Construction of a Questionnaire to Measure the Learner Experience in
Online Tutorials
Martin Schrepp
1 a
and Harry Budi Santoso
2 b
SAP SE, Hasso-Plattner-Ring 7, 69190 Walldorf, Germany
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Online Tutorials, Learner Experience, Measurement, Questionnaire, User Experience, Surveys.
Online tutorials are efficient tools to support learning. They can be easily delivered over company web pages
or common video platforms. In commercial contexts, they have the potential to reduce service load, replace
product documentation, allow customers to explore more complex products over free trials, and ultimately
simplify the learning process for customers. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
But if tutorials are not well-designed, then these goals can not be achieved. Therefore, it is important to be
able to measure the satisfaction of learners with a tutorial. We describe the construction of a questionnaire
that measures the learner experience with tutorials. The questionnaire was developed by creating a set of
candidate items, which were then used by participants in a study to rate several tutorials. The results of a
principal component analysis suggests that two components are relevant. The items in the first component
(named Structural Clarity) describe that a tutorial is well-structured by a logical sequence of steps that are
easy to follow and understand. The second component (named Transparency) refers to the way the tutorial
communicates the underlying learning goals, prerequisites, and concepts and how they can be applied in
Online tutorials are an efficient method for knowledge
transfer and are therefore frequently used in many
different domains (Van der Meij and van der Meij,
2013). For example, to explain how to operate (e.g.,
how to use a TV remote control), maintain (e.g., how
to change the SIM card of a smart phone), or repair
(e.g., how to replace defective parts) technical de-
vices, how to work efficiently with established soft-
ware products (e.g., how to perform typical not fully
intuitive tasks with MS Excel or MS Word) or how to
do special tasks in a programming environment (e.g.,
tutorials concerning web development on platforms
like SelfHTML).
Previous works have investigated the use of on-
line tutorials for learning in knowledge and problem
solving transfer (Mayer, 2005; Mautone and Mayer,
2001). The design and use of tutorials in web-
sites or applications are relevant for the learnability
(Nielsen, 2012) and efforts to enhance the user experi-
ence by following a human-centered design approach
(Husseniy et al., 2021).
The term tutorial is used in various contexts. In
this paper, we focus on instructional materials that
teach specific skills or the ability to perform specific
tasks with products in a sequence of steps without the
assistance of an instructor or the ability to ask ques-
tions in a community. Larger online courses covering
general topics or concepts, as well as pure documen-
tation, are not considered in this study, although dis-
tinguishing such approaches from tutorials can some-
times be challenging.
Steps of tutorials often include demonstrations,
detailed examples or exercises that helps the learner
to understand the topic covered by the tutorial. They
can be pure video tutorials or textual step-by-step de-
scriptions in a web-page (which are often supported
by illustrations or even interactive elements to try out
certain aspects) or a combination of these techniques.
Tutorials have a variety of interesting use cases.
However, their effectiveness relies on their ability to
support users in their learning tasks. This means that
tutorials must be well-designed, engaging, and easy to
understand. If this is not the case, a tutorial may have
Schrepp, M. and Santoso, H.
Construction of a Questionnaire to Measure the Learner Experience in Online Tutorials.
DOI: 10.5220/0013014700003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 315-322
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a negative impact on the market success of a product.
Let us look at some examples to explain this in
more detail. A tutorial is often the first contact of a
user with a product, for example, software develop-
ers often use tutorials offered on free trial versions of
cloud platforms to decide if they want to use this plat-
form for a project. If the tutorials are not helpful they
might switch to another platform. Customers often
search for tutorials in the web if they have an issue
with a product and do not want to call the support. If
a tutorial offered by the manufacturer does not help
to solve the issue this can cause anger and a loss of
It is important to note that different persons may
have varying opinions regarding the quality of a tuto-
rial, i.e. the perception of learner experience is purely
subjective, which is similar to the concept of user
experience (Schrepp, 2021). To gain a better under-
standing of different opinions, it is thus necessary to
gather feedback from larger groups of learners. On-
line questionnaires are an efficient tool for this pur-
pose. They can be placed at the end of a tutorial or
triggered when the learner completes the tutorial or
reaches a certain point in the tutorial.
We describe in this paper the development of a
questionnaire to measure the perceived subjective ex-
perience of learners with a tutorial. Such a question-
naire can be used to continuously measure the learner
experience and therefore act as an element for quality
There are several typical usage scenarios for tutorials,
especially in the commercial context.
Online tutorials empower customers to find an-
swers to their questions and troubleshoot issues on
their own. This reduces the need to reach out to cus-
tomer support (Hsieh, 2005). Thus, online tutorials
can help to reduce support calls and thus saves re-
sources in customer support. Such tutorials are a cost-
efficient way to train users (Van der Meij and van der
Meij, 2013). However, a badly realized tutorial can
cause quite negative emotions towards a product or
vendor. Thus, a bad learner experience can negatively
impact the learners willingness to use or purchase a
product (Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2005; Venkatesh
et al., 2003). For example, for mobile online games
an effect of the tutorial quality to user adoption was
found (Zhiyong et al., 2021).
Tutorials provide step-by-step instructions accom-
panied by visual aids such as videos, images, and
interactive elements. Good online tutorials foster a
sense of interactivity. Users can actively participate
in the learning process, following along with the in-
structions, trying out examples, and receiving imme-
diate feedback. Thus, online tutorials are often more
attractive than traditional documentation. But tutori-
als are often hard to adjust to changes (especially if
they contain videos) and have thus a high risk to be
outdated. Tutorials can also be perceived by users as
disruptive and are often skipped and forgotten (Laub-
heimer, 2023).
Tutorials are massively used to support customers
with engaging learning materials, for example, the
Microsoft support page contains a huge number of
short tutorials (in most cases a short video accom-
panied with a step-by-step textual description) that
demonstrate features of Microsoft products.
Offering free cloud-based demo systems or time-
limited free downloads for commercial software can
be an effective strategy to support sales. However,
granting free access to a product may not be enough,
particularly for more complicated products that re-
quire some knowledge to fully explore their capabili-
ties. Users who lack prior knowledge may struggle or
overlook certain usage scenarios and features if they
explore the product on their own. To address this, tu-
torials play a crucial role in guiding users and show-
casing the product’s potential functionalities, making
them a valuable marketing tool. A prominent example
are cloud platforms, for example Amazon Web Ser-
vices, IBM Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure or SAP
Business Technology Platform. They all offer devel-
opers free trial accounts and support learning by many
tutorials that help to explore the product features in a
guided and easy to understand sequence.
Thus, good online tutorials allow customers to fa-
miliarize themselves with specific topics comfortably
with low effort. They are available 24 hours, allow-
ing customers to access information at their conve-
nience. This eliminates the need to wait for customer
support agents to be available or endure long hold
times. Customers can access tutorials whenever they
encounter an issue, empowering them to resolve prob-
lems quickly and efficiently. That means they can
help to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
There are several papers that evaluate tutorials in cer-
tain domains using surveys with some ad hoc formu-
lated questions, for example (Brill and Park, 2011).
Our goal is to create a standardized questionnaire that
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
can be used for many tutorials and is thus able to pro-
duce comparable results. Thus, the items in the ques-
tionnaire should not be too specific and should not
relate to aspects of a tutorial that are only relevant in
some special areas.
A tutorial questionnaire can be used to constantly
evaluate running online tutorials. For example, by a
feedback link placed at the end of the tutorial or a di-
alog that asks for feedback launched at special events
in the tutorial or after a specific delay from the starting
point of the tutorial.
It is important that the questionnaire does only
contain a small number of items and can thus be com-
pleted fast by the learners. There are two main rea-
sons for this:
Many tutorials are rather short. The time spent
on feedback must be somehow proportional to the
duration of the tutorial.
Tutorials are typically only visited once. Thus,
users expect no benefit from their feedback. This
is different to products that are used frequently,
since in this case users assume that their feedback
contributes to product improvements in the near
future and is thus potentially beneficial for them-
selves. Therefore, the motivation to provide feed-
back will be lower than that for a usual product
experience questionnaire.
Thus, a questionnaire with a huge number of items
will often be not completed and result in a high
dropout rate (Schrepp, 2024). This will reduce the
number of feedback collected and may also impact a
bias, since mainly very satisfied or dissatisfied learn-
ers may be motivated to complete the questionnaire.
We follow a classical process of questionnaire devel-
opment in UX (Schrepp, 2021). Several established
UX questionnaires are constructed accordingly to this
method, for example, SUMI (Kirakowski and Cor-
bett, 1993), AttrakDiff2 (Hassenzahl et al., 2003),
UEQ (Laugwitz et al., 2008) or VISAWI (Moshagen
and Thielsch, 2010).
1. Select a larger initial set of candidate items that
describe aspects of tutorial quality and have a
common format.
2. Collect a data set. A larger sample of participants
rates various online tutorials with all candidate
3. Analyse the data by principal components analy-
sis (Pearson, 1901; Hotelling, 1933). Determine
the number of components required to explain the
variance in the data sufficiently.
4. Choose the most relevant components as scales
and per scale determine the items with the high-
est loadings on the underlying component as items
for the questionnaire.
4.1 Creation of Candidate Items
To create an initial list of items several research pa-
pers describing the impact of different quality aspects
on the perceptions of overall learner experience were
Tutorials typically use step-by-step instructions to
demonstrate important features, task flows or con-
cepts of a product. However, if this step-by-step ex-
planation does not work as described the learner is
quickly lost and frustrated (Mirhosseini and Parnin,
There are multiple reasons that can cause such
effects, for example, missing or poorly written in-
structions, or that the tutorial is simply outdated. In
addition, it is important that the tutorial (especially
longer tutorials) is encouraging and interesting to fol-
low. This is somehow related to the usage of different
presentation techniques, for examples videos, inter-
active diagrams, or executable code snippets (Head
et al., 2020). Other problems can result from ignor-
ing learners’ prior knowledge respectively not stating
clearly what knowledge level is assumed for starting
a tutorial (Kim and Ko, 2017). In addition, practice
and sufficient feedback helps learners to follow in-
teractive tutorials (Kim and Ko, 2017). Another im-
portant point is the length of a tutorial (Lamontagne
et al., 2021). If a video tutorial is long and covers a
complex topic, this can result in a high cognitive load
for the learner. In such cases it makes sense to split
the tutorial into several less complex and shorter parts
(Spanjers et al., 2011).
In addition to scientific papers, there is a wealth
of information on the web on how to create a ”good”
tutorial. Several blog posts or even “tutorials on how
to write a good software tutorial” exist. Extensive re-
search for guidelines and tips was done in the web.
Quality aspects of “good” tutorials were collected and
then condensed into several statements (in English).
This initial list of statements was reviewed con-
cerning their formulations and potential duplicates
were removed. Then the remaining statements were
further consolidated concerning their formulations
until an agreed version was reached. This resulted in
the following list of candidate items:
Q1: The content of the tutorial fits my needs.
Construction of a Questionnaire to Measure the Learner Experience in Online Tutorials
Q2: The tutorial contains only relevant informa-
Q3: I am satisfied with the duration of the tutorial.
Q4: In my opinion the tutorial is well-structured.
Q5: The content of the tutorial is easy to under-
Q6: The duration and preconditions of the tutorial
are as expected.
Q7: It is interesting to work through the tutorial.
Q8: The tutorial motivates me to learn more about
this topic.
Q9: The language used in the tutorial is simple
and free of jargon.
Q10: Technical terms are adequately explained.
Q11: The tutorial is divided into manageable steps
that form a logical sequence.
Q12: It is clearly stated at the beginning of the
tutorial what learners will achieve.
Q13: The tutorial includes practical examples and
Q14: Visuals like images, diagrams, and videos
are used to explain complex concepts.
Q15: The content of the tutorial is up to date.
Q16: The tutorial explains not just how to do
something, but why it’s done that way.
Q17: All steps in the tutorial worked exactly as
Q18: Required prerequisites for the tutorial are
explained at the start of the tutorial.
Q19: The tutorial is easy to follow.
Q20: The examples given in the tutorial are prac-
tically relevant.
Q21: The tutorial covers all the features I am in-
terested in.
Q22: The pace of the tutorial is appropriate.
Since the data for the construction process were col-
lected in Indonesia, the items were translated care-
fully to Indonesian language. Translations were re-
viewed independently by several native speakers and
some adjustments were performed in an iterative pro-
cess until an agreed translation was reached. The In-
donesian translations are contained in the Appendix
of this paper.
4.2 Data Collection
4.2.1 Participants
The participants were undergraduate students. They
come from various faculties of science and engineer-
ing, particularly computer science, from a number
of universities spread across several provinces in In-
donesia including Jakarta, West Java, and Bengkulu.
The students were contacted over email. Around
300 students were contacted and 117 (61 male, 55
female, 1 unknown, average age: 21.23 years, stan-
dard deviation 3.97 years) responded and filled out the
questionnaire. Participation in the study was entirely
4.2.2 Rated Tutorials
The participants could select one of seven different tu-
torials that describe how to use the following common
SATUSEHAT: A mobile application designed to
provide comprehensive health services and infor-
mation, ensuring a continuum of care for Indone-
sia’s citizens. By standardizing and integrating
electronic medical records, this platform connects
various health information systems.
DJP Online: A service managed by Indonesia’s
Directorate General of Taxation (Direktorat Jen-
deral Pajak Republik Indonesia), offering a range
of tax-related applications and services for tax fil-
Shopee: A well-known e-commerce platform in
Indonesia, where shoppers can conveniently find
a wide range of products, including clothes, elec-
tronics and other products, via this application.
This platform can be accessed both as a website
and a mobile app.
Gojek: An app providing a range of on-demand
services including transportation and food deliv-
ery, where tutorials on how to use Gojek are gen-
erally accessible. The products of Gojek consist
of Transport and Logistics, Payments, Food and
Shopping as well as Business.
Bukalapak: Another widely used e-commerce
platform in Indonesia, allowing users to purchase
or sell both new and second-hand items via this
application. Anyone in Indonesia has the opportu-
nity to sell their products on Bukalapak by estab-
lishing an economical online storefront, which ac-
commodates both single item and wholesale shop-
ping systems.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Tokopedia: A digital shopping application pro-
viding a wide range of products from various
categories, with extensive Tokopedia instruction
guides readily accessible. Tokopedia’s online
marketplace delivers products through various
channels, including Marketplace, Official Stores,
Instant Commerce, Interactive Commerce, and
Rural Commerce, catering to a wide range of con-
sumer needs.
Traveloka: A platform designed for booking
flights, hotels, buses and travels, train tickets and
other services. Traveloka offers comprehensive
tutorials to assist users in planning their trips more
These tutorials were selected because the correspond-
ing products are very popular among the target group
and we could therefore assume that the students we
contacted knew at least one of these products and had
watched a corresponding tutorial.
4.2.3 Survey
The participants receive an email with a short motiva-
tion and a link to open the survey.
The survey starts with a short instruction, fol-
lowed by two questions concerning age and gender
of the participant. Below these fields the participants
could select the tutorial they want to rate from a se-
lection field showing all the 7 alternatives.
Below this selection the 22 candidate items were
shown. Each item had a 7-point response scale with
the endpoints Fully Disagree and Fully Agree. Af-
ter the last item a button to submit the response was
The survey can be completed within a timeframe
of five to ten minutes.
4.3 Analysis of the Data
A principal component analysis with varimax rotation
was performed. Figure 1 shows the eigenvalues of the
potential components. The higher the eigenvalue is
(they are shown in order from largest to smallest), the
higher is the predictive value of this component.
Accordingly, to the scree-test (Cattell, 1966) (de-
termine the point after which eigenvalues differ only
slightly) and the Kaiser-Gutmann criterion (Guttman,
1954) (remove components with eigenvalues smaller
than one) two components could be identified and are
chosen as scales. These two components represent
73% of the variance in the data. A commonly used
rule is to retain enough components to explain more
than 70% of the variance in the original data (Jolliffe
and Cadima, 2016). Thus, our two component solu-
tion seems to be a reasonable choice.
Figure 1: Scree plot of the eigenvalues. The dashed line
shows the cutoff value for the Kaiser-Gutmann criterion.
We decided to choose 4 items per component for
the first version of the questionnaire. Therefore, the
4 items with the highest loading on the correspond-
ing components (see Table 1 in the Appendix) were
selected. Commonly used heuristic consider compo-
nent loadings greater than 0.4 as generally acceptable,
see (Comrey and Lee, 2013). The loadings of our se-
lected items are all above 0.7, and can be thus savely
be considered as good representations of the compo-
The items with the highest loading on the first
component were Q4, Q5, Q11 and Q19. These items
are shown below:
In my opinion the tutorial is well-structured.
The content of the tutorial is easy to understand.
The tutorial is divided into manageable steps that
form a logical sequence.
The tutorial is easy to follow.
They describe that a tutorial is well-structured in a
logical sequence that is easy to follow and understand.
We name this scale therefore Structural Clarity.
The items with the highest loadings on the second
component are Q12, Q13, Q16, and Q18. These items
are shown below:
It is clearly stated at the beginning of the tutorial
what learners will achieve.
The tutorial includes practical examples and
The tutorial explains not just how to do some-
thing, but why it’s done that way.
Construction of a Questionnaire to Measure the Learner Experience in Online Tutorials
Required prerequisites for the tutorial are ex-
plained at the start of the tutorial.
These items refer to the way the tutorial communi-
cates the underlying learning goals, prerequisites, and
concepts and how they can be applied to practice. So
somehow they describe that the tutorial makes its pur-
pose transparent to the learner. Therefore, we call this
scale Transparency.
The Cronbach-Alpha (Cronbach, 1951) values are
0.95 for the structural clarity scale and 0.89 for the
transparency scale indicating a high internal scale
The first four items form the scale Structural Clar-
ity, while the last 4 items form the scale Transparency.
The answers are coded from -3 (Fully disagree) to +3
(Fully agree), thus a 0 represents a neutral evalua-
tion. The scale score for Structural Clarity respec-
tively Transparency is calculated as the mean over
all items in the scale and all participants of a study.
The overall tutorial quality score is the mean of the
scale scores for Structural Clarity and Transparency.
Thus, the questionnaire reports an overall score and
two scores for the sub-scales.
We described the development of a standard question-
naire to measure tutorial quality. Of course, a sound
validation of the questionnaire concerning reliability
and validity as well concerning its ability to differ-
entiate between tutorials of different quality must be
evaluated in further studies.
Data collection for the construction was done in
Indonesia. Of course, it must be checked if there were
any culture specific influences that had an impact on
the selection of items. This is not really likely, we
know for example that the impact of cultural back-
ground on the importance of UX quality aspects is rel-
atively low (Santoso and Schrepp, 2019). In addition,
the investigated tutorials do of course not cover the
full range of tutorials concerning length, complexity
or topics. Thus, the scale structure must be confirmed
by repeating the study in different countries and with
different types of tutorials. The results presented in
this paper are just the first step in the construction pro-
Currently, the questionnaire is available in English
and Indonesian language. It is planned to develop fur-
ther translations and to make the questionnaire as well
as the translations available to researchers over a ded-
icated website that allows to view and download the
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Indonesian Items
Below the translations for the English items into In-
donesian language are shown. These translations
were used for data collection.
Q1: Materi tutorial sesuai dengan kebutuhan saya.
Q2: Tutorial hanya memuat informasi yang rele-
Q3: Saya puas dengan durasi tutorial.
Q4: Tutorial telah disusun dengan baik.
Q5: Materi tutorial mudah dipahami.
Q6: Durasi dan prasyarat yang diperlukan sesuai
Q7: Tutorial menarik untuk diikuti.
Q8: Tutorial memotivasi saya untuk mempelajari
lebih banyak hal/materi mengenai topik ini.
Q9: Bahasa yang digunakan dalam tutorial seder-
hana dan bebas dari jargon.
Q10: Istilah teknis dijelaskan dengan cukup
Q11: Tutorial disusun dengan tahapan yang logis.
Q12: Apa yang akan dicapai pengguna aplikasi
disampaikan secara jelas di awal tutorial.
Q13: Tutorial memuat contoh-contoh penerapan
dan demonstrasi.
Q14: Visualisasi seperti gambar, diagram, dan
video digunakan untuk menjelaskan konsep yang
Q15: Tutorial memuat konten terkini.
Q16: Tutorial menjelaskan ’bagaimana’ dan
’mengapa’ sesuatu perlu dilakukan.
Q17: Semua tahapan dalam tutorial berjalan seba-
gaimana yang dijelaskan.
Q18: Prasyarat yang diperlukan untuk tutorial di-
jelaskan di awal tutorial.
Q19: Tutorial mudah diikuti.
Q20: Contoh-contoh yang diberikan dalam tuto-
rial bersifat praktis dan relevan.
Q21: Tutorial mencakup semua fitur yang
menarik bagi saya.
Q22: Tutorial dijelaskan dengan tempo yang
Construction of a Questionnaire to Measure the Learner Experience in Online Tutorials
Loadings from PCA
Table 1: Loadings of the items on the two extracted compo-
Item Component 1 Component 2
Q1 0.771 0.331
Q2 0.750 0.319
Q3 0.762 0.421
Q4 0.821 0.345
Q5 0.872 0.280
Q6 0.752 0.428
Q7 0.636 0.518
Q8 0.457 0.589
Q9 0.560 0.517
Q10 0.686 0.606
Q11 0.816 0.410
Q12 0.457 0.702
Q13 0.301 0.853
Q14 0.608 0.529
Q15 0.586 0.594
Q16 0.297 0.801
Q17 0.594 0.658
Q18 0.280 0.796
Q19 0.793 0.451
Q20 0.630 0.633
Q21 0.622 0.531
Q22 0.558 0.636
English Questionnaire
In my opinion the tutorial is well-structured.
Fully disagree Fully agree
The content of the tutorial is easy to understand.
Fully disagree Fully agree
The tutorial is divided into manageable steps that
form a logical sequence.
Fully disagree Fully agree
The tutorial is easy to follow.
Fully disagree Fully agree
It is clearly stated at the beginning of the tutorial what
learners will achieve.
Fully disagree Fully agree
The tutorial includes practical examples and demon-
Fully disagree Fully agree
The tutorial explains not just how to do something,
but why it’s done that way.
Fully disagree Fully agree
Required prerequisites for the tutorial are explained at
the start of the tutorial.
Fully disagree Fully agree
Indonesian Questionnaire
Tutorial telah disusun dengan baik.
Sangat tidak setuju Sangat setuju
Materi tutorial mudah dipahami.
Sangat tidak setuju Sangat setuju
Tutorial disusun dengan tahapan yang logis.
Sangat tidak setuju Sangat setuju
Tutorial mudah diikuti.
Sangat tidak setuju Sangat setuju
Apa yang akan dicapai pengguna aplikasi disam-
paikan secara jelas di awal tutorial.
Sangat tidak setuju Sangat setuju
Tutorial memuat contoh-contoh penerapan dan
Sangat tidak setuju Sangat setuju
Tutorial menjelaskan ’bagaimana’ dan ’mengapa’
sesuatu perlu dilakukan.
Sangat tidak setuju Sangat setuju
Prasyarat yang diperlukan untuk tutorial dijelaskan di
awal tutorial.
Sangat tidak setuju Sangat setuju
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies