Quantification of Visual Search Motion During Basketball
in VR Simulation
Shinya Ishikawa
, Hidehiko Shishido
2,* a
, Kenji Yoshida
and Yoshinari Kameda
Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Center for Computaitonal Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Institute of Health and Sports Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Keywords: Vision Search, Behaviour Analysis, Gaze Detection, Head Mounted Display.
Abstract: In basketball, players must be able to make good decisions in complex and rapidly changing situations. An
important element of situational judgment is visual search motion. We propose to quantify the visual search
motion of a basketball player during play. In the proposed method, the experience of playing basketball is
realized on a VR simulation. The player wears a head-mounted display to experience the playing situation.
We prepared scenarios that considered the characteristics of the basketball game and the characteristics of the
head-mounted display and measured the visual search motion on the prototype system. Experiments were
conducted on defensive players, and the results show that the measurement results of visual search motion are
useful for discussing the characteristics of players.
In basketball, players are required to make accurate
judgments in response to complex and rapidly chang-
ing surroundings (Bjurwill, 1993)
1993). One of the most important elements for mak-
ing judgments is the visual search movement.
Visual search movements are performed when it
is necessary to grasp the positions of multiple objects,
such as a ball or other players. If visual search move-
ments can be quantified, it will be possible to discuss
whether or not the players acted appropriately to the
situation together with their movements based on vis-
ual search movements.
In this study, we propose to quantify the visual
search motion of basketball players during play.
For quantification of visual search motion, it is es-
sential to obtain the following information. The basic
information is the position and posture of the athlete's
head. Information on the direction of the player's line
of sight and the object he/she is gazing at are also nec-
essary. In order to obtain this information in a real en-
vironment, it is necessary to know all the circum-
stances surrounding the players.
Now at Soka University, Japan
The proposed method realizes the experience of
playing basketball on a VR simulation. The VR sim-
ulation allows us to manage all the situations sur-
rounding the players. The player wears a head-
mounted display (HMD) to experience the playing sit-
uation. By using an HMD that can measure the posi-
tion and posture of the player's head and the direction
of the player's line of sight, the system can obtain all
information during the play.
The experience of playing on a VR simulation
with an HMD cannot match the experience of playing
in reality. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully con-
sider the scenario to be used when measuring visual
search motion, taking into account the characteristics
of the basketball game and the field of view of the
HMD. For this purpose, we will develop scenarios
with the advice of an experienced head coach of a bas-
ketball team.
By quantifying visual search movements, it is pos-
sible to investigate the characteristics of players in a
playing situation. As an example, in a scenario where
defensive movements are required, we calculate bas-
ketball-specific motions from the results of visual
search motion measurements. From the results, we
Ishikawa, S., Shishido, H., Yoshida, K. and Kameda, Y.
Quantification of Visual Search Motion During Basketball in VR Simulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0013018600003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 225-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
show that it is possible to discuss the characteristics
of the players.
In an effort to quantify the visual search motion of
basketball players in a real environment, measure-
ment of rotational head and eye movements using a
gyro sensor and an IR camera has already been pro-
(Vickers, 2019) (Maarseveen, 2017). They
quantified the differences in visual search motion for
each selection when offensive players wearing eye-
tracking sensors were in possession of the ball in
Pick-and-Roll. In other sports, for example, in soccer,
Aksum et al. (Aksum, 2021) quantified the visual
search motion for each Ball Action of players wearing
eye tracking sensors in soccer.
In such efforts in real environments, it is difficult
to analyze the relationship between visual search
movements and the surrounding situation because the
surrounding situation is sometimes unknown.
As an approach to visual search motion using vir-
tual environments, Ferrer et al. proposed a method to
quantify visual search motion for passing in soccer
games (Ferrer, 2020). In this method, a playing situa-
tion is prepared on a VR simulation and the direction
of the head of a player wearing an HMD is measured.
Because of the short time between the visual search
motion and the passing action, the analysis of the vis-
ual search motion has not been addressed. (Wood,
2020) reported the effect of practice with visual
search motion on a VR simulation.
In this study, we quantify the visual search motion of
basketball players during play. The following infor-
mation is used in the quantification of visual search
The basic information is the position and posture
of the player's head. This information is expressed in
the court coordinate system. Next is the direction of
the player's line of sight. This is represented by the
average of the direction vectors of both eyes starting
from the average of the eye positions of both eyes.
If there is a ball or another player at the gazing
point, it becomes the gazing object. The walls and
floors of the building where the basketball game is
played are also considered as gazing objects. If the
gaze vectors of the two eyes are nearly parallel, the
object whose gaze vectors collide first is considered
to be the gazing object.
In order to obtain these values, we use an HMD
that is capable of six-degree-of-freedom position and
posture estimation. Furthermore, by using an HMD
with an eye tracking function, we obtain the eye vec-
tors of the left and right eyeballs.
For the VR simulation, an international standard
basketball court is set up in the virtual space, and the
ball and other players necessary for the game are
placed in the court. Players wear HMDs to experience
the VR simulation. In order to ensure a sense of im-
mersion, a 3D model of the gymnasium is prepared
that resembles a real gymnasium.
In the VR simulation, labels are assigned to the
CG model to obtain the labels of objects that collide
with the eye vectors. Players and balls other than the
person experiencing the simulation are made to move
according to the simulation program.
4.1 Prerequisite
In order to quantify visual search motion, players
wear HMDs while playing basketball.
Two limitations of wearing HMDs are listed be-
low. First, the HMD with the eye tracking function
must be firmly fixed on the head. Second, the field of
view of the HMD is narrower than the normal field of
view. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the influ-
ence of the difference in the field of view on the visual
search motion.
Under these limitations, the player's experience
should be a meaningful basketball play.
Based on the above, and based on the opinions of
experienced basketball players and coaches, this study
focuses on a scenario in which the players defend a
goal. In goal defense, the defending player observes the
movements of the attacking player through visual
search movements and acts accordingly. In this type of
action, there is almost no movement such as jumping,
so the possibility of HMD misalignment is low. The
difference in the field of vision can be mitigated by ap-
propriately positioning the initial position of the de-
fending players in relation to the attacking players.
4.2 Scenario
Taking advice from Kenji Yoshida, head coach of the
University of Tsukuba men's basketball team, we will
prepare three different scenarios.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
The common assumption for all three scenarios is
that there are three players, two offensive players and
one defensive player, as shown in Figure 1. The par-
ticipant in the experiment participates as a defensive
player. At the beginning of the play, the attacking
player who has the ball and is on the right side of the
top, as seen from the direction with his back to the
goal, is the ball man. The other attacking player on the
left wing is the marksman. The arrangement of the
two attackers and the defender is the same at the be-
ginning of every scenario. It is difficult for the de-
fender to see the two attackers at the same time.
In all scenarios, the defensive player should be
close to the ball man at the start of the game in order
to block a shot by the attacking player. The defender
may try to anticipate and cut off the pass. In this case,
the movement is a denial of the ball man reaching for
the path of the pass from the ball man to the marks-
man in the initial position. On the other hand, since
the two attackers are standing far from each other, the
defender needs either a visual search motion by shak-
ing his head from side to side or a visual improvement
motion by trying to get them in his field of vision by
moving back toward the goal.
Three scenarios for the attacker to score are de-
scribed below. A scenario is divided into events along
the time axis. The criteria for the division will also be
4.2.1 Scenario A
The first is scenario a, in which the ball man moves
outside and shoots. Scenario a can be subdivided into
three events. The first event is event 1, when the
marksman moves outside the boundary of the field of
view along the 3-point line. The next event is event 2
when the ball man passes to the marksman. Finally,
the marksman shoots, which is the final Event 3. Fig-
ure 1 shows the scene at the end of Event 3. In each
event, the defender is considered to either maintain
his initial position or retreat toward the goal. There-
fore, for each of the three events, there are two possi-
ble outcomes: either the defender stays in front of the
goal without retreating, or he retreated. As a result,
Figure 1: Scenario a.
there are six types of events. We label these events a1-
front, a1-back, a2-front, a2-back, a3-front, a3-back.
4.2.2 Scenario B
The second is scenario b, in which the marksman
shoots on the spot. Scenario b can be subdivided into
two events. The first event is that the ball man passes
to the marksman while the marksman is stationary on
the spot. The second event is when the marksman
shoots. Figure 2 shows the scene at the end of Event
2. As in scenario a, each event differs depending on
whether the defender retreats to the goal or not. As a
result, there are four different events. As in scenario
a, we label the events.
Figure 2: Scenario b.
4.2.3 Scenario C
The third is scenario c in which the ball man dribbles
and shoots. Scenario c can be subdivided into three
events. The first event is until the marksman begins to
move. The next event is event 2, where the marksman
starts to move and the ball man starts to drive. The last
event, event 3, is until the marksman drives and
shoots. Figure 3 shows the situation at the end of
Event 3. If we take into account whether the defender
retreats or not, we end up with six different events.
The labeling is the same as in scenario a.
Figure 3: Scenario c.
Quantification of Visual Search Motion During Basketball in VR Simulation
This section describes a method for obtaining the in-
dices necessary to observe the visual search move-
ments of the defensive players in the scenarios de-
scribed in the previous section.
5.1 Event Switch
The factors of event switching can be divided into
those based on the motion of the ball and the attacking
players, and those based on the retreat of the defend-
ing players toward the goal. The former can be speci-
fied in time based on the description of the motion in
the VR simulation. For the latter, the head position of
the HMD is assumed to be the standing position of the
defender, and when the distance from the standing po-
sition to the goal (goal distance) becomes less than a
certain value, the player is judged to have retreated.
5.2 Head Shake
When the defender remains in the initial position and
continues to defend, he cannot see the two attackers
at the same time, and therefore, shaking his head to
the left and right is a visual search motion. We call
this action head shake.
We define the number of the head turns as follows
to indicate the amount of head shake. When the head
rotation angle returns to the original direction in a short
period of time, if the variation of the head rotation an-
gle exceeds a threshold value, one head turn is counted.
To realize the proposed method, a VR simulation sys-
tem is constructed. In addition, a system for experi-
encing the scenarios will be constructed.
6.1 VR Simulation System
The VR simulation system is built using Unity, a
3DCG integrated development environment. For the
floor, ceiling, and four walls of the VR gymnasium,
we used the texture of a photo of the interior of a real
gymnasium used by the participants in the experiment
to provide a sense of immersion. The attacking player
is assumed to be 170 cm tall, assuming the height of
an average Japanese male. The size of the ball and the
court are based on the standards of the International
Basketball Federation (FIBA, 2024). An overview of
the VR gymnasium from a subject viewpoint in the
simulation system is shown in Figure 4.
We will explain the mechanism of the movement
required for the visual search exercise. We used Very
Animation, a Unity Asset that allows the creation and
editing of animations of objects. Several typical poses
are prepared for the attacker's movements. A Unity
feature called "Animation Blend" was used to com-
plement the movements between the poses to repro-
duce the real game behavior. Timeline, a Unity fea-
ture that allows multiple objects to be controlled sim-
ultaneously, was used to accurately describe the lay-
out of the positions of multiple players and the ball
and their movements with respect to time.
Figure 4: A view of VR gymnasium from a subject viewpoint.
6.2 User Experience System
VIVE PRO EYE from VIVE Technologies, Inc. will
be used as the HMD. Four base stations are used to
estimate the position and orientation of the HMD. The
wireless function is used to facilitate the movement of
the participants in the experiment. This ensures that a
10m square area is available for the participants to
move around. In order to provide an immersive expe-
rience for the participants, the system is set up in the
gymnasium where the participants usually practice.
Figure 5 shows an overview of the experience system.
Figure 5: Overview of the proposed experience system in
the university gymnasium at University of Tsukuba.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
6.3 Measurement
The accuracy of the measurement of the motion of the
participants in the experiment is determined by the ac-
curacy of the VIVE PRO EYE. The position and ori-
entation of the HMD are measured at 70 Hz or higher,
but the data are recorded at 30 Hz for synchronization.
The horizontal position of the HMD can be measured
with an accuracy of 1.8 × 10
𝑚 (Holzwarth,
2021). The direction vector of the HMD can be meas-
ured with an accuracy of 0.8° (Bauer, 2021). The eye
detection in the HMD can be measured at 120Hz, but
is recorded at 30Hz for data synchronization. The data
is recorded at 30Hz. The eye vectors can be measured
with an average accuracy of 6.21° (SD 0.77°) (Si-
patchin, 2021).
As for the gazing objects, the eye vectors and col-
lision judgments are performed for the floor, ceiling,
and four walls of the VR gymnasium, as well as for
the ball and the attacking player, and the target labels
and the time when the collision occurred are recorded.
For the attacking player, collision judgments are
made separately for each joint, so it is possible to ex-
amine which part of the opponent's body the player
was looking at.
Next, we will explain how to prepare the partici-
pants for safe defensive actions. In the experiment, the
movable area is 5.45m in depth and 7.00m in width.
The boundaries of the movable area are displayed dur-
ing the experience in a way that does not spoil the
sense of realism.
Next, the experimental subject is given time to
practice until he/she can perform the desired defen-
sive action in the actionable area of the VR gymna-
sium. During the practice, the players of the prepared
scenario are reversed in the center of the court. During
the practice time, the two attacking players exchange
passes without moving from their initial positions.
The experimental subjects are asked to "follow the of-
fensive player on the left one-on-one. Practice to
move smoothly to position 1 or 2, etc." They are told:
"Please assume that the offensive player is aiming at
the goal as in a game. Position 1 is the position where,
when the marksman has the ball, the defenseman is in
a straight line between the marksman and the goal and
can immediately go for a block if the marksman
moves to shoot. . The experimental subjects continued
to practice until they self-reported that they were able
to perform the defensive action within the area of pos-
sible movement. Thereafter, six trials are conducted.
7.1 Procedure
First, explain that there are two attacking players in
the experiment and that the goal of the experiment is
for the participant to interfere with the attacking shot
as a defensive player. Explain that there will be six
trials. We do not tell them how many different offen-
sive scenarios the attackers have prepared. The exper-
imenter is allowed two trials for each of the three sce-
narios so that the number of trials is not biased toward
any of the three scenarios. The order in which the sce-
narios are presented is determined for each participant
so as to counteract the order effect.
Next, we calibrate the eye gaze measurement for
each participant in the experiment. In order to check
the accuracy of the eye tracking, the participants are
asked to look at a basketball in the VR gymnasium
and erase it. The participant's gazing point is indicated
by a pink sphere. When the sphere collides with the
ball, the ball disappears.
7.2 Execution
Ten members of the University of Tsukuba men's bas-
ketball team, ranging in age from 19 to 21, partici-
pated in the experiment as participants A through J.
The experience system was set up in the gymnasium
used by the basketball team for practice (Figure 5).
The time required for the trials of scenarios a, b, and
c was 8.20, 4.90, and 8.30 seconds, respectively. In all
scenarios, the initial positions of the two attackers and
the defender are the same, and the attacker stands
93.2° open from the defender.
Based on the positioning of the players in the pre-
pared scenarios, we set the threshold value of the piv-
oting judgment to 20°. When the goal distance of the
participant in the experiment was less than 4.8m, the
participant in the experiment was considered to have
retreated, and an event switch was considered to have
occurred. Figure 6 shows the measurement of the
head rotation angle for experimental participant A in
scenario c. In this example, the number of pivots is 6.
Figure 7 shows the goal distance for participant E in
scenario b.
The measurement record of each trial can be visu-
alized. Figure 8 shows the scene. The position of the
participant's head is indicated by the gray dots in the
figure. The blue line indicates the frontal direction of
the head, and the white and green lines indicate the
edges of the HMD's field of view. The red line indi-
cates the direction vector of the gaze, and the light
blue dots indicate the gazing position. As shown in
Quantification of Visual Search Motion During Basketball in VR Simulation
the subfigures, the gaze estimation is precise enough
to examine the objects that the subject checked.
Figure 6: Head rotation angle for experimental participant
A in scenario c.
Figure 7: Goal distance in scenario b for experimental par-
ticipant E.
7.3 Discussion
The characteristics of players are discussed based on
the results of visual search movement measurements.
The co-author of the discussion, Kenji Yoshida, is the
head coach of the University of Tsukuba basketball
7.3.1 Adaptation to Multiple Scenarios
In terms of adaptation to the multiple scenarios in this
study, focusing on a single participant, there are two
possible directions: either the participant stays in the
initial position and increases the number of pivots as
the trial progresses, or the participant moves back to-
ward the goal and performs pivots. The order of sce-
narios is scenario c, scenario a, and scenario b, in or-
der of the number of pivots that should occur.
In Figure 9, we can see that participant B in the
first trial had three shakes, but in the sixth trial, he had
six shakes. It can be said that the participants did not
know what kind of situation would come in the first
trial, but as they repeated the trials, they became
aware that there were multiple scenarios, and this re-
inforced the visual search movement.
In Figure 10, we observe that participant E was in
the backward state for 2 out of 4 pivots in the first trial,
but all 8 pivots were in the backward state in the sixth
trial. It can be said that the subjects realized that there
were multiple scenarios as they continued the trials,
and performed the visual improvement exercise of re-
These are not defensive movements that should be
judged as correct. They should be regarded as the
manifestation of the characteristics of each player.
7.3.2 Unique Defence Motion
(a) At the beginning.
(b) Checking the left target.
(c) Facing to the left target as the targe moves.
Figure 8: Measurement visualization of visual search mo-
tion. Th time flows from (a) to (c). Note that the light blue
balls (gazing object) are placed properly.
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Looking at the cross-sectional results of the experi-
ment, we can find players who perform characteristic
defensive actions. The number of pivoting move-
ments for all 10 participants for scenario a is shown
in Figure 11. Participant J performs the pivoting with-
out retreating. From this, the head coach states that we
can read that this participant is faithfully performing
the deny, the action that prevents the path of the ball.
Figure 9: Number of head shakes per scenario for Partici-
pant B.
Figure 10: Number of head shakes per scenario for partici-
pant E.
Figure 11: Distribution of head shake frequency in scenario a.
We proposed a method for quantifying the visual
search motion of players during the game. We showed
how to construct a VR simulation system that can
manage all the situations surrounding the players and
their experience system, so that the visual search mo-
tion can be measured.
By preparing a scenario that takes into account the
characteristics of the basketball game and the charac-
teristics of the HMD, we showed that the measure-
ment of visual search motion is effective even on a
VR system.
As an index to investigate the characteristics of
visual search motion, the number of left and right piv-
ots at each segment in the scenario was obtained. We
conducted an experiment with members of the men's
basketball team of the University of Tsukuba, and
were able to discuss the characteristics of the relation-
ship between the players' visual search movements
and their defensive actions based on the results of the
measurement of visual search movements.
This study was partially supported by JSPS KA-
KENHI 23K21685/21H03476 and it was originated
by (Ishikawa, 2022).
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icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support