Decentralizing Democracy with Semantic Information Technology: The
D-CENT Retrospective
Harry Halpin
Center Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Ontologies, Direct Democracy, Governance, Standards.
One of the central questions facing democracy is the lack of engagement from ordinary citi zens. D-CENT (De-
centralized Citizens ENgagement Technologies) used cross-platform and decentralized technologies, ranging
from Semantic Web ontologies to W3C federated social web standards, helps communities to autonomously
share data, collaborate and organize their operations as a decentralized network. With the benefit of hindsight,
we can analyze why this decentralized and standardized approach, whil e successful in the short-term, did not
succeed in sustaining engagement in the long-term and why blockchain systems may be the next step f orward.
While Web-based technologies have been remark-
able in attracting engagem ent, even a ddictive en-
gagement in social media, there has been declining
engagement in democr atic political p rocesses. The
central research question is then: How can we use
Web-technologies to enable increased engagement in
democratic processes? One hypothesis is the Web
help rebuild democra tic en gagemen t by relying on the
same principles that drive engagement on commercial
platforms, such as notification s.
Traditional democratic institutions were built in
a pre-Web era, and so relied on representatives due
to the latency req uired for face-to-face d ecision-
making and de liberation. A kind of radical democ-
racy, direct democracy, differs from traditional rep-
resentative democracy insofar as the entir e comm u-
nity is considered to engage in democratic deliber-
ation and decision-making, rather than a few rep-
resentatives (Kling et al., 2015). With increasingly
ubiquitous connectivity, co uld the entire paradigm be
changed to one of digital direct democracy where
people deliberate and even make collective d ecisions
over the internet? Across Europe, attempts to en-
gage citizens and so cial movements in democratic
decision-making for the social good using digital plat-
forms have not yet scaled or reached wide usage.
Thus, a secondary hypothesis is that Web technolo-
gies can enable new forms of wider radical demo-
cratic engagement beyon d traditional representative
There has been many platforms built for increased
democra tic engageme nt, but many of them have not
been successful. Most of these platforms lack fea-
tures and have complex user-interfaces, which might
leave many people unable to meaningfully partici-
pate in their democr atic pro cess via the Internet. A
few existing platform s, such a s LiquidFeedback used
by th e Pirate Party, have been specifically designed
to engage users into large-scale Interne t-based d emo-
cratic process that goes beyond the limits of tradi-
tional social media (Kling et al., 2015). In general,
collective deliberation is shown to increase the collec-
tive intelligence of groups beyond its individual mem-
bers (Woolley et al., 2010). There is some evidence
that this pro c ess can reliably be done via online delib-
eration (Klein, 2007 ). Still, most of th ese initiatives
did not succeed in scaling the p rocess of large-scale
collective action and participation outside relatively
small commun ities. It is unclear if this is a limit of
direct democratic structures or if digital tools could
scale social innovation across society w ith the right
set of digital tools (Halpin and Bria, 2015).
One central insight fro m the Web is that open stan-
dards and interoperability led to the initial take-up o f
the Web, even though currently the Web is becom-
ing a series of closed platforms. On the other hand,
most e-government services for democratic engage-
ment are closed platforms. Thus, our final hypoth-
esis is that lack of engagement is due to the inability
of these platforms to meaningfully intero perate across
Halpin, H.
Decentralizing Democracy with Semantic Information Technology: The D-CENT Retrospective.
DOI: 10.5220/0013019800003825
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2024), pages 342-349
ISBN: 978-989-758-718-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
community boundaries, and Semantic Web ontologies
combined with W3C Social Web standards could ad-
dress these scaling issues across loc al and national
Developing a common fo rmal vocabulary - an ‘on-
tology’ - is one solution to the issue of interoperabil-
ity in e-government (Obrst, 2003 ), and this study at-
tempts to build software to decentralize e-governm ent
using open standards. The software, c alled D-CENT
(Decentralized Citizen EmpowermeNT)
condu c te d
multi-year pilots across Europe from 2015-2019
accelerate the development o f distributed alternatives
for on line de liberation and data governance. The
goal was to develop a framework for the deploy-
ment of decen tralized networks for community-driven
democra cy wh ich are b oth easy to use and properly
aligned with fun damental righ ts. Some of the fea-
tures were specifically designed to link into existing
formal structures of de mocratic power; others pur-
ported to build the capacity for the deployment of
new democratic institutions that could h arness the
network effects of digital tools and real-time collabo-
ration to solve social problems. To our knowledge,
our effort was the first time ontologies have been
used to strengthen democratic politics in a bottom-
up manner while engaging institutions, in contrast
to the top-down traditional uses of ontologies in e-
Governance (Mampilli and Meenakumari, 2012) and
newer efforts in blockcha in-based Decentra lized Au-
tonomous Organizatio n (DAOs) that seek to replace
institutions but lack common stand a rds (Sims, 2019).
This paper provides a retrospective on the ambi-
tions, successes, and ultimate failure of decentraliz-
ing democracy using open standard s. The D-CENT
project ran from 2014-201 6, and parts of the system
in op eration till 2018 across Finland and Iceland in
2019. The primary c a se-studies are in Spain, Ice-
land, and Finland, and we u sed a lean user experi-
ence methodology to un derstand the distinct problems
each of these co mmunities experienced and how tech-
nology could help address these issues as described
in Section 2. Although there is not enoug h space to
discuss the fascinating results of these user-interview,
the technical architecture is overviewed in Section 3,
with a focus on the delibera tion platform Objective8
and the notifications tool Mooncake, as well as how
we use the federated W3C Soc ia l Web stack to com-
municate between the various tools. Lastly in Sec-
tion 4, we give reasons for the succe ss and failures of
D-CENT itself to scale .
The software was completed at the end of the project
in 2016, but the actual attempted usage of the software con-
tinued after the project until 2019.
These case-studies were done using the qua litative
interview-based ‘lean user experience’ methodology
in order to develop usable ontology-based software.
The main tenet of the lean user experience method-
ology is technology should prioritize human needs,
and the first step in building technology is to un-
derstand the concrete human needs via detailed case
studies (Ries, 2011). A series of wh at are called ‘ le a n
inception’ events were done in Finland, Iceland and
Spain to gather information about their pr oblems, and
how currently existing software did or did not address
these issues. The goal is to create the minimal, i.e.
‘lean, amount of software to address the problem that
people actually have, rather than the problem that the
software developers and ontology engineers thought
their users have.
The rea son why these ca se-studies were chosen to
inform - and later, pilot - the D-CENT design was
because they were all organically usin g technology
to build direct democracy, although without intero p-
erable components. Also, each of these case stud-
ies is on a different scale: Finland on the scale of
an entire nation-state via a ‘top down’ model based
on sharing open data and influencing the Parliament,
while in Iceland the focus was on th e making city
government mor e democ ratic. The last case-study,
Barcelona, was focused on direct democracy at the
neighborhoo d level.
2.1 Finland
One of the more successful efforts in crowd-sour cing
policy proposals on the nation-level is Open Ministry
in Finland.
Since a constitutional amendment made
it possible in 2012, Open Ministry crowd-sources pro-
posals from citizen campaigns and puts them in front
of Finnish Parliament. On November 28th 2014 the
first initiative launch e d by the Open Ministry was ac-
cepted by the Parliament when the Finnish Parliament
voted 105 ‘in favor’ and 92 ‘against’ for the equal
marriage law proposal giving gays and lesbians eq ual
marriage rights.
At the same time, Finland has become one of
the world-leadin g nations in terms of th e produ ction
of open data. Under the leadership of mayor Jussi
Pajunen, th e City of Helsinki has adopted a m ore
open and citizen-centric approach to data, where it
opened its interna l document management system,
called Ahjo, and released all the agendas a nd deci-
sion items of the city cou ncil and the city’s subcom-
mittees as Open Data available through a JSON API
Decentralizing Democracy with Semantic Information Technology: The D-CENT Retrospective
called OpenAhjo so that developers could build ap-
plications on it.
After this, the rest of Finland has
been following suit, with in 2020 OpenAhjo still be-
ing used as a part of larger open government APIs
around Linked Events and Geoserver mapping.
2.2 Iceland
Better Reykjavik
was launched in 20 10, a week be -
fore the municipal elections in Reykjavik using the
Your Priorities codebase,
and became a major suc-
cess in direct demo c racy. All parties received the
capability to crowd-source ideas for their campaigns
like the Pirate Party. The ‘Best Party’ used the sys-
tem extensively, and won 6 of the 15 seats of Reyk-
javik City Council in the 2010 election. Thus, when
J´on Gnarr became mayor of the capital of Iceland, he
called on Reykjavik citizens to use the Better Reyk-
javik online platform also during the coalition talks
that happened after the election. During the elec tions,
40% of Reykjavik’s voters u sed the platform and
almost 2,000 political policies were crowd-sourced.
Since 2010 12,00 0 registered users have submitted
over 5,000 ideas an d 8,000 priorities, with 257 prior-
ities have been formally reviewed with 165 accepted
since 20 10. The 10-15 top priorities are being pro-
cessed by Reykjavik City Council and voted upon at
meetings every month. Therefo re, it functions very
similarly to Open Ministry but on a city-wide rather
than local level. The Icelandic government started in
2018 to use the Your Priorities platform on an Iceland-
wide basis as Better Iceland.
As of 2020, the Your
Priorities platform hosts 114 different communities
outside Iceland, ranging from NHSCitizen in the UK
to Forza Nazzjo nali in Malta.
2.3 Spain
In Spain, D-CENT primarily worked with Guanyem
in Barcelona, a coalition of neighborhood assem-
blies demanding a more democratic use of data. The
rise of ‘15M m ovement as part of the ‘movement
of the sq uares’ in 2011, produced an unprecedented
politicization of pe ople in Spain, cutting across the
whole society, including even the traditiona lly con-
servative and apolitical secto rs. This n ew politics
are characterized by a prioritization of direct democ-
racy that led to the eme rgence of new c itizens’ coali-
tions such as Guanyem (“Let’s Win” in Catalan).
Guanyem h as also been very interested in technol-
ogy, with ma ny of its pa rticipants wanting some form
of ‘ope n sou rce’ municipalism to increase participa-
tion and transpa rency of more centra lize d governmen-
tal decision-making. At the time of the experiments,
the Guanyem coalition was made up o f 13 thematic
axes, 6 working committees and around 15 -20 neigh-
borhood assemblies, with more than 1000 volunteers
that are participating o n a daily basis. It began an af-
filiation with the new Spain-wide Podemos party.
Reddit was the actual core of the participation in
Podemos, through the space called ‘Plaza Po demos’
(Podemos Square).
The daily average attendance
is 15, 000 unique visitors, with more than 270,000
unique visitors and more than 2,625,000 page view
during October 2014.
This is of interest, as Podemos
had at the time 220,000 registered people. However,
Reddit did not allow sophisticated po lling and voting
on actu a l decisions. This led to a centralization of
decision-making by the party hierarchy by Podemos.
In contr ast, local groups affiliated (but distinct
from) with Podemos such as Guanyem had experi-
mented with software such as Agora Voting,
but this
software was proprietary and so could not be modi-
fied. Further more, each of the neighborho od coun-
cils would like to have their own polls and votes, but
would like to be able to optionally send the results
of th ose polling and voting activities to other politi-
cal groups: So a single neighborhood like Las Ram-
blas could have their poll on a policy proposal sent to
the Barcelona-wide Guanyem in ord er to determine if
the policy proposal was a cceptable. However, what
was needed was a new kind of intero perable tool that
could interoperate and fed e rate between the various
neighborhoo d assemblies in Barcelona, and eventu-
ally across all of Spain and even Europe. Ther e fore,
based on this vision, the D-CENT software was built
as a tool for ‘dual power’ by a federation of demo-
cratic assemblies.
The overarching vision of the D-CENT architecture
is that each group will maintain its own data, delib-
erations, and polling using its own autonomous on-
line presence, a D-CENT node, but that the differ-
ent nodes will be able to communicate and take ac-
tions in a decentralized manner over a network of
Note usage has been in steady decline since the insti-
tutionalization of t he party after 2015 and its decline in the
polls since 2019.
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: D-CENT case studies and users.
D-CENT nodes. Using D-CENT, assemblies could
distribute polls across different jurisdictions and dis-
cuss common actions over global issues such as cli-
mate change. The node s should start with the ex-
isting D -CENT-affiliated projects in Finland, Ic eland,
and Spain, but allow exten sio n to new neighborhoo ds,
cities, and even countries. Therefore, this project
could be considered similar to architecture to Tim
Berners-Lee’s Solid project, but based on a collective
community da ta store rather than an individual store
of personal data for each person .
The problem was that each of these communities
had not only linguistic differences, but vast differ-
ences in scale and process in how they went about
deliberating on policy proposals, and the D-CENT ar-
chitecture had to be general purpose enough to handle
all of these case-studie s. Therefore, a Semantic Web
deployment approach was chosen for the architec-
ture. No te blockcha in technologie s do not have open
standards to communicate structured data by default
and were very immature when the D-CENT architec-
ture was be ing created. The approach chosen by D-
CENT was to fo cus on an extensible ontology-based
approa c h to stru cture the data in the communication
between nodes. ActivityStreams 2.0, a W3C Seman-
tic Web stan dard by the W3C Social Web Working
was chosen as the basis of the ontologies to
be used by eac h community. As this stan dard a lso
allowed serialization into JSON, it could be easily
added to existing platform s by virtue of customiz-
ing the ActivityStreams ontology without changing
the existing platform. The use of ActivityStreams
would then let existing directly democratic platforms
send out notifications of events to other platforms, i.e.
other D-CENT nodes.
A number of othe r compone nts had to be built
for real-world deployment. First, users themselves
needed to be able to be identified for purposes of po-
litical delibera tion, in order to prevent spam and other
sybil attacks. Although the exact method for connect-
ing an ‘online’ identity to physical ide ntity was le ft
to the political community using D-CENT (ranging
from checking passports in-person to allowing anony-
mous usage), an identity sy stem of some type was
needed. Also, users would need a way to authenticate
securely to the system in order to subscribe to and
receive notifications to these feeds. Therefore, cryp-
tography needed to be deployed. Each node should
control locally for its users or let their users control
their own private key such that the cryptographic key
material needed to validate every user would be reg-
istered with a node via the user’s public key.
Each decen tralized compon ent was specified us-
ing open standards would allow pre-existing direct
democra cy tools like OpenAhjo and Better Reykjavik
to become compliant with the D-CENT architectur e
rather than for ce these pre-existing systems to use
new systems using Semantic Web techn ology. In-
stead, pre-existing systems would simply need to add
support for a finite number of open standards and
Semantic Web ontologies (using th e D-CENT ontol-
ogy extensions to ActivityStreams) via open-sourc e
libraries. This would allow existing direct democratic
software to easily commun ic a te , for new applications
to be built on top of open standards that could be used
with any D-CENT node, and for data portability for
users between D-CENT nodes. So, each D-CENT
node should have the following minimal components,
with each of the components commu nicates via Ac-
tivityStreams with the D-CENT ontology, as explored
in each of the following subsections:
1. Identity: The personal data store of each user that
is part of a D-CENT nod e, with a sample applica-
tion (Stonecutter). It is b ased on the OAuth 2.0
standard and an extensible version on the W3C
VCard ontology.
2. Notifications: The notification en gine that lets
D-CENT nodes notify users of new events (dis-
cussions, policy proposals, polls, votes, etc.) via
the W3C ActivityStreams ontology. The sample
application Mooncake provides the se functions to
users who subscribe to ActivityStreams from D-
CENT nodes, and developers via the Coracle ap-
3. Deliberation: The deliberation platfo rm that lets
users pro pose new policy proposals and discuss
them, using Objective8, and so sends out notifica-
tions to users.
Existing applications would need to implement these
functions via open standards on top of their exist-
ing code-base using open standards, and for new D-
Decentralizing Democracy with Semantic Information Technology: The D-CENT Retrospective
Figure 2: D-CENT architecture.
CENT nodes, example software that has been compli-
ant with the standards has been written. As shown in
Figure 2, a particular API (Helsinki Decisions API) is
made compatible with the Semantic Web-based Ac-
tivityStreams via extending the standard ActivityS-
treams classes. This use of ActivityStreams allows
the Decision API to dynamically display on a map,
where a third-party party developer can make their
own custom vocabulary. User s can then access and
receive notifications via Mooncake afte r authenticat-
ing via Stonecutter - and other third party systems,
including other D-CENT nodes, can access the Activ-
3.1 Identity: Stonecutter
Stonecutter is a privacy-enhanced single sign-on
(SSO) tool that also provides identity man agement
for D-CENT nodes, allowing a user to easily authen-
ticate and access their notification s an d other appli-
cations across D-CENT nod e s without having to use
centralized third-party platforms like Facebook and
Google tha t may invade their privacy. This SSO ser-
vice can be easily integra ted with other tools hosted
by D- CENT nodes via the use of the OpenID Con-
nect, a profile of the IETF standard OAuth 2.0.
use of OAuth 2.0 across D-CENT nodes allows or-
ganization s to share their users, with user permis-
sion, with other organization s and allows users to
have a single consistent identity across multiple D-
CENT n odes. This is u seful as a user m ay have a
single identity across loca l (neighborhood), munici-
pal ( city), national, and even transnational (Europe a n
Union) dire ctly democratic applications, and a user
may also want to move between lo cations (such as
from Barcelona to Rome) without having to create a
new identity. Stonecutter stores user data as VCard,
but is extensible in a customizable manner via the us-
age of the Semantic Web W3C VCard ontology.
The exportation of VCards and the self-hosting of
data securely a llows D-CENT nodes to be compliant
with the General Data Protection Directive. Further-
more, Stonecutter uses Docker so it is easy for orga-
nizations that wish to host D-CENT nodes can easily
install the software on local servers, so that valuable
and private user data is not hosted in foreign juris-
diction that may not comply with the General Data
Protection Directive.
3.2 Notifications: Mooncake
Notifications are the hear t of D-CENT. Mooncake
is a notifications tool that securely notifies mem-
bers of a D-CENT node of activity in the wider D-
CENT ecosystem, including on other D-CENT nodes.
Mooncake is fundamentally an ActivityStream en-
gine built in Cloju re (a functional langu age compat-
ible with Java and so having acce ss to commonly-
needed Java libraries) that supports OAuth 2.0 for
sharing data a bout ActivityStreams.
As Mooncake
focuses on users, a complementary program called
Coracle was developed that serves as a notifications
server which stores activities in orde r to the activity
stream at an endpoint for third-par ty applications to
Mooncake (and other D-CENT enabled ap-
plications like Objective8) request these tokens, and
use the m to perm it access to restricted actio ns within
the applications themselves. Through Coracle, appli-
cations (like Better Reykjavik, Objective8, Democra-
cyOS, etc.) can produce Ac tivityStreams 2.0 JSON
docume nts which c an be consumed by any other ap-
plication that queries the relevant endpoint. Moon-
cake. Mooncake queries the endpoint of any Activi-
tyStream producer and consumes the r esult, combin-
ing the results into a single feed that can then be dis-
played to the user as shown in Figure 3. A user can
freely use ( a nd a developer can free ly implement) an-
other a pplication that consumes ActivityStreams data
and use it in conjunction with Moonca ke or instead
of it. The application simply has to be aware of any
extensions to the ActivityStreams vocabulary made
by the application, which should be straight-forward
as lon g as the ontology is published and discover-
able due to using Linked Data gu idelines (Bizer et al.,
2011). This fulfills the D-CENT goal of simple de-
The open source code is available at https://github.c
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: Mooncake Notifications Display.
Figure 4: Example usage of D-CENT ontology for deliber-
centralized integration between both new and old ap-
plications with in the sam e eco system should be mad e
Notifications can be added to an existing D-CENT
node so that users ca n stay up to date with multiple
other D-CENT node through a single interface. These
activities could include actions newly created policy
proposals, in the case of Objective8, database activ-
ity in open databases, an d so on. All notifications use
the the open standard Activity Streams 2.0 (AS2) with
class extensio ns to the ActivityStream ontolo gy to
support direct democracy via the D-CENT o ntology.
Currently, Objective8, OpenAhjo (City of Helsinki’s
Decision API) and Better Reykjavik (Your Priorities),
publishes ActivityStreams using the D-CENT ontol-
ogy that can be consumed by Mooncake. ActivityS-
treams features a simple ontological model based on
a RDF triple (as defined by the W3C Semantic Web
standard semantics f or RDF
), where an actor that
takes an action on a object. The action may also have
a seco ndary effect on a target. All of these are defined
as RDF classes. For example, in the Decision API, the
actor is a group that makes a decision, such as Finnish
Parliament. The action could be to add the decision
to those ratified on an issue given by an issue-url. Ev-
ery n otification is given a timestamp via the predicate
published. This is illustra te d in Figure 4.
3.3 Deliberation: Objective8
Objective8 is a policy drafting tool that allows organi-
zations to work with their members to produce crowd-
sourced policy p roposals. Objective8 was also pro-
grammed in Closure with a Docker instance for easy
Traditionally policy documents have
been written by a single person or small team, and
only distributed on ce com plete. Objective8 has been
designed to help directly democratic organizations
create policy in a more open, tran sparent and collabo-
rative way. It allows a wider community to shape and
inform the policy drafts via proposin g an d deliberat-
ing on policy proposals. The tool a llows members of
a community to r eview, comment and annotate draf ts
of a policy. The feedback provided by the community
is then made accessible to the policy writers so that
it can be assessed and included in the next version of
the draft. Members of the D-CENT node are also able
to become policy writers them selves if they choose
to. Through the too l, users can gather community
opinion, generate ide as, share, discuss, and collabo-
rate with experts to draft the new policy. This could
include spe cific policie s, manifesto pa ges, and so on.
The policy writers are able to view an aggregation of
their feedback for all their objectives on a dashboard
using ActivityStreams 2.0 , similar to Mooncake for
Objective8 is used to integrate and aggregate data
in different contexts to cr eate a multi-channel multi-
organization participation experience where parties
contribute to the cyclic creation, use, reuse, and en-
riching of the policy p roposal. Objective8 in cludes a
Mongo D B datastore in order to store JSON (includ-
ing RDF data formatted as JSON) as well as links
to a native RDF triple-store for integration of RDF
data. These data bases allow new kinds of open data
to be added to policy proposals beyond simple written
comments and annotations via crowd-sourcing. For
example, the integration of geosp atial data allows Ob-
jective8 to have map visualization to print items in the
ActivityStream on a map to enable local real-life in-
teraction in betwe en users. Th e exten sib le RDF D-
CENT ontolog y is the backbone of Objective8.
extends the ActivityStreams 2.0 RDF vocabulary as
given below:
The open source code is available at https://github.c
The D-CE N T ontology as RDF Schema is available at
The table uses
as the prefix for the ActivityStreams
2.0 and
for the D-CENT ontology.
Decentralizing Democracy with Semantic Information Technology: The D-CENT Retrospective
Table 1: D-CENT Ontology.
Class name
The group making the decision.
as: Content
An issue that needs a policy decision.
A prop osal to address an issue.
A prop osal that has been accepted.
Creation of a new issue.
Addition of a new proposal.
Suppor t for a proposal.
Rejection of a proposal.
Abstention from a proposal.
Textual co mment of comment.
Annotation of content.
Argumentation point over proposal.
Argument again st a prop osal.
Argument for a proposal.
D-CENT was an ambitious attempt to build a n decen -
tralized infrastructure for direct democ racy that would
be interoperable across multip le social movements
and scales of democr atic governance. In its ea rly
stages from 2014 to 201 6, D-CENT shows promise
as a tool for autonomous and decentralized decision-
making and voting in assemblies. The hope was that
after testing, multiple assemblies and municipalities
each with their own D-CENT nodes, would federate
across Eur ope, leading to large-scale dec e ntralized di-
rect democracy via assemblies. However, ultimately
the system launched with m uch fanfare in from 2014-
2016 but by the time of COVID in 2020, D-CENT
ultimately did not take root. Although federation re-
mains a powerful potential capacity of still popular
platforms like Better Reykjavik via their use of the D-
CENT ontology and ActivityStream s, the actual fed-
eration capabilities were rarely used in practice.
The reasons for this lack of increased democratic
engagement are multiple. First, developers found it
difficult to understand and use, much less extend the
Semantic Web ontologies used by ActivityStreams,
preferring traditional APIs to RDF-based ontologies.
Therefore, D-CENT was not widely integrated into
existing platforms with real users. Second, although
we aimed to allow users to use D-CENT without in-
teracting with tr aditional tools like Facebook, Google,
Twitter, and Reddit, this may have backfired: Users
simply did not want to set-up their own account on
Stonecutter even if D-CENT allowed custo mized ca-
pabilities fo r communication within an assembly or
other political group, instead preferring to stay with a
small number of centralized commer c ia l providers. It
was simply too much hassle to use a personal data-
store and receive a separate stream of notifications
other than those already sent by Instagram.
Lastly, there also may need to be a change of ar-
chitecture: At the present mom ent, ther e is interest in
blockch ain-based systems that feature more a dvanced
cryptography a nd a more decentralized peer-to-peer
architecture tha n offered by the D-CENT f ederated
architecture . While there was interest in blockchain
technologies inside of D-CENT, in pa rticular commu-
nity currencies, these were never integrated into the
actual software. The same issues of scalability, lack
of developer familiarity, and users inability to migrate
to new systems a lso are challenges for bloc kchain
software. These were tackled within the DECODE
which continued the work of D-CENT us-
ing blockchain technology. The advanced crypto gra-
phy of blockchain technology could offer a number
of features that could critically improve over th e D-
CENT approach. For example, u ser key-material was
unwieldy in Stonecutter, and a blockchain-based wal-
let approach would have likely been more successful
in terms of incentivizing particip a tion than just noti-
fications. From a security and trust perspective, it is
also better to have a blockch ain that keeps a reco rd of
the polls, deliberatio ns, and decisions rather than a set
of local if corruptible databa ses as used in D-CENT.
While users were notified of new events for demo-
cratic participation, they lacked any incentives to par-
ticipate, like tokenized reputation points or awards.
Lastly, the system is not anonymous, so users are
linked to their votes via their public key. For exam-
ple, mix-networking sy stems could unlink a vote from
a user via mixing, and so let systems like D-CENT
eventually engage in private and secure verifiable vot-
WEBIST 2024 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ing (Jakobsson et al., 2002) .
The underlying need for a radically more d emo-
cratic and cross-border politics are more clear in 2024
than in 2014, and as it is clear such functional-
ity is not in the business interests of p rivate compa -
nies such as Facebook software should rise to the
occasion. However, democratic e ngageme nt requires
meeting users where they a re, which is on a few large
platforms, not on the Semantic Web or blockchains.
Furthermore, the techno-centric approach put forward
by D-CENT did not succeed insofar as despite their
shared interest in digital direct democracy, the coun-
tries of Iceland, Spain, and Finland had vastly differ-
ent languag es and problems. What is needed more
than technology is a common political project and
political ideology that works across borders and lan-
guage barrier s. Software for democratic assemblies is
only useful if such assemb lies already exist and are
growing in popularity, an d there has n ot been a resur-
gence of democratic assemblies in Europe since 2011.
Yet as a perennial form of politics in revolutionary
moments from the early Soviets in Russia to the co-
operatives of the Spanish Civil War to the assemblies
in Arab Spring and Occupy, directly democratic as-
semblies will hopefully return due to the social unrest
brought about by climate change.
What D-CENT did was create the interoperab le
software that prefigured such a movement before it
even existed. Thus, it should be surprise the software
was not widely used, even if the pr oblems that it trie d
to solve were real. One should remember one cannot
create software ‘in media res’ of a revolutionary situ-
ation. Technology can only co me to the aid of radical
democra cy, but technical notions suc h as decentral-
ization and interoperability cannot by themselves call
democra cy into being.
The D-CENT project was co-o rdinated by Francesca
Bria, and numerous people took part in the project.
In particular, Pablo Aragon, Primavera Di Fillippi,
Jaako Korhonen, David Laniado, Smari McCarthy,
Javier Toret Medina, Sander van der Waal, Pia
Mancini, Robert Bjarnason, Mig uel Arana Caatania,
Evan Henshaw-Plath, Linda Roy, John Cowie, Felic-
ity Moon, Amy Welch, and Natalie Eskinazi. This
work is theirs and based on their deliverables for D-
but any errors and opinions intr oduced are
mine alone.
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Decentralizing Democracy with Semantic Information Technology: The D-CENT Retrospective