chines configuration, and then averaging the obtained
makespans and execution times. From Figure 9 it ap-
pears that an increase in the podium bank size tends
to provide better results as the average makespan de-
creases, but at the price of an increase in the execution
time as shown in Figure 10 which can be explained by
the necessity to perform more calculations for com-
puting the podium scores during search. The exe-
cution time could be reduced by implementing par-
allelization during the scores computation as these
don’t depend on each other. Also, the sudden drop
in execution time noticed at the podium bank size of
30 is explained by the early stopping of the execu-
tion due to a stagnation in the makespan, which when
correlated with the relatively low average makespan
value at this podium bank size could support the idea
that the algorithm finds better optimum more quickly.
In this work we have presented L-SAGA, a generative
hyper-heuristic conceived for finding near optimal so-
lutions to the PFSP. L-SAGA, by combining a simu-
lated annealing backed by a specially designed learn-
ing component for the high level, and a PFSP adapted
version of the genetic algorithm for the low level,
managed to give competitive results on some specific
small to medium size benchmarks. Still, as of this pa-
per’s results, the execution of L-SAGA shows a lack
of performance on larger and more complex instances
when compared to the state of the art. The results
obtained by analyzing L-SAGA behavior suggest that
the most important next step in improving its perfor-
mance would be to perform a more extensive high
level hyperparameters fine-tuning that would leverage
the insights found in this first study, such as those con-
cerning the effect of the podium bank size, the relative
k-point crossover value, or the beta hyperparameter
of the learning component. Coupled with an auto-
mated setup, and along some additional implementa-
tions such as multiple GA executions per HPS and a
refined similarity measure, we expect this fine-tuning
to allow L-SAGA to significantly improve on more
complex instances. This shall be our next step.
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L-SAGA: A Learning Hyper-Heuristic Architecture for the Permutation Flow-Shop Problem