Safety Assessment of Human-Robot Collaborations Using Failure Mode
and Effects Analysis and Bow-Tie Analysis
Abdelrhman Haggy, Abel K. Philip, Sneha Rose Priya Jacob, Juliane Schneider,
Mohammed Marwan Anchukandan, Philipp Kranz
and Marian Daun
Center for Robotics, Technical University of Applied Sciences W
urzburg-Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt, Germany
Human Robot Collaboration, Safety Analysis, Risk Analysis, Bow-Tie, Hazard Analysis, Failure Modes and
Effects Analysis.
Human-Robot collaboration is seen as chance to flexibilize modern production processes. The close interaction
of humans and robots allows for fast semi-automation of process steps that cannot be fully automated or only at
high cost. However, due to the close vicinity and complex interactions between human and robot establishing
safety is challenging. Robotic safety is largely centered on machine safety and does not consider effects
stemming from the runtime application. This paper investigates the use of failure mode and effects analysis
and Bow-Tie Analysis for assessing the safety of human-robot collaborations. We applied the combined safety
assessment approach to an industrial case example of a collaborative assembly process. Results show that
safety analyses are applicable and particularly, the combination of top-down bow-tie and bottom-up failure
mode and effects analysis is promising for the thorough assessment of dynamic human-robot collaboration
Human-robot collaboration (HRC) systems differ
from conventional industrial robots in the type of in-
teraction between humans and robots. Collaborative
robots (i.e. cobots) can be designed to work in close
vicinity to humans and share a common workspace.
This involves a variety of potential hazards that need
to be identified, analyzed and mitigated in a struc-
tured approach. However, currently safety assessment
for robotic systems mostly relies on the assessment of
the machine, not considering the dynamic interaction
with the human (Berx et al., 2022).
In practice, safety and risk assessments for HRC
systems are primarily based on ISO 12100, ISO
10218 and ISO 31000, which provide comprehen-
sive guidelines for identifying, assessing and mitigat-
ing risks. In addition, safety standards of other do-
mains often demand thorough safety assessment al-
ready at the conceptual state of development, but are
not used in the robotics field. Corresponding methods
such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) are widely used and
for safety and risk assessment (Cristea and Constan-
tinescu, 2017). Other safety analysis methods, such
as Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) and
Hazard and Risk Assessment (HARA), have already
been applied in the field of HRC. Although HAZOP
may not fully address systemic flaws or human errors,
while HARA evaluates risks but may not fully recog-
nize associated failures.
In this paper, we investigate whether a combina-
tion of Bow-Tie Analysis and FMEA is useful to as-
sess the safety of HRC systems, and can adequately
consider the human component, as well as the in-
teraction between human and robot. Thereby, Bow-
Tie Analysis shall provide a comprehensive visualiza-
tion of risk paths, while calculation of the RPN (risk
priority number) from the FMEA enables a detailed
bottom-up assessment of specific failure modes. The
combination is employed in the context of a collabo-
rative assembly application.
The paper is outlined as follows: Section 2 dis-
cusses the related work. Based on this, the approach
is introduced to integrate FMEA and Bow-Tie Analy-
sis for evaluating the safety of human-robot collabora-
tions in Section 3. The approach is evaluated through
its application to an industrial case study in Section 4.
To this end, Section 5 concludes the paper.
Haggy, A., Philip, A., Jacob, S., Schneider, J., Anchukandan, M., Kranz, P. and Daun, M.
Safety Assessment of Human-Robot Collaborations Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis and Bow-Tie Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0013017500003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 1, pages 432-439
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Safety and Risk Assessment
There are various standards that serve as guidelines
for safety assessment and risk reduction.
ISO 12100 contains comprehensive guidelines for
the risk assessment and risk reduction of machines
and industrial robots (iso, 2010). The standard fo-
cuses on the identification of potential hazards, the
assessment and evaluation of risks and the implemen-
tation of suitable risk reduction measures.
Another relevant standard is ISO 10218, which
deals with the safety of industrial robots and robot
systems (iso, 2011). It defines specific requirements
for the design, integration and implementation of
robotic systems to ensure safe operations in industrial
environments. It also contains special guidelines for
risk assessment in human-robot interaction.
ISO 31000 describes principles and guidelines for
risk management in various industries (iso, 2018).
Although the standard does not refer specifically to
robotics, it provides guidance on identifying, assess-
ing and mitigating risks in complex industrial pro-
cesses. It also describes a comprehensive approach
to risk management that is applicable to different or-
ganizational contexts.
2.2 Safety and Risk Assessment
In industrial safety and risk assessment, various meth-
ods are used to ensure the safety and reliability of sys-
tems. These methods can be classified into two princi-
pal categories: bottom-up and top-down approaches.
In contrast to the bottom-up approach, which ini-
tially identifies safety risks at the most granular level
and subsequently aggregates these risks, the top-down
method initiates the process at the system level and
progressively breaks down the risks into more specific
categories. The approaches can be used individually
or in combination to analyze potential risks.
Probably the most frequently used bottom-up
method is FMEA, which guarantees that potential
faults within a system are found and the impact of
those faults on the overall performance of the system
is analyzed. FMEA improves the robustness of the
system by highlighting important elements and pro-
cedures which need tighter control. (Liu et al., 2019).
Another well-known technique is Hazard and Op-
erability Analysis (HAZOP). The method deals sys-
tematically with process deviations and their possible
consequences for identifying and assessing potential
hazards that exist within the industrial process. HA-
ZOP makes sure all possible risks are accounted for
and managed accordingly. (Reddy, 2015)
Aside from the bottom-up methods, there are also
well-known methods such as Fault Tree Analysis
(FTA), which follows a top-down approach to esti-
mate the probability of certain failures in the system.
It makes logical interconnections between the possi-
ble causes that might lead to system-wide failure and
calculates their probability of occurrence, a structured
way of understanding and mitigating risks. (Ruijters
and Stoelinga, 2015).
One method that uses both bottom-up and top-
down is the Bow-Tie Analysis, which brings together
FTA and Event Tree Analysis in a flexible way. It
represents a multimedia approach, where the routes
from possible causes of a hazard to its potential con-
sequences are diagrammed out through preventive
and mitigative barriers. The technique identifies the
cause-and-effect relationship, hence indicating the in-
tervention points on which effective prevention or
mitigation of risk can take place. (Tait and Edwards,
2.3 Safety and Risk Assessment in
Human-Robot Collaboration
In their study, Lee and Yamada focus on the integra-
tion of FTA and FMEA for the design of safety func-
tions in robots that collaborate with humans (Lee and
Yamada, 2012). With their method, they determine
the safety integrity level required for the system, per-
form risk assessments to identify potential failures,
and show the design of safety functions that comply
with the determined safety integrity level. This ap-
proach is illustrated by the case study of the skill as-
sist system, an assistive device used in manufactur-
ing and social settings. The proposed methodology is
limited to the design of the safety function for system
failures and cannot be directly applied to other safety
functions that can prevent dangerous events caused by
human factors.
Zacharaki et al. give an overview of safety bound-
aries in human-robot interaction. They focus on the
aspects related to safe interactions between humans
and robots (Zacharaki et al., 2020). The overview
highlights various safety techniques, such as safety
zones, real-time monitoring or dynamic safety bound-
aries. These methods help to prevent accidents in col-
laborative workspaces and strengthen trust between
humans and collaborative robots. In their work, ex-
isting safety analysis techniques were examined and
compared but not actively applied.
In their paper, Huck et al. mention that the risk
Safety Assessment of Human-Robot Collaborations Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis and Bow-Tie Analysis
assessment of industrial robots in practice is often
based on experience, expert knowledge and check-
lists. However, with the growth of HRC, complexity
increases, making risk assessment more difficult. Sci-
entific developments offer new tools and methods to
support these assessments, but these are rarely used in
industry. Their paper analyzes the literature on inno-
vative risk assessment approaches for HRC and eval-
uates interviews with experts to understand the needs
of the industry. They discuss the challenges that need
to be addressed to implement these new approaches
in practice. Many of the approaches proposed in the
literature are too complex and are difficult or impossi-
ble to transfer to individual use cases and lack proper
validation (Huck et al., 2021).
A further field towards safety assessment of
human-robot collaborations is the use of model-based
techniques. In previous work, it has been shown that
goal models adapted for the needs of collaborative
systems (Daun et al., 2021), can be a good means
to support safety assessment of human-robot collab-
orations (Daun et al., 2023). Particularly, a dedi-
cated goal modeling profile (Manjunath et al., 2024)
allows documenting safety hazards, mitigation strate-
gies, and dependencies between these in early stages.
However, this does not replace a structured safety as-
sessment process.
In this paper, we investigate the use of Bow-Tie Anal-
ysis in combination with FMEA to support safety as-
sessment of HRC. The goal behind this combination
is to achieve a thorough risk assessment framework
that encompasses both top-down, system-level hazard
identification and bottom-up, component-level failure
3.1 Rationale for Integrating Bow-Tie
Analysis and FMEA
Through the integration of Bow-Tie Analysis and
FMEA two complementary approaches are com-
bined. Bow-Tie Analysis is a top-down approach
which visualizes the potential hazards and their re-
spective consequences leading to a clear overview of
the risk landscape. Overall, Bow-Tie helps in under-
standing the broad context of risks and is used for
the identification of critical control measures. On the
other hand, the FMEA with its RPN ranking provides
the possibility of clearly presenting the level of risks.
The integration of these two methods enables a com-
prehensive approach to safety analysis that incorpo-
rates the broad identification and visualization of risks
through the Bow-Tie Analysis and the risk analysis
using the RPN score from the FMEA. This hybrid
method improves both the range and detail of risk as-
sessment, leading to better safety management.
In the aerospace industry, for example, Bow-Tie
Analysis first identifies a hazardous risk such as an in-
flight engine failure. It examines possible causes such
as bird strikes and considers potential consequences
such as an emergency landing. FMEA is then utilized
to focus on specific components of the engine to iden-
tify failure modes and suggest mitigation strategies,
such as using more resilient materials. (Sharma and
Srivastava, 2018)
3.2 Methodology
For the combination of Bow-Tie Analysis and FMEA,
two artifacts are essential: The hazard evaluation tem-
plate and the bow-tie diagram.
The hazard evaluation template is a structured
template to address and evaluate each hazard. This
template includes an introduction that provides an
overview and context for the hazard within the sys-
Bow-tie diagrams visually map the hazard and
its associated risk factors. This involves identifying
threats, escalation factors that could worsen the sit-
uation, and possible consequences if the hazard oc-
curs. Additionally, preventive and mitigating con-
trols currently in place are documented. The bow-
tie diagram as can be seen in Figure 1 visually rep-
resents the relationships among the hazard, threats,
controls, and consequences, enhancing understand-
ing and communication of risk pathways and control
measures. Note, that various different graphical rep-
resentations of bow-tie diagrams have been proposed
(cf. (de Ruijter and Guldenmund, 2016)). In this pa-
per, we focus on the basic form of bow-tie diagrams
to avoid increasing complexity on the diagram-level
and to investigate the fitting of Bow-Tie Analysis to
support safety assessment of HRC in general.
After completing the Bow-Tie Analysis, FMEA
is applied for a detailed risk assessment. The Risk
Priority Number (RPN) is obtained as combination
of Severity, Occurence, and Undetectability (Afefy,
Severity (S): The potential impact or seriousness
of a failure on the system is evaluated. Higher
severity means more significant consequences.
Occurrence (O): This assesses how likely it is for a
particular failure to happen. A higher occurrence
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 1: Bow-tie diagram for hazard analysis.
Figure 2: Safety assessment process.
rate indicates that the failure is more frequent.
Detectability (D): This measure the ability to
identify or detect a potential failure before it oc-
curs. Lower detectability rating signifies a higher
difficulty of detecting the failure in advance.
3.3 Safety Assessment Process
The proposed safety assessment process consists of
five steps, which are depicted in Figure 2. The follow-
ing section provides a detailed explanation of each of
the aforementioned steps.
Step 1: Hazard Identification and Categorization
The process starts with a thorough review of
the operational workflow. To organize the
Note that for Severity and Occurrence, the higher the
probability, the higher the value; conversely, for Detectabil-
ity, the higher the probability, the lower the value. In this
work, therefore, the term Undetectability (the probability of
the failure being undetected before it causes harm) is used
instead of Detectability to avoid confusion and hence main-
tain a consistent order in the evaluation.
efforts, a framework is employed that cate-
gorizes hazards into three main categories -
Human-related, Cobot-related, and Collaborative
workspace-related. These categories are adapted
from (Berx et al., 2022), excluding the ’External’
and ’Enterprise’ categories as they are not the fo-
cus of this research. These chosen categories, in-
formed by on-site observations, allow to system-
atically collect and address potential hazards.
Step 2: Bow-Tie Analysis
Once the hazards are identified, Bow-Tie Anal-
ysis is used to map the potential causes and their
respective consequences arising from a central un-
desired event. A common hazard in HRC that
could be identified as such an event is: ”Trapping
and Crushing between Robot and Fixed Struc-
tures. The elements of the Bow-Tie Analysis
would then be the following:
Top Event: ”Trapping and Crushing between
Robot and Fixed Structures” which could con-
siderably impact the safety of the workspace.
Threats and Consequences: Map out the pri-
mary threats leading to the top event, such
as unexpected robot movements and failure of
safety mechanisms. The consequences in this
case are human injury and loss of trust in tech-
Control Measures and Mitigation: Documented
existing preventive controls (measures to pre-
vent threats from causing the top event) and
mitigative controls (measures to reduce the im-
pact if the top event occurs). For example, in-
stalling safety sensors and emergency stop but-
tons, implementing safety zones and barriers,
and conducting regular safety audits and main-
Step 3: Analyzing the Bow-tie Results with RPN
This step involves quantifying the risks associ-
ated with each identified threat by evaluating their
Severity, Occurrence, and Undetectability. Using
these ratings, the RPN for each threat is calcu-
lated. The RPN helps prioritize the identified haz-
ards based on their potential impact on the assem-
bly process.
Step 4: Prioritization and Mitigation
High-priority risks are addressed first by imple-
menting additional control measures or improving
existing ones. For example, to address the threat
of ’Unexpected human entry into the robot’s path,
more robust access control measures are imple-
mented, such as ‘Setting up safety zones using
physical barriers’ and ‘Installation and regular
testing of emergency stop switches’.
Safety Assessment of Human-Robot Collaborations Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis and Bow-Tie Analysis
Step 5: Observation and Documentation
All findings from Bow-Tie Analysis and FMEA
are documented in comprehensive templates, de-
tailing the threats, consequences, control mea-
sures, and RPN calculations.
4.1 Case Study
As case study for evaluating the applicability of the
approach, a collaborative toy truck assembly was
chosen. The system has a virtual separation of
workspaces, dividing the area into distinct zones for
human operators, collaborative tasks, and robotic op-
erations. Step-by-step assembly instructions are pro-
jected onto the human workspace to provide real-time
A control interface starts the assembly process,
tracks the completion of each step, and moves on to
the next. The system also ensures precise compo-
nent placement during each assembly step. Addition-
ally, quality control is maintained through an over-
head camera system that continuously monitors the
assembly process.
The assembly procedure begins with the human
operator initiating the process by pressing a start but-
ton. In the component placement phase (Coexis-
tence Mode), the robot places the truck parts load car-
rier, cabin, and chassis in an assembly bracket while
the human operator simultaneously prepares the axle
holders. During the collaborative assembly phase
(Collaboration Mode), the robot assists by position-
ing each axle on the base of the truck and holding it
in place. Finally, once the truck is fully assembled,
it is removed from the collaborative workspace and
placed in a designated area for completed assemblies.
4.2 Results
In this section, examples from the application results
are shown. This section is structured according to the
identified three main categories of safety hazards for
human robot collaboration: ’Human’, ’Robot’, and
’Collaborative Workspace’.
4.2.1 Human-Related Hazards
Examples of Identified Hazards:
Hazard 1: Human Error - Human error can lead to
mistakes in decision-making and task execution.
Hazard 2: Inadequate Communication - Inade-
quate communication can cause misunderstand-
ings and misinterpretations.
Hazard 3: Non-Compliance with Safety Proce-
dures - Non-compliance with safety procedures
can increase the risk of accidents and injuries.
Bow-Tie Analysis for Human-Related Hazards: In
this example, the hazard of Human error is ana-
lyzed. The Bow-tie diagram in figure 3 shows the key
hazard and the main contributing factors and their re-
spective controls. On the left side of the diagram, var-
ious causes of human error are identified, each paired
with appropriate control measures to minimize their
occurrence. These include inadequate training, high
stress levels, fatigue, and poor communication, which
are controlled through comprehensive training pro-
grams, stress management initiatives, shift rotations
and breaks, and clear communication protocols, re-
spectively. On the right side of the diagram, the poten-
tial consequences of human error are detailed along
with their mitigations. These consequences, such as
increased risk of accidents, decreased productivity,
higher error rates, and decreased employee morale,
are addressed through regular safety drills, monitor-
ing and feedback systems, error-proofing measures,
and a supportive work environment.
Identified causes and controls:
Cause 1: Inadequate Training - controlled by
Comprehensive Training Programs
Cause 2: High stress levels - controlled by Stress
Management Programs
Cause 3: Fatigue - controlled by Shift Rotations
and Breaks
Cause 4: Poor communication - controlled by
Clear Communication Protocols
Identified consequences and mitigations:
Consequence 1: Increased Risk of Accidents -
mitigated by Regular Safety Drills
Consequence 2: Decreased Productivity - miti-
gated by Monitoring and Feedback Systems
Consequence 3: Higher Error Rates - mitigated by
Error-Proofing Measures
Consequence 4: Decreased Employee Morale -
mitigated by supportive Work Environment
4.2.2 Robot-Related Hazards
Examples of Identified Hazards:
Hazard 1: Mechanical Failure - Breakdowns or
malfunctions of robotic components, such as mo-
tors or actuators, which can lead to unintended
movements or complete stoppages.
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 3: Bow-tie diagram for human-related hazard.
Hazard 2: Software Bugs - Errors in the robot’s
software that could cause the robot to perform un-
intended actions, potentially leading to unsafe sit-
Hazard 3: Inadequate Maintenance - Lack of reg-
ular maintenance and inspections, which can re-
sult in deteriorating performance and increased
likelihood of failures or malfunctions.
Bow-Tie Analysis for Robot-Related Hazards: In this
example, the focus is on mechanical failure. The dia-
gram in figure 4 highlights the various causes, such as
wear and tear, lack of maintenance, overloading, and
manufacturing defects, and the corresponding con-
trols like condition monitoring systems, regular main-
tenance schedules, load sensors, and quality control in
manufacturing. The consequences of mechanical fail-
ure include unintended robot movements, interruption
of the work process, damage to workpieces, and in-
jury to personnel. These are mitigated by emergency
stop mechanisms, redundant systems, safety barriers,
and operator training.
Identified causes and controls:
Cause 1: Wear and Tear - controlled by Condition
Monitoring Systems
Cause 2: Lack of Maintenance - controlled by
Regular Maintenance Schedules
Cause 3: Overloading - controlled by Load Sen-
Cause 4: Manufacturing Defects - controlled by
Quality Control in Manufacturing
Identified consequences and mitigations:
Consequence 1: Unintended Robot Movements -
mitigated by Emergency Stop Mechanisms
Consequence 2: Interruption of the work process
- mitigated by Redundant Systems
Consequence 3: Damage to Workpieces - miti-
gated by Safety Barriers
Consequence 4: Injury to Personnel - mitigated
by Operator Training
4.2.3 Collaborative Workspace Hazards
Examples of Identified Hazards:
Hazard 1: Sudden stops in movement - Unex-
pected halts in the robot’s motion can lead to col-
lisions or injuries.
Hazard 2: Unpredictable movements - Robots
performing unplanned actions can create haz-
ardous situations for nearby workers.
Hazard 3: Trapping and crushing between robot
and fixed structures - Limited space can lead to
workers getting trapped or crushed between the
robot and fixed structures, causing severe injuries.
To better understand and manage these hazards, a
Bow-Tie Analysis was conducted for each category.
This method provides a visual representation of the
pathways from causes to a central hazard and then
to consequences, along with associated controls and
Safety Assessment of Human-Robot Collaborations Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis and Bow-Tie Analysis
Figure 4: Bow-tie diagram for robot-related hazard.
Bow-Tie Analysis for Collaborative Workspace
Hazards: In this example, the hazard of ’Trapping
and Crushing’ is examined. The Bow-tie in figure 5
shows the causes including unexpected robot move-
ments, missing or incorrect safety zones, unexpected
human entry into the safety zone, and failure of safety
mechanisms. Controls such as regular maintenance
and calibration, setting up and checking safety zones,
employee training, and installation and testing of
safety mechanisms are identified. Consequences of
trapping and crushing include blood loss, interruption
of the work process, loss of trust in workplace safety,
and legal and financial consequences. These are
mitigated through first aid and medical care, repair
and maintenance, communication and safety analysis,
and accident investigation.
Identified causes and controls:
Cause 1: Unexpected robot movements - con-
trolled by Regular maintenance and calibration
Cause 2: Missing or incorrect safety zones - con-
trolled by Setting up and regularly checking safety
Cause 3: Unexpected human entry into the safety
zone - controlled by Employee training
Cause 4: Failure of safety mechanisms - con-
trolled by Installation and regular testing of Safety
Identified consequences and mitigations:
Consequence 1: Blood loss: Potentially more se-
rious if larger blood vessels are affected - miti-
gated by First aid kit, First responder, Medical
Consequence 2: Interruption of the work process
- mitigated by Repair and maintenance
Consequence 3: Loss of trust: loss of employee
trust in the safety of the workplace - mitigated by
Communication, Statement, Safety analysis
Consequence 4: Legal and financial consequences
- mitigated by Accident investigation
For human-robot collaborations safety is a vital con-
cern. Due to the close proximity of operation and the
overlapping working spaces, multiple safety hazards
arise. Therefore, thorough safety assessment is in-
evitable. However, in literature only few approaches
for safety assessment of human-robot collaborations
do exist. In addition, reports of application of tradi-
tional safety analysis are also only published sparsely.
Therefore, in this paper, we report on the applica-
tion of a combination of FMEA and Bow-Tie anal-
ysis for early safety assessment of human-robot col-
laborations using an industrial case example from the
manufacturing domain.
Our study shows that the integration of the Bow-
Tie Analysis with the RPN calculation from FMEA
provides a detailed safety and risk assessment in HRC
environments. By combining the top-down visualiza-
tion and detail of the Bow-Tie Analysis with bottom-
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 5: Bow-tie diagram for collaborative workspace hazard.
up classification of the risk level by the RPN calcula-
tion, it is possible to systematically identify, analyze
and address potential hazards in a collaborative as-
sembly process.
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Safety Assessment of Human-Robot Collaborations Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis and Bow-Tie Analysis