting depends in con-
text of application of this technique.
Zero shot Prompting: With this technique we
do not provide the LLM with examples of texts in
parallel to get better answers.
Fewshot Prompting: is a technique where the
input consists of a natural language query or in-
struction, followed by one or more examples of
the desired output.
Chain of Thought: Wei et al (2022) proposed the
”chain of thought” (CoT) prompt, which achieves
complex reasoning abilities through intermediate
reasoning steps.
Self Consistency: Introduced by Wang et al
(2022), self-consistency aims to ”replace naive
decoding in chain-of-thought prompts”.It im-
proves the performance of chain-of-thought
prompting in tasks involving arithmetic reason-
Our proposed approch consists in building a Open-
book abstractive Quranic question answering sys-
tem. we will build a reader-retriever model and ex-
plore its capabilities in providing accurate and well-
sourced answers to our Quranic questions based on
the technique of zero shot prompting using GPT-4-
turbo LLM tested the QUQA dataset. Our approach is
to ameliorate the output of the retriever and restrict the
relevant passages to a verses of the Qur’an and gener-
ate answers in a specific format where it will be easy
to apply automatic evaluation. The QUQA contains
three kinds of question. The QUQA contains three
types of questions: a 103 confirmation questions that
the answer can be yes or no those question begin with
Éë , a 1,621 descriptive questions started with
@ , @
X , @
» , Õ» ,
their answers can be reason explanation or a definition
and 465 factoid questions begin with
æÓ ,
@ ,
with a answer type a location, a duration or a name
of person . The version used for this study was GPT-
4-turbo, it is latest version of the GPT at the time of
our research. This model is used directly and does
not require any fine-tuning process but it needs guid-
ance We used the Python API to retrieve answers from
the model. Google Colab was used to run our experi-
3.1 Metrics of Evaluation
The output generated by GPT-4-turbo ,our LLM in
response to our provided questions produces natural-
sounding text, often including several series of
Quranic verses, These series may vary in length, com-
prising one or more verses. Consequently, we con-
ducted separate evaluations for the textual answers
and the Quranic verses themselves.The evaluation
of the Quranic verses involved both automated pro-
cesses.by prompting the system to display a ranked
list of the Quranic verses in the answer, we extract
a list of predictions and compare them with differ-
ent references answers mentioned as gold responses.
In order to evaluate the generated responses, we used
the evaluation metrics mentioned in the research work
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
of (Malhas and Elsayed, 2022), we used F1 which
is a measure of a test’s accuracy that considers both
the precision and recall of the test to compute the
score ,To compute it, we measured the F1 between
each series of verses and the golden answer or the list
of golden answer for the question multi answers and
then took the average. The Exact matching EM and
the F1@1 are calculated in relation to the answer at
rank 1.for F1@1 we take the maximum if the ques-
tion has many golden answers.
In this section we present the results of our exper-
iments, we try several prompts in the query of our
model, the different prompts generate different re-
sponses. We carried out three large-scale experiments
on the QUQA dataset, dividing the experiments by
question type. Each large-scale experiment was
repeated several times, each time modifying the
prompt system.In the first experimentation we set
just the user prompt regardless of the question asked,
then in the remaining experimentation we defined a
system prompt to improve the evaluation results.The
results of the first experiment are shown in the table
3, while the results of the second experiment, in
which the prompt system was mentioned .
Example 1 of prompt of system :
ÓCB@ ©k
@ I
k È@
á« I
are shown in table 4.
The results of evaluation of Example 2 of prompt of
@ È@
« I
are shown in table 5
Table 3: Results of first experimentation prompt of user =
Fscore EM F@1
Confirmation 0,17 0.11 0.19
Factoid 0.25 0.15 0,23
Descriptive 0,31 0,19 0,25
All 0,24 0,15 0,22
Table 4: Results of prompt 1 of System.
Fscore EM F@1
Confirmation 0,22 0.13 0.21
Factoid 0.25 0.23 0,32
Descriptive 0,33 0,20 0,28
All 0,26 0,18 0,27
Table 5: Results of evaluation of our prompt2 of System.
Fscore EM F@1
Confirmation 0,34 0.20 0.30
Factoid 0.38 0.25 0,32
Descriptive 0,40 0,28 0,35
Our evaluation of 0,37 0,24 0,32
(Alnefaie et al., 2023) 0,32 0,19 0,26
The QUQA dataset contains three kinds of question:
a 103 confirmation questions that the answer can be
yes or no those questions begin with Éë , a 1,621 de-
scriptive questions started with
@ , @
X , @
» , Õ» ,
their answers can be reason explanation or a definition
and 465 factoid questions begin with
æÓ ,
@ ,
with a answer type a location, a duration or a name of
This section analyses and discusses the results of the
evaluation of our system based on the prompting tech-
nique. In first case ,the prompt contains just the ques-
tion without any context In the Second case, the re-
sults obtained for the confirmation questions are im-
proved by the quality of the prompting. In this case,
it is important to guide the model to find the Qur’anic
verses corresponding to the answer. In the third case
,Our prompt system 2 is a conditional text genera-
tion system based on prompts.This technique enables
the generation of controlled and contextually relevant
text, making it useful for the evaluation system.
In this paper, we have evaluated a Quran question an-
swering system based on LLM specially the GPT4-
turbo version ,our main objective is to know how the
evaluation results as evolve as a function of prompt-
ing. As a future work, we aim a generalization to Con-
tinuous our experimentation using other techniques of
prompting like few shot or chain of taught combined
LLMs Based Approach for Quranic Question Answering
with other techniques like Retrieval Augmented Gen-
eration (RAG) for LLMs on other datasets.
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