Table 7: ADA SEP – Mechatronic with High AI Impact and Corresponding Digital Skills Rate.
Area of activity AI Impact Digital Skills Rate
Programming Electronic Systems for Automation Control 4.53 17%
Installation of Electrical/Electronic Systems on Boats 3.82 7%
Manual and Automated Machine Forming 3.75 0%
Installation and Repair of TV Reception and Signal Systems 3.75 0%
Designing Renewable Energy Source (RES) Systems 3.73 27%
System Integration for Optimizing Aerospace Components and Vehicles Production 3.73 25%
Customer Installation, Commissioning, and Testing 3.71 12%
Design of Thermohydraulic Systems (e.g., civil, industrial, HVAC) 3.69 27%
Installation/Maintenance of Industrial Electrical Systems 3.61 14%
Management and Improvement of Aerospace Production Processes and Logistics 3.61 21%
Building Automation Systems Setup and Management 3.59 26%
Installation/Maintenance of Civil and Commercial Electrical Systems 3.57 11%
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KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval