Knowledge Pyramid Perspective of the Political Data Ecosystem: A Case
Study of Bhutan
Phub Namgay
1, 2 a
and Pema Wangdi
2 b
Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden
School of Data Science and Data Analytics, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan
Political Data Ecosystem, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Pyramid, Democratic Electoral Process,
This study examines the dynamics of data management and knowledge flow in the political data ecosystem
through the lens of the Knowledge Pyramid. We used open-government electoral documents and polling data
for granular insights into how data, information, knowledge, and wisdom (DIKW) are managed in Bhutan’s
political data ecosystem. Bhutan’s electoral stakeholders and political parties manage and use DIKW of vary-
ing types, sizes, and complexities. In particular, political parties use information systems, websites, and social
media to manage data and construct and use knowledge for political activities. Democracy is still young and
gaining a foothold in Bhutan. The political parties do not employ complex data technologies and rich human
resources to manage DIKW emanating from the political data ecosystem. Thus, scope exists for electoral
stakeholders and political actors to explore and adopt effective and efficient knowledge management infras-
tructures to deal with DIKW elements in the political arena, namely the complex dynamics of turning raw data
into higher elements of the Knowledge Pyramid. In addition to contributing to the knowledge management
literature through an in-depth account of the DIKW aspects in the political space, this paper demonstrated the
analytical and explanatory power of the Knowledge Pyramid for discourse on the political data ecosystem.
The conventional political environment is gradually
transitioning to a data-driven political system. Polit-
ical actors use data technologies to harness insights
and knowledge from electorate data to boost cam-
paign activities and electoral success, such as using
big data in the US election (Ruppert et al., 2017).
Cambridge Analytica (Dommett et al., 2023; Micheli
et al., 2020; Ruppert et al., 2017) had a significant
impact on the political stakeholders on exploiting the
value of data (Miller and Mork, 2013; Lee, 2017) gen-
erated in the political space. The political actors also
now recognise data as an intangible asset and use the
so-called political technologies (Ruppert et al., 2017)
to tap its value to drive campaign activities and en-
rich decision-making. For instance, during the na-
tional campaigns and electoral processes of countries
such as the United States (US), data management and
analytics were undertaken by a chief analytics offi-
cer and his hub of statisticians, engineers, and data
scientists of political parties. Likewise, much of the
data analysis tasks of the electoral activities are in-
creasingly delegated to and driven by complex algo-
rithmic processes (Mittelstadt et al., 2016). In the
present work, the term political was prefixed to the
definition of data ecosystem suggested by Oliveira
and L
oscio (2018) to define a working definition of
political data ecosystem—Organisational entities, in-
frastructural technologies, electoral activities, digital
data, and contextual norms in the democratic political
space, where stakeholders concerned, political actors,
general citizens, and democratic values are in an in-
terplay to create and capture value of sociopolitical
The literature on the use of data in democratic pol-
itics, such as data-driven campaign activities and tar-
geting potential voters (Dommett et al., 2023; Ben-
nett and Lyon, 2019), is growing, given the signifi-
cant effect of data analytics, knowledge management,
and social media on the electoral process. Dommett
et al. (2023) highlight that the prior studies on data
use in democratic politics focused on the US and es-
Namgay, P. and Wangdi, P.
Knowledge Pyramid Perspective of the Political Data Ecosystem: A Case Study of Bhutan.
DOI: 10.5220/0013014100003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 85-96
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tablished democracies. In a sense, such US-centric in-
formation affects our understanding of how electoral
stakeholders and political parties in different regions
of the world, namely emerging democracies, use data
and related technologies to construct, manage, and
use knowledge in their political space. The use of
data and analytics by political actors of countries
relatively new to democratic values and ethos—that
is, where democracy is recently established, to drive
electoral process and political campaigns has not re-
ceived much scholarly attention and is thus an under-
studied area. For instance, in Bhutan, a small country
in South Asia (Bates, 2009; Metz, 2014), democracy
was established only in 2008, and, on a political time-
line, democracy is only 16 years old. Consequently,
discourses on the use of data and analytics in such a
political space are limited.
It is timely for literature to be augmented with in-
sights into countries other than established democra-
cies (Dommett et al., 2023) on how they use data and
exploit knowledge to facilitate democratic electoral
processes. In the present study, we examine Bhutan’s
political data ecosystem from the perspective of the
Knowledge Pyramid (Jennex, 2017; Frick
e, 2009;
Tuomi, 1999) to determine how electoral stakeholders
and political parties deal with aspects of data, infor-
mation, knowledge, and wisdom (DIKW) for inform-
ing electoral processes and political campaigns. Data
increasingly impact the democratic election, hence
data-driven election (Bennett and Lyon, 2019) and
campaigning (Baldwin-Philippi, 2017). The ability to
turn data into knowledge by contextualising, structur-
ing, and giving meaning to data empowers political
actors to use the value of data for various electoral
or political activities. Thus, the Knowledge Pyramid
(Jennex, 2017; Frick
e, 2009) is an apt framework to
account for data and analytics practices in the politi-
cal data ecosystem of Bhutan. We address the follow-
ing research question: How do electoral stakeholders
and political parties use data, analytics, and knowl-
edge to inform decisions and actions in the political
data ecosystem?
The paper is structured as follows: Section
2 discusses the prior literature on data, politics,
and Knowledge Pyramid. Section 3 overviews the
methodology adopted in the study, and Section 4
presents the study findings. In Section 5, we discuss
the interpretation of the findings and connect it with
the extant literature, along with contributions to re-
search and practice, limitations of the study, and fu-
ture work. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
2.1 Data and Politics
The resources and capabilities for harnessing the po-
litical value of data are fundamental in political en-
deavours. Likewise, intelligent use and related ex-
pertise to analyse and turn data emanating from the
political space into meaningful information and valu-
able knowledge is critical to the success of campaign
activities, such as Barack Obama’s data-driven cam-
paign work in the 2008 and 2012 elections (Baldwin-
Philippi, 2017; Bennett and Lyon, 2019; Jin et al.,
2015). The phenomenon of data-driven politics is in
the mainstream of democratic elections, such as the
hiring of Cambridge Analytica by Donald Trump’s
team during the 2016 US election (Schippers, 2020;
Ruppert et al., 2017; Baldwin-Philippi, 2017). It
is a real-world case of transforming data into value
or extracting value from data (Micheli et al., 2020)
and subsequent practical use of the value in the po-
litical arena. Similarly, instances of using big data
during the US elections (Schippers, 2020; Ruppert
et al., 2017; Dommett et al., 2023) and Brexit refer-
endum (Ruppert et al., 2017) are examples of putting
data value to use. Constructs such as data-driven
campaigning, micro-targeting, voter profiling, email
analytics, and data politics (Dommett et al., 2023;
Baldwin-Philippi, 2017; Papakyriakopoulos et al.,
2018; Ruppert et al., 2017) are also added to the lit-
erature. The extant literature discusses how political
actors access and analyse data for insights into cam-
paigns and streamline political activities (Dommett
et al., 2023; Ruppert et al., 2017). Thus, in-depth
knowledge of the processes requires an understanding
of the complex nature of the political data ecosystem.
Furthermore, knowledge of the complexities of
the political data ecosystems and the use of political
technologies (Ruppert et al., 2017) to manage it is a
fundamental intellectual capital (Quintas et al., 1997).
The ubiquity of digitalisation and the intelligent use
of social media (Baldwin-Philippi, 2017), namely an-
alytics of social data (Olteanu et al., 2019), assist
political actors in competing with each other during
democratic elections by producing, analysing, and us-
ing DIKW within context and time frame. For exam-
ple, Baldwin-Philippi (2017) highlights the novel use
of data and analytics for political campaigns and how
corresponding analytical insights inform content pro-
duction and facilitate political advertising (Schippers,
2020; Ruppert et al., 2017; Bennett and Lyon, 2019).
In Bhutan’s context, the social media regulation of the
Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB) also under-
lines social media as a channel to disseminate infor-
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
mation, communicate content (Election Commission
of Bhutan, 2018), and manage electoral compassing
activities (Dommett et al., 2023). Data in the political
space was also used to develop prediction models for
voters’ personality traits and the likelihood of turn-
ing out to vote (Bennett and Lyon, 2019). Dommett
et al. (2023) suggest using data to formulate cam-
paign strategies and evaluate the effectiveness of a
campaign retrospectively.
However, despite growing political discourses on
data-driven democratic election (Bennett and Lyon,
2019), searches on citation databases, such as Sco-
pus, IEEE Xplore, and ACM Digital Library, with
the search query ((“Knowledge Pyramid” OR
“Knowledge hierarchy” OR “Information Pyramid”
OR “DIKW hierarchy” OR “Information hierarchy”)
AND (“Political data” OR “politics data” OR “Polit-
ical space” OR “Political data ecosystem*”)) did
not yield useful results
. We inferred it as a gap in
knowledge on using the perspective of the Knowledge
Pyramid (Jennex, 2017) to examine the management
and use of DIKW aspects among electoral stakehold-
ers and political parties for informing administrative
decision-making and shaping campaign activities.
2.2 Knowledge Pyramid
Knowledge Pyramid is a widely used model to illus-
trate the logical relationship between DIKW based on
meaning, context, and value (Tuomi, 1999; Frick
2009; Jennex, 2017). The processes to transform data
into higher elements of the Knowledge Pyramid re-
flect creating and building value, thus data value chain
(Miller and Mork, 2013). Each step higher in the
Knowledge Pyramid answers more questions about
a phenomenon captured in the data. According to
the Knowledge Pyramid, data is a raw or unorgan-
ised discrete collection of facts (Zins, 2007; Frick
2009), such as polling day data of democratic elec-
tion. The next level is information, which is con-
textual, cleansed, processed, and analysis-ready data
(Bellinger et al., 2004; Frick
e, 2009). In the prior
literature (Khatri and Brown, 2010), data and infor-
mation are often used synonymously and do not dif-
ferentiate between the two, and the same applies to
information and knowledge (Wang and Noe, 2010).
Zins (2007) argues that such perception is problem-
atic for articulating data, information, and knowledge.
Similarly, scholars also question whether information
is data or knowledge (Quintas et al., 1997). Knowl-
edge is the consolidation and application of disparate
pieces of information, with underlying meanings and
We adapted the search query across the citation
databases, but the search keyword remained the same.
schemas, to perform tasks and achieve goals. When
one uses data-driven information and knowledge to
solve problems, it is an instance of the possession and
use of wisdom (Frick
e, 2009), which is the apex of the
Knowledge Pyramid (Rowley, 2007). In the knowl-
edge hierarchy discourse, wisdom is succinctly de-
fined as knowledge applied in action, with the caveat
that one appreciates the fallible nature of knowledge
e, 2009).
The underlying epistemologies and philosophies
of the elements of the Knowledge Pyramid have been
criticised and critiqued by scholars (Frick
e, 2009;
Tuomi, 1999; Jennex, 2017). However, Jennex (2017)
suggests embracing the debate but does not encour-
age it. Scholars critique the inherent weakness of the
traditional Knowledge Pyramid and propose a revised
version of it (Jennex, 2017). The revised Knowledge
Pyramid (Jennex, 2017) incorporates aspects of the
Internet of Things, data analytics, and big data (Jin
et al., 2015). Some critics of the Knowledge Pyra-
mid argue that data is not the building block of the
higher elements of the Knowledge Pyramid (Tuomi,
1999; Jennex, 2017). They assert that an individ-
ual’s prior wisdom and knowledge play an essential
role in understanding the world, which drives an in-
dividual to gather information to collect data about
a phenomenon of interest. Their perspective implies
that elements of the Knowledge Pyramid are intri-
cately linked, and one could visualise hierarchy flow-
ing downward rather than upward (inverted) (Tuomi,
1999) or in both directions within the context of the
natural or real-world (Jennex, 2017). Some argu-
ments for needing a revised Knowledge Pyramid are
supported by mathematical facts and social reality
(Tuomi, 1999; Frick
e, 2009). Given the datafied re-
ality we are experiencing, individuals, organisations,
and societies continually gather, process, and analyse
DIKW by leveraging their insights and sense-making
capabilities, further complemented by infrastructural
technologies. It is a cyclical process in that one’s prior
wisdom and knowledge shape gathering information
on what aspects of data to collect to accomplish a task.
Although not expressly mentioned, we consider the
revised Knowledge Pyramid in the present work.
3.1 Study Setting
Bhutan, a country known for the concept of Gross Na-
tional Happiness (Bates, 2009; Metz, 2014), is rela-
tively new to democracy. The matrix of democratic
values and ethos in Bhutan started only in 2008 (Elec-
Knowledge Pyramid Perspective of the Political Data Ecosystem: A Case Study of Bhutan
tion Commission of Bhutan, 2008). Bhutan is a small
country (38, 394 (14, 824)km
)) located in South
Asia with roughly about 750,000 population. Re-
garding governance and politics, Bhutan has a demo-
cratic, constitutional monarchy system with a bicam-
eral parliament. The king (Druk Gyalpo) is the head
of the state, and the Prime Minister is the head of the
government. In the bicameral parliament, the upper
house, the National Council, consists of 25 elected
members (20 non-partisan elected plus five members
appointed by the Druk Gyalpo). The lower house,
the National Assembly, consists of 47 elected mem-
bers from the ruling and opposition parties. The
use of democratic principles to elect candidates and
form a government is a recent phenomenon among
Bhutanese citizens. Democracy empowers Bhutanese
society to elect 47 candidates representing their con-
stituency at the National Assembly. It also allows the
voices and aspirations of the citizens to be heard by
the highest legislative and executive bodies. For in-
stance, the fourth democratic election concluded in
January 2024, and Bhutan has a new democratically
elected government.
The electoral stakeholders such as the ECB (Elec-
tion Commission of Bhutan, 2024) have increasingly
used technologies to streamline democratic electoral
processes. In doing so, it facilitates the management
of coherent and reliable electoral data for free demo-
cratic elections. Data from numerous sources, such
as documents of political parties, demographic data
of candidates, primary-round polling data (vote for
political parties of one’s choice), and general elec-
tion polling data (vote for the candidates fielded by
the two political parties that have made it through
the primary round) is generated at a relatively sig-
nificant scale. Meanwhile, Bhutanese political par-
ties also use data to inform campaign activities and
enrich decision-making, which resonates with Ben-
nett and Lyon (2019) that modern democratic cam-
paigns use data. To illustrate, the political activi-
ties, manifesto documents and party websites sug-
gest that they perform document analysis and de-
scriptive data analytics, with complex analytics del-
egated to external tools such as Facebook ad analyt-
ics (Baldwin-Philippi, 2017) during the parliamentary
election, which is discussed further in the later section
of this paper. It is worth exploring how Bhutan’s elec-
toral stakeholders and political parties manage and
use DIKW aspects through the lens of the Knowledge
Pyramid (Jennex, 2017; Frick
e, 2009; Tuomi, 1999).
3.2 Method
We used qualitative research design to analyse
archival documents and empirical electoral data, al-
beit secondary data, to provide an account of data,
analytics, and knowledge practices in Bhutan’s po-
litical data ecosystem through the lens of Knowl-
edge Pyramid (Jennex, 2017). It is worth mention-
ing that we did not conduct interviews or surveys in
the present work. The snowballing technique gath-
ered open-government electoral documents and sup-
port materials from the ECB (Election Commission
of Bhutan, 2024) and related governmental agencies.
These documents were made available on their web-
site. The Independent Verification Committee (Inde-
pendent Evaluation Committee (IEC), as per section
5.4 of Rules of Election Conduct, 2022) verifies these
documents, looking at factual accounts of political
ideologies and filtering out unfeasible promises. We
also consulted the political parties’ 4th Parliamentary
National Assembly election manifestos in Table 2 for
insights into the use of DIKW and related technolo-
gies and their implication on political activities. Like-
wise, to complement the inductive qualitative inquiry
(Thomas, 2006) with quantitative insights and under-
standings, we manually scrapped the aggregated elec-
tion result data from the ECB website
2 3
. Indeed, dif-
ferent data sources were central to triangulating data
and enriching the description of the democratic elec-
toral process in Bhutan with statistical facts and fig-
ures. We also gathered public social media data for
information on the profile of Bhutanese political par-
ties across various social media platforms, such as the
count of followers and type of posts during the up-
coming democratic election.
3.3 Data Analysis
We used a general inductive approach (Thomas,
2006) to analyse the open-access textual documents
and numeric polling data to provide an account of as-
pects of DIKW in the political data ecosystem and
to reflect on the data-driven democratic electoral pro-
cess of electing the 4th National Assembly member
in Bhutan. The unit of analysis (Yin, 2014) is the po-
litical data ecosystem of Bhutan. Similarly, the unit
Results of the 4th National Assembly Elections, 2023-
2024 (primary round)—
Results of the 4th National Assembly Elections, 2023-
2024 (general election)—
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Table 1: Documents consulted for insights into DIKW aspects in the political data ecosystem of Bhutan.
Documents Source Description
Election Act of the Kingdom
of Bhutan, 2008
Serves as the overall guiding principle for all
election-related activities, including constituency
information, nomination processes and
disqualifications, memberships and campaigning,
advertising rules, and dispute settlements
Information, Communications
and Media Act of Bhutan 2018
Mandates the Bhutan Information Communication and
Media Authority (BICMA) to maintain the required
standards and prudent use of ICT and media facilities
and mechanisms for data sharing and protection
ECB Social Media Rules and
Regulations of the Kingdom
of Bhutan, 2018
Documents rules and regulations for political advertising,
the use of social media by the ECB and Election Officials,
mentions the period of no campaign (48 hours), and
provisions of reporting violations
Election Advertising Regulations
of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2018
Lists out election advertising particulars, online election
advertising, the use of posters and banners, and highlights
the use of the Internet or social media only for the election
Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)
Rules and Regulations of the
Kingdom of Bhutan, 2018
Serves as a manual for the proper use of electronic voting
machines to train polling personnel and voter education,
and also outlines the procedures for safeguarding
machines and handing-taking over election materials
Strategy for the Implementation of
the Provisions Related to Election
Advertising, 2021
Provides more clarity on the implementation of the election
advertising provisions in the spirit of fairness and equality
and also specifies the extent of time and ceiling amount
allocated to the political parties for elections
Media Coverage of Elections Rules
and Regulations of the
Kingdom of Bhutan, 2021
Illustrates provisions for fair and equal access to paid
election advertising and equal allocation of broadcasting
time and space by both ECB and a political party,
including restrictions imposed on each
Rules and Regulations on Content BICMA
Outlines the content specifics to empower content
providers and ensure accountability and encourage
creativity and innovation
Rules and Regulations on ICT
Facilities and Services in Bhutan
Informs the general public of ICT facilities and services
available and protocols/eligibility to obtain licenses for
providing such facilities
e-Governance Policy for the
Royal Government of Bhutan
Aims to leverage existing and emerging information
technology for increasing competitiveness, enhancing
productivity, and improving service delivery through
online services and sustainable governance
of observation is the different information technolo-
gies and related techniques used by various electoral
stakeholders and political actors to manage and use
DIKW for the democratic electoral process. Since a
democratic election is a high-stakes task, aspects of
the electoral processes and associated data in Bhutan
are well documented in the election-related acts, poli-
cies, and guidelines (Table 1). Thus, data sources for
this study are analysis-ready for in-depth insights into
the intricate dynamics of humans, technologies, and
DIKW in the political data ecosystem. All the docu-
ments were closely read and analysed (Thomas, 2006)
to explicate the phenomenon (Yin, 2014)—that is, the
use of DIKW aspects among electoral stakeholders
and political actors to facilitate the democratic elec-
toral system in Bhutan. In doing so, the current work
upholds the rigour and trustworthiness of a qualita-
tive study (Yin, 2014; Nowell et al., 2017). Through
the perspective of the Knowledge Pyramid (Jennex,
2017; Tuomi, 1999), we zoom in on how data ema-
nating from the political space is managed, analysed,
and turned into information, knowledge, and wisdom
Knowledge Pyramid Perspective of the Political Data Ecosystem: A Case Study of Bhutan
among electoral stakeholders and political actors. We
performed qualitative coding (only open code) of the
data set for information on action patterns and DIKW
flows in Bhutan’s political data ecosystem. In order
to consolidate our analytic output, a flow chart was
used to model the complex DIKW-driven interplay of
human, technological, and organisational actors in the
democratic electoral process in Bhutan.
4.1 Political Data Ecosystem of Bhutan
The open-access documents and aggregated polling
data (primary and general elections) from the ECB
are infused with valuable information to examine the
data-driven democratic electoral process in Bhutan.
In fact, the activities of electoral stakeholders and po-
litical parties are well documented by capturing the
subtleties of the electoral process, from the announce-
ment of the upcoming National Assembly election
to declaring primary and general election results and
confirming the ruling and opposition parties. This
end-to-end democratic electoral process is informed
by various data such as party information, candidate
profiles, polling data, and election results. Table 2
provides an overview of the registered political par-
ties, the 2023-2024 National Assembly election re-
sults, and the use of various information technolo-
gies in the political data ecosystem. The collation,
analysis, and interpretation of electoral data in the
third and fourth columns and last row of the table
are performed by stakeholders at ECB. The gathering
of the polling data and corresponding rigorous ana-
lytics to transform data into higher elements of the
Knowledge Pyramid, namely information (such as as-
pects of the respective constituency) and knowledge
(such as electoral trends and patterns), of the 4th Na-
tional Assembly general election can be viewed else-
where ( Re-
garding the wisdom aspects of the Knowledge Pyra-
mid, upon rigorous analysis of electoral results and
methodical assessment of the situation, the electoral
stakeholders in Bhutan work on tasks of ensuring that
the Bhutanese society has a new government and an
opposition party, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Social media platforms have a significant impact
on the political data ecosystem (Bennett and Lyon,
2019; Baldwin-Philippi, 2017). The political par-
ties in Bhutan recognise the opportunities afforded
by social media platforms, albeit wary of the down-
side of such tools on democracy. Bhutanese political
parties use social media, such as Facebook, What-
sApp, and Messenger, extensively for crowdsourc-
ing information on political activities, collecting con-
structive feedback on pledges, and gathering knowl-
edge of community needs. For instance, during the
4th National Assembly election, the BTP conducted
election-related ad campaigns on Facebook (Baldwin-
Philippi, 2017). Meta Ad Library automatically cal-
culates values for metrics such as platform (Facebook,
Instagram, and Audience Network), categories (social
issues, elections or politics), ad audience size, amount
spent, impressions, gender, and location. The merit of
such tools is that ad delivery information is presented
well in a digestible format (in summaries, charts, and
graphs), such as the ‘Impressions’ of the official BTP
Facebook page was 700K–800K. The post mainly ap-
peared in social media posts and feeds of people in
Thimphu dzongkhag
(37%) and mostly covered peo-
ple aged 18-44
—that is, the digital ads of BTP was
displayed on Facebook users in the aforementioned
region and demography (see microtargeted Facebook
ads in Baldwin-Philippi, 2017, p. 629). Similarly, the
political parties also use Kuensels
Facebook page
for digital ads during the democratic election.
Additionally, from our lived experiences of demo-
cratic election reality in Bhutan, political parties
use insights assembled from social media for micro-
targeting (Bennett and Lyon, 2019), albeit rudimen-
tarily, through personalised text messages for poten-
tial electorates, audio chats in social media groups,
and emails to potential individual electors (Papakyri-
akopoulos et al., 2018). All these activities to lever-
age social media for political endeavours are guided
by the ECB’s in-house social media policy (Election
Commission of Bhutan, 2018). The policy also stip-
ulates that if the security level of social media plat-
forms and access privilege of the desired information
is uncertain, persons with a stake in the electoral pro-
cess should not share confidential information on such
tools. Considering literacy aspects of potential elec-
tors and other factors such as geography, Bhutanese
political parties generally prefer Facebook posts on
political activities, expressly or implicitly gathering
information and knowledge for political ends. They
or their party workers are also active across social
media groups for insights into and synthesis of the
political debates and discussions among group mem-
bers on needs and demands in the community. In a
Dzongkhag means a district in Dzongkha language
BTP conducted an ad campaign on Facebook during
the 4th National Assembly Election in Bhutan—https://ww status=all&ad type=al
l&country=ALL&view all page id=101216219504499&
search type=page&media type=all
Kuensel is the national newspaper of Bhutan
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Table 2: Overview of the political parties that contested in the 4th National Assembly election in Bhutan.
Political Party Political Slogan
(Use of
data analytics,
social platforms,
and other
Bhutan Tendrel
Party (BTP)
November 2022)
Your Voice, Your Hope
147,123 (45.02%)
17 (Opposition)
Conducted ad campaigns
related to social issues,
elections, or politics on
Facebook; 31K followers
on Facebook; 18
followers on X (formally
Twitter); and 132
followers on Instagram
Druk Nyamrup
Tshogpa (DNT)
20 January 2013)
Putting Nation First
41K followers on
Facebook, 5.8K+
followers on X, and 52
followers on Instagram
Druk Phuensum
Tshogpa (DPT)
25 July 2007)
Economic Prosperity
and Social Well-being;
Development with
Equity and Justice
8.9K followers on
Facebook and 1.6K+
followers on X
Druk Thuendrel
Tshogpa (DTT)
2 May 2022)
Sunomics: Buddhist
Capitalism with the
spirit of GNH
34K followers on
Facebook, no X account,
and 459 followers on
People’s Democratic
Party (PDP)
24 March 2007)
For a Better Drukyul.
The Promise we will
30 (Ruling party)
Maintains an active
political party website
61K followers on
Facebook, 7.3K+
followers on X, and
117 followers on
*: Eligible Voters—497,058; Total Votes—313,162; Voter Turnout—63% (EVM: 195,719; PB: 117,443)
: Eligible Voters— 498,135; Total Votes— 326,775; Voter Turnout— 65.6% (EVM—218,273; PB—
sense, Bhutanese political parties use social media as
an information-eliciting and knowledge-building plat-
4.2 Data Practices Among Political
Bhutan’s electoral stakeholders and political parties
manage data and associated knowledge for various
political activities. Figure 1 illustrates a flow chart
of the recurrent action patterns in the electoral pro-
cess of political parties filing to contest in the up-
coming democratic election at the ECB through the
primary and general rounds of casting votes to the
declaration of results to the formation of ruling and
opposition parties. The data, that is, votes from
EVM and postal ballots, is consolidated by follow-
ing schema and parameters developed by ECB (see
Fig 5.1 in Election Commission of Bhutan, 2013, p.
16). ECB gathers massive amounts of data during
the election period, such as party registration, elec-
torate registration, and in-country or overseas postal
ballot voters. They also maintain an information sys-
tem ( for
registering political party members. The party mem-
bers can use the system to check their membership
status. If it is valid, the system displays information
Knowledge Pyramid Perspective of the Political Data Ecosystem: A Case Study of Bhutan
about their political affiliation. ECB also has a web-
based system (
whereby electorates can check their enrolment sta-
tus to vote in the upcoming democratic election. In
Bhutan, voting is not compulsory, and the electoral
system does not permit proxy voting. If an electorate
wants to cast a vote via postal ballot (in-country or
overseas), the system records the details of elector in-
formation and allows changing postal addresses based
on the voters’ choice.
The political actors of Bhutan now recognise the
importance of tapping the value of data generated in
the political data ecosystem. It is evident from their
campaign activities and manifesto document that they
perform analytics of data on socioeconomic develop-
ments in Bhutan, such as descriptive statistics and fig-
ures, to inform campaign activities, drive decision-
making, and develop party pledges. Such activities
are consistent with Bennett and Lyon (2019) that all
modern democratic election campaigns use data. The
website of some political parties has a feature that al-
lows potential electors to join as party members. For
example, the PDP’s website has a ‘Join Us’ feature.
It asks for CID, name, contact no, gewog (county),
and dzongkhag. After entering this information, the
system automatically fetches the name of the party
candidate in the constituency of an elector. In ef-
fect, such activities are instances of using information
technology, such as voter relationship management
system (Bennett and Lyon, 2019), and DIKW aspects
for informational canvassing and steering political
campaigns through targeting and testing (Baldwin-
Philippi, 2017). Similarly, the DTT’s website uses
cookies to track web traffic and click streams, which
could be used to analyse the digital footprint of po-
tential electors. The actions and dealings with data
suggest that the political parties expressly or implic-
itly elevate data gathered from democratic politics to
the higher elements of the Knowledge Pyramid (Jen-
nex, 2017). However, since democracy in Bhutan is
relatively embryonic, the analytical maturity of polit-
ical parties is rather low in that no political parties use
complex data analytics technologies to analyse polit-
ical data for building predictive models or scoring to
target voters during the democratic election (Bennett
and Lyon, 2019).
4.3 DIKW in the Political Data
The data-driven democratic electoral activities of the
political actors indicate how they deal with the DIKW
elements of the Knowledge Pyramid (Jennex, 2017).
The strategy to manage knowledge in the data ana-
lytics processes is a critical success factor (Jennex,
2017) as it has implications on exploiting DIKW for
campaign activities and decision-making, such as in-
sights into electorate voting (EVM and postal ballot)
pattern and election trend analysis. Fig. 1 illustrates
the interplay and dynamics of various sociotechni-
cal actors during the democratic electoral process in
Bhutan. It also embodies a complex exchange of
DIKW among numerous stakeholders, such as the
ECB, political parties, and the Office of the Returning
Officer. Data such as manifesto documents for reg-
istration to contest in the election, primary and gen-
eral round polling day data, and comprehensive data
of the electorate are generated, managed, communi-
cated, and used during the democratic election period.
The political parties also bootstrap available resources
and technologies to gather, manage, and turn data into
higher elements of the Knowledge Pyramid (see Ta-
ble 2). For instance, they use websites, social me-
dia, and other information systems to manage and op-
erationalise DIKW in Bhutan’s political data ecosys-
tem. Their social media posts of the political activities
during the upcoming election, such as photos from
community zomdu (translates to inclusive decision-
making) and updates on personal meetings with party
workers in the 47 constituencies, also illustrate that
the predominant method that political parties use for
gathering aspects of DIKW is in-person campaign-
ing or door-to-door canvassing (Dommett et al., 2023;
Baldwin-Philippi, 2017; Bennett and Lyon, 2019).
Furthermore, polling day is one instance where
data must be as accurate as possible; otherwise, it
would endanger the democratic electoral process. The
demographic information of electorates is carefully
vetted through the voter identity card at the 809
polling stations. ECB follows first-past-the-post vot-
ing, where the voter votes for a single candidate, and
the candidate with the maximum votes wins the elec-
tion. On the polling day of the primary and general
elections (Fig. 1), data from 47 constituencies and
809 polling stations across the country are transferred
to the Department of Election of ECB for tallying
the votes. The stakeholders in the department collate,
analyse, and add meaning and context to the polling
day data, which is an instance of dealing with ele-
ments of the Knowledge Pyramid (Jennex, 2017). For
example, analysis of the polling data from the primary
round is used to declare the winning and runners-up
parties where they are eligible to participate in the
general election to form the government, as illustrated
in Fig. 1. Overall, the flowchart captures the logic
of how democratic election decisions are made in the
primary and general rounds to form the ruling and op-
position parties. These recurrent action patterns in the
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Figure 1: Dynamics and flow of DIKW in Bhutan’s democratic electoral process.
flow chart every five years require electoral stakehold-
ers and political parties to wrestle with DIKW tire-
lessly in the political data ecosystem of Bhutan.
5.1 DIKW-Driven Political Data
Considering the considerable influence of and dis-
courses on data and analytics during the democratic
election (Papakyriakopoulos et al., 2018; Baldwin-
Philippi, 2017; Bennett and Lyon, 2019), electoral
stakeholders and political actors must determine the
actual and potential value of DIKW and its implica-
tions on political activities. Moreover, understanding
DIKW (Jennex, 2017; Tuomi, 1999) would avoid du-
plicative efforts and ease the extraction of the value of
data (Micheli et al., 2020) emanating from the politi-
cal data ecosystem. It is also timely for the nascent
political data ecosystem in emerging democracies,
such as Bhutan, to determine barriers and opportu-
nities to share and use political data for facilitating
democratic election and avoid issues of information
asymmetry (Mittelstadt et al., 2016)—that is, unequal
distribution of or access to information. Indeed, doing
so would enrich the open data attitude and culture in
the political space, especially exploring possibilities
for DIKW sharing and reuse among political actors.
Furthermore, individuals entrusted with data analytics
among political parties should conceive data-driven
politics-related activities in terms of DIKW. Political
parties with resource constraints need more technical
know-how to perform complex data analytics and use
analytical results to manage campaign activities and
target electors during democratic election campaigns
(Bennett and Lyon, 2019; Baldwin-Philippi, 2017).
In Bhutan, given the smallness of the constituencies,
geographic-based electoral targeting is a predominant
method among political parties for voting intelligence
of potential electors. They also gather DIKW of po-
tential wins for their candidates in certain strongholds
Knowledge Pyramid Perspective of the Political Data Ecosystem: A Case Study of Bhutan
through their party workers as information conduits,
albeit surprises are not uncommon during elections.
The political data ecosystem needs a systematic
approach to managing the DIKW elements of the
Knowledge Pyramid (Jennex, 2017; Frick
e, 2009).
For instance, a contextual framework to manage
DIKW (Jennex, 2017) is essential to facilitate the
frictionless flow of data within political parties for
decision-making and campaign activities (see Nissen,
2002 on the relational link between data, information,
and knowledge). Likewise, electoral stakeholders and
political parties must know what DIKW is needed and
where it is available. Hence, providing support sys-
tems, such as developing capabilities for acquiring
data from different sources and subsequent transfor-
mation into the higher levels of the Knowledge Pyra-
mid (Jennex, 2017), is also crucial to tap the value of
data emanating from various sources. Moreover, a co-
herent and reliable DIKW will positively affect elec-
toral activities, such as DIKW-informed, analytics-
driven, and cost-effective campaign activities (see Ta-
ble 6 in Dommett et al., 2023). Additionally, mecha-
nisms should be in place to protect DIKW from imi-
tation by others (Gelhaar and Otto, 2020), which calls
for proper inventorying of DIKW in the political en-
vironment (see Miller and Mork, 2013 on data in-
ventory) to avoid the risk of accumulating ineffective
DIKW and mistargeting electors. Regarding voter
analytics and political micro-targeting (Bennett and
Lyon, 2019), clear legislation is fundamental about
the ethics and legitimacy of using electorate data and
related databases for data analytics to shape politi-
cal campaigns and inform decision-making (Dommett
et al., 2023; Baldwin-Philippi, 2017). In Bhutan’s
context, some safeguards, such as acts, policies, and
guidelines, as summarised in Table 1, are in place to
deal with the misuse of so-called political technolo-
gies (Ruppert et al., 2017) during the democratic elec-
5.2 Knowledge Management in the
Political Data Ecosystem
The complex interplay of various individuals, organ-
isations, and institutions is fundamental for foster-
ing the growth of an ecosystem (Gelhaar and Otto,
2020) and creating and sharing knowledge. Thus, it is
crucial to ensure that tacit (experiences and insights)
and explicit knowledge (knowledge formalised and
codified in electronic systems) (Choo, 1996; Non-
aka, 2007; Nissen, 2002) is used effectively and ef-
ficiently in the political data ecosystem. For example,
in Bhutan, the ECB gathers political documents (such
as manifestos, charters, and party membership) and
polling data and accordingly shares them on its web-
site. Political parties could explore opportunities to
encourage knowledge sharing and use through collab-
oration with other parties. It would provide an avenue
to exchange services whereby political actors share
and exchange skills, capabilities, and knowledge that
benefit each other. Some political data have a short
shelf life in that data value decays over time (Nam-
gay et al., 2023; Lee, 2017). Hence, political actors
must also deal with boundary paradox (Quintas et al.,
1997), where boundaries should be open for DIKW
flow among the relevant stakeholders, but at the same
time, political parties also have to protect and nurture
their DIKW and intellectual capital. Quintas et al.
(1997) argue,‘It is upon the dynamic preservation of
the latter [protect and nurture knowledge base and in-
tellectual capital] that survival depends.
The issue in the political data ecosystem is how
to manage knowledge using effective and efficient
technologies, which tools and techniques to use for
managing DIKW, and what DIKW related to politics
is needed for decision-making and campaign activi-
ties. Moreover, knowledge generation and applica-
tion is a cyclical process, which alludes to the critique
of knowledge hierarchy (Frick
e, 2009; Tuomi, 1999;
Jennex, 2017). It costs resources, effort, and time to
analyse data and turn it into knowledge. Therefore,
it is imperative to have a practical plan or strategy
to deal with and work on DIKW Jennex (2017), es-
pecially knowledge in the political data ecosystem,
such as identifying metrics for managing and gaug-
ing DIKW. If there is shareable data by de-identifying
certain attributes, such as personally identifiable in-
formation, stakeholders such as ECB and other gov-
ernmental organisations should share it with political
parties. Doing so prevents the political parties from
performing needless tasks such as setting up infras-
tructures to collect and analyse data for insights and
knowledge. It is also imperative to incentivise po-
litical parties to use data analytics and foster a cul-
ture of sharing and using knowledge (Wang and Noe,
2010), albeit for sociopolitical good. Otherwise, in
emerging democracies with limited resources, mobil-
ising data and analytics at scale for political ends is
resource intensive, and inaccessibility to rich DIKW
risks data-driven democratic politics favouring estab-
lished political parties (Bennett and Lyon, 2019) with
means to use complex political technologies and em-
ploy human resources to manage aspects of DIKW in
the political data ecosystem.
KMIS 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
5.3 Contributions, Limitations, and
Future Work
This study contributes to the literature on knowledge
management via insights into DIKW aspects (Jennex,
2017; Tuomi, 1999) in the political data ecosystem of
emerging democracies that use data and analytics for
political activities. We answer the call by Dommett
et al. (2023) for exposition on data practices in demo-
cratic elections in different countries and contexts, es-
pecially ‘less US-centric studies’. The present work
also contributes to the discourse on the evolution of
the nascent body of knowledge on the political data
ecosystem. It is also timely for researchers inter-
ested in data-driven politics (Bennett and Lyon, 2019;
Baldwin-Philippi, 2017) to rethink how the Knowl-
edge Pyramid elements (Jennex, 2017) are managed
and used in the political space. The study likewise
augments the theory and praxis of the Knowledge
Pyramid in research. Regarding implications for data
stakeholders as well as policymakers, this study pro-
vides a platform to reflect on their current data prac-
tices from the frame of the Knowledge Pyramid (Jen-
nex, 2017; Tuomi, 1999; Frick
e, 2009) to unlock the
actual and potential value of data emanating from
the political data ecosystem. The in-depth descrip-
tion of facets of and relational links between DIKW
also sheds light on how political actors can administer
data-driven electoral processes and manage knowl-
edge for decision-making and campaign activities.
We acknowledge that this study has some limi-
tations. The current research is based on a country
where democracy is not even two decades old. Like-
wise, the present work only used open-access gov-
ernmental documents and aggregated polling data to
provide an account of the political data ecosystem
from the perspective of the Knowledge Pyramid (Jen-
nex, 2017). The subjectivity of the DIKW elements
of the Knowledge Pyramid (Frick
e, 2009) could also
affect the interpretations of the findings and discus-
sions in the present work. An area worth exploring is
using empirical data such as interviews and surveys
to examine data-driven democratic political activities
via the lens of the Knowledge Pyramid. Another re-
search direction is algorithmic processes that under-
lie the data analytics systems in political technolo-
gies, namely the handling of sensitive electorate data.
Moreover, insights into the suggested study will illus-
trate how individuals, political actors, and institutions
in other countries manage and use different facets of
data for electoral and political activities without com-
promising privacy and security.
In this paper, we analysed Bhutan’s political data
ecosystem through the lens of the Knowledge Pyra-
mid to examine the dynamics of DIKW generated
in the political data ecosystem to facilitate demo-
cratic electoral activities and political campaigns. The
democratic electoral process of the 4th National As-
sembly Election in Bhutan was unpacked for insights
into the practices of transforming data into higher
levels of the Knowledge Pyramid. In Bhutan, the
electoral stakeholders and political parties deal with
DIKW on a relatively small scale and with varying
infrastructural complexities. The political parties use
websites, information systems, and social media to
manage aspects of DIKW, facilitate decision-making,
and administer campaign activities. However, con-
sidering the nascency of democracy in Bhutan, no
extensive data technologies or human resources are
employed to harness the actual and potential value
of data generated in the political space. In this re-
gard, electoral stakeholders and political actors could
explore opportunities to adopt robust data analytics
technologies and knowledge management infrastruc-
ture to manage DIKW emanating from the political
data ecosystem. This study advances the literature
on knowledge management through a fine-grained ac-
count of the democratic election in a country expe-
riencing the significant effect of political technolo-
gies to turn political data into higher elements of the
Knowledge Pyramid for various ends in the political
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