and RL steering methods for path tracking. The goal
was to determine whether RL speed control could
enhance and balance tracking accuracy (safety) and
speed (time efficiency) compared to simpler model-
based speed controllers. We also evaluated whether
there was any benefit in performing speed control si-
multaneously with steering control, rather than se-
quentially, in our scenarios. Results revealed several
key insights depending on the steering controls used:
• Model-Based Steering: A and VC demonstrated
significant improvements in reducing lateral er-
rors when combined with Pure Pursuit (PP) and
EBSF, but at the cost of reduced speed. The pre-
dictability of the model-based steering was crucial
for the RL speed agents to perform effectively.
• RL Steering: Sequentially with RL steering,
methods (A,AC,VC) underperformed compared
to A
re f
. The predictability of A
re f
aided RL steer-
ing, but this advantage was lost with RL speed
controls. Similarly, learning of simultaneous con-
trols proved challenging, indicating the need for
further refinement for effective joint control.
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hance safety and reduce lateral errors when combined
with model-based steering, their benefits may be lim-
ited for simple tracking scenarios. However, using
RL to learn acceleration control remains interesting,
especially when requiring an additional safety layer
on poorly performing steering controllers. In future
work, we will focus on real-world testing and explore
fine-tuning the agent to address sim-to-real issues.
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Does Path Tracking Benefit from Sequential or Simultaneous RL Speed Controls?