A Systematic Literature Review on Continuous Integration and
Deployment (CI/CD) for Secure Cloud Computing
Sabbir M. Saleh
, Nazim Madhavji
and John Steinbacher
Department of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
IBM Canada Lab, Markham, Ontario, Canada
Keywords: Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, CI/CD, Cloud, Security, Systematic Literature Review.
Abstract: As cloud environments become widespread, cybersecurity has emerged as a top priority across areas such as
networks, communication, data privacy, response times, and availability. Various sectors, including industries,
healthcare, and government, have recently faced cyberattacks targeting their computing systems. Ensuring
secure app deployment in cloud environments requires substantial effort. With the growing interest in cloud
security, conducting a systematic literature review (SLR) is critical to identifying research gaps. Continuous
Software Engineering, which includes continuous integration (CI), delivery (CDE), and deployment (CD), is
essential for software development and deployment. In our SLR, we reviewed 66 papers, summarising tools,
approaches, and challenges related to the security of CI/CD in the cloud. We addressed key aspects of cloud
security and CI/CD and reported on tools such as Harbor, SonarQube, and GitHub Actions. Challenges such
as image manipulation, unauthorised access, and weak authentication were highlighted. The review also
uncovered research gaps in how tools and practices address these security issues in CI/CD pipelines, revealing
a need for further study to improve cloud-based security solutions.
Cloud computing has become the go-to method for
software deployment because it offers clear
advantages over traditional setups. These include
flexible infrastructure, accessible data storage and
sharing, less administrative hassle, and access from
anywhere. Continuous Integration (CI), originating
from Extreme Programming (XP) (Newkirk, 2002),
is an Agile method where team members regularly
integrate code changes, which results in faster
production, better product quality, and a more
effective team overall (Fitzgerald and Stol, 2017).
Automation plays a crucial role in CI, especially
in testing and development. It boosts efficiency,
improves teamwork among developers, and leads to
more predictable releases (Leppänen et al., 2015;
Ståhl and Bosch, 2014; Fitzgerald and Stol, 2014). CI,
along with Continuous Delivery (CDE) and
Continuous Deployment (CD), are core parts of
DevOps (Lacoste, 2009). CD is about deploying
software to an environment cloud, while CDE takes it
further by managing updates (Humble and Farley,
2010). Automating these processes makes the process
more efficient and improves software quality (Weber
et al., 2016) while reducing risks (Bar et al., 2013).
While automation helps in many ways, it also
brings certain security risks. Vulnerabilities such as
Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
(Saboor et al., 2022) can open cloud services to
attacks such as Log4j, SolarWinds, and CodeCov.
Of the 573 articles we reviewed, 66 met our
selection criteria (see Section 3.3). These articles
helped us explore the following research questions:
RQ1. What tools and methods are available for
securely implementing CI/CD in the cloud?
RQ2. What solutions have been suggested for
maintaining secure CI/CD pipelines in cloud
RQ3. What are the main challenges when securing
cloud-based CI/CD pipelines?
Saleh, S., Madhavji, N. and Steinbacher, J.
A Systematic Literature Review on Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) for Secure Cloud Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0013018500003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 331-341
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This study reviewed the current tools (Section
4.1), proposed solutions (Section 4.2), and challenges
(Section 4.3) regarding secure CI/CD pipelines over
the cloud platform.
To identify the challenges (Section 4.3) that
prevent practitioners from adopting solutions, leading
to security vulnerabilities.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 looks at related work, including review
method and the possible research gaps (Sections 2.1
and 2.2) identified from our RQ findings. Section 3
explains the SLR method, covering RQs (Section
3.1), search strategy (Section 3.2), data sources
(Section 3.3), inclusion/exclusion criteria (Section
3.4), and the SLR steps (Figure 2), along with how we
extracted and synthesised the data (Section 3.5).
Section 4 presents the results, demographic data
(Figure 3), and findings for each RQ (Sections 4.1,
4.2, 4.3). We follow this with analysis and
discussions in Section 5. Threats to validity are
covered in Section 6, and Section 7 wraps things up
with conclusions and future work.
During our SLR, we identified literature reviews,
survey papers, and systematic literature reviews.
These addressed various aspects of CI/CD.
Shahin et al. (2017b) surveyed CI/CD and
DevOps practitioners, highlighting deficiencies in
automated testing, rigid deployment methods, and
security awareness. They aimed to categorise
elements influencing CD practice adoption, such as
better tools and management support.
Zhang et al. (2018) detailed practitioners'
struggles with containerising CD and identifying
prerequisites and challenges before establishing CI-
based Workflow (CIW) and Docker Hub auto-builds
Workflow (DHW). They noted trade-offs in stability
and simplicity and the need for better security and
access controls. An IDE model for cloud-based Static
Application Security Testing (SAST) tools was
implemented but did not significantly enhance fixing
insecure code.
Waseem et al. (2021, 2023) discussed the security
vulnerabilities in microservices developed with
Docker that are open to cyberattacks and highlighted
the need to focus on pipeline security over the cloud.
Zampetti et al. (2023) emphasised that combining
hardware and software expertise can overcome CI
and CDE implementation challenges in Cyber-
Physical Systems (CPS), focusing on SW and HW
component interactions.
Shahin et al. (2021) analysed DevOps forums to
identify architecture design issues, noting that
deployment, security, and testing were the most
challenging during DevOps transitions.
Faustino et al. (2022) reviewed DevOps
scenarios, noting faster delivery and increased
automation. However, security issues have yet to be
Rajapakse et al. (2022) identified challenges and
solutions for adopting DevSecOps, focusing on
collaboration, insider threats, and limitations of
SAST and Dynamic Application Security Testing
(DAST) tools. They aimed to understand the
difficulties in adopting DevSecOps.
Shahin et al. (2019) proposed a framework to re-
architect CD with goals for Operational Aspects (e.g.,
development settings, stakeholders requirements)
and Quality Attributes (e.g., resilience, modifiability,
deployability, etc.).
Shahin et al. (2017a) discussed issues in adopting
CI/CD/CDE, such as coordination, skills, and tools.
They also noted a need for more research on pipeline
security and stability.
Table 1 presents the area between our SLR and the
existing work.
Table 1: Summarising the Focused Area.
Focused Areas
Shahin et al. 2017b
Automation of CD
Zhang et al. 2018
Waseem et al. 2021, 2023
Zampetti et al. 2023
Collaboration of SW and HW
Shahin et al. 2021
Architectural issues in DevOps
Faustino et al. 2022
Benefits of DevOps
Rajapakse et al. 2022
Adoption of DevSecOps
Shahin et al. 2019
Architectural issues in CD
Shahin et al. 2017a
Adoption of CI/CD/CDE
This SLR
Security of CI/CD over the Cloud
2.1 Review Methodology
In software engineering (SE), conducting multiple
reviews on a single topic is common (Shahin et al.,
2017a). Since the introduction of Evidence-Based
Software Engineering (Kitchenham et al., 2004,
2006, 2022a), systematic literature reviews (SLRs)
have become a key research method (Zhang et al.,
2011). However, reviewing secure CI/CD in the cloud
requires a more focused approach (Düllmann et al.,
2.2 Research Gaps
There is a growing need for research to improve
security in containerised applications. This includes
refining tools such as seccomp profiles for Docker,
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
AppArmor, SELinux, and content trust (Garg and
Stavik, 2019; Le et al., 2023; Lopes et al., 2020).
Low-code platforms present security challenges,
mainly due to weak authentication and cybercrime
(Rafi et al., 2022).
GitHub Actions has security concerns that require
further study (Decan et al., 2022; Koishybayev et al.,
2022; Hilton et al., 2017; Benedetti et al., 2022a).
Research into architectural challenges, such as
deployment, security, and testing, is also important.
Principles like shift-left security, compliance with
standards (OWASP, NIST), and zero-trust
architecture can make systems more resilient (Shahin
et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2018; Shahin et al., 2021).
Finally, there is potential for new automated
Software Supply Chain (SSC) solutions to detect
vulnerabilities and enhance the security of CI/CD
pipelines (Enck and Williams, 2022; Byrne et al.,
2020; Karl et al., 2022).
We conducted an SLR, which combines available
research relevant to a focused area of interest and
specific RQs. By following the guidelines of
Kitchenham, B. et al., 2022a, our research method
consists of planning, conducting, and reporting with
the specification of the RQs, identifying research by
generating a search strategy, selecting primary studies
through inclusion and exclusion criteria, and data
extraction and synthesis.
3.1 Goal, Question, Metric (GQM)
The Goal of this SLR is to analyse and synthesise
tools and approaches for securing CI/CD pipelines on
cloud services, highlight the challenges of existing
solutions, and answer the RQs.
We prepared our RQs according to the criteria of
the PICOC by Mark, and Helen (2008) Population
(a deployment area, e.g., the cloud), Intervention
(technologies to perform specific tasks, e.g., tools),
Comparison (with which the intervention is being
compared, e.g., the practitioners), Outcomes
(findings, e.g., existing approaches, the challenges,
and the practices to the goal {secure the CI/CD
pipeline over the cloud}), and Context (in which the
analogy will take place, e.g., the industry).
The identified Metrics for this SLR are:
Identifying existing and proposed methods,
technologies, and practices for secure CI/CD
maintenance. Classifying and enumerating security
challenges (e.g., gaps, integration, performance, etc.)
in maintaining CI/CD pipelines in the cloud.
3.2 Search Strategy
Specific search phrases were created to find relevant
studies based on the guidelines from Zhang et al.
(2011) and Kitchenham et al. (2022a). This task faced
challenges because many papers used synonyms like
"cloud security" and "cybersecurity." To enhance our
search, we employed snowballing (Wohlin, 2014) by
examining citations in the studies and conducted a
manual search as recommended by Zhang et al.
(2011). This established a Quasi-Gold Standard
(QGS), identifying 91 relevant papers. The initial
search string was:
Figure 1: Search String of the initial search for SLR.
3.3 Data Collection Sources
The automatic search was carried out across six
digital libraries: Scopus, ACM, IEEE Xplore, Wiley,
Springer Link (SL), and ScienceDirect (SD) (Chen et
al., 2010).
CiteSeerX and AIS eLibrary have complex search
functions and lack post-query refinements (Li &
Rainer, 2022; Brereton et al., 2007). Kluwer has
merged with and is indexed by Springer Link
(Gusenbauer and Haddaway, 2020; Maplesden et al.,
2015). Additionally, Inspec overlaps with Scopus
(Maplesden et al., 2015). In contrast, Google Scholar
yields results with less than 1% accuracy for
systematic searches (Gusenbauer and Haddaway,
2020; Chen et al., 2010; Boeker et al., 2013).
3.4 Study Selection Criteria
We established inclusion and exclusion criteria to
identify studies relevant to our research questions,
considering these criteria might be adjusted as we
moved through the search process (Staples and Niazi,
Inclusion Criteria:
- Full-text (Brereton et al., 2007) peer-reviewed
papers published in English.
- Address CI/CD security in the cloud.
- Empirical research (Kitchenham et al., 2022b).
Exclusion Criteria:
- Abstracts, conference info, news, and videos.
A Systematic Literature Review on Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) for Secure Cloud Computing
- Earlier versions of papers by the same authors
when more recent versions are available (e.g.,
conference vs. journal publications).
- Duplicate studies from digital libraries.
3.5 Data Extraction and Synthesis
We read the full text of the selected papers for review
and reporting, applying the inclusion and exclusion
Figure 2: Steps of the Study Selection for SLR.
We passed the subsequent steps for this SLR:
Step 1: We started with 4,889 articles based on the
search criteria.
Step 2: We screened the titles, keywords, and
abstracts to narrow it down to 573 papers. Of these,
482 directly met our criteria, and an additional 91
were found using the Snowballing method.
Step 3: We reviewed the introductions and
conclusions of the 573 papers, selecting those
relevant to our study. After thoroughly reviewing the
full articles, 66 were included in our final selection.
This section summarises the research questions'
findings (sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) by synthesising and
analysing the extracted data. Figure 3 displays the
publication demographics, showing that from 2021 to
2023, 40 of the 66 relevant papers (over 60%) were
published, emphasising the recent focus on CI/CD
security in the cloud. Most of these publications
appeared in conferences, with 41 papers (62.12%),
followed by 15 journal articles (22.73%) and 10
workshop papers (15.15%).
Figure 3: Demographic Data of Relevant Studies.
4.1 Findings of RQ1
We present the tools, approaches, and frameworks
identified in our review with short descriptions (Table
2). We compiled information on 62 tools and eight
distinct approaches and frameworks.
4.2 Findings of RQ2
Here, we list the proposed tools and approaches with
short descriptions (Table 3) retrieved from the papers.
We compiled information on five tools and twelve
Some recommended practices (findings of RQ2)
for organisations to address CI/CD pipeline security
Trust developers: If they can make deployment
decisions, it may facilitate the continuous deployment
process (Shahin et al., 2017b).
Increase collaboration between operations and
development teams: This may help complete complex
tasks effectively (Shahin et al., 2021).
Invest in automated testing and quality assurance
for continuous delivery (Shahin et al., 2017b).
Securing a software supply chain requires
transparency, validity, and separation between
activities and components (Okafor et al., 2022).
Providing access to developers from tool builders
of Jenkins, CircleCI, TravisCI, etc., helps to provide
better feedback (Hilton et al., 2017).
Limiting the CI/CD access may protect the
pipeline from tampering (Pecka et al., 2022).
A solid engineering culture can emphasise quality
where employees can become experts (Dursun,
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Existing Methods (approaches and frameworks) and Tools.
Docker Bench for Security
Tool for enforcing security best practices for Docker images/containers.
Garg and Stavik, 2019
Docker Trusted Registry
Secure storage and deployment of Docker images/containers.
SaaS for logging CD workflow failures.
Zhang et al., 2018
CoreOSs Clair, OpenSCAP, Anchore
Engine, Trivy
Vulnerability scanners using NVD and CVEs data.
Garg and Stavik, 2019; Brandy et al., 2020; Mahboob
and Coffman, 2021; Throner et al., 2021; Nadgowda
and Luan, 2021
SonarQube, SonarCloud
Tools for detecting security issues and maintaining code quality in CI/CD.
Abhishek and Rao, 2021; Athamnah M. et al., 2021;
Luo L. et al., 2021; Romero E. at al., 2022; Leite et
al., 2019
Scans dependencies to ensure trust in the Software Supply Chain (SSC) within
Throner et al., 2021; Bass et al., 2015; Alfadel et al.,
CodeQL (Code Analysis Platform)
An automation tool for identifying security vulnerabilities
Alfadel et al., 2023, Okafor, C et al., 2022, Pan, Z. et
al., 2023
A repository with multiple linter tools
Cankar et al., 2023, Chhillar and Sharma, 2019
Tool to analyse CI/CD consistency
Cankar et al., 2023
Prisma Compute (Twistlock), Prisma
Cloud, Aqua
Container security tools for vulnerability scanning, runtime protection, and
blocking unsafe builds.
Athamnah M. et al., 2021, Le et al., 2023
Analizo, Code Climate
Source code analysers are used to identify vulnerabilities and bug risks.
Leite et al., 2019
Prometheus, Zabbix, Nagios
Incident management and monitoring tools.
Graylog, Logstash
Log management tools for security and reliability.
Splunk, DynaTrace, Dapper,
Monitoring tools for detecting and blocking security threats.
Bennett and Barrett, 2018
Veracode, LGTM, Checkmarx,
CodeGuru Reviewer, FindBugs,
CheckStyle, ESLint, Coverlay,
IntelliJ, Coverity Scan
SAST tools to detect vulnerabilities early in SDLC.
Luo et al., 2021
IBM UrbanCode Deploy, Microsoft
Visual Studio Release Management
ARA (Application Release Automation) tools for identifying bugs, memory
leaks, and code smells.
Révész and Pataki (2017, 2019)
Debricked, NSP, Sonatype,
CI tools for scanning commits/PRs and automating vulnerability detection.
Alfadel et al., 2023
Cijitter, CijScan
CI tools for defending against cryptojacking.
Alfadel et al., 2023, Li Z et al., 2022
AppArmor, SELinux
Docker security tools for defence layers.
Garg and Stavik, 2019, Le et al., 2023, Lopes et al.,
Restricts app access to ensure security.
Le et al., 2023, Lopes et al., 2020
Spire, Dependabot, tekton-chain,
Code Risk Analyzer, Mend
DevSecOps solutions play a critical role in CI/CD security.
Nadgowda and Luan, 2021
OSS is used to configure and secure DevOps in the cloud.
Alonso et al., 2022
Autonomous real-time testing for CI/CD (DevTstOps).
Fehlmann and Kranich (2021)
Development framework ensuring privacy through TEEs.
Mahboob and Coffman, 2021
Microsoft’s threat modelling framework (Spoofing, Tampering, etc.).
Davis et al., 2022
Signature-based, Anomaly-based
Approaches for monitoring containers and securing CI/CD pipelines.
Jyothsna et al., 2011; Kumar and Sangwan, 2012
Blocks deployment of unscanned Docker images.
Mahboob and Coffman, 2021, Throner et al., 2021
Scans Docker images for malicious content.
Abhishek and Rao (2021)
GitHub Actions (GHA)
Automates CI/CD and mitigates security risks.
Okafor, C et al., 2022, Tu et al., 2021
Table 3: Proposed Methods and Tools.
Automated bot for continuous testing, defect analysis, reporting, and management in CI/CD
Chhillar and Sharma, 2019
Benchmarks vulnerabilities in container scanning tools (e.g., Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine).
Berkovich et al., 2020
Scans GitHub Actions workflows for security weaknesses, auto-notifies for protection
against SSC attacks.
Koishybayev et al. 2022, Benedetti et al.,
Removes malicious code from OSS CI/CD scripts/pipelines.
Pan, Z. et al., 2023
Framework for preventing Docker image vulnerabilities, with scanners at each pipeline
Brandy et al., 2020
Detects and evaluates security issues in Docker images.
Shu et al., 2017
Provides real-time, auditable security information in a CI/CD pipeline.
Flittner et al., 2016
Kubernetes CI/CD pipeline with privacy guarantees using Asylo.
Mahboob and Coffman, 2021
Automated DevSecOps framework for addressing security risks with a defense-in-depth
Kumar and Goyal, 2020
Stores and auto-processes exploited scripts and vulnerability data for cloud-native
Huang et al., 2020
Monitors pipeline dependencies to detect security risks.
Ohm et al., 2020
Identifies and evaluates software supply chain security risks.
Benedetti et al., 2022b
A call-aware container scheduler secures CI/CD by blocking unsafe builds and scanning for
known CVEs.
Le et al., 2023
Visionary DevSecOps design for certification and introspection of a pipeline.
Nadgowda and Luan, 2021
Enhances pipeline security, transparency, traceability, and tamper-proofing through
Akbar et al., 2022, Bankar and Shah 2020
Machine learning is used to automate tests in CI/CD to mitigate attacks.
Drees et al., 2021
A Systematic Literature Review on Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) for Secure Cloud Computing
4.3 Findings of RQ 3
Below, we report the challenges in existing tools and
approaches, including practices that raise security
issues within cloud-based CI/CD pipelines.
Authorisation. Trusted Execution Environments
(TEE) can enhance security, but Dev resources may
be at risk if hackers can access Harbor (Mahboob and
Coffman, 2021). Inadequate authorisation can result
in pipeline security issues (Throner et al., 2021).
Vulnerabilities Assessment. This happens pre-
deployment, leaving post-deployment updates
unchecked and insecure (Huang et al., 2020). Due to
the complexities of Infrastructure IaC, inspecting
workflows for security flaws is challenging (Cankar
et al., 2023; Alonso et al., 2022).
Tools Integration. Tools such as Clair,
SonarQube, GoKart, etc. should be rapidly integrated
into cloud platforms, though they require long-term
commitments (Garg and Stavik, 2019; Abhishek &
Rao, 2021; Christakis et al., 2022). The disconnection
of tools such as Coverity Scan, LGTM, and
Checkmarx from IDEs can render scanning results
obsolete if the code is updated during the scan (Luo et
al., 2021).
Third-Party and OSS Tools. Choosing consistent
tools is crucial due to vulnerabilities in third-party
software and OSS (Kumar and Goyal, 2020; Berkovich
et al., 2020). Integrating these tools faces challenges
with security boundaries, upgrade complexities, and
practitioner reluctance to update, leading to outdated
dependencies and security issues such as lack of
authentication (Zampetti et al., 2023, Pan et al., 2023;
Zhu et al., 2023; Benedetti et al., 2022b).
Layer of Defence. Regular updates are essential
(e.g., for Seccomp) to prevent DoS attacks, but
determining necessary updates is complex and time-
consuming, hindering practitioner approval (Lopes et
al., 2020).
Architectural Design Issues. Deployment,
security, and testing are challenging (Shahin et al.,
2017). Developers and customers have concerns
about existing tools and need help with cloud
deployment (Shahin et al., 2021). To address
developers' pain points, better testing support and
automatic security upgrades in CD workflows are
required (Zhang et al., 2018).
GitHub Actions (GHA). While GHA can
potentially reduce CI/CD pipeline security issues by
recommending specific commits, it faces low
adoption and has security concerns such as PR
manipulation and bypassing code reviews (Decan et
al., 2022; Saroar & Nayebi, 2023; Benedetti et al.,
2022). GitHub CI combines CI workflows with the
GitHub environment, generating issues related to
privileges, permissions, and secrets (Koishybayev et
al., 2022; Hilton et al., 2017; Benedetti et al., 2022).
Existing DevSecOps Practices. Security issues
related to encryption, image signing, and
vulnerability scanning remain in open-source
DevSecOps environments (Kumar and Goyal, 2020).
The SolarWinds incident showed that practices need
more standard recommendations (Nadgowda and
Luan, 2021; Williams, 2022). This can lead to
incomplete toolsets and compromised software
Low-code Platforms. Integrating low-code
platforms such as PowerApps, AppSheet, and
KiSSFLOW in DevOps may introduce security issues
(Rafi et al., 2022).
Software Supply Chain (SSC). The unified
design of the CI server in a CD pipeline poses security
challenges, as attackers can compromise the entire
system by altering one part (Throner et al., 2021; Bass
et al., 2015; Ullah et al., 2017; Hilton et al., 2017).
Automated SSCs can propagate human errors, such
as not updating vulnerable dependencies, leading to
pipeline breaks, for example, the Log4j attack (Enck
and Williams, 2022; Byrne et al., 2020; Williams,
2022). Securing the build process is crucial since
tools such as Tekton, Jenkins, GHA, Travis CI, and
AWS Code Deploy are widely used (Enck and
Williams, 2022; Karl et al., 2022). Failure to
promptly update and address risks can result in
intrusions, such as the SolarWinds attacks
(Nadgowda and Luan, 2021; Williams, 2022).
The provided list (RQ1) encompasses a diverse range
of tools and technologies to enhance the security
posture of CI/CD pipelines, primarily focusing on
Docker-based cloud environments. This includes
security scanning tools, automated testing
frameworks, monitoring solutions, and vulnerability
assessment and remediation tools, contributing to a
robust and secure software development lifecycle.
Integrating these tools and technologies within
CI/CD pipelines significantly enhances security by
addressing vulnerabilities, ensuring code quality, and
proactively monitoring and responding to security
threats. For instance, tools such as Docker Bench for
Security and SonarQube help identify and rectify
security issues early in development. Meanwhile,
monitoring tools such as Prometheus and Nagios
provide real-time insights into the deployed
applications' operational status and security posture.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The proposed (RQ2) tools and practices aim to
bolster CI/CD pipeline security. Tools cover code
analysis, dependency scanning, and runtime
protection, while practices emphasise collaboration,
automated testing, and secure software supply chains.
Implementing these measures may enhance security,
streamline processes, and mitigate risks in CI/CD
pipelines; however, accurate tests are needed on
cloud platforms.
The excerpt (RQ3) provides a comprehensive
overview of the security challenges inherent in cloud-
based CI/CD pipelines, summarised below: -
Installation and updating issues,
Practitioners and developers’ issues,
Organisational issues,
Difficulties with third-party and OSS tools.
In our systematic literature review (SLR), we
identified potential threats to validity across several
areas, including search strategy, data collection, study
selection, and synthesis. We conducted automated
searches using diverse terminology to accommodate
various taxonomies, though some digital libraries
were excluded due to complex search strings and
irrelevant results. Our study selection process adhered
to established guidelines from Zhang et al. (2011),
Kitchenham et al. (2022), Brereton et al. (2007), and
Wohlin (2014).
Based on Runeson and Höst’s (2009) framework,
we identified the following threats:
Internal Validity: Potential data extraction errors
were mitigated by thorough double-checking.
External Validity: Strict criteria may have led to a
higher exclusion rate, potentially introducing
selection bias, but they were essential for relevance.
Comprehensive search techniques helped minimise
the risk of missing significant studies.
Construct Validity: Standardization efforts
addressed inconsistencies in study definitions.
Reliability: Variability in study design and quality
was a concern, though we aimed to include a diverse
range of studies to reduce the impact of publication
Our systematic literature review provided valuable
insights into the existing methods, tools, and
technologies (RQ1) for maintaining security in the
CI/CD pipeline over the cloud platforms.
To keep up with the continually updating
environment, practitioners and researchers should
stay updated on the latest advancements where future
research is needed.
We have uncovered various tools, frameworks,
and practices (RQ2) proposed by researchers to
fortify security in the CI/CD pipeline. With cloud
platforms ubiquitous, these findings suggest
significant insights for practitioners and future
researchers aiming to stay at the cutting edge of
secure DevOps practices.
Finally, we have reported the challenges and
issues that arise when dealing with security
considerations in cloud-based CI/CD pipelines
(RQ3). These issues involved container vulnerability,
lack of integration between security tools and IDEs,
and dependency on third-party software and OSS
tools. Close cooperation between practitioners,
security specialists, and researchers is needed to
mitigate the research gaps.
We aim to apply Topic Modeling (an
unsupervised ML technique (Sefara and Rangata,
2023) that uses Natural Language Processing)
methods such as Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA),
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), and
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) effectively applied
to analyse scattered and fragmented security-related
text data (for example, plain text, lack of integration,
disorganised contents, lack of contexts such as partial
incident reports, truncated logs, or isolated pieces of
information, etc. which can be derived from grey
literature, and the industries).
We also aim to propose a blockchain-based
solution (Akbar et al., 2022; Bankar and Shah, 2020)
(an advanced database mechanism for maintaining
data privacy) for addressing the insufficient container
security (for example, beyond 80% of Docker hub
images contain one high level of vulnerability
discovered by researchers after scanning 300,000
images in 85,000 repositories) (Zhang et al., 2018;
Shu et al., 2017), insecure deployment environments
(such as updating vulnerable dependencies, a human
error which leads to cyberattacks such as Log4j,
SolarWinds, CodeCov etc.) (Benedetti et al., 2022b;
Enck and Williams, 2022; Byrne et al., 2020; Karl et
al., 2022), etc. Before this, we also aim to conduct a
literature review on blockchain-based solutions for
securing the CI/CD pipeline.
In conclusion, this SLR gave us an understanding
of CI/CD security and plans for future works,
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A Systematic Literature Review on Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) for Secure Cloud Computing
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A Systematic Literature Review on Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) for Secure Cloud Computing