Online Match Prediction in Shogi Using Deep Convolutional Neural
Jim O’Connor and Melanie Fernández
Department of Computer Science, Connecticut College, New London, U.S.A.
Shogi, Deep Learning, Classification, Evaluation Function, Dynamic Match Prediction.
This paper presents a novel approach to online evaluation of shogi games using Deep Convolutional Neural
Networks (DCNNs). Shogi, a complex deterministic abstract strategy game, poses unique challenges due to its
extensive game tree and the dynamic nature of piece movement, including the ability to play captured pieces.
Traditional methods of game evaluation for shogi rely on either expert knowledge and handcrafted heuristics,
or prohibitively high computational costs and limited scalability. Our method promotes a unique dataset
of shogi game records and SFEN (Forsyth Edward Notation) strings to convert board positions into binary
representations, which are then fed into a DCNN. The DCNN architecture, tailored for shogi board analysis,
consists of convolutional and fully connected layers culminating in a binary classification output indicating a
winning or losing position. Training the DCNN on approximately one million board states resulted in an 82.7%
classification accuracy on a validation set. Our approach allows for online single board evaluation, while
offering a computationally efficient alternative to traditional methods, paving the way for the development
of additional shogi evaluation methods without the need for extensive expert knowledge or computational
The development of intelligent agents to play de-
terministic abstract strategy games, such as shogi,
chess, and Go, has long been a cornerstone of ar-
tificial intelligence (AI) research. These games of-
fer an invaluable platform for probing the limits of
computational strategies and the development of ad-
vanced AI techniques. Among these games, shogi,
with its rich strategic depth and complex game me-
chanics, stands out as a particularly challenging do-
main. This complexity, coupled with the unique el-
ements of piece promotion and the ability to drop
captured pieces, underscores the need for innovative
approaches in AI game analysis and strategy devel-
opment. Historically, the quest to master strategic
games through computation has evolved dramatically,
from early heuristic-based engines to sophisticated
algorithms capable of achieving superhuman perfor-
mance. Beginning with pioneering work such as
Arthur Samuel’s ‘Samuel Checkers’ (Samuel, 1959)
and Tesauros ‘TD-Gammon’ (Tesauro, 1995), AI
agents were initially developed to lean heavily on
heuristics and simple learning techniques. These ini-
tial forays into the domain of game agents to con-
quer deterministic abstract strategy games were ex-
tremely successful, but relied in large part on the
simplicity of the particular game at hand. Conse-
quently, researchers were slow to expand this do-
main to more and more complex games. Some no-
table examples of this expansion were the conquering
of Western chess through the development of Deep-
Blue in 1997 (Campbell et al., 2002), and the more
recent success of AlphaGo in the game of Go (Sil-
ver et al., 2016). Although DeepBlue and other con-
temporary strategies relied heavily on hand-crafted
heuristics by expert players for evaluation functions,
the paradigm shift in game choice to the more com-
plex domains of Go and subsequently shogi have been
represented by a move into more complex computa-
tional approaches. This is clear in the current state of
the art programs like AlphaZero (Silver et al., 2018)
and MuZero (Schrittwieser et al., 2020), which em-
ploy deep reinforcement learning to master games of
chess, Go, and shogi. These systems demonstrate the
potential of AI to not only match but exceed the strate-
gic capabilities of the world’s best human players;
however, this efficacy comes at a significant cost of
extensive computational resources and training time.
O’Connor, J. and Fernández, M.
Online Match Prediction in Shogi Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0013018100003837
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2024), pages 600-605
ISBN: 978-989-758-721-4; ISSN: 2184-3236
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Shogi is a deterministic abstract strategy game, some-
times referred to as Japanese chess. In shogi, two
players compete on a 9x9 board (Figure 1) using
a number of pieces that can be easily compared to
chess and chess-variant counterparts; such as knights,
pawns, and kings. Some amount of strategic depth
is added through pieces such as the gold and sil-
ver generals, which can move in directions that are
unique from existing chess pieces. The most mean-
ingful rules difference in shogi for most contexts, is
the drop’ rule. When a piece is captured by an op-
posing player, that piece is then held ’in hand’ by the
player who captured it. On any player’s turn, they
may drop’ a piece that they hold in hand instead of
moving a piece. This recycling of the total pieces on
the board dramatically expands the tree of possible
game moves compared to other similar games, such
as chess. This significantly larger search space is one
of the primary motivations for research using shogi as
a platform for AI agents.
Figure 1: A game of shogi in the starting position. Shogi
is played on a 9x9 board where each player starts with 20
pieces. Enemy pieces that are captured can be played again
by the capturing player on their turn.
The game of shogi itself has had a long and com-
plex history as a goal and domain for artificial in-
telligence research. Although the field of computer
shogi has existed for decades, it wasn’t until land-
mark research and development of Bonanza in 2007
(Takizawa et al., 2015) that a program was able to
play shogi at a competitive professional level. Fur-
ther advancements in computer shogi continued with
the development of various additional heuristic-based
methods such as those developed by Wan (Wan and
Kaneko, 2018) and Grimbergen (Grimbergen, 1997),
which chipped away at the abilities of the top profes-
sional players throughout the next decade. Although
there was a significant amount of success and positive
development during this time, these heuristic-based
methods required extreme amounts of hand-tuning by
domain area experts; only a handful of skilled devel-
opers in the world were able to contribute compet-
itive and consistent results in their engines. To the
contrary, later groundbreaking results in the develop-
ment of a computer shogi agent came through Ope-
nAI’s innovative work on AlphaZero and MuZero,
two agents that learn through self play and Deep Rein-
forcement Learning. These agents are able to achieve
absolutely superhuman levels of performance without
relying on handcrafted heuristics or expert level in-
volvement. However, the computational and temporal
costs associated with this learning technique are pro-
hibitive. Just as the expertise-based costs of the pre-
vious approaches left a competitive agent out of reach
for all but a few researchers and programmers, the
new costs in compute and running time in the state of
the art algorithms by OpenAI have once again left the
development of a competitive agent out of reach for
all but a select few. Our work focuses on a tractable
and necessary part of the game playing ecosystem via
single-board match prediction, and showcases a sim-
ple and effective approach with very low costs utiliz-
ing a novel dataset and the classifying power of Deep
Convolutional Neural Networks.
2.1 Match Prediction in Computer
Within the field of AI for computer game playing,
prediction of match outcomes is generally handled
in gestalt via an evaluation function. An evaluation
function is generally designed for each specific game
or task to act as a heuristic, offering an estimation of a
state’s ’quality’ or ’worth’ in a given problem domain.
In games such as shogi, AI agents begin by mapping
out a game tree with feasible moves through the use of
established algorithms like minimax or Monte Carlo
tree search. These algorithms then leverage the eval-
uation function to gauge the potential success of each
move within the context of the created game tree. The
effectiveness and precision of an evaluation function
are crucial for the performance of AI algorithms, es-
pecially in making decisions.
In the game of shogi, the role of the evaluation
function in AI algorithm development is critical due
to the game’s intricate strategies, the expansive 9x9
Online Match Prediction in Shogi Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
board, and the distinctive mechanism of reusing cap-
tured pieces. Analyzing a board state in shogi in-
volves considering various complex attributes like
material balance, the mobility of pieces, the safety of
the King, control over crucial squares, and the ability
to reintroduce captured pieces onto the board. These
elements together inform the score that the evaluation
function assigns to a board setup. Crafting an eval-
uation function demands thorough knowledge of the
specific problem area and often entails a trade-off be-
tween simplicity for computational speed and accu-
racy for optimal estimations. Although a traditional
evaluation function crafted in this way can be effec-
tive for game-playing agents, the significant overhead
inherent to the evaluation being tightly coupled to the
agent as well as the expert knowledge necessary to
craft a competent evaluation function preclude their
efficacy as a simple method of match prediction.
The latest advancements in shogi AI, exemplified
by systems like AlphaZero and MuZero from Deep-
Mind, mark a departure from traditional, manually
crafted evaluation functions towards those generated
through self-play and reinforcement learning. These
systems learn exclusively from self-play, devoid of
human input, enabling the AI to discover a wide range
of strategies and tactics, some of which might be
unconventional yet highly effective. The evaluation
functions in these models are the result of deep neu-
ral networks trained across countless games of self-
play. This strategy has been extraordinarily success-
ful, propelling these AI to surpass human capabilities
not just in shogi, but also in other complex games like
chess and Go. However, the computational demands
of these innovative approaches have not only signif-
icantly raised the barrier to entry in the forefront of
computer shogi, but also present a meaningful and un-
necessary overhead to online match prediction.
In the past few years, DCNN’s (Deep Convolu-
tional Neural Networks) have been commonly uti-
lized for tasks such as image classification, object
detection, and semantic segmentation in matrices.
DCNN’s leverage multiple layers of non-linear pro-
cessing units for both low-level and high-level infor-
mation processing. This Deep Learning model is a
feedforward network that can be broken down into
two stages: feature learning and classification. The
feature learning stage of the network consists of con-
volutional and pooling layers that are grouped into
modules and repeated according to the chosen ar-
chitecture. The convolutional layers extract features
from the input layer with weighted kernels and non-
linear activation functions that send the outputs to the
next layer. The objective of the pooling layers is to re-
duce spatial resolution and therefore to achieve spatial
invariance. The classification stage of the network is
made up of a number of fully connected layers, end-
ing in a final softmax or equivalent function providing
a classification value.
Figure 2: An example of how a shogi board state is con-
verted to our binary matrix representation. A board state
from a professional game is pulled randomly from our novel
dataset. This board is then converted to SFEN, which is a
standard shogi board notation. This SFEN string is then
converted to a binary representation by assigning each let-
ter to a 5 bit binary string. The binary string is then shaped
into a 45x12 binary matrix, which is shown in this figure
using a black and white grid.
A large number of significant advancements have
been made in the field of AI through variations of
this architecture. Some notable examples, such as
ResNet (Targ et al., 2016) and Omnivec (Srivastava
and Sharma, 2023), can rival or even surpass human
level performance in image recognition tasks. Al-
though the game of shogi does not directly present
itself as an image classification problem, we present
NCTA 2024 - 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Our Deep Convolutional Neural Network architecture, which consists of a 45x12 binary input layer, a convolutional
layer with a 3x3 kernel and 128 output channels, and 4 fully connected layers, the last of which is a single output neuron. This
network classifies our binary board state representation into a single ’black will win’ or ’white will win’ binary classification.
a novel approach to leveraging the power of DCNNs
to classify image as a method of evaluating a win-
ning vs losing board position in a game of shogi. This
approach hinges on both our novel dataset of shogi
games and our shogi board representation that is us-
able by a DCNN.
The adaptation of a DCNN for shogi evalua-
tion entails the conversion of textual representations
of board positions, denoted in SFEN (Forsyth Ed-
ward Notation) strings, into binary bit strings. SFEN
strings serve as a textual representation of board po-
sitions, consisting of three fields separated by spaces.
The first field describes the pieces on the board; each
piece is represented by a letter, and each stretch of
spaces laterally is represented by an integer. So the
subsection "ln1g5" would represent a row of the board
filled by a Lance, a Knight, one empty space, a Gold
General, and five more empty spaces. A forward slash
then indicates the beginning of the next row, and the
process repeats. The second field is either "w" or
"b" indicating the player who is next to move. The
third and final field represents the pieces in hand, with
black’s pieces being represented by capital letters and
white’s by lowercase. Our approach begins with a
novel dataset composed of approximately one mil-
lion SFEN strings gathered from records of profes-
sional shogi games. We convert each SFEN string to
a binary representation, with each square of the board
represented by five bits, and each additional metadata
character of the SFEN string being represented by a
further binary number (Figure 2). In total all of the
information included in the SFEN string is converted
into a 540 digit binary string. To convert the SFEN
to binary, each piece character is assigned a corre-
sponding 5 bit value, from 00001 to 11110. Empty
spaces are represented by a zeroed five bit string, and
the black and white players are represented by either
11111 or 00000, respectively. This binary string, as a
tensor, is utilized as one input to the DCNN.
3.1 Deep Convolutional Neural
Network Architecture
The Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) ar-
chitecture employed in this research (Figure 3) is tai-
lored for the analysis of shogi board states, treating
them as 45x12 binary matrices akin to black and white
images. As shown in Figure 3, the network begins
with an input layer, where the existing 540 bit board
state representation is converted into a tensor and fed
to the convolutional layer. The convolutional layer
has a kernel size of 3x3 and 1 pixel of padding to en-
sure the output feature map has the same spatial di-
mensions as the input. 128 distinct filters are created
by the convolutional layer, which are then flattened
into another tensor and fed to the four continuous
fully connected layers. These layers progressively re-
duce the dimensionality of the feature space, eventu-
ally ending in a layer made up of a single neuron with
64 inputs, which uses a sigmoid squashing function to
output our single binary classification. Rectified Lin-
ear Unit (ReLU) activation functions follow all but the
final layer, introducing necessary non-linearity to the
The loss function we leverage is the standard Bi-
nary Cross-Entropy Loss for one output, given as:
l = (y log(p) + (1 y)log(1 p)) (1)
Where y is our labeled winner or loser, and p is
the predicted probability of the label being 1. For our
optimizer we leverage Adaptive Moment Estimation,
or Adam, with a learning rate of 0.001. Adam, de-
veloped by Kingma and Ba (Kingma and Ba, 2014),
is a first-order gradient-based method for efficient
Online Match Prediction in Shogi Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
stochastic optimization. We’ve found that this opti-
mizer is particularly applicable to our problem due
to its effective handling of sparse data representations
like ours.
Our Deep Convolutional Neural Network was trained
for 20 epochs, a greater than 80% successful classi-
fication rate in all runs of the network, and a 82.7%
success rate in the best case. The training data was a
random 80% of 200,000 board states pulled randomly
from our novel data set, and the validation data was
made up of the remaining 20% of that 200,000. Our
greater than 80% success rate is notable in a number
of ways. Notably, this level of accuracy allows for far
more successful dynamic match prediction based on
a single board than in previous works. In the more
tractable domain of chess dynamic match prediction,
Masud et al. (Masud et al., 2015) achieved a success
rate of nearly 66% under similar conditions. Related
attempts at binary classification have confronted sim-
pler problems, particularly when attempting to tackle
the difficult domain of shogi. Grimbergen was able to
achieve a success rate greater than 80% but on the far
more manageable problem of whether or not the king
was in danger, rather than determining the predicted
winner of the entire game from a single board. Our
promising results indicate a significant step forward
in deterministic board game classification and repre-
sent a number of new opportunities for game playing
agents that can be created without the prohibitive cost
of standard evaluation functions seen in other state of
the art programs.
Our results display several meaningful steps forward
in the domain of classifying shogi board states and
evaluating the position of a player in more efficient
ways than has been shown previously. Our strategy
of using DCNN-based classification allows us to give
an accurate estimate towards the winner of a game
of shogi without any input from a subject matter ex-
pert, instead using an online match predictor. This
classification method can also be implemented and
used by developers with little to no experience in the
domain, due to the algorithm being agnostic of any
game rules or heuristics. Additionally, we are able
to make these predictions with a small fraction of
the computational resources and temporal resources
of other large state of the art algorithms. With our re-
Figure 4: The resultant classification accuracy of ten runs of
our DCNN classifier. These ten runs were executed sequen-
tially with consistent parameters and random subsections of
our one million board state dataset, as determined by our
80/20 training schedule.
sults achieving over 80% of accuracy in predicting on-
line match outcomes, this contribution presents itself
as a reasonable alternative to classification of single
board states in comparison to the high computation
time that other shogi engines propose. This efficiency
allows us to train this classifier in a matter of minutes
to hours on a standard desktop computer or laptop.
Consequently, this sophisticated shogi analysis can be
accessible to a broader audience that vary within skill
levels. Potential research plans will explore further
optimizations and applications as well as extending
these techniques to other complex strategy games and
enhancing their educational and competitive use.
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Online Match Prediction in Shogi Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks