Microfront-End: Systematic Mapping
Luiz Felipe Cirqueira dos Santos
1 a
, Marcus Vinicius Santana Silva
1 b
Shexmo Richarlison Ribeiro dos Santos
1 c
, F
abio Gomes Rocha
1 d
and Elisrenan Barbosa da Silva
2 e
Postgraduate Program in Computer Science - PROCC/UFS, Federal University of Sergipe,
Av. Mal. C
andido Rondon, Rosa Elze, 1861, S
ao Crist
ao, Brazil
Computer, Est
acio University Center of Sergipe, R. Teixeira de Freitas, Salgado Filho, 10, Aracaju, Brazil
luizfelipecirqueira@outlook.com, {marcus.vinicius.3007, Shexmor, gomesrocha, elisrenan}@gmail.com
Microfrontend, Micro Front-End, Micro-Frontend.
In the context of backend development, adopting microservices has brought new challenges to frontend in-
tegration, leading to the development of microfrontends. Monolithic frontends go against the principles of
microservices specialization, requiring a more modular approach. This study aims to characterize the adop-
tion of micro frontends within microservices. To achieve this, a systematic mapping was conducted across
six databases, selecting 32 articles that identified 11 tools for managing applications with micro frontends.
The study discusses the increase in complexity and the contexts and conditions for applying micro frontend
implementation models. As a contribution, this study outlines the main paths for adopting micro frontends
within a microservices architecture, providing valuable insights for software engineering and promoting better
integration between the backend and front end. Additionally, it describes the characteristics of micro frontends
and the advantages and disadvantages of their adoption, highlighting security concerns, their impact on team
collaboration, and how they may affect the organizational structure and team development processes.
Developing the presentation layer of a modern web
application has become a crucial task for industrial
companies. Development teams constantly seek new
ways to build, deploy, and maintain applications ef-
fectively so that companies can deliver value quickly
and efficiently to their customers (Peltonen et al.,
2021). Modern applications are built with feature-
rich and powerful frontends. The more functionali-
ties there are, the harder it becomes to maintain the
front end, significantly when different teams develop
it (Taibi and Mezzalira, 2022).
New frontend frameworks are continuously intro-
duced to the market, providing developers with many
valid options to build robust and feature-rich web ap-
plications, such as Single Page Applications (SPA),
Server-Side Rendering (SSR) applications, or static
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) files com-
bined with a web page. However, most of them end up
being monolithic. Therefore, the application’s client-
side grows, making its development challenging, es-
pecially when teams need to edit the same frontend
application (Peltonen et al., 2021).
Micro frontends were introduced in 2016 to solve
this problem. Micro frontends allow the front end to
be broken down into individual and semi-independent
micro-applications, separating the front end’s busi-
ness logic and creating independent services that in-
teract with each other (Taibi and Mezzalira, 2022).
Micro frontends share microservices’ main prin-
ciples, benefits, and challenges (Geers, 2020): both
are modeled around business domains, hiding imple-
mentation details from each other. Each team should
own its microservice (backend) and the related fron-
tend, enabling decentralized decision-making and in-
dependent deployment. However, micro frontends
also introduce some disadvantages, such as the risk
of communication overhead if the system is not well-
designed and reviewed as the business grows, poten-
tial performance issues when project vendors are not
carefully considered (e.g., for SPA), and the compro-
mise of the user experience when the governance be-
Santos, L., Silva, M., Santos, S., Rocha, F. and Barbosa da Silva, E.
Microfront-End: Systematic Mapping.
DOI: 10.5220/0013015400003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 119-130
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
hind a design system is not well thought out (Peltonen
et al., 2021).
This study focuses on conducting a systematic lit-
erature mapping to provide answers on the character-
ization of micro frontends, their positives and nega-
tives, and the paths followed in current research by
analyzing the entire population of articles in the cho-
sen databases that address micro frontends. The rest
of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides the context for this work, discussing microser-
vices, frontends, and micro frontends and offering a
comparison. Section 3 discusses related work on mi-
cro frontends. Section 4 addresses the methodology
employed in this paper. Section 5 describes and pro-
vides the results, and Section 6 discusses the proposed
questions. Section 7 contains the final considerations.
In recent years, microservices have gradually become
a trend in software architecture design. Microservices
are generally considered a collection of independent
services, each being an independent process that fo-
cuses on a single responsibility and functionality, de-
coupling dependencies between services. This idea of
division was transferred to the front, but it requires a
different understanding and application (Wang et al.,
Having a well-defined architecture to maintain
scalability and organization in the application is unde-
niable, aiming to achieve development efficiency and
technological heterogeneity. One of the most com-
monly used forms of architecture is monolithic ar-
chitecture. However, the difficulty of scalability and
code reuse is evident due to the high coupling be-
tween its parts (Perlin et al., 2023).
With the awareness of these scalability and
reuse impediments, the need arises to adopt service-
oriented applications. Microservices have been
widely adopted to address the complexity of mono-
lithic systems in the backend due to their modularity
and independence (Perlin et al., 2023).
Micro frontends extend the concepts of Microser-
vices to the frontend side of the application. This
transforms monolithic web applications from a single
codebase architecture into an application that com-
bines multiple small frontend applications into one.
These independent applications can be executed, de-
veloped, and deployed independently. The ability for
independent development and deployment allows de-
velopment teams to build isolated, loosely coupled
services. The idea behind micro frontends is to treat a
web application as a combination of functionalities or
business subdomains. Each team should handle only
one domain (Peltonen et al., 2021).
Frontend monoliths introduce horizontal layers on
the frontend side of the application, but micro fron-
tends aim to divide the application vertically. Each
vertical slice is built entirely from scratch and serves
a specific business domain or functionality. Each de-
velopment team can be technologically agnostic with
micro frontends and decide what technology stack to
use. Teams can update or change the stack without
coordinating with other teams (Peltonen et al., 2021).
As mentioned, this study aims to characterize micro
frontends, their strengths and weaknesses, and the
current research paths. In the work of Taibi and Mez-
zalira (Taibi and Mezzalira, 2022), it is reported that
micro frontends emerged from the evolution of soft-
ware architectures and shared the fundamental princi-
ples, benefits, and problems of microservices. They
are modeled around business domains, hiding imple-
mentation details between them, and each team has its
backend and related frontend service, bringing decen-
tralization of decisions and independent deployment.
In their work, Bian, Ma, Zou, and Yue (Bian
et al., 2022) report that systems are becoming in-
creasingly complex and that extensive web frontend
projects must be completed with more than one de-
velopment team. They introduce a concept similar
to microservices in web applications, which can help
traditional monolithic web applications overcome the
existing dilemmas associated with monolithic appli-
Mannisto, Tuovinen, and Raatikainen (M
et al., 2023) present the experiences of a small team
from the company Visma in transforming its mono-
lithic User Interface (UI) into a micro-frontend solu-
tion. They discuss the motivations and their essential
design and implementation decisions, including an ar-
chitectural assessment. The main conclusions are that
(1) the motivations for micro frontends are related
to improving customer-specific reconfigurability and
reducing associated costs rather than enabling team
independence, (2) the APIs (Application Program-
ming Interfaces) provided by web standards—and the
Web Component API based on them—offered a com-
petitive alternative to JavaScript frameworks, avoid-
ing many issues induced by the frameworks, and (3)
small organizations without a large number of re-
source teams can benefit from micro-frontend archi-
In summary, these works help outline the objec-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
tives of the study, such as the characterization of mi-
cro frontends, their strengths and weaknesses, and the
current research paths, providing theoretical and em-
pirical foundations that contextualize the evolution,
benefits, and challenges of micro frontends, essential
for the systematic analysis. They help identify com-
mon motivations for adopting micro frontends, such
as decentralization, team independence, and improve-
ments in configurability and cost. They also point out
specific challenges and practical solutions, enriching
the analysis and conclusions of the systematic map-
ping study on micro frontends.
This article aimed to characterize, in a structured
manner, from a broad perspective, micro frontends.
To this end, a systematic mapping was chosen as
the research instrument. A systematic mapping is a
comprehensive and rigorous review of a field or re-
search topic, allowing for a broad view of the paths
taken and their respective gaps (Vel
an and
ırez Montoya, 2018) (Keele et al., 2007). The
systematic mapping presented in this article follows
the guidelines of Kitchenham and Charters [34] and
is divided into three phases: planning, execution, and,
finally, the communication of results. Thus, we first
defined the topic to be researched. Next, we de-
tailed the methodology applied and the selection of
databases where the articles were searched. We pre-
pared the questions to be answered by this study and
the search string related to the topic, all using a tool
called Parsifal.
To ensure the transparency and reproducibility of
the study, we followed a detailed protocol for classify-
ing the articles. This protocol included the following
Definition of Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Article selection
Classification and Analysis of Articles
Definition of research questions
Number of publications per year
Articles that deal, even partially, with micro frontends
were included in defining the inclusion criteria. As for
the exclusion criteria, we removed duplicate articles,
those published as abstracts or expanded summaries,
articles not written in English, articles not discussing
micro frontends, and secondary studies, as shown in
Table 1.
We performed a search using the terms ”mi-
crofrontend” OR ”micro front-end” OR ”micro-
frontend”, without time restrictions, in the ACM,
Table 1: Criteria.
Inclusion Articles that deal, even partially, with micro frontends
Duplicate article
Article published as an abstract or expanded summary
Articles that are not written in English
Articles that do not discuss micro frontends
Secondary study
IEEE, ISI Web of Science, Science Direct, Scopus,
and Springer Link databases on April 3, 2024. The se-
lected databases are hybrid, being both search engines
and bibliometric databases, widely adopted in studies,
as they ensure good coverage for systematic reviews,
according to (Kitchenham and Brereton, 2013). We
identified 107 relevant articles that addressed, even
partially, the concept of micro frontends.
After removing duplicates and applying inclusion
and exclusion criteria, 25 duplicate articles were elim-
inated, resulting in 82 articles for verification. Of
these, 32 were considered relevant, as they dealt with
micro frontends in their title and abstract for the study.
At the same time, the remaining 50 were excluded for
not meeting the established criteria, as shown in Fig-
ure 1. Within the stages of this study, we read the ar-
ticles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria to
find answers to the questions, using structured ques-
tions that can guide future research sequences and
evaluate the research process (Kitchenham and Brere-
ton, 2013), described in Table 2.
Figure 2 illustrates the annual increase in the num-
ber of articles on micro frontends, reflecting this ap-
proach’s growing interest and adoption. These publi-
cation trends provide insights into the evolution and
maturity of micro frontends practices, highlighting
the development of academic and practical interest in
this topic. This information is essential as it allows
for identifying research trends, measuring the growth
of the adoption of this technology, and understand-
ing periods of significant development and innova-
tion. Furthermore, it helps recognize the increasing
relevance of micro frontends in the developer and re-
searcher communities, providing a foundation for fu-
ture investigations and improvements in the field.
This section presents the results of our systematic
mapping on micro frontends. Each research ques-
tion was thoroughly examined to extract significant
insights into this architecture’s benefits, challenges,
and trends. We divided our findings into subthemes
to facilitate understanding and visualization of the in-
formation. In each subtheme, we will present the an-
swers to the specific questions.
Microfront-End: Systematic Mapping
Table 2: Research Questions and Justifications.
Question Text Justification
Q1 Where are micro frontends being applied?
What are the conditioning factors for the adop-
tion of micro frontends?
Identify patterns and factors that drive or hinder
Q2 Which frameworks are most adopted using mi-
cro frontends?
Standardize development and find active sup-
Q3 How are micro frontends being tested, and what
are the best practices to ensure software qual-
Ensure software quality and avoid problems.
Q4 How are micro frontends built, integrated, and
delivered to end-users?
Optimize processes and improve efficiency.
Q5 What are the positive aspects of adopting micro
Demonstrate added value to stakeholders.
Q6 What are the negative aspects of adopting micro
Anticipate challenges and mitigate risks.
Q7 How do micro frontends impact collaboration
between teams within an organization?
Understand the influence on team dynamics and
Q8 What specific security challenges are associated
with micro frontend architecture?
Ensure data protection and system integrity.
Q9 What tools exist to manage applications with
micro frontends when there is an increase in
their complexity?
Manage complexity and maintain efficiency.
Q10 How does introducing micro frontends affect
a team’s organizational structure and develop-
ment processes?
Adjust organization and processes to the new
Q11 What kinds of results were obtained? Measure success and identify improvements.
Q12 What types of validation were performed? Ensure effective implementations and compli-
ance with requirements.
Figure 1: Selection of The Articles.
Figure 2: Articles of Year.
5.1 RQ1. Where Are Micro Frontends
Being Applied? What Are the
Conditioning Factors for Adopting
Micro Frontends?
Micro frontends are applied in a variety of con-
texts, such as the development of complex web ap-
plications (Peltonen et al., 2021) (Taibi and Mezza-
lira, 2022), system architecture engineering (Sch
et al., 2019), integration with advanced technologies
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
oes et al., 2023), and companies with distributed
teams (M
o et al., 2023). In large-scale projects,
such as site portals and enterprise systems (Bian et al.,
2022) (Zhang et al., 2023), micro frontends facili-
tate the integration of various subsystems. In con-
trast, modular systems, such as industrial installations
(Lorenz et al., 2021), offer flexibility and adaptability.
The ability to handle distributed development teams
(Perlin et al., 2023) and the need to integrate emerging
technologies, such as Web 3D (Sim
oes et al., 2023),
also drive the adoption of micro frontends.
Factors influencing the adoption of micro fron-
tends include frontend complexity (Taibi and Mezza-
lira, 2022), the need for agile and independent devel-
opment (M
o et al., 2023), demand for flexibil-
ity and scalability (Taibi and Mezzalira, 2022), de-
coupling and reuse of components (Sch
affer et al.,
2019) (Tosic et al., 2023), independence in updates
(Knecht et al., 2020), reduction of maintenance costs,
and availability for organizational changes (Taibi and
Mezzalira, 2022). The modularity provided by mi-
cro frontends allows for handling the increasing com-
plexity of user interfaces (Taibi and Mezzalira, 2022),
while independent development capabilities simplify
the development process (Sch
affer et al., 2019). Flex-
ibility in technology choice and component reuse con-
tribute to a more scalable and efficient architecture
o et al., 2023) (Zhang et al., 2023).
5.2 RQ2. What Are the Most Adopted
Frameworks for the Adoption of
Micro Frontends?
Based on the mapped articles, as shown in Table 3, we
identified that micro frontends are implemented using
a variety of frameworks and approaches, with Angu-
lar, four articles (Peltonen et al., 2021) (Perlin et al.,
2023) (Pavlenko et al., 2020) (Yang et al., 2019), Re-
act, four articles (Peltonen et al., 2021) (Perlin et al.,
2023) (Sch
affer et al., 2019) (Pavlenko et al., 2020),
and Vue.js, five articles (Peltonen et al., 2021) (Wang
et al., 2020) (Perlin et al., 2023) (Bian et al., 2022)
(Pavlenko et al., 2020) standing out for their versa-
tility and robustness in building dynamic interfaces.
Tools such as Webpack 5 with Module Federation
o et al., 2023) (Pavlenko et al., 2020) (Petcu
et al., 2023) facilitate dynamic module integration,
while Single-SPA (M
o et al., 2023) (Pavlenko
et al., 2020) (Petcu et al., 2023) allows combining mi-
cro frontends from different frameworks into a single
application. Other alternatives include using Luigi,
Application Shell [2], and methods such as iFrames,
two articles (Taibi and Mezzalira, 2022) (P
oskei and
Bub, 2021), and ESI (Edge Side Includes) (Taibi and
Mezzalira, 2022) for micro frontend integration, each
adapted to the specific needs and preferences of the
Table 3: Frameworks and Approaches for Implementing
Micro Frontends.
Framework / Approach Number of Articles
Angular 4
React 4
Vue.js 5
Webpack 5 with Module Federation 3
Single-SPA 3
Luigi 2
Application Shell 1
iFrames 2
ESI (Edge Side Includes) 1
5.3 RQ3. How Are Micro Frontends
Being Tested, and What Are the
Best Practices to Ensure Software
The analyzed articles show that micro frontends are
tested independently and collectively using unit, in-
tegration, and end-to-end (E2E) tests (Mena et al.,
2019) (Sch
affer et al., 2019) (Zhang et al., 2023).
Using tools such as Jest and Mocha, unit tests ver-
ify isolated components, while integration tests en-
sure the joint functionality of micro frontends (Mena
et al., 2019) (de Oliveira et al., 2022). E2E tests,
using Cypress and Selenium, ensure that the entire
application works correctly (Sch
affer et al., 2019)
(Zhang et al., 2023) (B
uhler et al., 2022). To main-
tain software quality, practices such as test automa-
tion and CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous
Deployment) pipelines are essential, allowing for the
automatic and continuous execution of tests (Yang
et al., 2019) (Tilak et al., 2020). Technologies like
Docker, NGINX, and Node.js simulate production en-
vironments, ensuring the correct functionality of mi-
cro frontends (Sim
oes et al., 2023) (Noppadol and
Limpiyakorn, 2021).
5.4 RQ4. How Are Micro Frontends
Built, Integrated, and Delivered to
End Users?
After analyzing the articles, we found that the con-
struction, integration, and deployment of micro fron-
tends to end users are carried out independently by
each team, using tools such as Webpack and Mod-
ule Federation (B
uhler et al., 2022), as well as tech-
nologies like Docker and NGINX for container host-
Microfront-End: Systematic Mapping
ing and routing (Yang et al., 2019). Component inte-
gration is achieved through an application shell archi-
tecture or iframes (Sim
oes et al., 2023), allowing for
dynamic and modular composition of the user inter-
face. CI/CD pipelines facilitate deployment (Sch
et al., 2019) and may involve hosting on proprietary
servers, cloud services such as Amazon Web Services
(AWS), and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), en-
suring continuous and efficient updates (Sim
oes et al.,
5.5 RQ5. What Are the Positive Aspects
of Adopting Micro Frontends?
Several positive aspects have been identified in the
adoption of micro frontends. These benefits include
modularity, component reuse, increased software de-
velopment, and maintenance efficiency. Technologi-
cal independence allows teams to use different tech-
nology stacks without compromising integration, fa-
cilitating both scalability and customization of the ap-
plication. Additionally, code isolation prevents er-
rors in one component from affecting the rest of
the application, promoting greater resilience (Pelto-
nen et al., 2021) (Taibi and Mezzalira, 2022) (Geers,
2020) (Wang et al., 2020) (Perlin et al., 2023) (Bian
et al., 2022) (M
o et al., 2023) (Vel
and Ram
ırez Montoya, 2018) (Mohammed et al.,
2022) (Sorgalla et al., 2021) (Knecht et al., 2020)
(Mena et al., 2019) (de Oliveira et al., 2022) (Sch
et al., 2019) (Sim
oes et al., 2023) (Pavlenko et al.,
2020) (Petcu et al., 2023) (Yang et al., 2019) (Tosic
et al., 2023) (Wanjala, 2022) (Capdepon et al., 2023)
oskei and Bub, 2021) (Zhang et al., 2023) (Lorenz
et al., 2021) (B
uhler et al., 2022) (Tilak et al., 2020)
(Noppadol and Limpiyakorn, 2021) (Zhao et al.,
2023) (Nishizu and Kamina, 2022) (Shakil and Zoitl,
2020) (Stefanovska and Trajkovik, 2022).
The modular approach facilitates team collabora-
tion, system scalability, and incremental improvement
implementation (de Oliveira et al., 2022). Adopt-
ing micro frontends also improves performance and
user experience, especially in high-demand scenarios
(de Oliveira et al., 2022) (B
uhler et al., 2022).
5.6 RQ6. What Are the Negative
Aspects of Adopting Micro
The articles indicate that adopting micro frontends
increases the complexity of applications, requiring
careful coordination in integration, routing, and com-
munication between micro frontends, leading to de-
velopment overhead and performance issues. Man-
aging shared state and UI consistency is also chal-
lenging (Peltonen et al., 2021) (Taibi and Mezza-
lira, 2022) (Geers, 2020) (Wang et al., 2020) (Perlin
et al., 2023) (Bian et al., 2022) (M
o et al., 2023)
an and Ram
ırez Montoya, 2018) (Mo-
hammed et al., 2022) (Sorgalla et al., 2021) (Knecht
et al., 2020) (Mena et al., 2019) (de Oliveira et al.,
2022) (Sch
affer et al., 2019) (Sim
oes et al., 2023)
(Pavlenko et al., 2020) (Petcu et al., 2023) (Yang
et al., 2019) (Tosic et al., 2023) (Wanjala, 2022)
(Capdepon et al., 2023) (P
oskei and Bub, 2021)
(Zhang et al., 2023) (Lorenz et al., 2021) (B
et al., 2022) (Tilak et al., 2020) (Noppadol and
Limpiyakorn, 2021) (Zhao et al., 2023) (Nishizu and
Kamina, 2022) (Shakil and Zoitl, 2020) (Stefanovska
and Trajkovik, 2022).
Other challenges include the initial investments in
setting up architecture and CI/CD pipelines, ensur-
ing security in a distributed architecture, and man-
aging dependencies and style conflicts. The ad-
ditional complexity may not offset the benefits for
smaller projects, making the approach less advanta-
geous (Taibi and Mezzalira, 2022) (Mohammed et al.,
5.7 RQ7. How Do Micro Frontends
Impact Collaboration Between
Teams Within an Organization?
Micro frontends significantly impact team collabora-
tion, promoting independence and autonomy by al-
lowing each team to develop and maintain its part of
the frontend with their technology choices (Knecht
et al., 2020) (Sch
affer et al., 2019) (Pavlenko et al.,
2020) (B
uhler et al., 2022) (Zhao et al., 2023). This
increases efficiency, development speed, and team ac-
countability, enhancing engagement (Knecht et al.,
2020) (Sch
affer et al., 2019) (Pavlenko et al., 2020)
uhler et al., 2022). However, this approach also
presents challenges, such as effective coordination
and communication between teams to ensure smooth
integration of micro frontends (Knecht et al., 2020)
affer et al., 2019) (Zhao et al., 2023). Fragment-
ing the monolith into microprojects requires clear
team subdivision, which can be complex (Knecht
et al., 2020) (Sch
affer et al., 2019). Additionally, the
initial effort needed to set up architecture and CI/CD
pipelines may affect development efficiency and clar-
ity of responsibilities (Knecht et al., 2020) (Sch
et al., 2019).
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
5.8 RQ8. What Are the Specific
Security Challenges Associated with
Micro Frontend Architecture?
Specific security challenges associated with mi-
crofrontend architecture, as found in the research, in-
clude managing permissions and access, protecting
against code injection attacks (such as XSS, Cross-
Site Scripting), and ensuring security in communica-
tions between micro frontends (Pavlenko et al., 2020).
Each micro frontend needs to ensure proper authenti-
cation and authorization, which can be complex due
to the distributed nature of the architecture (Perlin
et al., 2023). Additionally, protection against CSRF
(Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks and the integrity
of communication interfaces are essential to prevent
data leaks (Pavlenko et al., 2020).
Another significant challenge is managing depen-
dencies between projects, as different micro frontends
may use different versions of the same libraries, in-
creasing the attack surface and the potential for se-
curity flaws. The additional complexity of manag-
ing multiple distributed vulnerability points requires
ongoing monitoring, updating, and protecting each
component individually while maintaining overall ap-
plication security (M
o et al., 2023) (Pavlenko
et al., 2020).
5.9 RQ9. What Tools Exist to Manage
Applications with Micro Frontends
as Their Complexity Increases?
As seen in Table 4, to manage the complexity of
applications with micro frontends, several tools are
used, such as Webpack 5 with Module Federation
for module sharing (M
o et al., 2023) (Pavlenko
et al., 2020) (Petcu et al., 2023), and frameworks
like Single-SPA and Luigi (M
o et al., 2023)
(Pavlenko et al., 2020) (Petcu et al., 2023) that fa-
cilitate micro frontend integration. Automation and
CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and
Docker and Kubernetes for containers and orchestra-
tion are also essential (Sch
affer et al., 2019). NGINX
is used for
Routing and load balancing, while Node.js with
Express and Socket.IO (Sch
affer et al., 2019) supports
web servers and real-time communication. Monitor-
ing and tracking tools like New Relic, Datadog, and
Sentry help with performance analysis and error man-
Table 4: Tools for Managing the Complexity of Applica-
tions with Micro Frontends.
Tool Number of Articles
Webpack 5 with Module Federation 3
Single-SPA 2
Luigi 2
Automation and CI/CD Tools
(Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD) 1
Docker 1
Kubernetes 1
Node.js with Express 1
Socket.IO 1
Monitoring and
Tracking Tools (New Relic, Datadog, Sentry) 1
5.10 RQ10. How Does the Introduction
of Micro Frontends Affect the
Organizational Structure and
Development Processes of a Team?
Introducing micro frontends affects the organizational
structure and development processes by promoting
team autonomy and independence. Teams can be re-
sponsible for specific system parts, facilitating a more
agile and iterative approach (Peltonen et al., 2021)
(Taibi and Mezzalira, 2022) (Geers, 2020). This
also allows for greater flexibility and a more gran-
ular division of labor, with each team fully own-
ing its business domain (Wang et al., 2020) (Per-
lin et al., 2023) (Bian et al., 2022). As a result,
there is a reduction in code conflicts and an in-
crease in responsiveness to customer needs (M
et al., 2023) (Vel
an and Ram
ırez Montoya,
2018). However, this shift can also bring challenges,
such as learning new technologies, greater coordina-
tion between teams, and managing dependencies and
complex integrations (Mohammed et al., 2022) (Sor-
galla et al., 2021) (Knecht et al., 2020). Addition-
ally, a significant initial effort may be required to set
up architecture, CI/CD pipelines, and continuous in-
tegration processes (Mena et al., 2019) (de Oliveira
et al., 2022). Overall, this approach encourages a
component-oriented mindset and promotes collabora-
tion among different functional areas of the organiza-
tion (Sch
affer et al., 2019) (Sim
oes et al., 2023).
5.11 RQ11. What Type of Results Were
Based on the articles reviewed during the research,
the results obtained were diverse, as shown in Ta-
ble 5. Most results (14) consisted of specific solu-
tions, prototypes, responses, or judgments (Taibi and
Mezzalira, 2022) (Perlin et al., 2023) (Bian et al.,
2022) (Mohammed et al., 2022) (Sorgalla et al., 2021)
Microfront-End: Systematic Mapping
oes et al., 2023) (Pavlenko et al., 2020) (Yang
et al., 2019) (Tosic et al., 2023) (Wanjala, 2022) (Nop-
padol and Limpiyakorn, 2021) (Zhao et al., 2023)
(Nishizu and Kamina, 2022) (Shakil and Zoitl, 2020).
Analytical models (8) (Peltonen et al., 2021) (Wang
et al., 2020) (Sorgalla et al., 2021) (Sim
oes et al.,
2023) (Pavlenko et al., 2020) (Yang et al., 2019)
(Tosic et al., 2023) (P
oskei and Bub, 2021) and re-
ports (8) (Peltonen et al., 2021) (Wang et al., 2020)
(Sorgalla et al., 2021) (Sch
affer et al., 2019) (Petcu
et al., 2023) (Yang et al., 2019) (Tosic et al., 2023)
oskei and Bub, 2021) followed as the most com-
mon types of results. Additionally, qualitative or de-
scriptive models (5) (M
o et al., 2023) (Sorgalla
et al., 2021) (Mena et al., 2019) (de Oliveira et al.,
2022) (Lorenz et al., 2021), procedures or techniques
(4) (Perlin et al., 2023) (Mena et al., 2019) (B
et al., 2022) (Tilak et al., 2020), empirical models (2)
(Sorgalla et al., 2021) (Sch
affer et al., 2019), and tools
or notations (2) (Peltonen et al., 2021) (Yang et al.,
2019) were identified. These data indicate a predom-
inance of practical and applicable solutions, accom-
panied by various analytical and descriptive models,
reflecting the diversity of approaches and results in
the literature on micro frontends.
Table 5: Types of Results Obtained in Research on Micro
Type of Result Number of Articles
Specific solutions, prototypes,
responses or judgments 14
Analytical models 8
Reports 8
Qualitative or descriptive models 5
Procedures or techniques 4
Empirical models 2
Tools or notations 2
5.12 RQ12. What Validation Methods
Are Most Commonly Used in
Micro Frontend Studies?
As seen in Table 6, the data on the types of val-
idation used in the articles indicate that evaluation
was the most common method, appearing in 8 oc-
currences (Taibi and Mezzalira, 2022) (Perlin et al.,
2023) (Bian et al., 2022) (M
o et al., 2023) (Mo-
hammed et al., 2022) (Sorgalla et al., 2021) (Knecht
et al., 2020) (Mena et al., 2019). Next is the combi-
nation of analysis, evaluation, and Experience, used
in 5 occurrences (Mohammed et al., 2022) (Sorgalla
et al., 2021) (Knecht et al., 2020) (Mena et al., 2019)
(de Oliveira et al., 2022). Validation through exam-
ples combined with experiences was used in 7 oc-
currences (Peltonen et al., 2021)(Perlin et al., 2023)
affer et al., 2019) (Sim
oes et al., 2023) (Pavlenko
et al., 2020) (Petcu et al., 2023) (Yang et al., 2019).
Additionally, analysis and evaluation were used in 4
occurrences (M
o et al., 2023) (Sorgalla et al.,
2021) (Knecht et al., 2020) (Sim
oes et al., 2023)
and isolated analysis, which also appeared in 4 oc-
currences (Sch
affer et al., 2019) (Tosic et al., 2023)
(Wanjala, 2022) (Capdepon et al., 2023). Evalua-
tion combined with Experience was used in 2 occur-
rences (Perlin et al., 2023) (Bian et al., 2022) and
isolated Experience, which also appeared in 2 occur-
rences (de Oliveira et al., 2022) (Capdepon et al.,
2023). There was also one occurrence of validation
that included an extensive combination of analysis,
evident assertion, evaluation, Experience, and persua-
sion (Mena et al., 2019). Finally, combining analysis
with examples was used in 3 occurrences [(Sch
et al., 2019) (Sim
oes et al., 2023) (Wanjala, 2022).
These data show that validation in micro front-end
studies generally involves a mix of practical evalua-
tions and empirical examples, reflecting a robust and
varied approach to verifying proposed solutions.
Table 6: Types of Validation Used in Articles on Micro
Type of Validation Number of
Evaluation 8
Combination of Analysis, Evaluation
and Experience 5
Examples combined with Experiences 7
Analysis and Evaluation 4
Isolated Analysis 4
Evaluation combined with Experience 2
Isolated Experience 2
Extensive Combination (Analysis, Assertion,
Evaluation, Experience and Persuasion) 1
Analysis combined with Examples 3
The results obtained from the systematic mapping on
micro frontends have several significant implications
for both academia and Software Engineering profes-
sionals. For academia, the insights extracted from the
analyzed articles reveal emerging trends and current
challenges, guiding future research and contributing
to the theoretical evolution of micro frontend archi-
tecture. Identifying benefits, such as modularity and
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
technological independence, and challenges, such as
integration complexity and security, provides a solid
foundation for in-depth studies that can result in new
solutions and advancements in the field. The find-
ings offer practical guidance for practitioners on ap-
plying and adopting frameworks and best practices
for testing and delivering micro frontends. Knowl-
edge about management tools, the impacts on organi-
zational structure, and strategies to overcome specific
security challenges are valuable, enabling a more in-
formed and efficient adoption of this architecture.
Through our systematic mapping, we discovered
that micro frontends offer a promising approach to
web development despite challenges such as integra-
tion complexity. Table 7 presents the implications of
the systematic mapping results in a clear and concise
table containing a synthesized discussion summariz-
ing the essential findings about micro frontends.
Thus, the findings, organised into seven cate-
gories, can be highlighted as follows: Tools and
frameworks emerge as central themes, highlighting
their importance in implementing micro frontends.
However, aspects related to quality and security still
require further investigation and the development of
more robust solutions. Significant gaps are evident,
especially in integrating quality assurance tools spe-
cific to modular architectures. The inherent com-
plexity of distributed testing, which involves multiple
modules developed autonomously, demands a more
efficient and automated approach capable of dealing
with the peculiarities of this architecture.
Furthermore, there is a pressing need for more re-
search on strategies for migrating legacy systems to
micro frontends, a common challenge in companies
with large monoliths that are considering this modu-
lar approach. Clear guidelines for this transition could
pave the way for the widespread adoption of the archi-
tecture. Future research should concentrate on devel-
oping methodologies that facilitate this migration and
minimise the associated risks and costs.
Moreover, there is yet to be a deep understanding
of the long-term impact of adopting micro frontends
on companies’ organisational structures. The modu-
larisation of interfaces and the autonomy of develop-
ment teams can profoundly transform how teams or-
ganise and collaborate. Studying this dynamic and the
possible benefits of productivity and organisational
efficiency constitutes a significant research gap.Thus,
the findings, organised into seven categories, can be
highlighted as follows Tools and frameworks emerge
as central themes, highlighting their importance in
implementing micro frontends. However, aspects re-
lated to quality and security still require further in-
vestigation and the development of more robust solu-
tions. Significant gaps are evident, especially in in-
tegrating quality assurance tools specific to modular
architectures. The inherent complexity of distributed
testing, which involves multiple modules developed
autonomously, demands a more efficient and auto-
mated approach capable of dealing with the peculiar-
ities of this architecture.
Additionally, there needs to be more studies on
strategies for migrating legacy systems to micro fron-
tends, a common challenge in companies with giant
monoliths that wish to adopt the modularity of this ap-
proach. Clear guidelines for this transition may allow
the widespread adoption of the architecture. Future
research should focus on developing methodologies
that facilitate this migration and minimize the risks
and costs associated with the process.
Moreover, there is yet to be a deep understand-
ing of the long-term impact that adopting micro fron-
tends can have on the organizational structure of com-
panies. The modularization of interfaces and the au-
tonomy of development teams can profoundly trans-
form how teams organize and collaborate. Studying
this dynamic and the possible productivity and orga-
nizational efficiency benefits constitutes a significant
research gap.
The results of this mapping not only enrich the aca-
demic body of knowledge but also provide practi-
cal guidelines that can be directly applied to real-
world software development projects, promoting a
more harmonious and effective integration of micro
frontends into Software Engineering practices. How-
ever, addressing security and management concerns
and robust validation methods for successful imple-
mentation are crucial. Micro frontends represent a
substantial evolution in web development, but their
adoption requires a strategic approach for optimal re-
As software architectures evolve, micro frontends
are likely to become an essential practice in web ap-
plication development. The increasing adoption of
cloud-based architectures and the integration with mi-
croservices amplify the relevance of this approach,
enabling greater scalability and modularity. More-
over, the advancement of automation tools and De-
vOps practices can facilitate the implementation of
micro frontends, accelerating the development cycle
and ensuring more agile and continuous delivery. The
emergence of frameworks and libraries focused on
micro frontends also points to the maturation of the
technique, making it more accessible and efficient for
Microfront-End: Systematic Mapping
Table 7: Implications and Key Findings about Micro Frontends.
Category Aspect Description
Implications for
Emerging Trends Insights from the analyzed articles reveal
emerging trends and current challenges,
guiding future research and contributing to
the theoretical evolution of micro frontend ar-
Benefits and Challenges Identification of benefits, such as modularity
and technological independence, and chal-
lenges, such as integration complexity and
security, providing a solid foundation for in-
depth studies.
Implications for
Practical Application Findings provide practical guidance on appli-
cation, framework adoption, and best prac-
tices for testing and delivering micro fron-
Tools and Strategies Knowledge about management tools’ im-
pacts on organizational structure and strate-
gies for overcoming security challenges are
precious for effectively adopting this archi-
Synthesis of
Emerging Trends Reveal the industry’s evolution and adoption
of micro frontends.
Benefits Include modularity, technological indepen-
dence, and greater organizational flexibility.
Challenges Include integration complexity and security
issues that must be addressed.
Practical Application Offers guidance on frameworks, testing prac-
tices, delivery, and management tools.
Organizational Impacts Include changes in organizational structure
and team dynamics.
large corporations.
Despite the benefits, the future of micro fron-
tends presents significant challenges that must be ad-
dressed. The growing complexity of managing multi-
ple parts of an application can become an obstacle,
requiring robust coordination and monitoring prac-
tices. Additionally, the lack of standardization be-
tween tools and frameworks may hinder interoper-
ability and increase adoption costs. To overcome
these challenges and broaden the scope of research,
gray literature sources could be included in future in-
vestigations, aiming to gather market-driven insights.
Although these sources were not used in this initial
mapping due to the absence of peer-reviewed rigor,
their inclusion could provide practical and valuable
insights into adopting micro frontends. Furthermore,
as new solutions emerge, such as the use of artifi-
cial intelligence to automate the integration of micro
frontends, there is great potential for innovations that
could transform the development and maintenance of
web applications. Therefore, the strategic adoption of
this approach presents a promising path for the future.
In addition to practical guidelines and implemen-
tation challenges, future research must focus on the
quality of micro frontends. The diversity of frame-
works and tools can directly impact the maintain-
ability and performance of applications. Studies in-
vestigating automated testing practices, such as in-
tegration and end-to-end testing, are essential to en-
sure the robustness of applications composed of mi-
cro frontends. Additionally, performance analyses
should be conducted to identify bottlenecks and opti-
mize user experience. Code quality, dependency man-
agement, and interoperability between different com-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ponents deserve attention. A greater focus on quality
assurance methodologies adapted to this architecture
will enable development teams to implement more re-
liable and scalable solutions, maximizing the benefits
of micro frontends in software projects.
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