Studying Land Evolution Patterns and Influencing Factors in Wuhan
City over the Past 40 Years Using Remote Sensing
Junting Gan
Nanjing Foreign Language school, Nanjing 210000, China
Keywords: Remote Sensing, Land Use Land Cover, Urban Development, Wuhan, Geographic Information System.
Abstract: Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) refers to the classification of land cover into distinct usage types, which
is crucial for urban planning. This study takes the capital of Hubei Province – Wuhan – as an example to
analyze the land evolution patterns and influencing factors over the past forty years via remote sensing
techniques. The land cover of Wuhan in 1985, 1990, 2005, and 2020 is classified into five categories:
farmland, vegetation, water body, built-up area, and bare land in this study. Landsat satellite imagery was
processed through supervised classification algorithms in QGIS to create LULC maps of the four years. The
results of land classification indicate a continuous increase in built-up areas, which corresponds to rapid urban
growth, while farmland and water bodies have seen a slight decline over time. The amount of vegetation
declined from 1985 to 2005 before it increased recently in accordance with the central government's efforts
to promote sustainable development in the twenty-first century. The paper demonstrates how sociopolitical
factors, such as the "reform and opening-up" policies, creation of development zones, and large-scale
infrastructure projects, have shaped Wuhan's land evolution patterns. Furthermore, the findings present the
twenty-first-century shift in the government’s development priorities from fast industrial expansion to
sustainable high-tech sectors. Through analysing these shifts, the study offers insightful information about the
influencing factors of urban transformation, emphasizing the significance of strategic planning and policy
adaptation to meet changing urban requirements.
Human settlement has an expansive nature. People
tend to gather and settle in regions with climatic or
geographical advantages. As production increases
and surplus occurs, non-food-producing populations,
which are liberated to specialize in activities other
than food production, could be supported. In this
context, the technology and production capabilities
will significantly improve. Over time, societies have
formed and trade prevailed, attracting more people to
move into “urban” areas. Consequently, the demand
for residential, commercial, and industrial spaces
would motivate the settlement, or “urban areas,” to
extend to previously unexploited regions, a process
that is regarded as “urbanization.” The late twentieth
and the twenty-first centuries are a golden time for
development. Throughout the last 40 years,
developing countries around the globe, such as India
and China, have been experiencing rapid growth.
Cities have undergone enormous changes in their
physical, social, and economic landscapes (Gries and
Grundmann, 2018).
Urban development and land evolution are two
interdependent concepts. Urbanization leads to
profound changes in land use and land cover (often
referred to as LULC), often resulting in the
conversion of natural landscapes into built
environments, which alters the composition and
function of the land surface. Meanwhile, changes in
LULC, such as the conversion of agricultural land to
urban built-up areas, deforestation, and construction
of infrastructure, reflect the evolving needs and
priorities of urban settlements. These changes can
sometimes induce severe environmental and
ecological damages (Habibi, 2011), making it
essential for scientists to monitor and analyze land
evolution patterns to inform policy and decision-
making processes.
Gan, J.
Studying Land Evolution Patterns and Influencing Factors in Wuhan City over the Past 40 Years Using Remote Sensing.
DOI: 10.5220/0013018200004601
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (IAMPA 2024), pages 179-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-722-1
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Traditional land-monitoring methods, such as
ground surveys, are typically time-consuming and
resource-intensive, while providing only localized
snapshots of larger areas. Contrary to that, remote
sensing offers a synoptic view that can cover
extensive regions and produce frequent updates. It is
efficient, accurate, and highly customizable.
Researchers can conduct their research by inputting
the corresponding geographical coordinates and time
span to obtain data related to the target study area.
This relatively new measure is the process of
acquiring information about the Earth's surface
without making physical contact with it. It is achieved
through the use of satellite or aerial imagery that
includes various spectral bands. After being
processed by suitable procedures, satellite images
would reveal specific characteristics about Earth’s
surface. Its ability to provide detailed, up-to-date data
on LULC makes it an invaluable tool when studying
urban development.
When processed using software such as QGIS and
ArcGIS Pro, remote sensing data allows for land
classification, which involves categorizing pixels in
satellite images into distinct land cover types. This
classification is achieved through algorithms that
identify patterns in the spectral data and then assign
land cover types based on these patterns. Researchers
can create detailed maps that visualize changes in
LULC over time in such a context, thus interpreting
the spatial distribution of land cover types and
identifying trends in land evolution.
Wuhan is a major city in Central China. Taking
Wuhan City as an example, this paper utilizes remote
sensing methods, particularly land classification, to
investigate the patterns and influencing factors of
land evolution over the past 40 years, contributing to
the broader understanding of urban land dynamics.
Wuhan City, the capital of Hubei Province, is steeped
in historical significance and contemporary relevance
(Figure 1). Spreading approximately 8494 square
kilometers, Wuhan City comprises three distinctive
towns: Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang. One of the
critical factors driving the city’s development was its
strategic location. Wuhan was located at the
intersection of the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and
the Wuhan-Jiujiang Railway, as well as the
confluence of the Han River and the Yangtze River.
As a major railway and waterway junction, the city
has leveraged its logistical advantages to boost
regional resource circulation, serving as a critical
gateway connecting the eastern coastal regions with
the interior provinces of China. The construction of
several bridges that span the Yangtze River since the
1950s have also solidified Wuhan’s role as a
transportation nexus in Central China.
Figure 1: Wuhan’s Location in China. (File:Wuhan-
location-MAP-in-Hubei-Province-in-China.jpg -
Wikimedia Commons, 2022).
Over the past 40 years, Wuhan has experienced
dramatic change. It has evolved from a small,
regional industrial hub into a thriving metropolis with
a robust economy. The city’s rapid growth can be
traced back to the adoption of China’s reform and
opening-up policies in the early 1980s. The set of
reforms, first proposed in 1978 by Deng Xiaoping,
leader of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at that
time, marked an era of rapid industrialization and
modernization across the nation. In the beginning,
Wuhan was dominated by heavy industries,
particularly steel-making and automotive
manufacturing. Wuhan’s population grew steadily in
this period as people began to relocate to urban areas
in search of relatively high-paid jobs. The 1991
establishment of the Wuhan Economic and
Technological Development Zone (WEDZ) was a
great leap forward in the development of the city. The
Development Zone sparked the growth of traditional
and high-tech industries, including electronics and
information technologies. It also attracted foreign
investments. The 1990s also witnessed a massive
investment in public transit, new highways, and
bridges over rivers. The increased spending in
infrastructure were approved by the government to
accommodate the city’s growing population and
increased civic engagement. In the 2000s, Wuhan’s
economy saw substantial modernization and
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
adaptation. There existed a growing emphasis on
developing high-value industries such as
biotechnology. Meanwhile, Wuhan was included in
the Rise of Central China Plan, a strategic project first
proposed in 2004 to foster development in Central
China. The Plan also emphasized on environmental
issues, and transformed Wuhan to a sustainable track
(Wang et al, 2022). The city has successfully shifted
to high-tech industries and services in the twenty-first
century, establishing the Optics Valley of China
(OVC) as a symbol. Situated in Wuhan’s East Lake
High-Tech Development Zone, the OVC has become
a leading center for innovation and technology that
houses numerous research institutions, universities,
and high-tech enterprises.
Throughout these decades, Wuhan’s structural
transformation from a regional center to a metropolis
has induced change in the city’s landscape, altering
LULC situation. Total area of wetland, for instance,
have been declining since the 1980s due to economic
development (Xu et al., 2010). Such an evolution
makes Wuhan City an ideal case study for examining
the change patterns and the influencing factors.
This research is based on Landsat satellite imagery.
To study land evolution patterns in Wuhan City over
the past 40 years, 4 unique years are chosen: 1985,
1990, 2005, and 2020, each representing key periods
in the city’s development trajectory. 1985 marks an
early stage in Wuhan's urban development when the
reform-and-opening-up policy just came into effect.
By 1990, Wuhan had begun experiencing more
significant urban growth reflecting economic
reforms' early impacts. The year 2005 captures the
continued expansion and urbanization during a period
of rapid economic development in China, especially
a witness to the transition from heavy industries to
high-tech industries. Most recent data from 2020
allows for the assessment of the current state of urban
growth and comparison with previous decades, which
are invaluable for interpreting the long-term trends in
3.1 Data Acquisition and Preprocessing
The research utilized Landsat 5 images for the years
1985, 1990, and 2005, and Landsat 8 images for year
2020. Related data were downloaded from Geospatial
Data Cloud official website. The selected imagery
included seven spectral bands for Landsat 5 and eight
bands for Landsat 8, which provided the necessary
spectral resolution for accurate land cover
classification. Three satellite images are required to
cover the study area. The next step is to stitch the
three images together and create a seamless
composite image that could cover the entire Wuhan
City (Figure 2a). After using the “Mosaic To New
Raster” feature from the ArcGIS tool box, the image
that fully covers Wuhan City is obtained, as shown in
figure. To make the data more concise, the specific
region corresponding to Wuhan City is extracted after
creating the mosaic. The Wuhan City administrative
boundary shapefile was used to guide the cropping
process, serving as input data when using the “Clip
tool from ArcGIS Analysis Toolbox. The cropping
operation was then performed automatically to
extract the digital elevation model (DEM) of Wuhan
City from the larger composite image. This step
ensured that the analysis was confined precisely to the
geographical boundaries of the city, so as to produce
a focused and relevant dataset for subsequent land
cover classification and analysis (Figure 2b).
Figure 2: (a) Mosaicking 3 images to fully cover Wuhan;
(b) Cropping out Wuhan City (Picture credit: Original).
After obtaining the cropped data of 4 years, a
supervised classification is conducted in QGIS
version 3.36.2. In the supervised classification
process, regions of interest (ROIs) were selected
manually to serve as training input for the
classification algorithm. Such a process was
accomplished through the Semi-Automatic
Studying Land Evolution Patterns and Influencing Factors in Wuhan City over the Past 40 Years Using Remote Sensing
Classification plugin (SCP) in QGIS, a feature that
classifies land cover types based on user-input
training data.
3.2 Land classification
This study classifies land cover into five distinct
categories: farmland, vegetation, water body, built-up
area, and bare land. Since the processing procedure
for each category is consistent, this part uses the
creation of ROIs for water bodies as an example for
detailed interpretation. Using the drawing tools
provided by the SCP plugin, polygons could be
created around representative samples of water
bodies. In Figure 3, for example, the orange polygon
has been drawn to encompass areas identified as
water bodies.
Figure 3: Example of Water Body ROI City (Picture credit:
The selected ROIs are then added to the SCP
plugin's ROI list. Each ROI is assigned a unique ID
and labeled with the category name, in this case,
"Water Body." The ROIs are then saved as part of the
SCP training layer.
It is noted that precision in delineating ROIs is
critical in the classification process. Comparing the
selected ROIs with true-color satellite maps (Figure
4a) or maps generated from other band compositions
can ensure the effectiveness of input ROI. In this case,
the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI),
which highlights water bodies using green and near-
infrared bands (Figure 4b), can help distinguish lakes
and rivers from other land cover types. The precise
boundaries of water bodies can be confirmed by
further overlaying the NDWI map with true-color
After all these ROIs have been manually created
and checked, the next step was running the
classification algorithm. The “Maximum Likelihood
Classification” algorithm is applied in the calculation.
At last, small adjustments were made, including
smoothing, filtering, and even reclassifying to ensure
accuracy and clarity of the classification. Repeat this
process four times, and the land classification map for
the years 1985, 1990, 2005, and 2020 are created
(Figure 5).
Figure 4: (a) Wuhan City true color satellite map from Google Map; (b) NDWI map of Wuhan City (1985) City (Picture
credit: Original).
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
Figure 5: Land Use and Land Cover Map of Wuhan City (Picture credit: Original).
Through the LULC maps for Wuhan City for the
years 1985, 1990, 2005, and 2020 presented above,
we can observe the following results.
4.1 Land Use Distribution Across
In 1985, the LULC in Wuhan City were primarily
dominated by farmland, which covered an area of
6472.990 km² (75.4834% of the total land).
Vegetation areas comprised 597.549 km² (6.9682%).
Water bodies, including rivers and lakes, occupied
1214.230 km² (14.1595%). Built-up areas, which
include urban and developed regions, covered
289.022 km² (3.3704%). Bare land was minimal, with
an area of 1.594 km² (0.0186%).
By 1990, farmland remained the predominant
land use, covering 6346.680 km² (74.0104%) of the
total area. Vegetation areas slightly increased to
601.958 km² (7.0196%). Water bodies expanded to
1298.890 km² (15.1467%). The built-up area also saw
an increase in area, reaching 326.217 km² or 3.8021%
of the land. Bare land remained minimal, covering
1.639 km² (0.0191%) of the total land.
Studying Land Evolution Patterns and Influencing Factors in Wuhan City over the Past 40 Years Using Remote Sensing
In 2005, farmland covered 6181.440 km²
(72.0836%). Vegetation areas decreased to 515.572
km² (6.0122%) and water bodies slightly decreased to
1233.530 (14.3846%). The built-up area saw a
notable increase, covering 644.092 km² (7.5109%).
Bare land was still almost negligible, with an area of
0.745 km² (0.0087%).
By 2020, farmland had further reduced to
5542.850 km² (64.6366%) of the total land.
Vegetation areas covered 652.525 km² (7.6093%) of
the land. Water bodies occupied 1186.140 km²,
representing (13.8319%). The built-up area
significantly increased to 1193.500 km², constituting
13.9177% of the land. Bare land remained very
minimal, with an area of 0.391 km², accounting for
0.0046% of the total land.
4.2 Changes in Land Use Over Time
Changes in land use distribution over time is studied
to better interpret the acquired data. A line chart
indicating the proportion of different land use types
in each of the 4 years shows the trends and shifts in
the area of various land use categories over the 35
years (Figure 6a). Figure 6b illustrates the percentage
change in each land use category over three distinct
periods: 1985-1990, 1990-2005, and 2005-2020. This
bar chart provides a clearer contrast of how different
land use types have evolved over time.
Across the 35-year period, farmland continuously
declined approximately 1.95% from 1985 to 1990,
2.60% from 1990 to 2005, and 10.33% from 2005 to
2020. At the same time, vegetation areas experienced
fluctuations, initially increasing by 0.74% from 1985
to 1990, then decreasing by 14.35% from 1990 to
2005, and finally increasing significantly by 26.56%
from 2005 to 2020. Water bodies, similarly, showed
minor variations over the periods. It increased by
6.97% from 1985 to 1990, then decreased by 5.03%
from 1990 to 2005, followed by a 3.84% decline from
2005 to 2020. Built-up areas saw a significant and
continuous increase throughout the study period.
After experiencing a 12.87% increase from 1985 to
1990, built-up areas nearly doubled from 1990 to
2005, increasing by 97.44%. It then increased by
85.30% from 2005 to 2020. Bare land, on the other
hand, decreased substantially by 54.53% from 1990
to 2005 after a slight increase in the late 1980s. It also
saw a dramatic decrease of 47.58% from 2005 to
Figure 6: (a) Percentage of Land Use Types; (b) Percentage
Change in LULC Types Over Years City (Picture credit:
The most striking change in Wuhan’s LULC
distribution over the 40 years is the significant
increase in built-up areas, which presents the city’s
economic development and policy-driven urban
5.1 The stage of 1985-1990
The 1980s was the initial stage of China’s rapid
development. Leader of the Communist Party of
China at that time, Deng Xiaoping, initiated a set of
reforms referred to as “Reform and Opening Up” in
1978, aiming to boost economic development and
promote liberalism in China. Decentralizing
economic decision-making and promoting transition
to market-oriented economy, Deng’s vision was to
modernize China’s economy and integrate it into the
global market. However, when the reform had just
started, poverty was rampant, and economy still
haven’t recovered from the aftermath of the Cultural
Evolution. It was not until the middle or late 1980s
that reform policies began to take effect. The
decentralization policies indeed spurred industrial
development. The machine-building industry, which
IAMPA 2024 - International Conference on Innovations in Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy
had traditionally relied on state support, had to adapt
to market conditions and compete for resources and
markets, thus improving its own strength. Similarly,
the textile industry received preferential treatment
and investment to boost production and profitability
(Solinger, 1986). The city, with its strong industrial
base in machine-building and textiles, generally
leveraged these reforms to attract investment and
boost economy. In 1987, the city began receiving
direct investment from Hong Kong enterprisers.
Despite the initial amount being relatively small (100
million USD), it laid the foundation for future
cooperation between the two regions (Liu & Tu,
1998). These socio-economic developments, induced
by political reforms earlier this decade, began to
sprout between 1985 and 1990, which laid the
groundwork for the city’s rapid development in the
subsequent decades.
According to the data gathered by the study, total
area of built-up regions increased by 12.87% from
1985 to 1990, representing the largest change among
all land use types. Meanwhile, farmland area saw a
slight decrease (Figure 6b). The conversion of
farmland and other land types into built-up areas was
driven by the need to accommodate the growing
industrial and commercial activities. This increased
urbanization, arguably, reflects the effects if Reform-
and-Opening-Up policies, where the economy began
to recover and trade started to flourish.
5.2 The stage of 1990-2005
The period from 1990 to 2005 witnessed substantial
changes in LULC distribution in Wuhan City. The
total built-up area nearly doubled within these fifteen
years. It is inferred that both the establishment of
relative policies and the growth of international trade
resulted in the increase of built-up area.
A pivotal development during this time was the
establishment of the Wuhan Economic and
Technological Development Zone (WEDZ) in the
early 1990s. It was an open area located southwest of
downtown Wuhan, along the banks of the Yangtze
River. Created to attract investment and promote
industrial growth, the WEDZ provided a concentrated
area for industrial activities when urban land's limited
industry-carrying capacity forced heavy industries to
leave urban areas. Since Development Zones like
WEDZ attracted major industries, the demand for
construction land increased. Moreover, less
developed areas distant from the core zones, such as
those beyond the immediate periphery of WEDZ,
offered comparative advantages due to lower land
costs. These regions attracted newly-emerged
industries who seek cost efficiencies (Gao et al.,
2020), which, arguably, further promoted expansion
of built-up land, especially in southwestern regions of
the city, where the expansion is clearly noticeable
when comparing the 1990 and 2005 land cover
classification maps (Figures 5, 6). Another significant
event is the opening of Wuhan Tianhe Airport in
1995. By that time, the WEDZ was a thirty-minute
drive from the city center and Wuhan’s two railway
stations, a forty-minute drive from Tianhe Airport,
and situated along the Yangtze River. Such a
convenient transportation further enhanced its
attractiveness to investors and facilitated engagement
in trade activities.
The continued increase in trade and foreign
investment is certainly another contributing factor to
changes in land use. Since Hong Kong’s direct
investment in Wuhan began in 1987, it has remained
the largest source of foreign direct investment in the
city (Hong Kong has been a part of China since 1997).
By 1993, the number of new investment agreements
signed with Hong Kong enterprises surged from 5 to
656, the investment value rising to $733 million USD
from $1.24 million USD in 1987 (Liu & Tu, 1998). In
the late 1990s and early 200s, Sino-foreign joint
venture projects such as the completion of the No.2
Yangtze River Bridge and the expansion of Wuhan
Tianhe International Airport were completed, further
enhancing the city's infrastructure. The increased
investment and development projects contributed to
the rapid expansion of urban areas as new residential,
commercial, and industrial zones were developed to
support these activities. The significant increase in
built-up areas and decrease in farmland and
vegetation area between 1990 and 2005 was mostly
due to construction of Development Zones, improved
transportation, and large foreign investment, all of
which fueled the rise of the industrial sector.
5.3 The stage of 2005-2020
From 2005 to 2020, urban development in Wuhan
City continued to expand. This period saw an increase
in built-up areas by 85.3%, probably driven by the
Rise of Central China Plan. Meanwhile, due to a
transition in development priorities, vegetation area
was experiencing growth after declining for decades
(Figure 5, 6b).
First proposed in 2004 by Premier Wen Jiabao,
the Rise of Central China Plan came into effect in
2006, aiming to develop central China into a leading
center for advanced engineering. The plan focused on
key areas of new urbanization, modern agriculture,
ecological sustainability, and support to the nation’s
Studying Land Evolution Patterns and Influencing Factors in Wuhan City over the Past 40 Years Using Remote Sensing
opening-up drive (Clear Roadmap Laid Out for Rise
of Central China, 2017). The strategy proved to be a
success, promoting economic growth and alleviating
socioeconomic disparities in the Central China-
Wuhan Urban Agglomeration (WUA) (He et al.,
2017). In 2011, with the proposal of "Greater Wuhan"
as a national central city, Wuhan committed to
spending over 420 billion yuan on infrastructure
improvements over the next five years, striving to
compete economically with Guangzhou City, the
capital of Guangdong Province. Five ring highways,
six new bridges, and five new underwater tunnels
were built in the fifteen years (Wang et al., 2022). The
continuing increase in infrastructure spending
resonated with this study’s result data, which showed
that built-up areas continued to expand from 2005 to
From 2005 to 2020, a significant shift towards
sustainability happened. During the previous phases
of development, China experienced rapid economic
growth, and sustainability was not a priority. At the
end of the 20th century and into the 21st century,
there has been a growing awareness of the importance
of environmental-friendly development. In 1994,
China adopted the Agenda 21, marking the start of a
forward-looking set of objectives that support long-
term sustainability of the society (Li et al., 2007). In
these fifteen years, private businesses and high-tech
enterprises have significantly increased in
prominence, whereas state-owned industries and
traditional sectors have gradually lost ground.
Symbolic turning points included reorganizing state-
owned industries, shutting down polluting firms, and
eliminating outdated production lines in heavy
industries (Wang et al., 2022). Key ecological islands,
such as Tianxingzhou and Baishazhou have been
preserved in their natural state to support ecological
conservation and recovery efforts. This strategy
aligns with the national initiative to sustain the
Yangtze River basin's ecology and meets the
requirements for enhancing the Wuhan ecosystem’s
resilience (Wang et al., 2022). These strategies
resonate with this study’s result that vegetation area
experienced a 26.6% increase from 2005 to 2020.
This paper employs remote sensing techniques to
address the changing land use tendencies in Wuhan
City and associated contributing factors. Land cover
of Wuhan is classified into five categories: farmland,
vegetation, water body, built-up area, and bare land.
LULC maps are then produced for the years 1985,
1990, 2005, and 2020, each representing significant
periods in the city's development.
Based on the data acquired, the patterns of land
type changes over the past 35 years were calculated.
The land use dynamics in Wuhan Municipality have
changed remarkably from 1985 to 2020. Over these
four decades, there has been a significant increase in
built-up areas, indicative of rapid urbanization and
economic growth. Concurrently, the continuous
decline in farmland and the initial decline followed
by a recent increase in vegetation areas reflect the
government’s shifting priorities: first towards urban
development and more recently towards
sustainability and ecological conservation. Since
most land conversion has been directed towards urban
development rather than leaving land undeveloped,
bare land has remained minimal throughout the
A combination of socio-political factors has
driven the evolution. The “reform and opening-up”
policies initiated in the late 1970s laid the foundation
for the city’s industrial and trade growth. The
establishment of Development Zones, particularly the
Wuhan Economic and Technological Development
Zone, along with the construction and enhancement
of Wuhan Tianhe International Airport in the 1990s,
significantly boosted industrial activities and
attracted foreign investment. These developments
catalyzed rapid urban expansion, making the period
from 1990 to 2005 the fastest in terms of the growth
of built-up areas. The Rise of Central China plan,
implemented in 2006, further accelerated urban
growth and infrastructure construction. The twenty-
first century also witnessed a shift towards a more
sustainable path. Wuhan has gradually shifted from
traditional heavy industries to emerging high-tech
industries, and have adopted eco-friendly strategies.
This study of Wuhan City’s land evolution over
the past 40 years reveals a combined impact of
economic policies, infrastructural development, and
strategic planning on urban landscapes. By providing
detailed and easily accessible time-series data, remote
sensing proved to be an effective method when
studying and interpreting geographical patterns.
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Studying Land Evolution Patterns and Influencing Factors in Wuhan City over the Past 40 Years Using Remote Sensing