On the Role of Artificial Intelligence Methods in Modern
Force-Controlled Manufacturing Robotic Tasks
Vincenzo Petrone
, Enrico Ferrentino
and Pasquale Chiacchio
Department of Information Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIEM),
University of Salerno, 84084 Fisciano, Italy
{vipetrone, eferrentino, pchiacchio}@unisa.it
Physical Robot-Environment Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Impedance Control, Reinforcement Learning,
This position paper explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into force-controlled robotic tasks
within the scope of advanced manufacturing, a cornerstone of Industry 4.0. AI’s role in enhancing robotic
manipulators key drivers in the Fourth Industrial Revolution – is rapidly leading to significant innovations
in smart manufacturing. The objective of this article is to frame these innovations in practical force-controlled
applications e.g. deburring, polishing, and assembly tasks like peg-in-hole (PiH) highlighting their ne-
cessity for maintaining high-quality production standards. By reporting on recent AI-based methodologies,
this article contrasts them and identifies current challenges to be addressed in future research. The analysis
concludes with a perspective on future research directions, emphasizing the need for common performance
metrics to validate AI techniques, integration of various enhancements for performance optimization, and the
importance of validating them in relevant scenarios. These future directions aim to provide consistency with
already adopted approaches, so as to be compatible with manufacturing standards, increasing the relevance of
AI-driven methods in both academic and industrial contexts.
Manufacturing processes are nowadays experiencing
the peak of their technological evolution, spurred by
rapid advances in industrialization methods currently
developing in the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolu-
tion (Xu et al., 2018). These emerging innovations
are defining the next generation of industries, leading
to the so-called Industry 4.0 (Yang and Gu, 2021).
One of the pillars of the revolution is Artificial In-
telligence (AI), whose application has seen tremen-
dous advancements and increasing popularity in re-
cent years. Robotic manipulators, which were already
one of the core drivers of the Third Industrial Revolu-
tion, are now amongst the technologies that are ben-
efiting the most from AI (Bai et al., 2020). Merging
these two powerful technologies is leading to the rise
of advanced manufacturing (also termed smart manu-
facturing), which constitutes the foundation of Indus-
try 4.0 (Yang and Gu, 2021).
This position paper presents a discussion on a pe-
culiar sector of robotic tasks, namely force-controlled
applications. Such tasks are of fundamental practi-
cal importance in manufacturing, since they deal with
manipulators exerting forces on the working environ-
ment, with the objective of, e.g., refining a workpiece
or manipulating and assembling objects.
Popular force-controlled tasks encompass, for in-
stance, deburring (Lloyd et al., 2024), polishing
(Iskandar et al., 2023), and assembly (Luo et al.,
2019). On the one hand, the first two require exert-
ing a specific normal force on the working surface,
in order to remove burrs and production inaccuracies
of a workpiece, or to smooth and finish the surface
itself. On the other hand, the latter consists in the
assembly of two or more objects together: the most
renowed example in this context is peg-in-hole (PiH)
(Sørensen et al., 2016). Although different in terms
of requirements, all of the aforementioned tasks ne-
cessitate to control, directly or indirectly, the forces
exchanged between the manipulator and the working
This article discusses some modern techniques
proposed by recent literature, focusing on their AI-
based counterparts, elaborating on how they tackle
Petrone, V., Ferrentino, E. and Chiacchio, P.
On the Role of Artificial Intelligence Methods in Modern Force-Controlled Manufacturing Robotic Tasks.
DOI: 10.5220/0013013300003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 1, pages 392-399
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(a) Impedance controller.
(b) Admittance controller.
(c) Direct force controller.
Figure 1: Controllers.
the practical issues arising from the aforementioned
force-controlled applications, and highlighting differ-
ences among them. To better frame the scope of this
article, we stress that we are not proposing a formal
and extensive literature review, but we are discussing
recent relevant research to claim our position on what
the current challenges are in the aforementioned con-
texts, and propose possible future research directions.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 motivates the need of AI in force-controlled
tasks, and presents in detail typical applications in
such contexts. Section 3 elaborates on the challenges
AI-based methods are currently facing, comparing
them with state-of-the-art baselines. Section 4 sum-
marizes the discussion and poses questions to guide
future research. Section 5 concludes the paper, stat-
ing the main findings of the conducted analysis.
2.1 Preliminaries
Force control is an essential requirement in a vast
number of applications of utmost importance in a
broad spectrum of real-world contexts, ranging from
industrial (Lloyd et al., 2024) to medical (Tang et al.,
2023b) scenarios. For this reason, force control has
been one of the major interests in robotics research in
the last decades.
With the fundamental objectives of ensuring
safety and preserving environment integrity, indirect
force control methods, e.g. impedance (Hogan, 1985)
and admittance (Newman, 1992) controllers, have
been proposed to regulate the manipulator behavior,
generalizing pure motion control to interaction sce-
narios and providing robots with compliant charac-
teristics with respect to the environment they are in
contact with.
Usually, an impedance control law (Figure 1a) can
be formulated as
= K
˜x + K
˙x, (1)
where K
and K
are stiffness and damping param-
eters, ˜x x
x is the task-space error between the
setpoint x
and the actual end-effector (EE) position
x, and f
is a Cartesian wrench to control via a torque-
based controller, which also compensates for the ma-
nipulator’s internal dynamics, in order to impose a
compliant interaction at the EE. On the other hand,
admittance control (Figure 1b) takes the form
= M
( f
˙x K
˜x), (2)
where M
is the mass matrix of virtual mass-spring-
damper dynamics EE wrenches f
(usually measured
with a force/torque sensor, mounted at the manipu-
lator’s flange) are input to. The resulting task-space
acceleration ¨x
is usually commanded to a low-level
motion controller.
As an additional performance requirement, indus-
trial tasks usually demand a desired force to be ac-
curately exerted on the working surface: in this case,
direct force control (DFC) strategies can be employed
to track a reference force (Khatib, 1987). Typical ex-
amples of force-related tasks are illustrated in Fig-
ure 2, i.e. workpiece deburring (Figure 2a) and sur-
face polishing (Figure 2b). Typically, this is imple-
mented with a PI loop as
= K
f + K
f dt, (3)
where K
and K
are proportional and integral con-
trol parameters, respectively, and
f f
is the
wrench error between the desired wrench f
and the
actual one (Figure 1c).
2.2 AI-Based Methods
One of the most challenging issues force control al-
gorithms have to face is the inaccuracy and unpre-
dictability of the environment geometry and dynam-
ics. Most of advanced techniques are based on the as-
sumption that the environment force follows a simple
linear spring model in the form
= K
(x x
), (4)
with K
and x
being the (unknown) environment stiff-
ness and rest position, respectively. However, this
assumption does not always hold, especially at high
speeds (Iskandar et al., 2023), and it represents, in
general, an approximation, since it is not expected for
the environment to behave linearly (Matschek et al.,
On the Role of Artificial Intelligence Methods in Modern Force-Controlled Manufacturing Robotic Tasks
(a) Deburring. (b) Polishing. (c) Peg-in-hole.
Figure 2: Force-controlled tasks.
2023). This aspect motivates the necessity of employ-
ing data-driven strategies, exploiting AI and Machine
Learning (ML) to compensate for the inherent diffi-
culties risen from the aforementioned complex sce-
Lack of accurate and reliable environment mod-
eling becomes even more problematic in contact-rich
assembly tasks, e.g., PiH (Figure 2c) or similar dual
setups, such as gear assembly (Luo et al., 2019).
These challenging scenarios suffer from additional
problems, namely unknown or inaccurate locations
of the objects to manipulate (for instance, the hole
location or the held peg orientation in PiH), and the
complexity of the forces due to frequent contacts, oc-
curring because of the limited tolerance between the
parts to assemble. Powerful tools to cope with these
inescapable uncertainties and complexities encom-
pass vision-based approaches (Zhang et al., 2023), to
estimate hole locations, and Reinforcement Learning
(RL), through which control policies are devised from
experience and computed according to an objective
function to maximize, usually modeling the task goal
(Elguea-Aguinaco et al., 2023).
A comprehensive review on PiH control strategies
is available in (Jiang et al., 2020). However, this sur-
vey does not consider some recent popular methods:
indeed, the considered AI- and ML-based methods
mostly rely on learning from demonstrations, requir-
ing the physical presence of a human operator in the
loop to collect data and devise policies to deploy on
the robot (Zhang et al., 2021).
The next section will present some of the recent
advancements in AI for force-related and contact-rich
tasks, and will highlight the practical challenges they
are demanded to tackle.
3.1 Problem Definition
In literature, PiH is considered as a benchmark for
force control strategies applied to contact-rich assem-
bly tasks (Jiang et al., 2020). As displayed in Fig-
ure 3, it consists of different phases: first, the robot
searches for the hole location where the held peg has
to be inserted, typically with translational movements
(Figure 3a). When the peg engages the hole, the EE
rotates to align the former against the latter’s walls
(Figure 3b). Lastly, the insertion phase actually places
the peg into the hole slot (Figure 3c).
For this task, inherent difficulties arise, caused by
sub-millimetric tolerance between peg’s and hole’s
dimensions, inaccuracies in estimating the hole’s ex-
act location, and complex forces and torques to be
managed at the EE. In recent years, RL has been the
most popular approach with which these challenges
have been faced (Ji et al., 2024), as it usually does not
rely on a specific model, instead trying to optimize
motion policies according to a tailored reward func-
tion, which is constantly updated as data are collected
during the task execution.
3.2 Stability and Safety
The first practical objective RL usually struggles to
accomplish is guaranteed asymptotic stability, i.e.
it does not usually provide a theoretical proof for-
mally guaranteeing the RL policy to actually con-
verge towards the objective. In (Khader et al., 2021),
this paramount problem is analyzed, thus devising
RL policies with guaranteed stability. To achieve
this feature, a variable impedance controller
A variable impedance controller is similar to the one
in (1), where K
and/or K
are updated online in an outer
optimization loop.
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
(a) Search.
(b) Engagement.
(c) Insertion.
Figure 3: Peg-in-hole task.
inally defined in (Khansari et al., 2014) is pro-
posed, which is globally asymptotically stable if its
matrices are symmetric positive definite (SPD): so,
(Khader et al., 2021) proposes to generate them from
Wishart distributions. Interestingly, in the PiH exper-
iment, (Khader et al., 2021) clarifies that the stiffness
and damping matrices of the variable impedance con-
troller defined in (Khansari et al., 2014) are initialized
as, but not constrained to, diagonal matrices, hence
non-diagonal matrices are computed by the RL policy
when solving the task. This is in contrast with classi-
cal methods, as K
and K
in (1) are usually chosen
as diagonal matrices.
The same issue is considered with another ap-
proach in (Zhang et al., 2024), which proposes a
variable-stiffness impedance controller, where the
stiffness matrix K
and the task-space reference x
(1) are computed with two RL policies. This con-
trol scheme is applied to the contact-rich cable rout-
ing manipulation task, where the robot has to ex-
plore a path constrained by walls, whose location is
unknown, hence the robot can only rely on contact
Offline data
Safety Critic
Online data
ε > α
Recovery Policy Task Policy
= K
˜x + K
, x
Figure 4: Safe Reinforcement Learning with Variable
Impedance Control (SRL-VIC) used in (Zhang et al., 2024).
forces to have a feedback on the environment. The
two policies are called “task policy” and “recovery
policy”: the former is used to accomplish the task
(i.e., reaching the goal at the end of the maze), and the
latter is used to recover from an unsafe state-action
pair (see Figure 4). It is noteworthy to specify that
stability is not formally guaranteed, but safety is pro-
moted with the concept of “risk learning”: indeed, a
“safety critic” network is trained to compute the “de-
gree of risk” ε of a given task policy action. If ε is
above a safety threshold α, then the recovery policy
action is applied. The “risk learning” phase is per-
formed in a preliminary offline training, where the
risk (i.e., the output of the “safety critic” network)
depends on the satisfaction of a safety constraint re-
quiring the measured force to stay below a predefined
In order to stress how the aspect of safety is a strict
requirement in these tasks, it is worth pointing out
that, whenever it is not explicitly solved with tailored
strategies, it is common for researchers to clip the RL
policy action in a limited bound (Pozzi et al., 2023).
For instance, this guideline is followed by (Hou et al.,
2022), which performs the multiple PiH task updating
stiffness and damping parameters with a fuzzy-logic
controller, and selecting the optimal EE control action
making use of DQN (Mnih et al., 2013) and DDPG
(Lillicrap et al., 2016) RL frameworks, limiting the
action of the latter in a bounded range.
3.3 Optimization Strategies
Although PiH is one of the most common assembly
tasks, there is still no consolidated methodology to
approach it. Indeed, even considering the spectrum of
RL-based techniques, various diverse strategies have
On the Role of Artificial Intelligence Methods in Modern Force-Controlled Manufacturing Robotic Tasks
Figure 5: PiH approach used in (Unten et al., 2023): the
contact points (in red) are estimated, and a translational mo-
tion (in orange) is planned towards the goal (in green).
been proposed, both in terms of actions (i.e., the out-
put of the RL policy) and optimization algorithms
used to devise the policy itself.
Indeed, the already referenced works choose the
action semantics to be either K
(Khader et al., 2021)
or x
(Hou et al., 2022) or both (Zhang et al., 2024).
However, other approaches are possible: for instance,
(Ji et al., 2024) solves the task by separating the
phases of hole searching and hole insertion (see Fig-
ure 3) and optimizing two different configurations of
non-diagonal (similarly to (Khader et al., 2021)) pro-
portional matrices K
in (3) through DDPG.
All the aforementioned works rely on model-free
frameworks. Instead, (Luo et al., 2019) tackles an
assembly task with a model-based RL approach, i.e.,
iLQG (Todorov and Li, 2005), with which it is possi-
ble to compute an optimal policy in closed form, out-
putting the impedance Cartesian wrench f
Lastly, it is worth mentioning a recent novel ap-
proach that actually falls outside the RL realm. In
fact, (Unten et al., 2023) exploits force-related infor-
mation to devise a “motion planning” approach to ef-
fectively solve the PiH problem. In particular, given
force/torque measurements and known peg geometry,
the contact points at which the peg enters in contact
with the hole walls are estimated. Then, from the two
contact points the direction along which the peg must
be moved to precisely match the hole is computed as
the line connecting the midpoint and the hole center
(see Figure 5). Currently, it has never been assessed
whether this solution is advantageous compared to
RL: as will be discussed in Section 4, we believe this
aspect is a prospect to be analyzed in future research.
3.4 Reward Formulation
As mentioned in Section 3.1, formulating a significant
reward is fundamental for a RL approach to succeed.
Indeed, the reward function R should coherently ex-
press the goal of the task, so as to drive the optimiza-
tion algorithm to yield the optimal policy.
In RL-based PiH, the most popular rewards are
Figure 6: Residual RL approach (Johannink et al., 2019).
Euclidean distance to goal position x
, in the form
= −∥x
, (5)
and the time to complete the task, expressed as
= 1
, (6)
where k N is the current time step and T N a pa-
rameter denoting the maximum number of steps the
task should be completed in.
Additionally, some penalties may be added for the
sake of safety, e.g., a penalty on the norm of the action
= −∥a
, (7)
or a safety penalty to avoid the manipulator to exert
excessive forces, i.e.,
P, f
> f
0, otherwise
, (8)
where f
is the safety threshold and P R
the penalty.
A unique reward is used by (Johannink et al.,
2019), in which the RL action u
is added as a resid-
ual to that of a low-level controller: in particular, with
the objective of inserting a peg in a hole between two
fixed blocks (see Figure 6), the reward includes a con-
tribution to describe how much the “left” and “right”
blocks are tilting from their upright position:
= α
| + |θ
|) α
| + |φ
|), (9)
where θ and φ represent the hole blocks’ tilting an-
gles, and α
, α
are hyperparameters.
As evident, the reward does not always follow a
particular formulation: researchers typically tend to
design them according to certain safety, accuracy or
time requirements. In the next section, we will report
what the reference works choose as reward, possibly
linearly combining them in the form (e.g. summing
(5) and (7))
R = α
+ α
, (10)
with α
, α
being two weights.
3.5 Force-Tracking Tasks
Although PiH does not require force tracking, simi-
lar strategies and learning frameworks have been ap-
plied to pursue this specific requirement as well, as
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Table 1: Differences between PiH approaches. Reward functions sums are intended to be weighted sums.
Reference Reward Stability RL algorithm Actions Unified Simulator
(Khader et al., 2021) R
+ R
CEM-like K
, K
(Ji et al., 2024) R
+ R
(Narang et al., 2022) R
(Hou et al., 2022) R
+ R
(Zhang et al., 2024) R
+ R
, x
(Luo et al., 2019) R
iLQG f
(Tang et al., 2023a) R
(Johannink et al., 2019) R
+ R
TD3 u
mentioned in Section 1. Such methodologies are de-
veloped with the aim of increasing the performance
of a standard PI DFC (3) in terms of force-tracking
f . For instance, (Pozzi et al., 2023) uses RL
to compute the optimal setpoint x
for an impedance
controller, minimizing
f .
Other relevant works employing AI foresee ex-
ploiting Neural Networks (NNs) in learning inter-
action dynamics in variable damping (Huang et al.,
2021; Hamedani et al., 2021) and variable stiffness
(Liu et al., 2021; Anand et al., 2023) impedance con-
trollers, or selecting the optimal action enhancing that
of a low-level DFC (Petrone et al., 2024). It is evident
that, in fact, similar AI-enhanced force controllers
are employable in various contexts, possibly different
than that of PiH.
Nevertheless, in industrial contexts, solely ensur-
ing force-tracking accuracy might not be completely
satisfactory: indeed, AI-based methods are not cur-
rently coping with practical problems such as tool
wear (Lloyd et al., 2024) in deburring applications
(Figure 2a) and high-speed motions (Iskandar et al.,
2023) in polishing-like tasks (Figure 2b). We claim
that both these aspects are of utmost importance in in-
dustries, since they aim at maximizing the efficiency,
efficacy and quality of the delivered products, thus a
future challenge for AI in force control is properly
managing these problems, in conjunction with force-
3.6 Summary
In Table 1 we summarize the major differences in
the PiH approaches discussed in the previous sec-
tions, in terms of (i) reward; (ii) explicit or implicit
stability; (iii) RL algorithm
; (iv) RL policy action;
(v) unification of the hole-searching and hole-inser-
tion phases; (vi) simulator. Simulators are paramount
in rapidly training RL policies, but their fidelity w.r.t.
crucial factors such as system dynamics and real-
More details on PPO and TD3 can be found in (Schul-
man et al., 2017) and (Fujimoto et al., 2018)
ism in force/torque measures may heavily influence
their success when deployed on the real hardware
(Sørensen et al., 2016)
. In this sense, (Narang et al.,
2022) proposed a realistic dataset of simulated assets,
and (Tang et al., 2023b) introduced specific learning
and control strategies to bridge the gap between sim-
ulated and real worlds.
Given the evident diversities among recently pro-
posed literature in all the major aspects of the selected
approaches, we stress that facing the peculiar PiH
task with RL can still be considered an open prob-
lem, as a consolidated solution does not currently ex-
ist. Our position is that future research should con-
centrate on limiting the gaps between these strate-
gies, formally comparing their peculiarities or possi-
bly merging their advancements. We will further elab-
orate this claim in Section 4.
In the light of the discussions done in Section 3, we
now state our position on the topic of empowering
manufacturing processes with AI methods. We deem
that future research on this subject should concen-
trate on consolidating the novel technologies that are
rapidly emerging in the latest years, both in force-
tracking applications and in contact-rich assembly
To this aim, we suggest to devise common meth-
ods to formally compare RL-based techniques, both
among them and against standard approaches, defin-
ing quantitative metrics according to which existing
and novel methodologies shall be validated. For in-
stance, possible performance metrics in PiH might be
(i) success rate; (ii) amount of exerted forces on the
workpiece; (iii) execution time. In this sense, it is
required to define a specific reward shape (see Sec-
tion 3.4), and to formally state performance require-
Popular examples are, as also listed in Table 1, Mu-
JoCo (Todorov et al., 2012), IsaacGym (Makoviychuk et al.,
2021) and PyBullet (Coumans and Bai, 2016)
On the Role of Artificial Intelligence Methods in Modern Force-Controlled Manufacturing Robotic Tasks
ments in terms of, e.g., peg-hole tolerance, so as to
fairly compare these methods.
We consider some of the features of the referenced
works to be essential in practical scenarios, e.g. guar-
anteed asymptotic stability in (Khader et al., 2021).
Hence, we deem that, in the future, researchers shall
make an effort in trying to integrate the various en-
hancements independently proposed in the relevant
recent literature, in order to accomplish various per-
formance requirements, as stated above.
As regards other relevant applications we dis-
cussed, namely deburring and polishing, we claim
that researchers and practitioners should continue to
pursue methods minimizing force-tracking error, as it
clearly is the most immediate quantitative index de-
scribing the quality of such tasks. However, it is of
sheer importance to ensure that novel methods deal
with the subjects highlighted in Section 3.5, i.e. per-
formance degradation in highly dynamic scenarios
and impact on workpiece machining quality and tool
wear. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, such top-
ics are not currently covered by AI-driven methods,
thus we suggest to invest on this direction, in order
to increase the relevance of future works in both aca-
demic and industrial contexts.
These considerations are in line with the final goal
of providing equivalence with standard and consoli-
dated approaches in terms of perceived compatibility.
This aspect is indeed a paramount enabler for the use
of AI in manufacturing, as demonstrated in (Merhi
and Harfouche, 2023), according to which “any inno-
vation is considered compatible with an organization
only when it is perceived as consistent with existing
business processes, practices, and values”.
This paper reported recent advancements on AI
methodologies applied to manufacturing robotic
tasks. The rationale behind employing these tech-
nologies is two-fold. First, in the context of Indus-
try 4.0, they can further optimize manufacturing pro-
cesses, increasing the production quality, efficiency
and throughput. Moreover, they can compensate for
inherent limits of classical model-based control meth-
ods, as usually happens in challenging force-related
and contact-rich applications.
We analyzed issues and objectives these meth-
ods are demanded to undertake when applied in real-
world industrial scenarios, and analyzed the differ-
ences in recent relevant research works on this topic,
both on methodological and implementation-related
aspects. In conclusion, we claimed our position
on possible directions future research should pursue,
in order to accommodate for specific performance
requirements, and proposed suggestions researchers
shall potentially follow to increase the relevance of
future works on both academic and practical level.
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