ing a genetic algorithm (GA) with the individual
chromosomes, each within and controlling separate
agents. Standard GAs (Holland, 1975) consist of a
population of individuals that are intended to be a so-
lution to a given problem. The traits of these individ-
uals are encoded in chromosomes, which in our case
are constructed from a sequence of 0s and 1s so that
genetic operations such as crossover and mutation can
easily operate on them. In general, new individuals
are evolved by finding a fitness value for each cur-
rent individual, from which the highest scoring indi-
viduals are chosen as the basis for the next generation.
When two individuals reproduce, crossover is used to
combine their chromosomes into a new chromosome,
which is then used to create a new individual to be in-
troduced into the population. Our GA differs from a
standard GA, as instead of consisting of a population
of chromosomes, our GA consists of a population of
agents, each with its own set of chromosomes. In our
simulation, agents only reproduce when they are in
close proximity to each other; our simulation relies
on the fact that agents that are physically distant from
each other will reproduce less, if at all, regardless of
any other factors.
This paper presents our results for modifying the
previous GA developed by Parker and Edwards to
remove various arbitrary factors, reduce the amount
of knowledge individuals have during reproduction,
reduce knowledge of potential mates’ primary char-
acteristics, and not arbitrarily penalize mating with
agents of different sizes (Parker and Edwards, 2019).
All of these changes are intended to make our system
better represent biological systems. Although we pre-
sumed these changes would result in less successful
speciation due to agents having less information for
decision making, we found that it instead removed the
existence of cross-species hybrids after speciation.
The motivation for this work is to both test biolog-
ical theories and to find aspects of speciation that can
be used to improve genetic algorithms. A simulation
that can accurately reflect speciation could provide in-
sight into real evolutionary processes. The current re-
search is solely concerned with replicating speciation.
However, it is possible that what is learned from this
could contribute to the performance of evolutionary
computation due to the species separating naturally
rather than being separated by a similarity function.
This is purely speculation and will be investigated in
a future work after further expansion of this research
into replicating speciation.
Speciation has been partially mimicked in other re-
search that mainly focuses on niching algorithms to
improve the ability of a GA to optimize a multimodal
function (Goldberg and Richardson, 1987). Gener-
ally, niching algorithms function by detecting a pop-
ulation of similar chromosomes and creating niche
populations manually. Although many ways have
been developed to maintain and create niches, we do
not consider them to replicate speciation as each niche
is determined by similar characteristics rather than by
the individuals themselves (Glibovets and Gulayeva,
2013). This artificially creates subpopulations, while
our research presents a possible way for individuals to
develop such subpopulations naturally via their own
mating preferences.
NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies or
NEAT (Stanley and Miikkulainen, 2002) is similar to
our research in that it uses evolution to learn agent
controls and preferences; the learning is in real time,
and speciation is somewhat present. However, like
niching algorithms, NEAT uses a compatibility func-
tion to determine if two agents are part of the same
species instead of the agents themselves determining
what agents they interact with. That is not to say
this process does not have a basis in nature, how-
ever, since structurally different organisms are gen-
erally different species, regardless of the preference
of those organisms. NEAT uses historical data for
an agent to determine which gene corresponds to an-
other gene and which agents belong to which species.
Another feature of NEAT is fitness sharing, this pro-
cess allows agents of a similar species to share fitness
payoff, decreasing competition inside a species while
keeping high competition with other species. The sys-
tem described in this paper has a different goal; we
want species to develop naturally through reproduc-
tive isolation. Instead of restricting mating via a pro-
grammed function, the agents themselves will choose
not to mate with agents that have diverged into a dif-
ferent species. Additionally, the simulation does not
make agents share fitness payoff, although resource
scarcity tends to force one species to dominate its own
area. As fitness payoff is not shared between agents
of the same species, agents compete for food with all
other agents, regardless of species membership. This
encourages the formation of new species and the mu-
tation of existing species, as there is no advantage to
remain a part of an existing dominant species beyond
an increased chance of finding a compatible mate.
The work done on simulating allopatric specia-
tion focused on using purely biological processes to
optimize a GA. Unlike the Speciation Island Mode
Using Secondary Inherited Characteristics During Reproductive Choice to Replicate Allopatric Speciation