Decoding AI’s Evolution Using Big Data: A Methodological Approach
Sophie Gvasalia
, Mauro Pelucchi
, Simone Perego
and Rita Porcelli
Global Data Science, Lightcast, Italy
INAPP – Istituto per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche, Italy
{sophie.gvasalia, mauro.pelucchi, simone.perego},
Big Data Methodology, Artificial Intelligence Impact, Job Market Analysis.
This study presents a novel approach to measuring the impact of Artificial Intelligence on occupations through
an analysis of the Atlante del Lavoro dataset and web job postings. By focusing on data preparation and
model selection, we provide real-time insights into how AI is reshaping job roles and required skills. Our
methodological framework enables a detailed examination of specific labour market segments, emphasizing
the dynamic nature of occupational demands. Through a rigorous mixed-method approach, the study high-
lights the AI impact on sectors such as ICT, telecommunications, and mechatronic, revealing distinct skill
clusters and their significance. This innovative analysis not only delineates the convergence of digital, soft,
and hard skills but also offers a multidimensional view of future workforce competencies. The findings serve
as a valuable resource for educators, policymakers, and industry stakeholders, guiding workforce development
in line with emerging AI-driven demands.
The integration of artificial intelligence into work pro-
cesses is set to significantly influence various types of
workers, leading to changes in wage structures and
skill requirements. Public policies will, therefore,
play a critical role in promoting training and ensur-
ing that workers are adequately prepared for the trans-
formations in the labour market. This study aims to
provide an innovative analysis of the labour market,
focusing on the measure of the impact of AI-related
skills across different economic sectors. By utilizing
data from the Atlante del Lavoro
and online job post-
ings (provided by Lightcast
), this study explores the
competencies demanded in job postings and charac-
terizes professional profiles, offering a detailed per-
spective on the emerging labour dynamics in sectors
significantly impacted by AI.
To explore this relationship, we apply big data
principles, focusing on five key dimensions: volume,
by leveraging a large dataset of online job postings for
comprehensive labour market analysis; velocity, with
near real-time processing to capture dynamic changes
in AI skill demands; variety, by combining structured
data from Atlante del Lavoro with unstructured job
postings for a multifaceted view; veracity, using NLP
techniques to ensure data accuracy and reliability; and
value, providing actionable insights for policymak-
ers, training institutions, and industry stakeholders on
AI-related skills and their economic impact. Through
rigorous quantitative analysis and qualitative interpre-
tation, we aim to characterize emerging professional
profiles and elucidate the nuanced interplay between
AI adoption and skill demand. This approach allows
for a granular examination of labour market trends,
with particular emphasis on sectors experiencing sig-
nificant AI-driven transformations.
AI’s labour market impact includes job displace-
ment, creation, and transformation. Studies indicate
AI automates routine and non-routine tasks, altering
work and skill demands. (Lane et al., 2023) high-
light how AI transforms roles by automating repeti-
tive tasks, increasing the need for cognitive and so-
cioemotional skills. Generative Pre-trained Trans-
formers (GPT) further revolutionize labour by au-
tomating tasks requiring natural language understand-
ing. GPT is widely used in customer service, content
creation, and data analysis, enhancing productivity
(Eloundou et al., 2023). As GPT reshapes job roles,
new training programs are essential for effective AI
collaboration. (Squicciarini and Nachtigall, 2021) in-
vestigations confirm that the majority of workers de-
veloping and maintaining AI possess these special-
ized skills, although not all workers involved in AI
Gvasalia, S., Pelucchi, M., Perego, S. and Porcelli, R.
Decoding AI’s Evolution Using Big Data: A Methodological Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0013016600003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 424-432
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
have these skills to the same extent. The demand for
these specialized AI skills has grown significantly in
recent years, particularly in the United States, with
similar trends observed in Canada, Singapore, and
the United Kingdom. Job advertisements increasingly
demand AI skills alongside transversal competencies
such as social skills and management abilities, indi-
cating their complementary nature.
Our approach innovatively analyzes the effects of
AI on job competencies by integrating large-scale
job posting data with the Atlante del Lavoro frame-
work. This method provides a detailed view of evolv-
ing skill demands and AI-related skills across sectors.
Advanced text mining techniques capture emerging
trends in real-time, offering more immediate insights
than traditional surveys. The dynamic mapping of AI
adoption and skill demand reveals subtle shifts in job
roles, often missed by conventional methods.
The study begins with a review of the state of the
art in research on AI’s impact on the labour market.
This section will introduce the current understand-
ing and highlight gaps that this research aims to fill.
Following this, section 3 presents the data used in
our analysis. The data section also covers the pre-
processing steps undertaken to ensure the accuracy
and relevance of the data for our study. In the section
4, we detail our innovative approach that integrates
both qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate the
impact of AI on work activities. Advanced Machine
Learning and NLP techniques are employed to esti-
mate AI’s impact efficiently. This section provides a
comprehensive description of the data preparation and
model selection processes, highlighting the nuances
of our methodological framework. The results section
presents our findings on the impact of AI in specific
sectors such as ICT, telecommunications, and mecha-
tronic. The conclusion discusses the implications of
our findings, the limitations of the study, and suggests
directions for future research.
Recent studies indicate a significant acceleration in
the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across var-
ious sectors of the economy. The PwC AI Barom-
reports that 52% of companies have expedited
their AI adoption plans, with 86% anticipating AI to
become a mainstream technology within their organ-
isations by 2024. This trend is corroborated by the
OECD AI surveys (Lane et al., 2023), which found
that 24% of businesses across OECD countries are
currently utilising AI technologies. Notably, there ex-
ists a substantial disparity in adoption rates based on
firm size, with large firms being ten times more likely
to adopt AI than their smaller counterparts.
(Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2014) highlight AI’s
dual effect on the workforce: automation of rou-
tine tasks and creation of new roles requiring ad-
vanced skills. This underscores the complex interplay
between technological innovation and labour market
shifts, with both job displacement and new opportu-
nities emerging. (Autor, 2015) delved into the po-
larization of the labour market caused by technolog-
ical advancements. The research indicates that AI
and automation technologies tend to replace middle-
skill jobs that involve routine tasks, while simultane-
ously increasing demand for both high-skill jobs that
require creative and cognitive abilities and low-skill
jobs that involve non-routine manual tasks. This po-
larization highlights the need for targeted educational
and training programs to equip workers with the skills
necessary to thrive in an AI-driven economy. (Frey
and Osborne, 2017) utilize a Gaussian process classi-
fier to estimate automation probabilities for 702 occu-
pations, based on O*NET data. The study highlights
sectoral automation risks, though it focuses on current
technology and technical feasibility, neglecting future
advancements and workforce adaptability.
Recent empirical investigations have delved into
the specific competencies. (Alekseeva et al., 2021)
conducted a comprehensive analysis of job postings,
revealing a marked upsurge in demand for AI-centric
skills, encompassing proficiency in programming lan-
guages such as python, expertise in big data manage-
ment, and capabilities in model development. Com-
plementing this work, (Acemoglu et al., 2022) ex-
plored the intricate relationship between AI technol-
ogy adoption and evolving workforce skill demands.
Their findings underscore the symbiotic nature of
technical proficiencies and soft skills in the contem-
porary labour landscape, highlighting the complex in-
terplay between technological advancement and hu-
man capital development in shaping employment dy-
The methodological approaches for analyzing the
impact of AI on job postings have also evolved.
(Manca, 2023) utilized advanced NLP techniques to
parse and analyze large datasets of job advertise-
ments, providing real-time insights into emerging
skill demands. This approach enables a more dy-
namic understanding of labour market trends, as op-
posed to traditional static analyses.
(Eloundou et al., 2023) integrate expert judgments
with datasets from O*NET, ILO, and the World Bank,
assessing generative AI’s impact on 923 occupations
Decoding AI’s Evolution Using Big Data: A Methodological Approach
across 199 countries. The broad scope and AI expo-
sure scoring system are strengths, though expert re-
liance and rapid AI evolution pose limitations. De-
spite extrapolation challenges, the study offers valu-
able insights for global labour markets. (Weichsel-
braun et al., 2024) employs a deep learning-based ap-
proach to anticipate future job market demands by as-
sessing the automatability and offshorability of skills.
The authors use a combination of Support Vector Ma-
chines (SVMs), Transformers, and Large Language
Models (LLMs) to classify skills and estimate their
future relevance. Their findings highlight the increas-
ing demand for skills related to automation and off-
shoring, driven by trends like the Gig economy and
technological advancements.
The Atlante del Lavoro is the Italian classificatory and
informative device for work and qualifications, cre-
ated based on the descriptive sequences of the Classi-
fication of 24 Economic Professional Sectors (SEPs).
The Atlante del Lavoro was developed as part of the
construction of the National Repository of Education
and Training Titles and Professional Qualifications,
as stipulated by Legislative Decree No. 13 of January
16, 2013
. It aims to systematize and correlate the
competencies of qualifications from the public life-
long learning offerings with work activities. The sec-
tors were generated by intersecting two independent
ISTAT classifications, both in terms of the object rep-
resented and the constructive criteria used: the clas-
sification of economic activities (ATECO 2007
) and
the classification of professions (CP 2011, updated in
2023 with CP 2021
All the codes constituting the aforementioned sta-
tistical classifications, at their maximum extension,
have been aggregated in the Atlante del Lavoro Eco-
nomic Professional Sectors (SEPs) to meet the empir-
ical need to identify a ”perimeter” where sets of work
processes and activities with relative internal homo-
geneity (intra-sectoral) and sufficient external distinc-
tion (inter-sectoral) can be placed and ordered in their
information field. The Economic Professional Sec-
tors (SEPs) are articulated into work processes, pro-
cess sequences, activity areas, and individual activi-
ties described following the typical logic of the value
chain model (Mazzarella et al., 2017). These descrip-
tors are constantly updated to meet the need to track
the evolution of constantly changing work activities.
study utilized online job advertise-
ments to calculate skill rates and assess the rele-
vance of these skills for the descriptors within the
Atlante del Lavoro, which detail each segment of
work. Three indicators were defined to measure the
evolution of work dynamics in processes, sequences,
and area of activities (ADAs), quantifying the skill
rate for each system component (Mezzanzanica et al.,
2018). These indicators measure the incidence of dig-
ital, soft, and hard non-digital skills on the Atlante del
Lavoro’s descriptive elements:
+ f
+ f
Where t denotes the skill type (digital, soft, or
hard non-digital), with f
representing the frequency
of type t, f
the frequency of soft skills, f
the fre-
quency of digital skills, and f
the frequency of hard
non-digital skills in the dataset. Three indicators were
identified, relating to classes of macro-competencies
based on ESCO skills
, extracted from the job post-
ings database. These indicators measure and monitor
over time the degree of digitalization, the demand for
soft skills, and the demand for technical/hard skills
within Economic Professional Sectors (SEPs), Pro-
cesses, Sequences, and Area of Activities (ADAs).
The working method can be summarized in the
following steps:
(i) Job advertisements are used as measurement tools
to elaborate all indices on macro-competencies.
Each job advertisement is classified according to
the CP 2011 standard, at the 5-digit level.
(ii) Ads are linked to Area of Activities (ADAs)
through the associated profession. It should be
noted that only advertisements classified accord-
ing to the occupations belonging to the area of ac-
tivity contribute to the calculation of indicators.
During the association between area of activity
and job advertisements, the correspondence be-
tween a single area of activity and the occupations
may not be one-to-one: each profession can be
associated with multiple activities. In this case,
if the same profession is associated with multiple
areas belonging to the same sequence, the job ad-
vertisements for this sequence are considered only
(iii) Job advertisements associated with each area can
be further filtered based on the industry codes
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
associated with the process Sequence to which
the area belongs. The industry sectors filter, in
some cases, reduces the expressive capacity of the
database, but when present, it refines the match.
(iv) Job advertisements associated with each area re-
port the required skills, categorized according to
the ESCO classification and grouped by macro-
competency classes.
The skills rate, broken down into macro-
competence areas, monitors the results within the area
of activity, sequence, or process through successive
aggregations and it tracks the evolution of jobs over
3.1 Job Postings Dataset
The Lightcast database currently consists of over 21
million online job postings for Italy. After thorough
data cleaning, it contains more than 8 million vali-
dated job postings. These postings, often in semi-
structured or unstructured text, require rigorous sci-
entific, methodological, and technical work to extract
useful information. Covering the entire national ter-
ritory, they provide a rich data source for analyzing
various dimensions (occupations, industry sectors, re-
gions, and skills) (Vrolijk et al., 2022).
The processing phases are: (i) Data Collection:
Extracting job postings via API, bulk extraction, and
scraping. (ii) Data Treatment: Structuring data to
meet shared standards. (iii) Text Processing: Prepar-
ing unstructured texts for classification. (iv) Classi-
fication: Extracting professions and skills from job
Occupations are extracted from texts using a com-
bination of machine learning algorithms that train the
classifier based on previously classified and expert-
validated occurrences. Skills are extracted using fea-
ture extraction techniques and mapped to the ESCO
standard. Each skill is then associated with a macro-
competence class: digital, soft, or hard-no-digital, de-
fined by the working group using ESCO and O*NET
classification pillars. Hard skills are specific job abil-
ities, while soft skills are interpersonal and environ-
mental interaction abilities. Digital skills within hard
skills include ICT tool usage to complex system de-
sign. Soft skills include thinking, social interaction,
knowledge application, and attitudes and values. For
each occupation, the required competencies are ana-
lyzed, and the frequency of soft, hard non-digital, and
digital skills is calculated.
(Lovaglio, 2022) introduces a methodology for
analyzing labour market trends using web-scraped job
vacancies, revealing the growing importance of digi-
tal skills across sectors. Despite potential biases in
online recruitment, the approach provides real-time
insights. Similarly, (Vermeulen and Amaros, 2024)
and (Enrique and Matteo, 2024) assess the validity of
Lightcast job posting data compared to national statis-
tics across Europe (2019–2022). Their benchmarking
highlights discrepancies but emphasizes the comple-
mentary value of online postings for tracking labour
demand trends.
The methodology involves selecting a representative
sample from the Atlante del Lavoro using stratified
sampling by Economic Professional Sector (SEP).
Sector experts then evaluated the AI impact on sam-
pled work activities. Next, NLP techniques were ap-
plied to efficiently analyze the data corpus and esti-
mate AI’s impact across all activities. Finally, work
activities were classified based on AI impact esti-
mates, enabling a clear assessment of sectoral trans-
formations. This methodology partially draws from
(Frey and Osborne, 2017) study. A 5% random sam-
ple of areas of activity was extracted using stratified
sampling to ensure fair sector representation. The
sample comprises 48 Area of Activities (ADAs), with
each of the 24 Economic Professional Sectors (SEPs)
represented by 2 ADAs (see Table 1).
To ensure the reliability and consistency of the
labeling effort, we assessed inter-rater agreement
among the five industry experts who evaluated the AI
impact on various work activities. Each expert in-
dependently assigned scores ranging from 1 to 5, re-
flecting the perceived impact of AI on specific activ-
ities. To gauge the consistency of these assessments,
we calculated inter-rater agreement using the Fleiss’
Kappa method. The calculated Fleiss’ Kappa value
of 0.2128 suggests fair agreement among the raters.
This indicates some level of consistency in their eval-
uations, but the variability implies differences in their
assessment criteria (see Table 2).
To efficiently analyze the impact of AI on all
work activities, a methodology based on advanced
machine ,earning techniques was adopted. Initially,
Sentence BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representa-
tions from Transformers, (Reimers and Gurevych,
2019)), a natural language representation model, was
used to create a data corpus containing descriptions
of work activities and their related embeddings. Sub-
sequently, the dataset was divided into training and
test sets to train and evaluate the ML models. Vari-
ous models were explored, including XGBoost (Chen
and Guestrin, 2016), linear and polynomial regres-
sion, neural networks, and support vector machines
Decoding AI’s Evolution Using Big Data: A Methodological Approach
Table 1: Sample of the area of activities evaluated by the experts.
Sector Area of Activity description
Chemistry Operation and control of plants/machines in the production of
sterile and non-sterile drugs
Chemistry Processing of plastics and rubber
Construction Execution of foundations and tunnels
Construction Painting works
Extraction of gas, oil, coal, minerals, and stone processing Environmental recovery of disused extraction areas
Extraction of gas, oil, coal, minerals, and stone processing Preparation and squaring of blocks
Wood and furniture Selection and storage of lots
Wood and furniture Packaging of curtains and drapes
Mechanics, production, and maintenance of machinery, plant
Maintenance and repair of mechanical and structural compo-
nents of aircraft
Mechanics, production, and maintenance of machinery, plant
Maintenance and repair of household appliances and electri-
cal devices
Table 2: Sample of AI Impact Evaluation on work activities from the experts.
Sector Description Expert evaluation
Social and Health Services Implementation of clown therapy interventions 1
Tourism Services Operational management of bathing services 2
Tourism Services Operational management of ski slopes and implementation of
rescue interventions
Printing and Publishing Handcrafted production of prints using lithographic processes 3
Printing and Publishing Digital archiving of the publishing house’s documentary her-
(SVM), in order to estimate the impact of AI on work
activities. Among the various models tested (see Fig-
ure 1), those that showed the best performance were
selected for subsequent analysis. The performances,
computed on the test set and reported in table 3 indi-
cate that the Gradient Boosting model performs best,
with an R² of 0.417, meaning it explains 41.7% of the
variance in the data. The Gradient Boosting model
utilizes XGBoost. Key parameters include the num-
ber of trees (100), which dictates the ensemble’s size,
and the learning rate (0.1), controlling how much
each tree contributes to the model. The regularization
(Lambda: 10) adds penalties to prevent overfitting,
and the depth of trees (10) controls tree complexity,
balancing model expressiveness and overfitting risk.
Subsampling parameters are set to 1.0, meaning the
entire dataset and all features are used at each step.
Table 3: Comparison of model performance metrics evalu-
ated on the test set.
Gradient Boosting 0.400 0.633 0.490 0.417
Linear Regression 0.494 0.703 0.641 0.282
Neural Network 0.703 0.838 0.635 -0.022
SVM 0.503 0.709 0.587 0.268
Based on the estimates obtained through models,
work activities were classified according to their rel-
ative AI impact. Activities were divided into cat-
egories, including areas with high impact (score >
3.5), medium impact (score > 2 and 3.5), and low
impact (score > 1 and < 2). This categorization pro-
vides a clear overview of AI’s influence on different
work activities and sectors.
The results of the analysis provided a detailed
overview of the impact of AI on work activities across
various economic sectors.
5.0.1 AI Impact
Initially, we examined the number of activities classi-
fied based on AI impact, distinguishing between high
impact (category A), medium impact (category B),
and low impact (category C). The results indicate that
the most significant number of activities fall into cat-
egory B (564 activities), followed by category C (254
activities), while category A includes 84 activities.
Analyzing the industry sectors and their respec-
tive areas of activity with significant AI impact, data
shows considerable variation across sectors (Table
4). For instance, in the ”Digital Services” sec-
tor, most ADA (63.64%) are classified as high im-
pact; in ”Printing and Publishing” and ”Construction”
45.45% and 4.17%, respectively. The strong AI pres-
ence in ICT related services drives demand for spe-
cific skills such as programming, data analysis, and
AI itself. Sectors with medium AI impact, like print-
ing and manufacturing, require professionals to adapt
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: The text mining process to evaluate the AI impact on all the area of activities. The process begins with document
embedding using SBERT
, followed by a data split for training and testing. Four models (Neural Network, Gradient Boost-
ing, Support Vector Machine, and Linear Regression) are trained and evaluated using test data. The best-performing model
generates predictions, which are output for further analysis.
their skills to optimize work processes using AI tech-
nologies. Even in sectors with limited AI impact, such
as education, professional development must address
digitalization demands, preparing the workforce for
future innovations.
The analysis highlights the need for continuous
adaptation of the education and skill development
system in response to technological evolution. Train-
ing should focus on transversal digital skills, such as
critical thinking, problem-solving, and communica-
tion, in addition to AI-specific skills and their appli-
cations in various sectors (Pedone A. 2024, Conforti
D. 2024).
To complete the study, we explored the link be-
tween digital skills (using the digital skills rate at the
Area of Activity level) and the AI impact on ADA.
A polynomial model was used to calculate the co-
efficient of determination (R²), which measures how
much variation in AI impact is explained by digital
skills. The of 0.2095 indicates that 20% of the
variability in AI impact is explained by digital skills.
The adjusted was 0.2078, suggesting the model is
appropriate and does not overfit. While a correlation
exists, the relatively low R² suggests that other factors
contribute to explaining AI impact variability, indicat-
ing the need for further research (Figure 2).
5.0.2 Digital Services
The analysis of the ICT sector highlights several key
findings. The sector shows a high susceptibility to AI-
driven changes, with a significant portion of activities
impacted by AI. Skill demands are shifting towards
AI-related competencies, with a notable emphasis on
machine learning, NLP, and data analytics. Digital
Figure 2: Digital Skills Rate and AI Impact. The digital
skills rate is represented on the horizontal axis of this scatter
plot, while the vertical axis presents the AI impact.
skills dominate the sector, and soft skills are increas-
ingly valued, especially for roles managing AI. These
insights stress the need for an adaptable ICT work-
force, capable of continuous upskilling to keep pace
with AI advancements (Table 5).
Job postings in 2023 already highlight AI-related
skills such as Apache Spark, Machine Learning, NLP,
Computer Vision, PyTorch, Deep Learning, Keras,
Generative AI, Cognitive Computing, and Large Lan-
guage Modeling. To attract talent in the ICT sector,
it is important to introduce policies focused on up-
skilling and reskilling the workforce. These initiatives
enhance existing employee skills, making the region
more competitive and appealing to potential talent.
Continuous learning ensures that the workforce stays
adaptable, filling skill gaps and positioning the region
as a hub for innovation and professional growth (Gatti
et al., 2022).
Decoding AI’s Evolution Using Big Data: A Methodological Approach
Table 4: AI Impact on the economic sectors.
Industry A (High Impact) B (Medium Im-
C (Low Impact)
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2.00% 58.00% 40.00%
Food production 4.76% 69.05% 26.19%
Wood and furniture 0.00% 21.74% 78.26%
Paper and papermaking 0.00% 75.00% 25.00%
Textiles, clothing, footwear and fashion system 0.00% 27.50% 72.50%
Chemistry 0.00% 76.00% 24.00%
Extraction of gas, oil, coal, minerals and stone processing 0.00% 43.33% 56.67%
Glass, ceramics and building materials 0.00% 28.57% 71.43%
Construction 4.17% 41.67% 54.17%
Mechanics, machine production and maintenance, plant engineering 11.32% 63.21% 25.47%
Transport and logistics 7.35% 89.71% 2.94%
Commercial distribution services 0.00% 90.00% 10.00%
Financial and insurance services 2.08% 81.25% 16.67%
Digital Services 63.64% 36.36% 0.00%
Telecommunication and postal services 38.46% 61.54% 0.00%
Public utilities services 18.18% 68.18% 13.64%
Printing and publishing 45.45% 45.45% 9.09%
Education, training and employment services 9.38% 90.63% 0.00%
Social and health services 4.17% 79.17% 16.67%
Personal services 0.00% 29.41% 70.59%
Recreational and sports services 0.00% 62.50% 37.50%
Cultural and entertainment services 11.11% 64.81% 24.07%
Tourism services 9.68% 83.87% 6.45%
Common area 20.55% 73.97% 5.48%
Table 5: ADA SEP – High AI Impact Digital Services and corresponding digital skills rate.
Area of activity AI Impact Digital Skills Rate
Engineering ICT Systems 4.57 64%
Improving ICT Processes 4.46 20%
Innovation in ICT 4.4 61%
Data Science and Analytics 4.38 34%
Sustainability Management in ICT 4.29 59%
Monitoring Technological Trends 4.23 64%
Information and Knowledge Management 4.23 64%
Problem Management in ICT 4.18 67%
Defining IT Strategy and Aligning with Business 4.16 60%
User Experience Design 3.95 63%
Application Development 3.8 63%
Developing Cybersecurity Strategy 3.62 47%
Providing ICT Services 3.57 66%
Supporting System Changes and Evolutions 3.55 72%
5.0.3 Telecommunications
In the telecommunications sector, AI significantly im-
pacts work activities, as shown by the digital skill rate
of area of activity analyzed for this SEP (Table 6).
The highest AI impact is seen in Network Architec-
ture Design and Planning (5.00), requiring a 26% dig-
ital skill rate. Installation, Configuration, and Testing
of TLC Systems have a high AI impact (4.64) with an
18% digital skill rate. Network Management and Su-
pervision also show significant AI impact (4.18) with
a 26% digital skill rate. Conversely, Online Shipping
Service Programming has a lower AI impact (3.88)
with a 19% digital skill rate, while TLC System Main-
tenance Assistance has a moderate AI impact (3.87)
with an 8% digital skill rate.
Job postings in the telecommunications sector
highlight the demand for AI-related skills, such as
Machine Learning, K-Means Clustering, Deep Learn-
ing, and Natural Language Processing. Technologies
like Apache Spark, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras
are widely adopted, emphasizing the need for skills in
data analysis, ICT system management, and project
management methodologies.
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 6: ADA SEP – Telecommunications and Postal Services with High AI Impact and Corresponding Digital Skills Rate.
Area of activity AI Impact Digital Skills Rate
Network Architecture Design and Planning 5.00 26%
Installation, Configuration, and Testing of TLC Systems 4.64 18%
Management, Supervision, and Control of TLC System Components and Networks 4.18 26%
Programming and Control of Online Shipping Services 3.88 19%
Assistance/Maintenance of TLC Systems 3.87 8%
5.0.4 Mechatronic
In the mechatronic, AI integration is revolutionizing
several operational activities (Table 7). Key areas
include programming and automating electronic sys-
tems, utilizing AI platforms to optimize production
processes, and improving assembly line efficiency. AI
solutions in electrical/electronic installation on boats
integrate smart sensors and control algorithms, en-
hancing system safety and reliability. Aerospace sec-
tor AI optimizes production of components and ve-
hicles through advanced modeling and virtual sim-
ulations. Building automation systems use machine
learning algorithms to optimize energy consumption
and occupant comfort.
Job postings in this sector frequently mention
roles such as electromechanics, industrial engineers,
telecommunication technicians, and aerospace engi-
neers. Skills in Machine Learning, Apache Spark,
Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing
are highly sought after, indicating a growing need for
AI competencies to enhance automation, safety, and
efficiency in industrial and electronic systems.
The analysis investigated AI’s impact across various
labour segments in the Atlante del Lavoro using on-
line job vacancies. Results revealed differing AI im-
pacts, categorized as high, medium, and low, with a
correlation between digital skills and AI impact on
work activities. Analysis of selected sectors focused
on high-impact area of activities, identifying key pro-
fessions and AI-related skills. A clear distinction
was found between AI application roles, which re-
quire digital literacy and domain-specific expertise,
and AI development roles, which demand specialized
skills like Python, SQL, and machine learning. These
findings underscore the varied skillsets needed across
AI’s influence on the labour market.
In Digital Services, AI automates repetitive tasks,
requiring new skills for designing intelligent appli-
cations like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and
data analysis tools. In telecommunications, AI auto-
mates network management, enhances customer in-
teractions through NLP, and improves predictive ana-
lytics for network maintenance. In the mechatronics
sector, AI-driven robots boost efficiency, and machine
learning predicts equipment failures, while simulators
optimize production processes and predictive mainte-
nance reduces downtime. In addressing the feasibil-
ity of satisfying the required shift in skills, it is im-
portant to acknowledge the gap between the demand
for advanced AI skills, such as deep learning, and the
realistic capacity for most workers to acquire them.
While reskilling efforts can help non-technical work-
ers adopt AI-related competencies, expecting a sig-
nificant portion of the workforce to master complex
areas like deep learning is unrealistic. Recent studies
suggest that non-technical workers are better suited to
focus on skills such as AI collaboration, data literacy,
and problem-solving, which are more attainable and
still highly relevant in an AI-driven environment (see
(Whelan and Redmond, 2024)).
The study has limitations, such as potential bi-
ases from relying on online job vacancies and over-
looking future AI advancements. The analysis is not
exhaustive across sectors, and digital skills measure-
ment may miss emerging trends. Expert evaluations
introduce subjectivity, and the study’s focus on a spe-
cific timeframe and region limits broader applicabil-
ity. Economic shifts and sectoral AI adoption rates
are not fully considered. However, the study empha-
sizes the need for investment in training programs,
identifying two key skill areas: technical competen-
cies for AI system development and general skills for
AI adoption and interaction.
Simone Perego handled data preprocessing and
preparation for online job posting datasets. Sophie
Gvasalia performed data extraction and linked the At-
lante del Lavoro dataset with job postings. Mauro
Pelucchi implemented data mining and model selec-
tion. Rita Porcelli curated the manuscript and synthe-
sized policy-relevant insights.
Decoding AI’s Evolution Using Big Data: A Methodological Approach
Table 7: ADA SEP – Mechatronic with High AI Impact and Corresponding Digital Skills Rate.
Area of activity AI Impact Digital Skills Rate
Programming Electronic Systems for Automation Control 4.53 17%
Installation of Electrical/Electronic Systems on Boats 3.82 7%
Manual and Automated Machine Forming 3.75 0%
Installation and Repair of TV Reception and Signal Systems 3.75 0%
Designing Renewable Energy Source (RES) Systems 3.73 27%
System Integration for Optimizing Aerospace Components and Vehicles Production 3.73 25%
Customer Installation, Commissioning, and Testing 3.71 12%
Design of Thermohydraulic Systems (e.g., civil, industrial, HVAC) 3.69 27%
Installation/Maintenance of Industrial Electrical Systems 3.61 14%
Management and Improvement of Aerospace Production Processes and Logistics 3.61 21%
Building Automation Systems Setup and Management 3.59 26%
Installation/Maintenance of Civil and Commercial Electrical Systems 3.57 11%
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KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval